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TAC 2011 - Team ש - Meelämmchen

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Senior Member
Joined 5027 days ago

214 posts - 249 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Modern Hebrew

 Message 33 of 82
11 February 2011 at 11:29pm | IP Logged 
Wow, I took the occasion to search for one Yiddish song I heard for the first time almost three years ago, but which I could never identify since then. And finally, after googling now even in Hebrew, I found it. It was Mike Burstyn's Ai bi yababai and I guess that it must be a classic of Yiddish songs.

(I splitted the link in three parts, and it is the first song you hear when entering the homepage, it starts automatically)

If you have listened and liked him, you may also want to hear another one, a both dreamlike and also a bit funny sounding one by him, but in Hebrew:

Well, all this has lifted my motivation for Yiddish too, it is very intriguing, I know. Only to hear wigele, hmmm....

Edited by Meelämmchen on 11 February 2011 at 11:31pm

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Joined 5027 days ago

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Studies: Modern Hebrew

 Message 34 of 82
13 February 2011 at 10:43pm | IP Logged 
Next time I'll write my weekly report offline. I just touched the backspace button outside of the writing field......... To put it short: I was quite pleased with this week, except for Greek again, which makes me question sometimes whether 1,5 hours are enough to actually progress or maintain things. Ok, in the next weeks I hope to develop a study routine and to invest more time. Throughout the last weeks I collected some questions I asked myself but couldn't answer. I will put them on the end of this report.

Week 6: February 7th - February 13th


TST this Week: 9,25 hours (1,3 h/day)
TST in 2011: 58,5 hours (1,35 h/day)

New Anki Cards this week: 56
Average per week in 2011: 39

- Etzion lessons 37 and 38
- started SZT lesson 26
- Colloquial Hebrew unit 3
- Hebrewpodcasts lessons 7 and 8
- topped the 1.000 Anki cards mark

Ancient Greek

TST this week: 1,75 hours (0,25 h/day)
TST in 2011: 11,75 hours (0,25 h/day)

- reviewed Hellas lessons 9-11

Questions on Hebrew

1) does it really sound that formal if you use the correct he/ha articles?

2) why הָעֶזְרָה and not הַעֶזְרָה

3) where is the difference between שק and צ'ק (cheque)

4) where is the difference between אווירון and מטוס

5) where is the difference between קומפלימנט and מחמאה

6) does רַק in the following sentence means "not until" (in the sense of 'not earlier than', which my dictionary says is also a meaning of "only"): השיעורים מתחלים רק באחת אחרי הצוהוריים

7) where is the difference between שום דבר and כלום

8) what does בְּתוֹדָה mean in: אנחנו מקבלים את המתנה בתודה

Well, I also have a question on Ancient Greek, but it's enough for today. I hadn't much time now after the crash for reviewing my English style, I hope it's not too bad. Oh, and I don't know if aviron is spelled correctly, I couldn't find the part where I read it (it is about two different types of planes obviouly). I almost forgot to say that any answers are appreciated.

Edited by Meelämmchen on 14 February 2011 at 9:06am

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Joined 5611 days ago

64 posts - 114 votes 
Speaks: Modern Hebrew

 Message 35 of 82
16 February 2011 at 8:14pm | IP Logged 
Meelämmchen wrote:
Questions on Hebrew

1) does it really sound that formal if you use the correct he/ha articles?

2) why הָעֶזְרָה and not הַעֶזְרָה

3) where is the difference between שק and צ'ק (cheque)

4) where is the difference between אווירון and מטוס

5) where is the difference between קומפלימנט and מחמאה

6) does רַק in the following sentence means "not until" (in the sense of 'not earlier than', which my dictionary says is also a meaning of "only"): השיעורים מתחלים רק באחת אחרי הצוהוריים

7) where is the difference between שום דבר and כלום

8) what does בְּתוֹדָה mean in: אנחנו מקבלים את המתנה בתודה

1) There is a tendency to use "ha" even when it should be "he". I think I'd say "he" in ההרים, though I can't think of many other example when I'd say it. I don't think it sounds terribly formal when somebody uses them correctly, though I don't know anyone who does... it's your choice though.
2) You mean why is there kamatz? I don't know the rules about nikud, so I guess I cannot help with that.
3) The first is pronounced "sak" and it means a sack, the second is pronounced "cheque" and it means a cheque. Both are loanwords, I guess.
4) Use "matos".
5) Use "machmaa". Saying "kompliment" isn't wrong either, though, but it's an obvious loanword, so if you prefer Hebrew words, go with the first one.
6) It means "The class begins only at 1 PM". Imagine, for example, that you came an hour before in front of the classroom, and then somebody tells you that the class doesn't begin yet, but only at 1 PM.
7) You can use either. A bit like niente and nulla in Italian. Strictly speaking one means "no thing", the other one means "nothing", but they're interchangeable.
8) It means something like "thankfully", with thanks.

Edited by Ester on 16 February 2011 at 8:15pm

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Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
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 Message 36 of 82
17 February 2011 at 3:26pm | IP Logged 
"Aviron" is spelled correctly if you are referring to an obscure sport involving sailing around in very small kayaks. However if you refer to flying objects the correct spelling would be "avion"
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Joined 5027 days ago

214 posts - 249 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Modern Hebrew

 Message 37 of 82
17 February 2011 at 5:42pm | IP Logged 
Thank you again, Ester! All clear. Iversen: Don't confuse me, is avion French for plane?

I heard a wonderful Russian song today (although a bit difficult to figure it out as Russian in the first place):

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Joined 5027 days ago

214 posts - 249 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Modern Hebrew

 Message 38 of 82
20 February 2011 at 8:03pm | IP Logged 
One of the best weeks so far. No complaints.

Week 7: February 14th - February 20th


TST this Week: 10,75 hours (1,5 h/day)
TST in 2011: 69,25 hours (1,4 h/day)

New Anki Cards this week: 65
Average per week in 2011: 42,5

- Etzion lesson 39
- SZT lessons 26 and 27
- Colloquial Hebrew unit 4

Ancient Greek

TST this week: 2,25 hours (0,3 h/day)
TST in 2011: 14 hours (0,3 h/day)

- reviewed Hellas lessons 12 and W3

Although I'm very content with this weeks's progress, almost two hours every day, I hope for some real Hebrew weeks in the future. Unfortunatly I have planned to make the next week a repitition week for Hebrew, firstly because of my Anki progress. Tomorrow I will have 200 reviews and the last days I had 150 so far and that is too much for me as a daily routine. So I plan to only do one Etzion lesson next week, which is mostly repitition anyway, and therefore adding also only a few new cards. Secondly, I have learned quit a lot of new things and I think it's time to just consolidate things. Getting a better grasp of all the new words, their use, the sentence structure and so on. But especially listening practice, again that could have been better throughout all the past weeks. And I also need to take a look at the practises from the latest lessons again. I just have somehow a feeling, that if I go ahead like this, that I could reach a point when I have learned too much only in a passive way. Also, this is probably the last week before I really get into the past tense (again).
And what I had delayed since my last writing exercise, I need to write something again. Whenever I want to write something I get frustrated not knowing the past tense verbs. That's why I am almost never writing. That's certainly not very clever. So I hope to get used to at least some simple sentences, without connection, just something every week.
One success last week: I heard some radio again and I think that I can now understand 0,1% more of what is being said.

Again two lessons in Greek, but some extra work on the hyperbata used in it, which also made translating the lesson texts a bit more difficult. Well, I said I had a question on Greek too, and I still have it, but it's so simple and yet so hard formulating it, that I will come back with it when I have a bit more time.

And, finally, English. Actually I have enough contact with English (also through learning Hebrew), but this week I've downloaded some podcasts. It wasn't very rewarding because I didn't have a plan. I actually understood all, the only thing was to stay focussed on some of the stronger British accents. It's clear that I need some plan here. I'm thinking about using Anki for English, adding new words and also passive ones too, also example sentences. Jotting down a word now and then wouldn't be too much work when reading or listening. But I'm not sure about it. Maybe signing in at lang-8. Although I have writing practise on the forum here, it would be better for getting regular responses. Well, and let's see what they suggest on the polishing threads here.

Edited by Meelämmchen on 20 February 2011 at 8:14pm

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Super Polyglot
Joined 6647 days ago

9078 posts - 16473 votes 
Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan
Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian
Personal Language Map

 Message 39 of 82
21 February 2011 at 12:01am | IP Logged 
Meelämmchen wrote:
Iversen: Don't confuse me, is avion French for plane?

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Senior Member
Joined 5027 days ago

214 posts - 249 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: Modern Hebrew

 Message 40 of 82
28 February 2011 at 10:20am | IP Logged 
Two bad days and the joys of repitition made it a not so good week. Nonetheless I did a lot practices, listening, some writing (cursive alphabet, still looking terrible), also dry grammar work, and, no surprise, it was easy to reach my goal of only one Etzion lesson. Yesterday I had 350 Anki reviews, although I only added 12 cards this week. It actually should have reduced this week, but now the review numbers even went high. There is nothing I can do. This week is not going to be repitition week again, so I will add cards on a normal basis again. Vocabulary is so important, this just needs to be done. Only one lesson in Greek, but the aorist was introduced - does modern Greek still has the aorist? - and for me it's quite a tricky language feature, never saw such a thing before. The next lessons introduces then the medium aorist. The aorist was actually the reason I had slowed down in Ancient Greek. Before that it was so easy...

Week 8: February 21st - February 27th


TST this Week: 8,75 hours (1,25 h/day)
TST in 2011: 78 hours (1,35 h/day)

New Anki Cards this week: 12
Average per week in 2011: 40,5

- Etzion lesson 40

Ancient Greek

TST this week: 1,5 hours (0,2 h/day)
TST in 2011: 15,5 hours (0,25 h/day)

- reviewed Hellas lesson 13, aorist drilling

Goals of this week. In Hebrew I will again go for a progressing week, focussing on Etzion to reach his introduction of the past tense. In Greek the next lesson is introducing the medium aorist. That shall be enough. A aorist repitition week.

I don't know what to do with English. I signed at lang-8, but I guess it's just normal that one out of maybe 15 entries just never gets corrected, because they just disappear in the mass of new entries every hour. It's this way at least with English, I think with the rarer languages you don't have such problems, Hebrew for example. When translating into English I often had to use the dictionary, even though or because of that it's a good practice. But I need regular correction. If there is someone, who maybe wants to translate into German, we could form a translation tandem. We could use news articles or also books, so as a result we could correct, so to speak, our parallel texts.

Summary Weeks 5-8, January 31st - February 27th


TST: 38 hours
New Anki cards: 174 (again only 8 Phrasebook cards)

- Etzion lessons 35-40
- SZT lessons 25-27
- Colloquial Hebrew units 3 and 4
- Hebrewpodcasts lessons 7 and 8
- topped 1.000 Anki cards

Ancient Greek

TST: 7 hours

- reviewed Hellas lessons 7-13

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