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Amerykanka’s TAC 2012 (Teams Žá & Żubr)

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5114 days ago

657 posts - 890 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Polish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian

 Message 33 of 119
31 January 2012 at 8:35pm | IP Logged 
Finally I have time to report last week's studies. I have been studying quite a bit, even though I haven't even
been able to get on this website for the last couple of days. Hopefully schoolwork will become more
manageable soon and then I will actually be able to browse this website again. For the time being, however,
here is my update on studying last week.

I read Chapter 2 of La Ciudad de las Bestias and enjoyed it. I added about fifty new words to my Anki
deck (there are roughly 3,000 cards in it now - yay!). I did some exercises in my Practice Makes Perfect
books; most of them were review, but I needed it. My Spanish grammar is really rather appalling (especially
where the subjunctive is concerned). I also spent a lot of time figuring out the differences between desde,
desde hace, and hace _ años que. Those phrases have always confused me, but I think I finally
have it straight. In addition to reading and grammar, I spent over an hour on Anki reviews.

I spent approximately 2 hours looking up new vocabulary and a lot of time reviewing my Anki deck, my paper
flashcards, and my word list. I read some more of Pan Tadeusz and then spent over 4 hours writing the
beginning of my essay on the differences between Telimena and Zosia. So far it is 520 words long. I met with
my Polish tutor, who had assigned me the essay, and she corrected it with me and then we discussed Pan
and some poems. I was very pleased with my speaking - I didn't stumble as much as I usually do.

That was all for last week, since I took a break on Latin. Latin is back again this week though, and finally I am
learning something interesting - passive voice! I learned it before, but I have forgotten some of the
conjugations so it is a welcome review. I also really need to get going on my Welsh.
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5114 days ago

657 posts - 890 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Polish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian

 Message 34 of 119
08 February 2012 at 2:42am | IP Logged 
Time for an update!

I am very excited about my Polish studies right now. This probably has something to do with the fact that I am
finding it easier and easier to read Pan Tadeusz. I finished books eight and nine, and the reading went
much faster. Granted it still took me over an hour to read 13 pages today, what with reading, rereading,
looking up words, and reading again, but still, any progress is welcome! And the story is so exciting!

I have been reading a lot of Polish poetry lately, which is funny, since I don't read much poetry in general. My
Polish tutor keeps on giving me different collections of poems to look at - so far I have read some Jan
Twardowski, some Halina Poświatowska, and some Wiesława Szymborska. Who knows what will be next! (I
must admit I am enjoying the poetry, though! I should read more of it in English!)

As for other things - I had another meeting with my tutor, which went very well, and then I have learned lots of
new vocabulary words. My Polish studies are flying right now!

Nothing much to say. I finished Chapter 18 of Wheelock's and now I'm working on Chapter 19. It's not very
hard, although right now I am having some trouble remembering vocabulary, so I am focusing on that.

I finished Chapter 3 of La Ciudad de las Bestias, and consequently there aree vocabulary lists all over
the place. So far this week I have only succeeded in adding 23 words to my Anki deck, though. I have been
watching episodes of La Rosa de Guadalupe on YouTube, and I can understand about 80% of what they say,
I would estimate. I must improve my listening comprehension before my trip to Nicaragua this summer.

I have been working on grammar and reviewing cards like crazy in Anki. I haven't done any Spanish
today, which I am very mad about, but I got carried away reading Pan Tadeusz, what can I say. I studied
for an hour and twenty minutes yesterday, though, so I suppose it all evens out. Tomorrow I will have to do
Spanish before Polish, clearly.
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Joined 5509 days ago

766 posts - 1020 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish
Studies: Dutch, Polish

 Message 35 of 119
08 February 2012 at 3:40am | IP Logged 
Hola Amerykanka, ¿cómo andas hoy? ¡Qué bien haces con tu polaco! No veo la hora de conocer la lengua como tú la
conoces. Muy impresionante, de verdad. ¿Qué te parece La Ciudad de las Bestias? ¿Te está gustando? Acabo de
encargarlo ayer de mi biblioteca local así que debería de tenerlo dentro de unos días. No sabía que fueras a
Nicaragua, ¿cuánto tiempo vas?

Que tengas una buena semana. Ciao.
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5114 days ago

657 posts - 890 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Polish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian

 Message 36 of 119
10 February 2012 at 1:52am | IP Logged 
¡Hola, Vos! ¿Como estás? Me gusta La Ciudad de las Bestias - me interesa y por supuesto tiene el
atractivo de ser escrito en español. Hoy leí las primeras ocho páginas del cuarto capítulo y se me hace que
está mejorando. De todos modos, ya he aprendido muchas palabras nuevas, lo que es mi objetivo en leerlo.
¡Espero que te guste este libro tanto como te gusta Cuentos de Eva Luna!

Voy a estar en Nicaragua por una semana este verano. Será mi segundo viaje a Nicaragua, y ¡estoy muy
emocionada con tener la oportunidad de ir allí otra vez!
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Joined 5414 days ago

240 posts - 371 votes 
Speaks: Spanish*, English
Studies: Italian, Dutch

 Message 37 of 119
23 February 2012 at 10:16pm | IP Logged 

¿Cómo van la vida y el castellano?

Como de costumbre voy a dejarte unas correcciones y comentarios:

Amerykanka wrote:
Primero, ¡buenas noticias! Por fin he comprado La Ciudad de las Bestias por Isabel Allende, así que tengo algo para leer en español.

-> he comprado La Ciudad de las Bestias de Isabel Allende

Vos wrote:
Siempre me han dicho los españoles que es de alguien, por ejemplo - Un libro escrito de Borges.

De hecho, se dice "Ficciones es un libro de Borges" pero se dice "Ficciones es un libro escrito por Borges".

Amerykanka wrote:
También miré un episodio de La Rosa de Guadalupe para comprensión auditiva, i hice unos ejercicios sobre los objetos indirectos.

-> e hice unos ejercicios sobre los objetos indirectos

Amerykanka wrote:
Pan Tadeusz me gusta mucho, pero sin duda es el libro más difícil que he leído en el polaco.

-> es el libro más difícil que he leído en polaco

Amerykanka wrote:
Every time I hear the word "roller coaster" I am probably going to laugh now. Another thing that always amuses me is hearing the Polish words for "answering machine" (sekretarka automatyczna) which literally mean "automatic secretary"!

Es muy parecido en Italiano: 'segretaria automatica'. En castellano suena más robótico y menos humano: 'contestador automático' o, más corto, 'contestador'.

Amerykanka wrote:
My Spanish grammar is really rather appalling (especially where the subjunctive is concerned).

Tu uso del subjuntivo es mejor de lo que te parece cuando escribís en castellano. Ánimo y a darle duro.

Amerykanka wrote:
¡Hola, Vos! ¿Cómo estás? Me gusta La Ciudad de las Bestias - me interesa y por supuesto tiene el atractivo de ser escrito en español.

-> tiene el atractivo de estar escrito en español

Amerykanka wrote:
Voy a estar en Nicaragua por una semana este verano. Será mi segundo viaje a Nicaragua, y ¡estoy muy emocionada con tener la oportunidad de ir allí otra vez!

-> estoy muy emocionada de tener la oportunidad de ir allí otra vez

(La preposición varía: "estoy muy emocionado con esto", pero "estoy muy emocionado de poder hacer esto")

Veo que finalmente has resuelto el tema de los acentos. Si querés, puedo empezar a hacerte correcciones de tipo ortográfico, también.

¡Contanos más sobre tu viaje a Nicaragua! Saludos y muy buena suerte.
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5114 days ago

657 posts - 890 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Polish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian

 Message 38 of 119
25 February 2012 at 6:32pm | IP Logged 
¡Hola, getreallanguage! ¿Como estás? Muchas gracias por tus correcciones - me gustaría mucho si pudieras
corregir mi ortografía también. Estoy muy feliz que por fin pueda escribir con acentos, porque siempre me
molestaba no poder escribir correctamente.

Esta semana pasé mucho tiempo estudiando español, así que los estudios me van muy bien. Me gusta más
el español cada día, y espero poder hablar con facilidad cuando voy a Nicaragua este verano. Con tal de que
no hablemos de algo difícil como la filosofía, puedo conversar sin muchos problemas, y todavía tengo unos
meses antes de mi viaje. Espero tener muchas oportunidades de practicar mi español allí en Nicaragua - voy
con un grupo de personas de mi iglesia, la mayoría de las cuales no habla español, y los nicaragüenses con
quienes vamos a trabajar no hablan inglés. Así que mi conocimiento del español probablemente nos va a
resultar muy útil.
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5114 days ago

657 posts - 890 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Polish, Latin, Ancient Greek, Russian

 Message 39 of 119
25 February 2012 at 7:11pm | IP Logged 
Okay, I haven't had any time to get on this website over the last week or so, much less post anything, so now
I have a lot of studying to record.

I finished Book 10 of Pan Tadeusz, and I am almost done with Book 11. Book 10 was so exciting! Now I
just have a book and a half left, and then the epilogue, which is very short. I plan to finish the whole book this
upcoming week.

I met with my Polish tutor again, and we had some pretty good conversations. I am pleased with my overall
speaking performance, but I really need to work on some of the harder conjugations and declensions. It is so
embarrassing when I can't conjugate a verb whose meaning I've known for three years!

I wrote around 250 words of my essay the week before last. I am waiting to finish the essay until I have
finished reading Pan Tadeusz, though. I also spent a lot of time looking up new vocabulary and then
reviewing my old vocabulary. It is so infuriating when I forget a word that I learned five years ago! I forgot how
to say 'borrow' ('pożyczyć') the other day, and I was very frustrated with myself. Although sometimes I forget
English words, too, so maybe I shouldn't feel so bad. The other day I forgot the word 'idiom', although I could
remember the Spanish equivalent ('modismo'), and this state of temporary forgetfulness lasted a full day
since I was too stubborn to look the word up in the dictionary.

I have had a very good few weeks for Spanish. I read Chapters 4 and 5 of La Ciudad de las Bestias and
most of Chapter 6. So far I have managed to read a chapter a week as desired. I am enjoying the story
immensely, but I think this is more due to the fact that the book is written in Spanish than to anything else.
This week I added about 100 new words to my Anki decks - I have over 3,300 Spanish flashcards now.

I spent a lot of time doing grammar review and trying to figure out the different uses of por and para
once and for all (I was mostly successful). The Practice Makes Perfect books are not very challenging, but I
need to review Spanish grammar and they suit my purposes. I will have to find something harder soon,

I finally caught back up on my Anki reviews, after spending 1 hour and 35 minutes on Spanish flashcards
during the last week. I like flashcards, though, so I don't mind. I also watched lots of news videos in Spanish -
I understood around 80% again, I would say. I never realized before just how fast reporters speak!

Well, the last two weeks have been a Latin disaster. (This is what happens to me when I have extra
chemistry homework.) I did manage to do Chapter 20 of Wheelock's, though. It was about fourth declension
nouns (boring) and ablative of place from which and ablative of separation (mildly entertsining). It was not a
terribly interesting chapter, but I have fun translating the sentences and I must admit I needed to review the
two kinds if ablative.

I might as well confess that I have done absolutely no Welsh in 2012. I am sad about this, but I am very busy,
and my other three languages take up all my study time. I hope to be able to work on Welsh some soon, but
honestly, I don't expect to have much time until the summer. So I am going to take Welsh off my list of
actively studied languages.

Welsh is one of my favorite languages ever, so I will certainly return to it, but right now I simply can't handle a
fourth language. :(
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Senior Member
Joined 5414 days ago

240 posts - 371 votes 
Speaks: Spanish*, English
Studies: Italian, Dutch

 Message 40 of 119
26 February 2012 at 7:43am | IP Logged 
Amerykanka wrote:
¡Hola, getreallanguage! ¿Como estás? Muchas gracias por tus correcciones - me gustaría mucho si pudieras corregir mi ortografía también.

-> ¿Cómo estás?

'Como' no lleva tilde en este caso: 'es grande como una casa', pero lleva tilde en estos casos:

¡Cómo no me lo dijiste!
¿Cómo se llama?

Amerykanka wrote:
Me gusta más el español cada día, y espero poder hablar con facilidad cuando voy a Nicaragua este verano.

-> espero poder hablar con facilidad cuando vaya a Nicaragua este verano.

En fin, ¡hola Rebecca! Por acá todo va bien, aunque entre exámenes finales no me queda mucho tiempo para estudiar idiomas. Te mando saludos y mucha suerte con tus estudios.

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