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Radioclare’s tac log 2015 (*jäŋe/*ledús)

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4581 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 241 of 292
29 June 2015 at 10:19pm | IP Logged 
A nice person on Lang-8 corrected my text for me :)

Moj tipični dan

Obično se probudim u šest ujutro. Ili možda, da budem iskrenija, bolje je reći da moja
budilica obično zvoni u šest ujutro. Nisam osoba koja voli jutra, pa mi treba malo
vremena da se ustanem. Pokušavam se ustati u pola sedam. Doručkujem prije nego što
izađem iz kuće. Sretna sam jer mi dečko uvijek nešto pripremi za doručak. Moram popiti
kavu prije nego što idem na posao. Pijem crnu kavu bez mlijeka i šećera. Mislim da sam
alergična na mlijeko. Muka mi je kada ga pijem.

U sedam moram krenuti. Na kolodvor idem kolima. Moj dečko vozi, jer još nisam naučila
kako voziti auto. Radim u gradu koji se nalazi otprilike četrdeset kilometara daleko
od moje kuće. Vlak polazi u pola osam i put traje trideset minuta. Za mene put nije
zanimljiv, zbog toga što moram putovati istim putem svaki dan. Putovanje je, međutim,
dobra prilika za čitanje na hrvatskom. Iako, iskreno govoreći, ovih dana najčešće
čitam na srpskom, zato što sam bila u Srbiji prošle godine i tamo kupila mnogo knjiga.
Ponekad se pitam čitam li previše na srpskom i ne dovoljno na hrvatskom, ali je teško
kupiti knjige na hrvatskom budući da nisam bila u Hrvatskoj.

Kada stignem u Birmingham idem pješice do ureda. Nije daleko i kada je vrijeme lijepo
i sunčano, volim šetati kroz grad. Nažalost, kod nas u Engleskoj vrijeme često nije

Stižem na posao u osam i petnaest. Radim na dvanaestom katu velike zgrade, pa moram
koristiti dizalo. S jedne strane pogled iz ureda je dobar, jer se može vidjeti daleko.
S druge strane je prilično loš, jer je Birmingham veliki industrijski grad.

Moj prvi zadatak svaki dan je da pronađem stol. Mislim da to možda zvuči malo čudno,
jer pretpostavljam da većina ljudi ima svoj vlastiti stol i na poslu uvijek sjede na
isto mjesto. Kod nas je to drugačije. Samo važni ljudi imaju vlastiti stol i svi drugi
ljudi moraju tražiti upražnjeni stol. Namjera je da svaki dan ljudi sjede negdje
drugdje. Možda je to dobra ideja, ali se meni ne sviđa. Mislim da je problem u tome
što ima više ljudi nego stolova. Zbog toga uvijek stižem prilično rano, kada ima još
mnogo praznih stolova. Ured se otvora u sedam, ali posao službeno počinje u devet.

Drugi zadatak je pročitati sve mailove koje su mi poslani otkad sam jučer otišla doma.
Obično imam barem pet. Pišem odgovore i već je devet sati.

Vjerojatno ima dvoje-troje ljudi koji danas rade za mene. Moram ih naći i objasniti im
što hoću da naprave. Nadam se da će to brzo dovršiti, ali imaju puno pitanja i već je
deset dok se vratim do svog stola.

Danas moram napisati važno izvješće za velikog klijenta. Počinjem pisati, ali znam da
u jedanaest imam sastanak s nekim drugom klijentom i moram nešto pripremiti i za to.
Tražim šefa, jer se trebamo dogovoriti o tome što ćem reći klijentu u vezi sa teškim
računovodstvenim problemom.

Klijent kasni i nije dobro raspoložen. Sranje. Čini mi se da sastanak traje satima,
dok pokušavamo riješiti sve probleme. Kada smo konačno završili, već je dva popodne i
još nisam pojela nešto za ručak. Htjela sam izaći iz ureda i malo šetati u gradu, ali
to sada neće biti moguće. Možda sutra!

Čitam mailove dok jedem. Primala sam osamnaest novih dok sam bila na sastanku.
Asistenti me prekidaju dok jedem, jer imaju dodatna pitanja što se tiče posla.
Objasnim sve iznova i mislim da su ovaj put razumjeli. Možda i nisu, ali sada nemam
vremena da se brinem o tome, jer još moram napisati izvješće.

Dok čitam to što sam ranije napisala zvoni telefon. Evo klijenta koji mi je poslao tri
mailova dok sam bila na sastanku. Ima hitno pitanje o reviziji. Dok pričamo o tome,
imam dojam da neće biti spreman za reviziju idućeg tjedna. Moram odmah obavijestiti
šefa da ćemo imati probleme.

Opet čitam mailove i izbrišam one na koje nije potrebno odgovarati. Tijekom pola sata
uspijem napisati nekoliko rečenica za izvješće (hvala Bogu!), ali tada imam interni

Interni sastanak se bavi time što nemamo dovoljno osoblja. Jako mi je dosadno. Isti
ljudi kažu iste stvari kao i prošlog tjedna i na kraju još uvijek nemamo dovoljno
osoblja. Imam, međutim, dovoljno mailova; primila sam ih još deset dok sam bila na
besmislenom sastanku.

Sjetim se da će sutra šef pogledati na godišnje izvješće za jednog od mojih klijenata.
Asistent je to pripremio već prošli tjedan, a još nisam uspjela pronaći vremena da to
pročitam. Sada nemam izbora.

Tražim primjerak godišnje i ga otvorim. Razočarana sam, jer je pun grešaka. Čini mi se
da je asistent ignorirao sve što sam mu objasnila, ali sam ja kriva zbog toga što
nisam to ranije primijetila. Dugo traje dok nisam sve sredila.

Dolazi pola šest i nekoliko ljudi ide kući. Posao je sada službeno gotov. Nažalost
imam puno toga što još moram učiniti prije nego što i ja mogu otići. To izvješće,

Sada, kada su mnogi ljudi već kod kuće čini mi se da je lakše raditi. Nema previše
novih mailova. Uspijem pisati dva sata. Izvješće još nije završeno, ali sam barem

Stižem kući oko osam. Dok putujem kući često ne čitam, jer nemam energije za to, ali
volim slušati hrvatsku glazbu. Najčešće slušam pjesme Hladnog Piva, ali ponekad i
pjesme Brkova.

Večeram zajedno s dečkom. Znam da bih poslije večere trebala učiti hrvatski, ali
previše sam umorna. Lakše je pogledati Facebook i Twitter ;)

That's the corrected version, obviously :) I was reasonably happy with my level of
mistakes though. There were still stupid case errors, but I made a massive effort to
concentrate on aspect this time around and it paid off because I think I only had
three corrections which related to aspect. I think that's a big improvement
considering how many verbs there are.

I also learned some really useful things from my corrections. For example that "in a
meeting" is "na sastanku" rather than "u sastanku" and that "pomolo šetati" means "to
walk slowly" whereas "malo šetati" means "to walk a little bit". These are the kind of
distinctions which it's difficult to learn from textbooks.

I really need to make an effort to write more frequently.

Edited by Radioclare on 29 June 2015 at 10:25pm

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Senior Member
Joined 3534 days ago

157 posts - 269 votes 
Studies: Serbian

 Message 242 of 292
30 June 2015 at 1:06am | IP Logged 
Tvoja priča je smešno :) Srećan sam jer ne moram da nađem sto :)

Good work! Must've taken you a bit of time to write, but yeah it definitely paid off in that I noticed how few
errors you made - my stories are usually filled with seas of red :P

It was actually interesting for me to read because it's so different to how I am used to seeing Serbian (plus it
allowed for opportunities to acquire new vocab :P ) though I understood pretty much all of it bar a couple of
vocabulary items it was just interesting to see the preference of infinitives, the use of some different vocab
than what Serbians use - all in all an enlightening experience :)

What I find woks best for me is writing a little bit everyday. I write about a 100 words a day, and I've noticed
that this month it's come to about a total of 3500 words. I find these short stories are easier for me to make
into a habit than if I were to attempt to write something a bit longer. Anyways, really did like reading your story   
and look forward to reading more of them! :)
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4581 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 243 of 292
01 July 2015 at 2:24pm | IP Logged 

Yes, I think it took me over an hour to write and probably another 30 minutes rereading it and making corrections!

I was impressed when I logged into lang-8 and saw how frequently you had been writing :) I originally had a goal to write 50 words per day this year, but failed miserably. Do you write your words at the same time each day? My main problem - apart from struggling to find time when I feel suitably awake to write something - is trying to find inspiration of something to write about. I have mainly tried to deal with the latter problem by following rdearman's suggestions of what to write about, but haven't really succeeded in solving the former.

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Senior Member
Joined 3534 days ago

157 posts - 269 votes 
Studies: Serbian

 Message 244 of 292
01 July 2015 at 3:20pm | IP Logged 
During the week it's pretty easy for me. During morning tea I do memrise and perhaps some anki, if I don't get
anki in then I'll wait till lunch. I'll have my lunch and then in the last half of it I'll finish off anki and write my
story. On the weekends I usually do it late in the evening. Because I usually stick to around 100-150 words I
can write something up in about 15mins.

As for topics, I usually try to think of a new topic so I can expand my vocabulary but if I am feeling lazy I will
write about my day (and you notice those days I tend to have the fewest mistakes :P ). I think if you're looking
to make a habit, it's easier to just force yourself to write something every day than to try to think of a strategy
beforehand. Just write something, no matter how monotonous or boring.

With writing the stories and listening to Glossika I committed to doing them everyday no matter how I felt.
With the stories there are some days where I write nothing of interest and I am just looking for that 100
number, other days I am well over the limit and could write more, but don't have the time during my break to
do so. Same with Glossika there are days where I hardly do more than listen to the files, but most days I do
much better. What works for me is the not breaking the chain - that's what motivates me at least.

The time factor though I understand, can't really make any suggestions about that as from your story it
sounds like you have a pretty full on schedule and it doesn't seem like you have much leeway. Hope you do
work something out :)
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4581 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 245 of 292
02 July 2015 at 12:00am | IP Logged 
Thank you basica - I find it really interesting to hear about other people's schedules,
and yours is obviously working really well :)

I think I need to choose a time of day when I'm going to write Croatian and just try to
stick to it whatever happens, otherwise I'm never going to improve!

I'm really enjoying Glossika, so thank you for the recommendation. It's really different
to what I've done before and it helps motivation to have a change :)
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Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 246 of 292
02 July 2015 at 5:55am | IP Logged 
Radioclare wrote:
otherwise I'm never going to improve!

Oh really? ;) Sounds like you've improved a lot since you joined HTLAL though ;D

The idea definitely sounds great, no need for such negative thoughts :)))

(One of the best tips I've seen over the past year is to avoid the temptation of catching up on your daily goals if you miss them. I mean you're not going to brush your teeth twice if you wake up and realize that yesterday you dozed off and didn't brush them before bed)

LOL, I hope my post is not discouraging :P Good luck!!!!! Maybe you could write about Budva, haha.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4581 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 247 of 292
02 July 2015 at 2:31pm | IP Logged 

I can definitely feel a lot of improvement since the start of 2014, but I feel like almost all of that improvement came in 2014 and that I haven't really achieved anything in 2015.

We're now halfway through the year and any progress towards the goals at the start of this log has been minimal...

Improve my writing skills by writing an average of 50 words in Croatian per day.

I've written 5617 words over 183 days, so 30.7 words per day.

Improve my grammatical accuracy by revising some of my existing textbooks and finishing those which are still in progress

No. I started working through the BCS grammar book making useful notes (and they really were useful) but stopped at some point in March.

Increase my vocabulary by using Memrise more regularly

No. I had a brief burst of activity during one of the 6WCs but otherwise I haven't actively learned any vocabulary for months.

Develop Cyrillic handwriting which is legible at least to myself and read my first adult novel in Cyrillic

Hmm. Well I did spend time at the start of the year working on my handwriting and I was happy with how it had improved, although it's still not completely natural for me. The adult novel I had turned out to be unsuitable, so I've given up on the idea of reading it. I did read three books for children in Cyrillic though.

Continue to participate in the Super Challenge... read 50 pages and watch 60 minutes of television per week.

I've read 2 149 pages in Croatian/Serbian this year, which works out as 82.7 pages per week, so I have achieved that :) I've watched 2 529 minutes, which works out as 97 minutes per week so actually I've achieved that too, which is a pleasant surprise for me :)

Ultimately I hope that I will feel my level is B2 by the end of the year.

Hahahahahahaha. Erm, no.

And let's all agree we're not mentioning Macedonian ;)

I don't think my problem at the moment is that I'm trying to catch up on daily goals (although that is good advice!) but that I don't have any daily goals and so I'm currently doing whatever I feel like, which too often turns out to be nothing useful, so I think I need some better habits, perhaps starting with the daily writing one. And yes, writing about Budva could be fun :)
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United StatesRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 3674 days ago

68 posts - 106 votes 
Speaks: English*, French, Italian, Spanish
Studies: Dutch, Icelandic, Korean, Polish

 Message 248 of 292
02 July 2015 at 4:50pm | IP Logged 
Radioclare wrote:

I don't think my problem at the moment is that I'm trying to catch up on daily goals (although that is good advice!) but that I don't have any daily goals and so I'm currently doing whatever I feel like, which too often turns out to be nothing useful, so I think I need some better habits, perhaps starting with the daily writing one.

You're clearly doing tons of stuff in Croatian/Serbian, so anything's useful! I really think passive learning is incredibly important-- sure, it can't be quantified in quite the same way, but any time spent getting used to a new language is great! Personally, I tend to have phases of intensive book learning/SRS study followed by weeks of slightly less productive passive learning through reading and listening. I wouldn't fret about yearly goals so much-- you seem to have accomplished a ton!

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