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Bilingual Jokes

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 Message 1 of 76
12 December 2006 at 10:35pm | IP Logged 
One thing I enjoy about learning a foreign language are bilingual jokes: jokes where the punchline requires an understanding of more than just the language the joke is told in, or a joke that is told in more than one language.

Here are my three favourite (well, I only know the three) English/French bilingual jokes:

(A knock knock joke)
A: Frappe Frappe.
B: Qui est là?
A: Losta.
B: Losta qui? (Lost a key?)
A: Oui!

(This is funnier when spoken -- the joke gets lost when written:)
"I've been so depressed since my cooking oil was stolen. It's as though I've lost my huile d'olive (will to live.)

Finally, a Tom Swifty
"I refuse to obey that French 'No Smoking' sign," fumed Tom defensively. ("Defense de Fumer" = "No Smoking")
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 Message 2 of 76
13 December 2006 at 12:35am | IP Logged 
A German spy was dropped into England during the war.

He made his way to a pub to integrate himself into the community and culture. He went up to the barman and said, "I'd like a martini please."


"If I want three I will ask for them."
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 Message 3 of 76
13 December 2006 at 1:20am | IP Logged 
There was once a mama cat who had four kittens. There names were Un, Deux, Trois and Quatre.

One year for Christmas they each received a pair of shiny skates from their uncle. "Mama, may we go down to the pond and skate?" Un, Deux, Trois and Quatre asked in unison.

"Non." Said mama cat. "The ice is too thin and is dangerous."

Every day the four little kittens pleaded with their mother, but each day she would say no. One day she had to go in to the village to buy some things. Before she left she said "Un, Deux, Trois and Quatre you must promise mama that you will not go skating down at the pond." "Oui, mama," each of them promised.

But as soon as their mother was out of sight, the four little kittens, Un, Deux, Trois and Quatre ran down to the pond with their skates. They got on to the ice but mama cat was right: it was too thin. Un, Deux, Trois and Quatre, cinq [sank].
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Captain Haddock
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 Message 4 of 76
13 December 2006 at 4:32am | IP Logged 
I'm pretty sure I've heard a variation of that cat one. :)

It's not exactly a joke, but there was once a Unix text editior called EINE, which stood for Eine Is Not Emacs. When the second version came out, they called it ZWEI, which stood for Zwei Was Eine Initially.

You've gotta love computer nerds and their bilingual recursive acronym puns. :)

Edited by Captain Haddock on 13 December 2006 at 4:33am

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dgryski.blogspot.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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 Message 5 of 76
13 December 2006 at 8:26am | IP Logged 
fanatic wrote:
"If I want three I will ask for them."

This reminds me of one of the classic Latin jokes. It's from part of a Wayne and Shuster (two Canadian comedians from the 60s) sketch, a sendup of a film-noir private eye investigating the murder of Julius Ceasar.

Claudius: What'll ya have?

Flavius: Give me a Martinus.

Claudius: Don't you mean a MartiNI?

Flavius: If I wanted two, I'd ask for it.

(Full video at uster(rinse_the_blood).asx)

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United States
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 Message 6 of 76
13 December 2006 at 8:27pm | IP Logged 
A couple of Spanish/English puns:

Con men are really with it!

The Chicago Bears are oso bad!
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Russian Federation
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 Message 7 of 76
14 December 2006 at 11:48am | IP Logged 
Here're bilingual jokes that are told in Ukrainian/Russian or English/Russian (I'll translate the one that doesn't lose its original sence after doing so, otherwise being able to understand Russian is needed. Romanized versions are also included so that people having problems with encoding can read em)

1) Russian + Ukrainian
Спорят о красоте рyсский и yкраинец. Рyсский говорит:
- Hy что y вас, хохлов, за язык, что ни слово - то прикол.
Украинец, заинтересованно:
- Hy яке, наприклад?
- А вот слово НЕЗАБАРОМ, это где?! Возле бара или перед баром?
Украинец, обиженно:
- Hy, y вас, кацапiв, теж э такi слова.
Русский, с насмешкой:
- А y нас-то какие?
Украинец, гордо:
- А ось СРАВНИ. Це як - срав чи нi?

Sporjat o krasote russkij i ukrainec. Russkij govorit:
- Nu chto u vas, hohlov, za jazyk, chto ni slovo - to prikol.
Ukrainec, zainteresovanno:
- Nu jakie, napriklad?
- A vot slovo NEZABAROM, eto gde?! Vozle bara ili pered barom?
Ukrainec, obizhenno:
- Nu, u vas, kacapiv, tezh je taki slova.
Russkij, s nasmeshkoj:
- A u nas-to kakie?
Ukrainec, gordo:
- A os' SRAVNI. Ce jak - srav chi ni?


2) Russian + Ukrainian
Заседание Верховной Рады Украины.
- Hy що, москалi в залi??
- Hi, нема!
- Hy тогда можно и по-рyсски...

Zasedanie Verhovnoj Rady Ukrainy.
- Nu wo, moskali v zali??
- Ni, nema!
- Nu togda mozhno i po-russki...

At the sitting of Ukrainian Verkhovnaya Rada (chamber of the parliament).
One of deputies asks (in Ukrainian):
- So, are there Russians in this hall?
Response (in Ukrainian):
- No, there aren't!
Then that deputy says (in Russian):
- Let's speak Russian then.

3) a poem in Russian / English :)
тихо падает bucks, мерно тикают clocks...
настроение sux, словно нюхаю socks.
залетел свежий air сквозь балконную door.
мне подстричь бы свой hair, да побрится once more.
с похмела ноет head - был вчера трудный day.
всё какое то bad,всё какое то gray...
чем травить себе soul, лучше ставить на luck:
снять на улице girl,а потом ее f**k.
настроение nice, но кругом, братцы, s**t.
и повысили price,на тверской f**king street.
обламали, блин, кайф, вся надежда на hand.
вот такая, блин, life, вот такой happy-end!
настроение fine, хоть за окнами cold
хоть успехов a little, а уж 20 years old!
скоро вновь будет spring, будит солнце нам shine.
будут птицы нам sing, в целом truly divine :)

tiho padaet bucks, merno tikajut clocks...
nastroenie sux, slovno njuhaju socks.
zaletel svezhij air skvoz' balkonnuju door.
mne podstrich' by svoj hair, da pobritsja once more.
s pohmela noet head - byl vchera trudnyj day.
vsjo kakoe to bad, vsjo kakoe to gray...
chem travit' sebe soul, luchshe stavit' na luck:
snjat' na ulice girl,a potom ee f**k.
nastroenie nice, no krugom, bratcy, s**t.
i povysili price na tverskoj f**king street.
oblamali, blin, kajf, vsja nadezhda na hand.
vot takaja, blin, life, vot takoj happy-end!
nastroenie fine, hot' za oknami cold
hot' uspehov a little, a uzh 20 years old!
skoro vnov' budet spring, budit solnce nam shine.
budut pticy nam sing, v celom truly divine

4) How *not* to translate from English to Russian :)

Can you hear me - Ты можешь меня здесь
Undressed custom model - Голая таможенная модель
Manicure - Деньги лечат
I'm just asking - Я всего лишь король ж*п
I have been there - У меня там фасоль
God only knows - Единственный нос бога
We are the champions - Мы шампиньоны
Bye bye baby, baby good bye - Купи купи ребенка, ребонок хорошая покупка
To be or not to be? - Две пчелы или не две пчелы?
I fell in love - Я свалился в любовь.
Just in case - Только в портфеле
Oh dear - Ах, олень.
I'm going to make you mine - Я иду копать тебе шахту
May God be with you - Майская хорошая пчелка с тобой
Watch out! - Посмотри снаружи!
I know his story well - Я знаю твой исторический колодец
Let it be! - Давайте жрать пчел!
Press space bar to continue - Космический бар прессы продолжает ..
Barbecue - очередь за Барби

Can you hear me - Ty mozhesh' menja zdes'
Undressed custom model - Golaja tamozhennaja model'
Manicure - Den'gi lechat
I'm just asking - Ja vsego lish' korol' zh*p
I have been there - U menja tam fasol'
God only knows - Edinstvennyj nos boga
We are the champions - My shampin'ony
Bye bye baby, baby good bye - Kupi kupi rebenka, rebonok horoshaja pokupka
To be or not to be? - Dve pchely ili ne dve pchely?
I fell in love - Ja svalilsja v ljubov'.
Just in case - Tol'ko v portfele
Oh dear - Ah, olen'.
I'm going to make you mine - JA idu kopat' tebe shahtu
May God be with you - Majskaja horoshaja pchelka s toboj
Watch out! - Posmotri snaruzhi!
I know his story well - Jа znaju tvoj istoricheskij kolodec
Let it be! - Davajte zhrat' pchel!
Press space bar to continue - Kosmicheskij bar pressy prodolzhaet ..
Barbecue - ochered' za Barbi

Edited by Wildfire on 14 December 2006 at 11:57am

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 Message 8 of 76
07 April 2007 at 5:23am | IP Logged 
I finally remembered one...

An Englishman went to Spain on a fishing trip. He hired a Spanish guide to help him find the best fishing spots. Since the Englishman was learning Spanish, he asked the guide to speak to him in Spanish and to correct any mistakes of usage. They were hiking on a mountain trail when a very large, purple and blue fly crossed their path. The Englishmen pointed at the insect with his fishing rod, and said, "Mira el mosca!" The guide, sensing a teaching opportunity, replied, "No, senor, 'la mosca'... es feminina."

The Englishman looked at him, then back at the fly, and then said, "Good heavens... you must have incredibly good eyesight."

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