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Japanese - Animal related vocabulary

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hombre gordo
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 Message 1 of 8
14 September 2009 at 3:24pm | IP Logged 
I am looking to have one Kanji/vocabulary section in my note book themed on Animals. I would like to group animals systematically and learn their Kanji.

Could anyone offer any suggestions to what animals you think a learner should know? Please add them to my template based on category.

Here is what I have thought of so far.

哺乳類 (mammals)

犬(dog), 猫(cat),馬(horse),牛(cow), 豚(pig), 鹿(dear),熊(bear), 駱駝(camel), ライオン(lion), 虎(tiger), 猿(monkey),鯨(whale)

鳥 (birds)

鶏(chicken), 郭公(cuckoo), 鷹(hawk), 鵬(phoenix)

昆虫 (insects)

蜘蛛(spider), 蝿(fly), 蜂(bee/wasp),蚊(mosquito),ゴキブリ(cockroach), ムカデ(Mukade - dangerous Japanese centipede/millipede (I don't remember which))

爬虫類 (reptiles)

鰐(crocodile),トカゲ(lizard), 蛇(snake), 蛙(frog),

甲殻類 (crustacions)

蟹(crab), 蝦(shrimp)

魚 (fish)/sea creatures

金魚(goldfish),蛸(octopus),烏賊(cuttlefish), etc... (this list could go on forever in a seafood rich country like Japan)

恐竜 (dinosaurs)

覇王竜(T-Rex), 三角竜(triceratops),剣竜(Stegusaurus)

宇宙人 (extraterrestrials)

グレイ (grey), ヒト型爬虫類(reptilian humanoid), 火星人(martian), etc...

Mythical Animals (maybe create a new category)

Please add any animals which you think a language learner (of any language) should know. It doesn't matter if you don't know Japanese. I have translated the names into English as you can see above. You can ever suggest animal names in English.

OK, so please recommend essential animals for the language learner. Be sure to group them into categories.
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 Message 2 of 8
15 September 2009 at 3:45am | IP Logged 
Here are some more Japanese ones. I don't know about how useful they are, except that I learned all of them from context(rather than looking up animals to learn). I've used kanji, even where I don't know the kanji myself.

雹(panther/leopard) 海豚(dolphin) 驢馬(donkey)  麟(giraffe/qilin) 象(elephant) 犀(rhino) アリク イ(anteater) 兎(rabbit) 狐(fox) 狼(wolf) 鼠(mouse)

燕(swallow) 鴎(seagull) 雀(sparrow)

蜩(cicada) 蟻(ant)


Sea creatures
鰻(eel) 鮭(salmon)

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hombre gordo
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 Message 3 of 8
15 September 2009 at 5:41pm | IP Logged 
Thanks at lot. I will soon have enough new animal Kanji to make my animal themed section in my notebook.
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 Message 4 of 8
16 September 2009 at 9:28am | IP Logged 
Do keep in mind, though, that even Japanese people write most animals names in katakana and writing fish kanji is the sort of thing that makes up trivia books. A passive knowledge of the above (and not even all of it) should be sufficient.

By the way, you are far more likely to see 海老 than 蝦. In fact, I have never encountered the latter.
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hombre gordo
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 Message 5 of 8
16 September 2009 at 9:21pm | IP Logged 
ericspinelli wrote:
Do keep in mind, though, that even Japanese people write most animals names in katakana and writing fish kanji is the sort of thing that makes up trivia books. A passive knowledge of the above (and not even all of it) should be sufficient.

By the way, you are far more likely to see 海老 than 蝦. In fact, I have never encountered the latter.

I know many of these animals are written with Katakana, but I just want to learn more for the sake of it. Also if I learn the Kanji even for words are usually written with kana alone, it seems to be easier to remember.
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 Message 6 of 8
17 September 2009 at 5:49pm | IP Logged 
Here's one I forgot: 鮫(shark)

By the way, you are far more likely to see 海老 than 蝦.

Thanks, I didn't know that. I haven't read the word, just heard it.
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 Message 7 of 8
19 September 2009 at 6:33am | IP Logged 
hombre gordo wrote:
哺乳類 (mammals)

犬(dog), 猫(cat),馬(horse),牛(cow), 豚(pig), 鹿(dear),熊(bear), 駱駝(camel), ライオン(lion), 虎(tiger), 猿(monkey),鯨(whale)


鳥 (birds)

鶏(chicken), 郭公(cuckoo), 鷹(hawk), 鵬(phoenix)

烏(crow) 雀(sparrow) 鴨(duck) 鳩(dove)

And drop the phoenix!

昆虫 (insects)

蜘蛛(spider), 蝿(fly), 蜂(bee/wasp),蚊(mosquito),ゴキブリ(cockroach), ムカデ(Mukade - dangerous Japanese centipede/millipede (I don't remember which))

かぶと虫(beetle) 蝉(cicada) ダニ(mite)

爬虫類 (reptiles)

鰐(crocodile),トカゲ(lizard), 蛇(snake), 蛙(frog),


恐竜 (dinosaurs)

覇王竜(T-Rex), 三角竜(triceratops),剣竜(Stegusaurus)

No-one (normal) uses kanji names, they are always in カタカナ, like ティラノサウルス &c.

宇宙人 (extraterrestrials)

グレイ (grey), ヒト型爬虫類(reptilian humanoid), 火星人(martian), etc...

I don't even know what a grey is supposed to be, and I have read a lot of science fiction...

Edited by Gon-no-suke on 19 September 2009 at 3:35pm

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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 8 of 8
17 January 2018 at 3:02pm | IP Logged 
hombre gordo wrote:

What is the difference between Raion and Shishi?

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