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Diglot Weave Log (English-Spanish)

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 1 of 13
23 October 2010 at 12:27pm | IP Logged 
I want to write a log using the English-Spanish diglot weave technique. It is about inserting target language words into native language sentences until you get their meanings by context.

You can write them, repeat them aloud or create them as you go along.

For example:

-If you are English and you are learning Spanish, you write a sentence in English, but you insert the Spanish word.

-If you are Spanish and you are learning English, you write a sentence in Spanish, but you insert the English word.

I would like to take the diglot weave a step further and use both approaches: sentences in English with a Spanish word and sentences in Spanish with an English word.

For example: We want to learn the word "acorn/bellota".

acorn ['eɪkɔ:n] bellota


* La mayor encina fue acorn chiquitina.

* La mejor acorn es para el peor marrano.

* Los cerdos comen acorn

* Acorn en español empieza por "b-" y le gusta a los cerdos.

* ¿Qué ha de dar la encina sino acorns?

* Acorns y castañas hacen malas hilancias.

* Con aceite de acorns, sale pelo hasta en las botas.

* El cerdo no sueña con rosas, sino con acorns.

* Noviembre, mes de batatas, castañas, acorns y nueces.

* Que quieres que dé la encina sino acorns

* Hay tres especies arbóreas que dan Acorns : la encina, el alcornoque y el quejigo.


-Mighty oaks from little bellotas grow

-The bellota, or oak nut, is the nut of the oaks and their close relative.

-Faith sees a beautiful blossom in a bulb, a lovely garden in a seed, and a giant oak in an bellota.

-The creation of a thousand forests is in one bellota. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

-Even a blind squirrel finds an bellota sometimes.

-Pigs are kissing: a year of bellotas.

-Bellotas compare their height with each other.

-A hungry pig dreams of bellotas.

-Even a blind pig finds an bellota every once in awhile.

-Bellotas were good until bread was found. (Francis Bacon Sr.)

Edited by slucido on 23 October 2010 at 12:31pm

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 2 of 13
23 October 2010 at 2:56pm | IP Logged 
actually /'æktʃuəli/ realmente,en realidad, de hecho

Be careful. This is a false friend. Actually doesn't mean "actualmente".
"Actualmente" means presently, at present or now.


-La verdad es que es actually muy inteligente.

-Nunca creí que actually ganaría.

-Actually es que preferiría no ir.

-Yo actually no la vi. Yo sólo la oí.

-¿Qué piensa de ello actually?

-¿Eres colombiano, ¿verdad?- No, actually soy español.

-Ninguna mujer puede amar a un hombre actually vanidoso, porque no hay ninguna grieta en su corazón para que el amor entre y lo llene. (Proverbio japonés)

-¿Que por qué estaba yo con esa mujer? Porque me recuerda a ti. Actually, me recuerda a ti más que tú. (Groucho Marx)

-Alcanzar la paz es un camino muy complejo, que actually el hombre sigue transitando.

-No hace falta conocer el peligro para tener miedo; actually, los peligros desconocidos son los que inspiran más temor.(Alejandro Dumas)

-Algunos primero morirían antes que pensar, actually algunos de vez en cuando lo hacen.(Bertrand Russell)


-Ghosts are en realidad caused by Chuck Norris killing people faster than Death can process them.

-Body language is saying something with your body without en realidad saying a word.

-What does this proverb en realidad, de hecho mean 'One today is worth two tomorrows'?

-Can you give me a sentence using actually? - Are you realmente asking this question?

-I don't like mustard, I de hecho like ketchup.

Edited by slucido on 23 October 2010 at 3:00pm

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 3 of 13
23 October 2010 at 9:54pm | IP Logged 
downside['daʊnsaɪd] inconveniente

¿cuál es el downside de tu propuesta?

El downside de vivir aquí es lo caro que es.

El desempleo, la inflación y las grandes desigualdades son el downside de la economía de mercado.

¿Cuál es el downside de tu idea?

El monolingualismo tiene también un downside.

El downside de decir NO.

El coraje es una virtud por la cual el hombre se siente con el arrojo necesario para afrontar las pesadumbres o los downsides que se presentan.

“Por la boca muere el pez”, un dicho que enseña el downside de hablar más de la cuenta


What's the inconveniente of your idea?,

The inconveniente of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.

Unemployment, inflation and greater inequality are often the inconveniente of a market economy.

Monolingualism has a inconveniente too though.

The inconveniente of saying NO.

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 4 of 13
23 October 2010 at 10:11pm | IP Logged 
quirk [kwɜ:k] (persona) rareza, peculiaridad /(del destino) arbitrariedad, capricho

-Tienes que acostumbrarte a las quirks y debilidades de los otros.

-Hay una quirk en las reglas te permite invertir dinero sin pagar impuestos.

-Por una estraña quirk del destino, acabamos en el mismo tren.

- Es una quirk de su personalidad.


-You have to get used to other people's rarezas and foibles.

-There is a peculiaridad in the rules that allows you to invest money without paying tax.

-By some strange arbitrariedad, capricho/By an odd arbitrariedad, capricho of fate (= unexpectedly), we ended up on the same train.

-It is one of his little peculiaridades

Edited by slucido on 23 October 2010 at 10:12pm

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 5 of 13
24 October 2010 at 12:52pm | IP Logged 
slacker/'slækər / (colloq) vago, holgazán,gandul

Para los slackers, siempre es fiesta. (Proverbio latino)

Al slacker y al pobre, todo les cuesta doble.

El slacker todavia esta buscando al que invento el trabajo.

El slacker trabaja doble.

Eres mas slacker que la chaqueta de un peón caminero.

Es más slacker que la quijá de arriba.

Esfuerzo de slacker, barriguera rota.

Mal lo pasa quien con un slacker se casa.

Padre millonario y trabajador, hijo slacker y malgastador.


Those vagos have gone home early again.

Vagos aren't stupid, they are just too lazy to do anything about their situation.

Vagos are waiting for their ship to come in, but the haven't wandered down to the docks to meet it. Most times their ship doesn't travel by water anyway.

There are two types of workplace vagos. First, there are those underperformers whose problem is less attitudinal and more often has to do with the fact that they're in over their heads when it comes to getting the job done.

Murphy refers to the second , and more harmful, group of vagos as the "talented terrors." These are the people who are more difficult to interact with and manage, and who often end up being a constant source of histrionics at work.

"I think vagos are vagos when there's opportunity," says Raver, whose research interests lie in interpersonal relations within teams. "If there are no consequences for doing nothing, and there are only benefits to be gained from it, people will try to get away with it."

Edited by slucido on 24 October 2010 at 12:55pm

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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 6 of 13
24 October 2010 at 6:25pm | IP Logged 

ace /eɪs/(in cards, dice) as (expert, champion) as

- Juan tiene un ace de corazones.

- Pedro es un ace de las finanzas.

- Él es un ace del tenis


- It takes study to become an as speller.

- He is a tennis as


ace /eɪs/ lucirse en un examen, bordar un examen, clavar un examen

- Ella se aced en el examen.

- She se lució en the exam.

-Estuve despierto toda la noche, pero valió la pena - Me aced final de química.

-I was up all night studying, but it was worth it - I me lucí my chemistry final.

-I was up all night studying, but it was worth it - I aced my chemistry final.
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 7 of 13
24 October 2010 at 7:30pm | IP Logged 
syllabus ['sɪləbəs] programa de estudios

-¿Qué novelas hay en el nuevo syllabus este año?

-El nuevo syllabus sigue las orientaciones del Marco Común Europeo.

-El antiguo syllabus tiene contenidos que ya no se contemplan en la actualidad.

-En syllabus de los estudiantes de medicina es importante remarcar la importancia del entrenamiento práctico.

-El lunes vamos a discutir cómo abordar los cambios causados por mi enfermedad en el syllabus.


-A programa de estudios , is an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course

-Which novels are on the programa de estudios this year?

- On Monday we will talk about how to deal with changes in the programa de estudios caused by my illness.

- A revised programa de estudios in Archeology offers a wider range of courses.

- The training time to cover the programa de estudios is 6 hours.

- All pupils, regardless of ability, are taught the same programa de estudios.

- How might this new national programa de estudios be developed?
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 8 of 13
24 October 2010 at 7:47pm | IP Logged 
hefty ['heftɪ] adj

(persona) fornido (bulto) pesado (multa, precio) considerable

-Vasily era un hefty atleta y levantador de pesas.

-Le pusieron una hefty multa.

-Me dio un hefty diccionario para buscar las palabras.

-El saber es la parte más hefty de la felicidad.

-Se refieren a los artículos que reciben un número de heftys visitas .


-A fornido athlete

-A pesado dictionary

-He was a tall, fornido man.

-Her boss gave her a considerable raise.

-A considerable dose of irony.

-He gave the door a fuerte kick.

-a considerable bill/fine

-Her salary will go up by a considerable 10%.

-a fornido woman with dyed blond hair.


-Professionals will charge quite hefty sums for their services.

-Half a million quid is a hefty chunk of wedge by anyone's standards.

-Unfortunately, there are some fairly hefty egos involved.

-Learning a new language is quite a hefty time investment, so people I guess want the most bang for their buck.

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