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Learning languages TAC 2015

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Joined 6171 days ago

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Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 57 of 91
10 November 2013 at 9:23pm | IP Logged 
I'm a student and I have to pay for insurance myself. That's a fix amount every month.
If you're are younger than 25 and earn less than 450 € per month you will be member in your parents family insurance. I had to leave the family insurance at the age of 22, because I've earned too many.

I glad that I could do my small tax declaration on my own. But I only need a few of the thousend forms.

May I ask you, how do you find clients who have time in the morning or early afternoon?

I used to work as a private tutor and I had the same problem in the summer. I want to work more in the summer, but there was no need for. And during my own exam time, I had a lot requests.
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 Message 58 of 91
11 November 2013 at 10:21am | IP Logged 
Mareike wrote:
May I ask you, how do you find clients who have time in the morning or early afternoon?

I'm not working in the morning, at least not right now. I'm doing a Fernlehrgang so I use the time in the mornings for study -- that includes languages too :))

I work after school for "Schülerhilfe" and I teach adults evenings and on weekends.

If I may add a little correction:

Mareike wrote:
I've earned too many.

1. "many" is for countable nouns. If you can count it, use "many". (many people, many days, many cents)

2. "much" is for noncountable nouns. (much air, much sand, much love, much time, much money)

About the tense:

I earn too much. (you are working)
I earned too much. (you are no longer working)
I have earned too much (du hast bis jetzt/zur Gegenwart zu viel Geld verdient aber es ist unklar, ob du noch arbeitest = nicht vollendet)

Edited by Sunja on 11 November 2013 at 10:23am

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Joined 6171 days ago

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Speaks: German*
Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 59 of 91
19 December 2013 at 4:05pm | IP Logged 
December, the year is nearly over. I haven’t reached my goals, but I’m keep going. No one said learning a language is an easy goal and could be done in one year.
I participated in the 6 weeks challenge in November. I spent most hours in classes or with anki. Followed by doing homework.

I received an early Christmas present yesterday. I moved in a new flat in November and during the move I left my bike unlooked in the cellar. We have a special cellar for the bikes; everyone who lives in this house can put their bicycles in. The cellar itself was looked, some of the bikes were looked others not. The next morning my bike was gone. I was mad and thief must have a key for the cellar.
So I put up a note for the thief in the cellar:

Dear bike thief,
In case you have no space for my bike. Right here is a perfect place.
The bike owner

And surprise! My bike is back, unbelievable. Now, my bike is looked, in the looked cellar.

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Joined 6171 days ago

267 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: German*
Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 60 of 91
25 December 2013 at 5:16pm | IP Logged 
Today, I tried to write a transcript of the beginning of this video: in order to test my listning skills in Swedish.
This is the result for the first 5 minutes. There are maybe a lot of words I got wrong or missing passages.

Har ni hört berättes om mumindalen. Det går alles som har det minstad lilla förstån det i det någon i november när dalen rastar vintern lakan över sig. Men först äter de massor av granbarr, för är det viktigt att fulla magen när man ska sova i tre månader. Det här är muminhus. Det liggnad my grund dreva. Här inne sova de alla. Förnuftig nog. Här har vi mumintrollen själv. Och här är muminpappan och muminmamman. Och den som sover här är så lite det kan någon annan den lilla My. Man vet aldrig vem man kan hitta i muminhuset. Nu kan berättelse egentligen börja. Ska inte så rolig när alla bara sov. Jag tror vi hoppa direkt i våren i stället.

Mumin: ”Vid min svans. Det är vår. Nu är det vår. Haha. Nu är det vår.”
My: ”Mumin.”
Mumin: ”My, är du också vaken?”
My: ”Nu vem kan sova när du skrika så där?”
Mumin: ”Det var ett glädjerop”
My: ”Hör du Mumin.”
Mumin: ”Vad då.”
My: ”Tycka du ätt det är rolig att väcka folk?”
Mumin: ”Huscho.”
My: ”Jag drömde just att jag bodde i en vattenmelon!”
Mumin: ”Vill du instället går upp idag. Solen skiner.”
My: ”No, vad är det för roligt med det.”
Mumin: ”Vintern är slut och våren är här och leven är härlig.”
My: ”Det var härlig att drömma också.”
Mumin: ”När vi det i så jag skulle vecka dig den allra första vårdagen.”
My: ”Ja det, ja det.”
Mumin: ”Har du glömt det? ”
My: ”Tja, men det var dår det.”
Mumin: ”Dessutom kommer kanske den stora syster tillbaka snart.”
My: ”Mhh. Hon har nog haft det skön titta mig”
Mumin: ”Jag skulle tro det. Mamma”
Mamma: ”Gladvår.”
My: ”Muminmamma, jag är hungrig. Jag är hungrig. Har du vattenmelon?”
Muminmamma: ”Nej, men allt möjligt annat. Nu ska vi vara en ordentlig frukost.”
Mumin: ”Snusmumriken har kommit. ”
My: ”Det går snabbare i trappan.”
Mumin: ”Men det är inte roligt. Komma du med och träffas Snusmumrik?”
My: ”Nej, ja ska gå ser min syster har kommit hem.”
Mumin: ”???”
My: ”Jag går i alla fall.”
Mumin: ”Mumrik.”
Snusmumrik: ”Hejhej Mumin.”
Mumin: ”Du har veldigt det i år.”
Snusmumrik: ”På set javisst.”
Mumin: ”Hade du en trevligt på din resa?”
Snusmumrik: ”Javisst, javisst, men tjej det på mig våren hade kommit till mumindalen.”
Mumin: ”Berätta om din resa!”
Snusmumrik: ”Det för du höra en annan gång. Kom nu så vi gå och väcka Sniff.”
Mumin: ”Det blir han inte glad.”
Snusmumrik: ”Han snarkar. Vilken sjöss sovare. Nu slutar hon snarkar.”
Mumin: ”Kom ut Sniff. Snusmumriken har kommit.”
Sniff: ”Molme väg.”
Mumin: ”Vi tänker att nånting ovanligt.”
Sniff: ”Nånting ovanligt. Är det ovanligt att klättra i berg.”
Mumin: ”Vi kanske det första som klättra upp det här berg.”
Snusmumrik: ”Än så här fin dag vore man kunna se hela mumindalen från bergenstoppen och har vi oks.”

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Senior Member
Joined 6171 days ago

267 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: German*
Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 61 of 91
26 December 2013 at 9:14pm | IP Logged 
100 lang-8 entries in English till 15. May 2014

My own little English challenge. I have to write my bachelor thesis in January/February, but I still want to write a few posts in this month. The most entries will be post between March and the 15th May.

Goal: From passive to active. I want to get more confidence in writing. At the moment I’m able to read a book, but writing a text brings problems with the punctuation, vocabulary and grammar.
Task: Write 100 entries in English by the 15th May 2014. Each entry with 100-150 words. Try to write correctly and go through received corrections.
What goes around comes around: I will correct at least 100 entries in this time. In order to learn new German grammar aspects I have never recognized before.
Topics: If I don’t know a topic to write about I will get a topic out of a textbook or Judith’s list. I have several textbook who offers writing tasks like answering a letter. I could also choose a topic from this list:

26th Dezember:
I wrote the first entry and I made one correction today.

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Joined 6171 days ago

267 posts - 323 votes 
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Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 62 of 91
29 December 2013 at 10:33pm | IP Logged 
My own little challenge goes very well. I have written four entries and corrected 13. Up to now I don’t have a problem to receive corrections. How many mistakes I make depends on the day and the topic. All in all I’m surprised how few they are, I expected a lot more.

Jag har gjort en lång paus från assimil. Jag har kommit tillbaka idag. Jag kännde lektionen lättare än jag har mints.
Jag har bara gjört en paus från assimil. Jag besökte ändå en kurs, har arbetat med anki och en gramtisk bok. Jag har även läst en lättläst bok.
Idag har jag tittat på Mummin och Tidsdeckarna.

I had three years Spanish lessons at school. I was maybe around A2, but I nearly forget everything. The last days I’ve started to play around with duolingo. Maybe I will add Spanish later in year 2014. I’m not sure, if I should add a language before I don’t reached a decent level in Swedish and English. I think have to give it a try and get more distractions. I hope, I will remember something from school.

Edited by Mareike on 30 December 2013 at 9:12pm

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Joined 6171 days ago

267 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: German*
Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 63 of 91
30 December 2013 at 4:51pm | IP Logged 

En lite karikatyr som jag har hittad idag. Relationen mellan en man och en fru passande till årstid och väder.

Picture comes from:

1. Ta dom andra skorna, Selma! Det är halkigt!
     Take the other shoes, Selma! It is slippery.
2. Dumheter! Jag halkar aldrig!
    Nonsense! I never slip.
3. Det är du som är så klumpig så att du halkar!
    You are the one who is so clumsy that you slipping.
4. –
5. Det ser du, Selma!
    You see, Selma!
6. –
7. –
8. Har ni halkat?
    Have you slipped?
9. Nej! Det var min fru som halkade!
   No. It was my wife who slipped.

An important word of the dialog is “halka”.

You find it as a adjective in picture 1.
halkig – slippery - rutschig
Det finns mycket halkiga väger.
Den halkiga gatan.
And you find it as a verb in various pictures:

att halka – to slide, to slip – ausrutschen
Jag halkar minst ett gang om dagen.
Jag halkade på is igår.
Jag har halkat i dag.

Varken engelska eller svenska är min modersmål. När du hittar fel, inte skyr för att berätta det mig.

Edited by Mareike on 01 January 2014 at 6:32pm

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Joined 6171 days ago

267 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: German*
Studies: English, Swedish

 Message 64 of 91
01 January 2014 at 6:14pm | IP Logged 
Gott Nytt År

Happy New Year and best wishes for the next year. Good luck and much time for everyone who learn a language.

This year I signed up for TAC, I'm a member of the scandinavien team, named Asgard

I’m playing around with Swedish for more than 5 years. A few phrases were the result.
I’ve started to learn seriously in October 2012. I signed up for a course, who gave me a needed regularity. Before I started the course my knowledge was close to zero. My current level is about A2, I think. By the end of 2014 I want be on a B1. I also hope that I gain the ability to use native materials.
My course broke up last November. To keep my motivation going, I signed up for TAC 2014.

In order to archive that goal, I plan to work through the following tasks:
January till March:
- Stay up to date with my Anki deck
- Read an lättläst book
- Listen to klartext
April till December:
- Study 400 hours (count from Jan. till Dec.)
- Complete Assimil and Lehrbuch der schwedischen Sprache
- Add native materials
- Review and Learn grammar
- Stay up to date with my Anki deck

Never ending story and I find it hard to recognize any progress. I’m learning English for more than a decade. It was my first foreign language at school and I’ve taken various courses at university and adult centers. I’m far away from fluent, but somehow I can communicate. My active skills are maybe around B1. My passive would I evaluate as B2. By the end of 2014 I want to strengthen my knowledge and get more confidence in using the language.

My planned tasks are:
January till May
- Complete my own little lang-8 challenge. See more in post 61.
- I read regularly and from time to time I watch DVDs. I’ve started to do this English and I will continue with this in 2014.
May till December:
- Work through „Destination B2“ by Malcolm Mann
- Read English books and watch English DVDs
- Have some skype conversations

I had three years of Spanish in school. After these years I was maybe around A2. I will maybe add Spanish later this year. At the moment I am playing a little bit with duolingo, but nothing seriously.
I would be great, If I’m back at A2 by the end of the year.

Edited by Mareike on 03 January 2014 at 4:47pm

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