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Drowning in Polish and French TAC2015

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Joined 3929 days ago

14 posts - 24 votes
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: German, French

 Message 9 of 46
04 January 2015 at 6:50pm | IP Logged 
Straya wrote:
Po Polsku Time : 1H:45 minutes today

Finding out the meaning of a word:

Co to znaczy? - To jest trudnie pytanie - na pewno.
Co to się mówi "zajebisty" po angielsku - ******* awesome
;Jakie to słowo będzie po polsku? - Co? - To słowo - Jakie słowo? "word" - To słowo po
polsku to 'słowo'. ;

A rather confusing affair between two students.

I learnt about the comparative and superlative forms too:

ten samochód jest lepszy, niż jego, ale tamten jest nasz najlepszy samochód -
ta lampa jest dobra, ale tamta jest jeszcze gorsza
to jest nasze dobre radio, ale tu jest nasze najlepsze radio

ten samochód jest lepszy niż jego, ale nasz jest najlepszy (this car is better than his, but our is the best)
ta lampa jest dobra, ale ta jest jeszcze lepsza (this lamp is good, but this one is better) [I'm not sure what you meant here).
nasze radio jest dobre, ale to jest najlepsze (this radio is good, but this one is the best) [again - those sencentes makes no sense for me, it'd be better if you wrote it in English and let me explain you translating it into polish).
- Jak jest "słowo" po angielsku? - Jakie słowo? - No, "słowo" - "Word"
I'm trying to present you the most natural dialogs you may meet.

Jak się mówi/Jak jest "zajebisty" po angielsku - ******* awesome
"zajebisty" is an awesome word! You can put it everywhere you want make meaning of a sentence stronger. EG.:

- (ona) Ma zajebisty głos. - Her voice is f**king awesome.
- Co dostałeś z angielskiego? - 5 - Zajebiście! - What mark did you get at English classes? - A - Awesome!
- Zajebiście szybko biegasz - You run so f**king quickly.

zajebisty(m)/zajebista(f) - are adjectives
zajebiście - adverb

Don't worry! "Kurwa", "pierdolić/pieprzyć" are way more complicated! ;)

If you don't mind, you may correct my English mistakes ;)

Edited by Wessnosa on 04 January 2015 at 6:51pm

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Joined 3929 days ago

14 posts - 24 votes
Speaks: Polish*, English
Studies: German, French

 Message 10 of 46
04 January 2015 at 7:02pm | IP Logged 
By the way, yesterday I was thinking of different ways of saying: "I don't care" in polish. I hope it'll be useful if you want to understand coloquial language.
The phrases are sorted from less to more vulgar. Translating them into English totally makes no sense, but I did it to show you what they mean.

    Nie interesuje mnie to. - (lit. I'm not interested)
    Nie obchodzi mnie to. - (lit. I don't care about it)
    Mam to gdzieś. - (more vulgar - lit. I have it somewhere)
    Mam to w nosie. - (as above - lit. I have it inside my nose)
    Mam w to wbite. - (colloq. - ... I have no idea how to translate it)
    Wisi mi to. - (colloq. - lit. It hangs for me)
    Sram na to. - (vulgar - lit. I shit on it)
    Mam to w dupie. - (as above - lit. I have it in my ass)
    Mam to w piździe. - (as above - lit. I hvae it in my pussy [women don't use it, really]
    Chuj mnie to boli. - (as above - lit. My cock hurts cause of it)
    Mam na to wyjebane. - (as above - lit. makes no sense)
    Mam w to wyjebane. (as above but with another preposition)

Mam wyjebane - very vulgar way of saying "I don't f**king care", eg:
Mam wyjebane na szkołę - I don't f**king care about school.
Mam w niego wyjebane - I don't f**king care about him.

It seems to be more complicated than in English, isn't it?

Good luck! ;)

Edited by Wessnosa on 04 January 2015 at 7:04pm

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Joined 3701 days ago

57 posts - 73 votes 
Speaks: English*, FrenchA2
Studies: Polish

 Message 11 of 46
05 January 2015 at 12:00am | IP Logged 
ten samochód jest lepszy, niż jego, ale tamten jest nasz najlepszy samochód -
ta lampa jest dobra, ale tamta jest jeszcze gorsza
to jest nasze dobre radio, ale tu jest nasze najlepsze radio

The first i would say (pointing to a car) "that car is better than his (car), but that
one there (pointing again) is our best car! (perhaps assuming the first car is also
ours, or you are in a garage full of cars)

The second is odd because ive confused the two, perhaps if it "said that lamp is good
and the other is even better" it would make more sense instead of saying 'one is good
and the other is even worse'

third makes sense to me but i only used them as exercises to familiarise myself with
these forms:

Dobry: lepszy: Najlepszy: Dobrze: Lepiej
Zły : Gorszy : Najgorszy: źle: Gorzej
Duży: Większy: Największy: Dużo: Więcej
Mały: Mniejszy: Najmniejszy: Mało: Mniej

Jak jest "słowo" po angielsku? - Jakie słowo? - No, "słowo" - "Word"

The sentence was so confusing for the speakers because they were not clear about which
word was being referred to.

A lot of my constructions used seem strange and un natural however they are what gets
presented in the text "Oscar swan's first year polish", perhaps more colloquial
dialogues will be presented in the future

I loved your section on zajebisty / Zajebiście and your musings of i dont care in
polish. As for corrections with your English, your grasp is very impressive:

I'm trying to present you with the most natural dialogs you may meet.
I'm trying to present to you the most natural dialogs you may meet.
I'm trying to present the most natural dialogs you may meet.

"zajebisty" is an awesome word! You can put it anywhere you want to make
the meaning of a sentence stronger

What mark did you get in English classes?

Mohave wrote:
Another welcome to the French team and best wishes for a productive
2015 with your languages! Many of us
have had great success with Assimil in the past. I look forward to following your log
and progress!

Thank you for the encouraging words mohave, Im rather impressed with how many volumes
of assimil you've used / tried to get your hands on, I hope my progress will be
similar to yours!

Will be following you attentively

Edited by Straya on 05 January 2015 at 12:15am

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Joined 3981 days ago

44 posts - 52 votes 
Speaks: Swedish*, English
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 Message 12 of 46
05 January 2015 at 12:03pm | IP Logged 
Looking forward to reading your log, especially about your progress in Polish. It seems such
an interesting language.

Good luck with your studies this year!
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Joined 3701 days ago

57 posts - 73 votes 
Speaks: English*, FrenchA2
Studies: Polish

 Message 13 of 46
06 January 2015 at 6:05am | IP Logged 
Sooniye wrote:
Looking forward to reading your log, especially about your progress
in Polish. It seems such
an interesting language.

Good luck with your studies this year!

thank you for your kind words, Sooniye.

I read something interesting from another forum member, inactive since 2007 however,
and they said this:

     Knowing what
     Knowing how
   Setting goals
   Gathering materials
   Time (Have you lived a million hours?)
   Language skills in your mother tongue

LEARNING (= putting into your head)
      incubation period
     “natural listening”
       phonetic listening
        repeating after the reader
        reading proper
       writing proper

        listening skills
        pragmatic skills

   good for nothing
        it’s for teachers to make you believe they are necessary and they know better
        it’s for publishers to trick you into buying their books
        it’s for school authorities and politicians to make a living and control you,
and tell you what you should do and fear them

It does make you think
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Joined 3701 days ago

57 posts - 73 votes 
Speaks: English*, FrenchA2
Studies: Polish

 Message 14 of 46
07 January 2015 at 12:58am | IP Logged 
I spent 3 hours yesterday reading "le petit prince" and about half an hour bumbling
through harry potter po polsku "

Adding a list of polish audio books i plan to listen to
namida wrote:

My secretary’s children have the following audiobooks in Polish, they are all read by
professional actors, mostly literature, the majority unabridged (mp3).
0 – recording
00 – recording + matching e-text
cz – czyta (read by)
GWyborcza – publisher, almost all of them abridged

AP, FP, etc – parallel texts:
P – Polish, A – English, N – German W – Italian R – Russian
Recordings with parallel texts are recorded in Polish and English or Russian or French

0 Abramov-Neverly - Lwy mojego podwórka GWyborcza cz Zapasiewicz
0 Andersen -
0 Andersen - Baśnie cz Sthur
0 Ballard James - Imperium Słońca GWyborcza cz Zamachowski
0 Bartoszewski (Komar) - Mimo wszystko... wywiad rzeka
0 Baum - Czarnoksiężnik z krainy Oz
0 Bedier - Dzieje Trystana i Izoldy cz Paweł Kutny
0 Bielicka Hanka - Uśmiech w kapeluszu
0 Blake Michael - Tańczący z wilkami cz Zapasiewicz
0 Brzechwa Jan - Akademia pana Kleksa R
0 Brzechwa Jan - Wiersze dla dzieci
0 Byron George (Mickiewicz) - Giaur cz Teleszyński
0 Coelho - Alchemik (słuchowisko)
0 Conrad, Joseph - Smuga cienia tł Szczepański cz Kołbasiuk Px 5h 04min
0 Czechow - Opowiadania cz. Rowinski P. 1973
0 Davis, Helen Carey - Amerykanka w Warszawie
0 Dickens, Charles - Opowieść wigilijna (słuchowisko)
0 Dostojewski - Idiota GWyborcza Pszoniak skót
0 Doyle - Pies Baskerville'ów cz. Jacek Pis 7h 09min Px
0 Dygat, Stanisław - Disneyland cz. Wardejn Z. 1978
0 Follett - Niebezpieczna fortuna 17h 22min
0 Follett - Wejść między lwy 12h 53min
0 Forsyth - Dzień szakala cz Kiszczakowski 14h
0 Gałczyński - Poezje
0 Giedroyć - Autobiografia cz Jeleński
0 Głowacki Jerzy - Pułkownik z Szerokiego Dunaju
0 Grisham - Ostani sędzia 6h 46min
0 Hasek Jaroslaw - Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka cz Sthur skrót
0 Herling-Grudziński - Inny świat 11h 33min
0 Herling-Grudziński, Gustaw - Srebrna szkatułka
0 Hesse - Demian 6h 08min
0 Hesse - Gra szklanych paciorków cz Jacek Kałucki 24h 23min
0 Hłasko Marek - Sowa córka piekarza (słuchowisko)
0 Hłasko - Następny do raju GWyborcza cz Andrzej Seweryn
0 Hrabal - Taka piękna żałoba (słuchowisko)
0 Huxley - Nowy wspaniały świat Słuchowisko
0 Irving, John - Świat według Garpa cz Zapasiewicz 20h
0 Ishiguro Kazuo - Malarz świata ułudy (An Artist of the Floating World, 1986, wyd.
polskie - 1991) 9h 34min
0 Iwanowska - Elementarz ks. Twardowskiego cz Jasieński
0 Jan Pawel II - Tryptyk Rzymski (medytacje) cz Globisz
0 Jessel, David; Moir, Anne - Płeć mózgu
0 Kapuściński - Lapidarium4 cz Jasieński 4h 27min
0 Kapuściński - Szahinszach cz Jerzy Radziwiłowicz 4h 50min
0 Kazamzakis Nikos - Grek Zorba cz. Jasieński K. 1972 12h 50min
0 Kesey Ken - Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem RTV cz Zapasiewicz 5h 43min
0 Krall - Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem 3h 16min
0 Krall, Hanna - Król kier znów na wylocie cz Jolanta Lotte 4h 57min
0 Krawczuk - Poczet Cesarzy Bizantyjskich 9h 45min
0 Lato muminków (śpiewogra z płyt)
0 Lem - Oka mgnienie
0 Lem - Solaris słuchowisko
0 Lem Stanislaw - Lube czasy
0 Lindgren Astrid - Dzieci z Bullerbyn cz Kwiatkowska GWyborcza 6h 54min
0 Lorenz, Konrad - Rozmawiał z bydlętami 6h
0 Mackiewicz, Józef - Droga donikąd_czyta_M_Benoit
0 Makuszyński Kornel - Koziołek-Matołek
0 Marquez - Sto lat samotoności cz Jasieński 16h 19min
0 Mickiewicz - Konrad Wallenrod cz Gustaw Holoubek
0 Mickiewicz Adam - Pan Tadeusz (we dwunastu księgach, wierszem) 10h 07min
0 Molnar - Chłopcy z czasów broni 4h 32min
0 Moravia Alberto - Rzymianka cz Pawłowska 15h 52min
0 Mrożek Sławomir - Baltazar 5h 11min
0 Mrożek, Sławomir - Dziennik powrotu 7h 19min
0 Murakami - Kafka nad morzem 18h 12min
0 My deportowani. Wspomnienia Polaków z więzień, łagrów i zsyłek w ZSRR
0 Nabokov - Maszeńka (słuchowisko)
0 Nałkowska - Medialiony 1h 49min
0 Orłoś - Przechowalnia 4h 53min
0 Orzeszkowa - Nad Niemnem 5h 58min skrót
0 Redliński - Konopielka cz Wojciech Siemion 6h 42min
0 Shakespeare William - Romeo i Julia - S
0 Siesicka - Zapałka na zakręcie 5h 35min
0 Słonimski - Felietony
0 Sołżenicyn Aleksander - Jeden dzień w życiu Iwana Denisowicza cz Jasieński
0 Stachura - Cała jaskrawość cz Olbrychski GWyborcza
0 Stoparczyk - Dzieci wiedzą lepiej
0 Szulc Tad - Zabić Papieża RTV 5h 45min
0 Szulz Bruno - Sklepy cynamonowe 3h 34min
0 Szyszkowska, Maria - Za horyzontem 9h 23min
0 Tolkien - Hobbit 10h
0 Tołstoj - Zmartwychwstanie cz Maryla Pawłowska 18h 26min
0 Tyrmand - Zły (Marek Kondrat GWyborcza) skrót
0 Vargas LIosa, Mario - Szelmostwa niegrzecznej dziewczynki Radio Program3
0 W dolinie muminków 3h 21min
0 Waldorff, Jerzy - Dolina szarej rzeki cz Bardini 11h 24min
0 Wojciech Mann i Magda Umer - Bajki
0 Wyspiański - Noc listopadowa (słuchowisko
00 Akunin, Boris - Azazel cz Teleszyński 8h 18min
00 Andersen, Hans Christian – Baśnie PA NP
00 Blixen Karen - Pożegnanie z Afryką AP 11h 55min
00 Brown, Dan - Kod Leonarda da Vinci
00 Brzechwa, Jan – Bajki
00 Bulgakov - Mistrz i Małgorzata cz Jasieński 18h 04min RP PA RW
00 Bułhakow, Michał - Mistrz i Małgorzata RP, RA PA PW AW RW
00 Caldwell - Poletko Pana Boga cz Bardini
00 Camus, Albert - Dżuma (Zapasiewicz)
00 Camus, Albert - Obcy (Kołbasiuk) FP
00 Cejrowski Wojciech - Gringo wśród dzikich plemion
00 Chmielewska - Klin cz Joanna Jędryka
00 Chmielewska - Wszyscy jesteśmy podejrzani
00 Chmielewska - Wszystko czerwone P 2R PR_franklang 8h 22min
00 Chmielewska - Złota mucha R cz Ewa Złotowska
00 Clavell, James - Król szczurów cz Marek Kondrat 13h 44min
00 Clavell, James - Shogun cz. Nadrowski R. 1993 55h 44min
00 Coben, Harlan - Bez pożegnania cz Teleszyński 11h 45min
00 Coben, Harlan - Nie mów nikomu cz Teleszyński 10h 09min
00 Davies, Norman - Orzeł Biały - czerwona gwiazda (it's not a novel; WHITE EAGLE, RED
00 Eco - Imię róży 23h 29min AP
00 Fielding, Helen - Dziennik Bridget Jones RTV ogg 8h 40min
00 Follet - Igła cz Teleszyński 6h 40min
00 Follet - Trzeci bliźniak 16h 12min
00 Follett - Klucz do Rebeki cz Teleszyński 13h 26min
00 Grisham - Bractwo cz Mirosław Utta P A R W 11h 56min
00 Hemingway - Stary człowiek i morze AP 2h 52min
00 Jerofiejew - Moskwa-Pietuszki GWyorcza cz Wilhelmi 3h 14min
00 Jerome - Trzech panów w łódce AP 7h 29min
00 Kafka, Franz - Proces 8h 43min NP
00 Kafka, Franz – Proces PN
00 King Stephen - Zielona Mila cz Teleszyński 14h 27min
00 Kiyosaki - Bogaty ojciec, biedny ojciec
00 Lewis - Narnia 1 Lew, czarownica i stara szafa AP 4h 58min
00 Lewis - Narnia 2 Książę Kaspian AP 5h 53min
00 Lewis - Narnia 3 Podróż wędrowca do świtu AP 6h 45min
00 Lewis - Narnia 4 Srebrne krzesło AP 6h 45min
00 Lewis - Narnia 5 Koń i jego chłopiec AP 5h 27min
00 Lewis - Narnia 6 Siostrzeniec czarodzieja aP 5h 26min
00 Lewis - Narnia 7 Ostatnia bitwa AF 5h 05min
00 Mickiewicz, Adam – Pan Tadeusz
00 Mitchel Margaret - Przemineło z wiatrem 44h 31min
00 Moczarski Kazimierz - Rozmowy z katem 15h 23min
00 Murakami - Norwegian Wood cz Marek Walczak 11h 52min
00 Nabokov - Lolita tł. Stiller cz Teleszyński AP 17h 03min
00 Orewll - 1984 10h 20min cz Machalica AP 10h 20min
00 Orwell - Folwark Zwierzęcy PA
00 Poe, Edgar Allan - Opowieści niesamowite 4h 31min
00 Pratchett - Blask fantastyczny AP 9h 12min
00 Pratchett - Kolor magii cz Kołbasiuk AP 8h 49min
00 Prus, Bolesław - Lalka
00 Rowling - Harry Potter i Czara Ognia PA
00 Rowling – Harry Potter i Kamien Filozoficzny PA
00 Rowling – Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic PA
00 Rowling – Harry Potter i Wiezien Azkabanu PA
00 Saint-Exupery - Mały książę cz Frączewski BRAKrozdz1
00 Sempé & R.Goscinny - Rekreacje Mikołajka (Barciś) PF
00 Sempé Goscinny - Mikołajek i inne chłopaki PF
00 Sempé Goscinny - Wakacje Mikołajka (Kwiatkowska) PF
00 Sienkiewicz - Pan Wołodyjowski 24h 23min
00 Stevenson, Robert Louis - Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde cz Janusz Linek AP 2h 17min
00 Stevenson, Robert Louis - Wyspa skarbów (Teleszyński)
00 Süskind, Patrick - Pachnidło (Traczyński) PNA
00 Süskind, Patrick - Pachnidło cz Tomasz Traczyński NPA 10h 30min
00 Tolkien - Władca pierścieni1 cz Roch Siemianowski AP 22h 24min
00 Tolkien - Władca pierścieni2 AP 20h 23min
00 Tolkien - Władca pierścieni3 AP 19h 23min
00 Tołstoj - Anna Karenina całość cz Elżbieta Kijowska AP PR 37h 18min
00 Tołstoj - Anna Karenina skrócona GW080218MS27_Anna Polony 27h 05min
00 Tryzna, Tomek - Panna Nikt cz. Romantowska 10h 57min
00 Wańkowicz - Ziele na kraterze 18h 05min cz Machalica
00 Wilde - Portret Doriana Graya cz Bauman AP 9h 08min
00 Zafon Carlos - Cień wiatru cz Kołbasiuk 20h 41min
00 Żeromski. Stefan – Ludzie bezdomni

they are not audiobooks, but almost as good.

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Senior Member
Joined 3926 days ago

123 posts - 182 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Danish, Indonesian, French

 Message 15 of 46
08 January 2015 at 1:48am | IP Logged 
HI Straya, welcome to Team Francais from another Aussie. There are a few of us. Good
luck with your Polish also.
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Joined 3701 days ago

57 posts - 73 votes 
Speaks: English*, FrenchA2
Studies: Polish

 Message 16 of 46
10 January 2015 at 6:26am | IP Logged 
redflag wrote:
HI Straya, welcome to Team Francais from another Aussie. There are a
few of us. Good
luck with your Polish also.

Thank you for your kind words! I saw you're a sydneysider, I was too until I moved to
brisvegas :) I look forward to seeing your progress, especially with your language

I've been trying to get 2 hours a day between my two main languages at the moment, as
we can see from the picture ci-dessous (below) i've logged almost 30 hours without
adding today's french hours (assumed to be 1.5)

Im doing a half super challenge and so far have read 150 pages, (le petit prince) and
almost 10 chapters of "Les trois mousquetaires"

If you've been following me so far, my gratitude to you :)

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