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 Message 1641 of 3959
25 January 2010 at 4:50am | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
I have visited several national parks in the USA and always found that the information centres are very helpful, but once you are moving around you rarely see the employees. But of course they can be called by phone if necessary, I suppose? Your fellow countrymen may be scared of helping because of the risk of being sued. Selling off these areas would of course be a crime, - and those that propose it should be sent the nearest nuthouse.

I can’t resist following up on this. Out-of-control and frivolous law suits here in the United States cost companies, individuals, and insurance companies millions every year, and all due to our wonderful tort system which says, basically - something bad happened, ergo it’s got to be somebody’s fault, ergo we assign the richest defendant the majority of the guilt, and they are the ones who pay. Companies, cities, and states go to ridiculous lengths to ensure personal safety.

The National Park System seems to be somewhat apart from this craziness. While on government owned park land, people have the privilege of accepting responsibility for their own stupidity and the consequences. Paths and tourist areas are well marked and warnings are plentiful, but Iversen as you mentioned staff there is sparse, and if you decide to take a stroll in the desert without adequate preparation, you just might die for your ignorance. And noone yet to my knowledge has been successful in suing the United States Park Service, for brilliant things like (and events like these actually happen on an ongoing basis):

Approaching a live bull buffalo near the road, like it’s a Hollywood prop to have your picture taken, and then being gored and trampled.

Leaving the path and leaning out over a canyon to take a picture, and then falling 300 meters to your death.

Taking a day hike down the Grand Canyon without adequate water or clothing, and then dying of dehydration and exposure.   And cell phone coverage is non-existent in many areas out there, so you can be very alone.

---There’s nothing like personal responsibility to enable natural selection!

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 Message 1642 of 3959
25 January 2010 at 11:42pm | IP Logged 
The problem is not that some people die while doing such foolish things, - the problem is that they set a bad example by surviving.

Apart from that: when I sorted my heaps of word lists and copies yesterday I had to acknowledge that there were just to many word lists without filled-out repetition section and too many copy sheets with new words that hadn't been transferred to word lists. So from today I have changed one detail in my daily routine: instead of waiting until I can fill out a whole sheet with new words I make the word lists after one page of copied text. Because the words then still are new and fresh I I'm also less inclined to postpone (and maybe forget) the repetition phase.

GR: 'Εκανα αυτό με (μεταξύ άλλων) τα μέρη ενός φυλλαδίου από την Καστοριά, ο οποίος περιγράφεται η διάταξη του κομψά σπίτια της πόλης. Επισκέφθηκα ένα από αυτά, δηλαδή αυτό που περιέχει το Λαογραφικό Μουσείο 'Νεράντζι Αϊβάζη', Νεράντζι Αϊβάζη, το σπίτι μιας πλούσιας οικογένειας από το 17ο αιώνα. Το φυλλάδιο ανέφερε ότι αυτές οι οικογένειες ζούσαν κυρίως από το εμπόριο τις γούνας, και πράγματι, ισχυρίζοται ότι οι λύκοι και αρκούδες ζουν ακόμη στον βουνά προς τα αλβανικά σύνορα. Κοίταξα αλλά κανένα από αυτά δεν, μόνο πτηνά - συμπεριλαμβανομένων μια σπάνια κορμοράν νάνος.

I did this with (among other things) some passages from a brochure which I got in Kastoriá. It described the disposition of the old mansions of the rich families in the town. I actually visited one of these, the Etnographical Museum 'Neratzi Aïvazi' from the 17. century. Most of these families had earned their money of the fur trade. In fact there are still said to be wolwes and bears in the woods near the Albanian border. But I didn't see any, - only birds (including a rare dwarf cormorant).

GER: Während ich dies tat, habe ich auch Mythbusters im Fern gesehen UND dazu noch Sinfonien von Schubert gehört - Nummer eins bis sechs plus acht, und dazu noch die schöne Arpeggione-Sonate (die ich tatsächlich einst selbst spielen konnte). Einige Leute behaupten zwar, daß Männer nicht multitasken* können - aber das ist falsch: wir wollen nur selbst bestimmen, welche Aktivitäten dabei gleichzeitig ausgeführt werden sollen.

* keine Ahnung wie das auf Deutsch heißt!

While I did this I also watched Mythbusters on TV (2 hours straight!), and I listened to the first six symphonies of Franz Schubert, plus the Unfinished no. 8 and the delicious Arpeggione Sonata which I actually once could play myself on my 'cello (how time flies!). I know that some people assert that men can't multitask. Nonsens, - we just want to choose the activities ourselves. If married men told their wiwes that they could multitask, their wiwes would immediately come up with three things they could use to prove it. And washing the dishes and hoovering would be among those three things.

Edited by Iversen on 26 January 2010 at 3:50pm

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 Message 1643 of 3959
26 January 2010 at 1:09pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
GER: Während ich dies tat, habe ich auch Mythbusters im Fern gesehen UND dazu noch Sinfonien von Schubert gehört - Nummer eins bis sechs plus acht, und dazu noch die schöne Arpeggione-Sonate (die ich tatsächlich einst selbst spielen konnte). Einige Leute behaupten swar, daß Männer nicht multitasken* können - aber das ist falsch: wir wollen nur selbst bestimmen, welche Aktivitäten dabei gleichzeitig ausgeführt werden sollen.

* keine Ahnung wie das auf Deutsch heißt!

Man benutzt das englische Wort "multitasken" so wie es ist auf Deutsch.

Unter multitaskenden Frauen versteht man wohl solche, die gleichzeitig ihre Kinder beaufsichtigen und das Essen kochen können. Wie sollte ich das je gelernt haben, wenn mir derartige Lebenserfahrung fehlt?

Ich bin immer sehr froh, wenn in beruflichen Stellenanzeigen kein Multitasking verlangt wird.


Edited by Fasulye on 26 January 2010 at 1:09pm

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 Message 1644 of 3959
26 January 2010 at 3:47pm | IP Logged 
Warum solltest du das auch je gelernt haben, wenn es niemals notwendig war? Aber gleichzeitig lesen, Fern gucken und Musik hören zu können ist sehr nützlich für uns alleinlebenden, die die Kontrolle unserer Fernbedienung noch nicht aufgegeben haben.

Edited by Iversen on 26 January 2010 at 3:51pm

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 Message 1645 of 3959
27 January 2010 at 1:17am | IP Logged 
RU: Я читал обсуждения об кириллице почерк здесь на форуме, и обыкновное настроение было то, что мы должны научиться писать курсивом. В противном случае, русские и украинцы смотрят на вас. Ранее я уже писал, что все, что я читал написана печатными буквами, и что поэтому было бы более подходящим для меня развивать почерк, который был как можно ближе к печатными буквами. И это еще применяется.

There has been a discussion about Cyrillic handwriting, and the general meaning seemed to be that you had to learn cursive, - otherwise all Russians and Ukraineans would despise you. I have earlier written that I preferred developing a writing style that was as close to printed letters as possible, because I hardly ever see anything else. But just to give the righteous cursive writers something to laugh about, this is how I write the Russian alphabet:

Apart from writing this specimen I have spent my evening on more Greek excerpts from the Kastoriá brochures. Διάβασα αυτό το φορά για τη λίμνη που περιβάλλει την πόλη, και ως εκ τούτου έμαθε κάποιες εκφράσεις της φύσης - λέξεις που δεν ήταν στο λεξικό μου: οικοσυστέμα (ecosystem), οικóτοπος (habitat), βιοποιóτητα (biodiversity), παρóχθιος (coastal), υδρóβιος (aquatic).

ESP: Mi iatempe faris iuj dulingvaj printaĵoj de la Biblio, uzanta la ĉefpaĝon Lexilogos. Hodiaŭ vespere mi trovis fine tempon per studi la Apokalypson en Esperanto kaj Portugala. Kaj mi apenaŭ bezonis miajn vortarojn por ĉi tiu, malgraŭ tio, ke estas la unua fojo ekde mia reveno de Londono ke mi uzas tempo sur Esperanto.

And now I'm going to sleep, but not before I have had a peek into my Irish grammar.

Edited by Iversen on 27 January 2010 at 1:40am

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 Message 1646 of 3959
28 January 2010 at 1:30am | IP Logged 
ROM: În colecţia mea am patru dicţionare români: un dicţionar monolingv foarte vechi şi foarte groas al Academiei Române, un dicţionar danez->român de Gyldendal, un dictionar micro de Langenscheidt şi dicţionarul român <-> englez de editora Teora. Numai dicţionarul Academiei denotă sufixele care apareau în limba română la mai multe paradigme verbale. Din păcate, acest dicţionar este prea mare si prea vechi, asa ca in seara asta am inceput un proiect care urmăreşte să pună etichete pe toate verbele, astfel încât să-şi poată vedea dacă au sau nu au un sufix (astazi numai am facut litera 'A'). Am ştiut în prealabil că este aproape imposibil de a formula reguli pentru asta, dar este totuşi uimitor cât de imprevizibil este fenomenul.

Cel mai mare parte verbelor pe -a au un sufix: "a aliena - eu alienez" (approx. "a înstrăina). Dar "a alina - eu alin" (a linişti). Verbele pe -i (sau -î) sunt mai rar, dar şi aici existeau cuvinte cu suffix: "a adeveri - eu adeveresc" (a prova)...şi cuvinte fără sufix: "a ascuţi - eu ascut" (a face mai tăios). Este foarte ciudat că această informaţie nu este inclus în dicţionarele de Teora şi Gyldendal, care de altfel sunt destul de bun.


I have three Romanian dictionaries, but only in the very old and fat monolingual one from the Romanian Academy the verbs are marked with the use or non-use of the suffixes that occurs in most paradigms. So I spent some time this evening marking the verbs in my bidirectional English <-> Romanian dictionary from Teora (which otherwise is very good). I only managed to get through 'A', so the whole project will take some time. However I do think that the time is well spent, - it is almost impossible to guess whether a a certain verb has the relevant affix or not.

I also found time to make my first word list in Irish, - after having read my grammar and compared it to my printouts from Wikipedia and the indications in my old Teach yourself. The words I used were those from the first lesson in this TY plus those I have seen in my collection of paradigms. After this I did the repetition rounds for some of the Greek wordlists from the last couple of days.

Jag såg också de svenska nyheter, där jag bland annat fick höra om en ny sjukdom i Sverige: Vinterkräksjuka (winter-vomit-illness), som förmodas att komma från södra halvklotet.

Edited by Iversen on 28 January 2010 at 10:54am

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 Message 1647 of 3959
28 January 2010 at 12:27pm | IP Logged 
Iversen wrote:
Я читал обсуждения об кириллице почерк здесь на форуме, и обыкновное настроение было то, что мы должны научиться писать курсивом.

This sentence is fully understandable, but it has some mistakes. In addition, the word order what you used isn't "Russian".

Я читал здесь на форуме обсуждение рукописной кириллицы, и общее мнение заключалось в том, что мы должны научиться писать от руки.

1) "handwriting" applied to a name of writing system or a letter must be translated as "рукописный" (hand+writing => рука+писать). "Почерк" in Russian has meaning "style of handwriting, quality of handwriting" etc. For example, I have the bad handwriting, i Russian: "У меня плохой почерк".

2) Formally is more correct to say "обсуждение, касающееся рукописной кириллицы", but it is too "bureaucratic", and I used less "official" form "обсуждение рукописной кириллицы".

3) "general meaning" is "общее мнение"; "настроение" is "mood".

4) "Курсив" in Russian is used as the designation of the cursive printing font, not for handwriting. When we write "printed" letters, we say "писать _печатными_ буквами", but when we write as we must write (i.e. handwriting), we say "писать рукописными буквами", not "писать курсивом".

To the point, the word "рукопись" has the main sense "the handwriting text", but it has another sense: "a text which had been written by its author (not had been printed in a print shop etc)". For example, we often say "рукопись книги" even in case that the text of this book had been written on a computer and had been sended to publishers
by e-mail.

В противном случае, русские и украинцы смотрят на вас.

In English you use the word "despise". It must be translated as "презирать", but in Russian it has the very negative sense, and really it don't suitable for this case. Probably, it is better to say: "Иначе (в противном случае is too official) русские и украинцы будут смотреть на нас с недоумением" (Russians and Ukraineans gave us a puzzled look). In addition, the best is to combrine this sentence with previous one:

Я читал здесь на форуме обсуждение рукописной кириллицы, и общее мнение заключалось в том, что мы должны научиться писать от руки, иначе русские и украинцы будут смотреть на нас с недоумением".

Ранее я уже писал, что все, что я читал написана печатными буквами, и что поэтому было бы более подходящим для меня развивать почерк, который был как можно ближе к печатными буквами.

There are some little mistakes.

Ранее я уже писал, что всё, что я читал, написано печатными буквами, и (it is better to omit "что") поэтому мне было удобнее/проще развивать почерк, как можно более близкий к печатным буквам.

"Написано" must be in the neutral gender (you use the feminine gender) because this is the impersonal turn: "the all" (всё) "was written" (было написано) somebody, but in the sentence we don't say who was the author.

И это еще применяется.

This sentense is fully correct, but I don't understand what you want to say by it :)

ADD: I correct my mistakes in quotes.

Edited by SII on 28 January 2010 at 10:56pm

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 Message 1648 of 3959
28 January 2010 at 2:50pm | IP Logged 
Iversen: "signe" is masculine in French by the way

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