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Fabrizio’s Spanish, French & Japanese Log

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103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 1 of 49
19 December 2010 at 10:23am | IP Logged 
I’ve been flirting with a few languages for several years and I’m now extremely tired.
Not of the languages themselves (hell no!), but of me being so undisciplined when it
comes to study hard. Stop. Time is flying by so fast and I don’t want anymore to give
rise to all those stereotypes and half-myths which see Italians unable to speak
properly a foreign language. Time has come to prove myself I can be better :)

Spanish and Japanese are going to be the 2 languages I’ll be mainly focusing on. As
English is not my first language, I’ll be working on that too, but with a more relaxed
and “entertaining” approach.

As for Spanish, since its Latin basis and my language background, I feel extremely
confident: understanding more than the general meaning of everyday conversations with,
basically, no prior knowledge of the idiom leads me to believe I can really become good
at Spanish. Moreover, I really like the language and, beside all the university and
work commitments I’ve to deal with, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t be able to master
it one day. I’ll be start studying it by January 2011 and I’ll make sure that you guys
can read about my “Spanish marathon” on a dedicated log. With regard to the material I
want to use, “Theach Yourself Spanish” (complete course) and some other random
resources represent my main tools. Tons of movies, music, books, etc. will obviously
be an integral part of my language immersion environment.

I’ve been studying Japanese at university with not bad results at all. Truth is that
university – in my personal opinion – can’t teach you so much since the scanty amount
of language exposure which it provides. Many of you can certainly agree on it: most of
the study must be done at “home.” And, as I’ve already mentioned in my opening, I’ve
been an undisciplined student and neglected vital aspects of the language. Stop. Let’s
start over again. I’ll be using the “Assimil” course (“Japanese with ease”) and an SRS
software like “Anki” plus, as for Spanish, tons of movies, music, books of any kind,

Afrikaans represents a 3rd possible language, but, as we say in Italy, “non mettiamo
troppa carne al fuoco” :)

So, to sum up: what my personal goals are going to be?

- Spanish #1: Dele B2 (Nivel Intermedio) by May 2011;
- Spanish #2: Dele C1 by November 2011;
- Japanese: N2 (Intermediate Level) by December 2011.

I’ve reasons to believe that “A2” represents my current level of knowledge for both
I’ll talk more in details about techniques and strategies I want to use, but that’s all
for now.


My apologies for all the language mistakes...

Edited by Fabrizio on 09 June 2011 at 7:27am

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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 2 of 49
22 December 2010 at 4:21pm | IP Logged 
Hi everyone,

I’m just done with an official DELE B2 mock test. I couldn’t obviously test myself on
speaking and writing, but, since I’ve got the keys, I went through all the remaining
sections. As many of you probably already know, in order to pass the certification
candidates are required to score at least 70% on each section.
Here the result of my simulation test:

- Reading Comprehension: 83%
- Listening Comprehension: 75%
- Grammar and Vocabulary: 66%

As I thought, I eventually failed the exam, but I did pretty good at both the reading
and listening sections. The grammar and vocabulary part was certainly the hardest one –
that’s the area of the language I’ve to focus more. I’m pretty confident I can reach a
good level of fluency within next 4 months (just for the record, the DELE exam is
scheduled in May), but there’s still a lot of work to do.
I think I might sit a sample test once a month, I’d like to keep an accurate track of
my improvements.
Anyway, to put in a nutshell: no bad at all for being my first attempt, I don’t
certainly start from scratch. I feel positive (and that's probably one of the most
important aspects of the whole journey!)

Edited by Fabrizio on 22 December 2010 at 4:27pm

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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 3 of 49
29 December 2010 at 9:16pm | IP Logged 
Hello everyone,

This morning I got my "Teach Yourself - Complete Spanish" course and I'm quite
surprised of its content. My first impression was that it doesn't allow students to
reach a B2 level as it claims to do - those less than 1200 words listed in the
vocabulary section aren't enough at all and somehow they confirm my suspicious - and,
I'm not sure, but maybe it's just because of this existing transparency between Spanish
and Italian that everything seems me way too "easy." Anyway, this is the book I've
decided to adopt and I'll be going through its 25 lessons within the next 4 months.
I've got the Pimsleur "Spanish with ease" course too, but since I'm currently using
this same series for learning Japanese (and, in all honesty, I'm not 100% satistified
with it) I prefer try something different.
The amount of available resources and material on the Internet is huge and for this
same reason very confusing. Since the clear similarities with my native language and
despite the insufficient score I got making the simulation test, I want to try a
dynamic approach and avoid spending to much energies on books and grammars. I'll be
mostly using websites like "youtube" to watch movies on streaming (without subs) and
others like "Radio Nacional de España" to improve my listening comprehension abilities.
I'm not planning to use any grammar reference book (I'll completely rely on the TY
course for this aspect), and Anki will represent the only tool I'll use in order to
build up a larger vocabulary. As for the speaking and writing skills, I've already
found two friends who are more than happy to help me and correct my mistakes. My daily
routine will also contemplate some scriptorim exercices.
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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 4 of 49
08 January 2011 at 10:45am | IP Logged 
Hi there,
I’m happy to let you know guys my Spanish odyssey has officially began! :D
As I’ve already mentioned in one of my previous post, I’m working through the “Teach
Yourself” book and I’m just done with lesson number 2. It’s nothing really exciting at
the moment as I’m already pretty comfortable with the the basic s of the language, but
I’m confident everything will soon get more complicated! During this first week of
study I mainly focused my attention on only two aspects of the language: listening and
writing. I unfortunately had to neglect the remaining abilities, since there’s not so
much time for reading books other than those of university or making practice with
friends on Skype.
Anyway, I just wanted to link you a few resources I’ve found useful:

- (for various typologies of grammar and building vocabulary
- (for watching movies and listening practice);
- (interesting podcasts
listening practice).
Youtube offers tons of material too – of course – and I’m basically using it for
watching documentaries (Discovery Channel, National Geographic, etc.).
By the way, I’ve also got a visual bilingual Spanish-English dictionary, which is very
useful to enlarge the vocabulary of both languages. On this purpose, I’ve also
downloaded a deck of around 3000 common Spanish words and everyday I do my repetitions
and some scriptorium exercises.
Starting soon: Harry potter y la piedra filosofal (for reading practice).

As for my Japanese, I’m on lesson 26 of the Assimil course. It’s getting more and more
complicated, but not it’s not really difficult after all. Drills are tricky sometimes.
As for the writing, I’m using the scriptorium method and I think it’s working. I
remember all the kanji and readings with not effort. The level of the language is
pretty low at the moment though… I’m also working on a famous deck called “Core 2000”
(Anki), but sometimes it’s boring and I wonder if I should give up with it eheheh
Anyway, what really “discourages” me is that my listening abilities seem are not
improving at all. I’m watching – unfortunately with no subtitles – some Japanese drama
and I can’t basically understand anything! What the heck is wrong with me… eheheh I
won’t give up watching movies, etc., but I think I need some technique or method to
make the most of this listening exposure. Any suggestions on this regard?
Ah, by the way: I’ve also tried to listen to some Japanese podcasts for Japanese
natives, but it’s honestly overwhelming. It sounds like a waste of time as I don’t
understand anything at all of them. Any good piece of advice? I’m sure you guys have
some great podcasts websites to link me :D
Ah, I’m not using it yet, but I’ve got this very interesting book called 話せるスペイン語
which is basically a Spanish language course for native Japanese speakers. I think I
might use it somehow for translation practice or I don’t know what else, I still have
to figure it out.

Edited by Fabrizio on 08 January 2011 at 10:46am

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United States
budobeyondtechnRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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 Message 5 of 49
08 January 2011 at 4:23pm | IP Logged 
Welcome and good luck. It sounds like you are off to a good start.
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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 6 of 49
11 January 2011 at 10:07am | IP Logged 
Hi there, here a quick update:

Assimil - Japanese with ease: lesson 32 (completed)
I’m really excited about starting with the active half of the course! I wonder how it’s
going to work… I’m almost done with the passive first part, I’ll soon find it out :D
Lessons are getting more and more complicated, but everything is still fine. Grammar
and kanji are quite elementary, but I’m amazed by how many things you can say with
them, just by using simple words and structures. The old JLPT3 certification I own
doesn’t certify an high level of language competence, but I’d be already more than
happy if I only could effectively use what it says candidates who achieve it are able
to do.
I keep reviewing my cards on ANKI and my scriptorium exercises are going great.
Yesterday I finished watching my first Japanese drama series (日本人の知らない日本語) and,
as I expected to be, I was an almost complete failure. Damnit, my listening
comprehension level is really low…

As for my Spanish, I’m at lesson 4. Everything is going pretty well with the TY
course, I like it after all. I’ve also started reading the Harry Potter book and
despite the relevant amount of unknown words I find, the reading is still pleasant.
I’m simultaneously using ANKI and exercising with random grammar drills and
scriptorium. Discovery Channel and National Geographic documentaries are addictive, by
the way. My Ipod is full of any kind of RTVE's podcasts eheheh.


@ budonoseito: thank you for your support!

Edited by Fabrizio on 11 January 2011 at 2:14pm

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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 7 of 49
16 January 2011 at 1:02pm | IP Logged 
Hello everyone,

My linguistic marathon keeps going on, and I’m currently at lesson number 6 of the TY
Complete Spanish course. Lessons are fine, but grammatical explanations are way to
concise for me; I actually feel I need to know more on this aspect as, if I’m not
mistaken, the DELE B2 certification includes 40 questions about grammar. I also believe
I should soon start writing short articles and essays since this is likely to be my
weakest point, my less developed ability. Despite this, I’ve to admit my listening
comprehension and reading abilities are getting better and better! I’m slowly building
a decent vocabulary too with the combined use of Anki and my bilingual Spanish –
English vocabulary/Harry potter book/ other random articles I find on the Internet. I
urgently need to start practicing the language with someone, but time seems to be never
enough for Skyping…

My Japanese is going really bad. My study is getting a bit too inconsistent, shame on
me… What I’m doing is just going through my daily Assimil course lesson and that’s it
(I’m currently at lesson 37 by the way). No dramas, no podcasts. Almost nothing else
basically. There MUST be something wrong if everything I do seems to be not really
appealing to me. How can I enjoy watching a movie or listening to a podcast if I don’t
understand anything? Kanji seems to be the only thing I really love of the language.
Mmm… am I maybe losing my motivation? No, I don’t think so. I probably just need to be
more methodical.
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Senior Member
BelgiumRegistered users can see my Skype Name
Joined 5126 days ago

103 posts - 157 votes 
Speaks: Italian*, EnglishC2, French, SpanishB2, Portuguese

 Message 8 of 49
20 January 2011 at 2:29pm | IP Logged 
¡Hola todos!

Este es mi primero mensaje completamente en español, lo siento por los muchisimo
errores... Tengo que utilizar un diccionario en línea para escribir este texto ya que
más o menos me faltan todas las palabras jejeje :)

Mi estudio del español sigue adelante sin demasiadas dificultades: ¡este idioma es
simplemente magnifico y el curso que estoy haciendo no es tan malo como pensé! Estudio
sólo desde hace tres semanas y ya puedo decir y entender muchas cosas en español (mi
lengua materna, por supuesto, me ayuda muchisimo con el aprendimiento del idioma).
Vale, ¡hay muchisimo de hacer todavía!

A proposito, mi japonés es tan terrible que ahora no tengo gana de escribir nada en ese
idioma... quizá, la próxima vez…

¡Hasta pronto!

Edited by Fabrizio on 20 January 2011 at 2:30pm

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