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Я не говорю по-английски

 Language Learning Forum : Language Learning Log Post Reply
47 messages over 6 pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Nieng Zhonghan
Bilingual Tetraglot
Senior Member
Joined 3615 days ago

108 posts - 315 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Japanese*, Spanish, Galician
Studies: Finnish, Icelandic, Armenian, Mongolian
Studies: Old English, Russian, English, German, Korean, Mandarin

 Message 41 of 47
29 March 2015 at 11:24pm | IP Logged 
TAC languages: Chinese (3), Korean (4), German (5) and Russian (6)


3. Chinese

3.1 HSK 3 (24/24)

Finally finished the HSK 3 book. I am not sure what I am going to do next. Perhaps I
will review books 1, 2 and 3 in April or start and finish HSK 4 in April.

3.2 March Challenge

On active task

I will type 100 character texts. Since the server was some weeks ago (at least here),
I will type my March’s challenge right now. I wanted to create a descriptive text
containing at least 100 characters; however, I decided to create exercises containing
100 characters because I made tone mistakes at the beginning of this month regarding
certain characters that I am going to use.

Text 1
每年夏天, 有多人到那個花園看花, 紅色的, 黃色的, 藍色的, 白色的…明年夏天我們一起去看吧, 你


1 去年
2 每年
3 明年

Text 2

我朋友說孩子不能長時間上网, 對眼睛不好, 而且影響學習, 所以他每天只讓我上网半個小時.



1 上网對學習好
2 上网不影响學習

Text 3

我很喜歡中國的古詩, 特別是那首 欲穷千里目, 更上一層樓 的詩. 意思是說, 要看到更遠的地方,就要在
上一層樓. 想要得到更大的成功, 就要做出跟多的努力.


1 要再上一層樓.
2 要看遠處
3 要努力

On passive task

I have compiled a deck on Anki containing A1 and A2 level (totally biased) grammar
topics with sentences. It contains about 100 flashcards which finished at the end of
this month.

2. I created a TOCFL deck containing words from Taiwanese proficiency test level 1. If
I manage to do more than 100 words a week, I will definitely finish it by the end of
this month.

I did more than 500 words, more than I expected.

4. Korean

4. 1 TTMIK 4 (30/30)

Finished TTMIK 4.

4.2. March Challenge

On active task

What one can do being at very low level in terms of passive skills?
Does shadowing 100 sentences is valid output? How about writing 100 random sentences
on my own? Another idea is writing several short dialogues whose amount of characters
would be at least 100. I am not sure how to count a character in Korean though. What
is the criterion? I will consider “안녕하세요” containing 5 characters.
Done. I have shadowed 100 sentences.

On totally passive task

Review 100 flashcards every week from my own TTMIK deck or from the deck Evita has
created and shared.


I am doing some review of TTMIK following Evita’s deck. She has created the best
Korean deck I have seen so far. It is very organized and it contains the audio of all
(or almost all) sentences from the book. Hopefully she will continue doing her great
work during her free time. I really appreciate your work, Evita.

Next time:

Next month I am willing to start and finish TTMIK 5.

5. German

5.1 Assimil (75/100)

After doing ¾ of the book in January, I have been a long time without studying German
actively due to health conditions. I am finally back! I will do 25 lessons next week
and finally finish the passive wave.

5.2 Wort der Woche

Niveaustufe: B2
Medien: Audio, Text (Download)
Sprache: Deutsch
“Um jemanden zu bauchpinseln, braucht man keine Farbe, Extrawürste kann man nicht
essen und Rabenmütter sind keine Vögel. Warum das so ist, erfahren Sie hier. Denn mit
dem "Wort der Woche" stellen wir Ihnen wöchentlich ein kurioses deutsches Wort vor.”
Das Kellerduell
It was an easy text. I thought it was A1 level, but it was surprisingly written
“Niveaustufe: B2”.

5.3 Top-Thema mit Vokabeln

Niveaustufe: B1
Medien: Audio, Text (Download)
Sprache: Deutsch

“Mit dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren
und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zweimal wöchentlich leicht
verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text. Außerdem könnt ihr zu
jedem Top-Thema auch ein langsam gesprochenes Audio herunterladen.”

5.4 Das Porträt     

Number 10: Beatriz aus Brasilien
Number 2: Hitomi aus Japan
I can clearly perceive the influence of L1 on both Brazilian and Japanese girls
speech. I had trouble to understand everything the Japanese girl spoke during the
first time I listened to it, but I managed to understand when I watched for the second

I have tried reading the topics taken from DW just to measure my current comprehension
and it seems that I am doing well since I haven’t much trouble to understand random
texts I took from DW.

6. Russian

6.1 Assimil

I found out a mistake on lesson 19.

Игорюша was stressed in “И” and “ю”. Shame on Assimil! With one month of study, but
very little progress, I have already found out two mistakes so far.


I found out this website. The textbook seem to be very crazy and weird. I have never
seen such thing before.

6.3 Text: Time to write my first text in Russian! I wrote three to 4 lines every day.
Because I am out of time, I tried to think in 2 minutes what I wanted to write, and it
took me 2 minutes to review the grammar. I did some proofreading yesterday and that’s
it. It didn’t take more than an hour to write this poor text. Hopefully I will manage
to be at basic fluency in a couple of years.

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Ниенг Жонгхан. Сегодня я хотел бы рассказать вам поговорить о
своих увлечениях.

Мне нравится путешествовать. Я трижды побывал в Уганде и Бурунди и дважды - в Руанде.
Однажды я побывал в Антарктиде и Арктике. Я также побывал во многих других странах. Я
не бывал в Сирии, но хотел бы посетить её. Я жил в Бутане, Северной Корее,
Афганистане, Малави, Сьерра-Леоне, Центрально-Африканской Республике, на Кубе и на
Гаити. Я посетил 54 страны Африки и 40 стран Азии.

Я люблю изучать языки. Я могу говорить на руандийском языке, на языке моши и, конечно,
на языке ньянджа. Я немного говорю по-английски. Мне нравится изучать русский, но я
также хочу учить коси, потому что это очень красивый язык.

Я интересуюсь наркотрафиком и алкоголем. Я шучу, конечно! А если серьезно, то я хочу
работать в Папуа-Новая Гвинея. Это моя любимая страна.

Мне также очень нравится пить алкоголь.

Спасибо за внимание!

Even though I said that I proofread the text, I found out something that didn’t make
sense. I said that I am interested in alcohol twice. I should have avoided this kind
of repetition, but I’ll keep my text the same as the original one with (probably) many
mistakes. If someone is by any chance reading my log, please, comment on the mistakes
I did. I haven’t anyone to help me writing.

1. English es.htm
This is an interesting list. It shows us the top 20 languages by number of languages

2. Japanese

2.1 Sumo

I watched all bouts from the Makuuchi division during this basho which was held in

Yokozuna Hakuho broke his own record of the rikishi who has won most tournaments after
the Sumo Association has established that each year there will be 6 tournaments.
Scording 14-1, he lost to Sekiwake Terunofuji in a bout that could have decided the
yusho (champion) on thirteenth day of the tournament which is always on Friday. I have
never seen anyone becoming the champion on Friday.

On day 15 Senshuuraku

Terunofujo x Goeido

Terunofuji has become a monster lately with his double outside armclamp. Goeido is
skilled with a morozashi but he could not handle Terunofuji's power. What a sensation!
He finishes at 13-2 which is a typical regular Yokozuna record, not to say that it can
be also a score that would have allowed him to win the tournament in other period of
time. He's currently the leading ozeki candidate. If he wins 10 bouts in each of his
next 2 basho we will have a new ozeki. According to my prediction, 32 wins will be
enough for Terunofuji to become an Ozeki because the three Japanese Ozeki are
struggling to get their kachikoshi. Goeido, for instance, was shaky all basho long.
As an ozeki he has 3 scores of 8-7 and one at 5-10. That's a losing record. It's
amazing that he still remains an ozeki.

Kisenosato x Kotoshogiku

Kisenosato wins a good battle with Kotoshogiku who finishes at 8-7. The combined score
for the 3 ozeki this basho is 25 wins and 20 losses, very shaky, very despicable and
shameful. The ozeki rank needs some fresh young talent who can regularly get 10-5, at

Hakuho x Harumafuji

I have seen a real classic yokozuna bout, with tsuppari first followed by a long and
competitive battle on the belt. Hakuho's defence was superb and he finally wore down
his fellow yokozuna who would have beaten just about everyone else with his effort
today. Harumafuji finished at 10-5, subpar for a yokozuna who needs at least 12-3
regularly, but he was outstanding today in a losing cause.

What to say about this basho?


I thought he would retire soon since he has been fighting in the Juryo division for a
while and not doing well. However, he came back to Makuuchi division and got his
kachikoshi. He showed a fighting spirit during this basho, after losing his first
bouts of the tournament.

Japanese rikishi

It is a pity that the young Endo and Chiyootori got injured. Apparently from the live
sumo, it seemed to me that they are both going to struggle in the next few years if
they don’t recover from their knee (?) injury. It takes time to recover, but it is
better for them to get a lower rank, perhaps get demoted to Juryo, but to recover
100%. Jokoryu, for instance, has not only recovered completely, but also has injured
his other knee.


The Egyptian rikishi is back. I think he hasn’t trained much before this basho, but he
kept winning and in the end he got 11-4. Hopefully we are going to see fighting
against the top division rikishi. I want to see him fighting against Ozeki and
Yokozuna very soon.

The Georgian Tochinoshin is one of my favorite rikishi. Despite being a bit slow to
attack and counter attack, he has lot of raw power.
Terunofuji and Ichinoo

If Terunofuji doesn’t injury himself, we are going to see a new Mongolian Ozeki this
year. I am currently cheering for him to become Ozeki and later on Yokozuna. Ichinojo
also has lots to improve: his footwork, tachiai and not being too passive all the

Terunofuji and Ichonojo has the same height and almost the same weight. They both
arrived to Japan in the same airplane and I’d like to see them as the new Ozeki.
Ichinojo will be probably Komusubi next basho. Let’s see how far these young Mongolian
will reach.


The absence of Yokozuna Kakuryuu has surprised me. If he had been on this tournament,
I bet that either Kotoshogiku or Goeido would have got a makekoshi this basho.
Hopefully he will recover soon to be 100% next basho.


What to say about him? He is not ending with a good Yokozuna score. I think this year
will be probably his last year, unless he restart gaining some yusho or at least
regular 12-3 score throughout the year.


Words are really not enough to describe Hakuho. I'll leave it at that!

How many yusho will Hakuho end up with when he finally retires? He now has 34 and he
is still very much in his prime. I say he gets at least 40. People thought that
Taiho's 32 yusho was an unbreakable record. What does that say about Hakuho?
2 persons have voted this message useful

Nieng Zhonghan
Bilingual Tetraglot
Senior Member
Joined 3615 days ago

108 posts - 315 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Japanese*, Spanish, Galician
Studies: Finnish, Icelandic, Armenian, Mongolian
Studies: Old English, Russian, English, German, Korean, Mandarin

 Message 42 of 47
30 April 2015 at 11:19am | IP Logged 
6. Russian


У меня есть книга "Корни русского языка" Джорджа Патрика, но мне она не нравится. В
ней берется несколько корней и дается ряд слов с примерами (пока всё нормально), но
полное отсутствие какой-либо информации о грамматике делает ее практически
бесполезной. Например, вам не рассказывают являются ли глаголы глаголами совершенной
или несовершенной формы или являются ли существительные, заканчивающиеся на -ь,
существительными мужского рода или женского, хотя это можно иногда почерпнуть из
примеров. З. Патрик мог написать книгу, которая заполнит вопиющую дыру в
педагогической литературе, но он этого не сделал.


На странице 39 ошибка. Неправильно указано ударение в слове. То же самое слово с
неправильным ударением приводится на странице 40. Как тебе не стыдно, курс русского
языка Ассимиль?


Я читаю об языке Коро на протяжении пары недель. Он кажется (представляется)
интересным языком!

6.4 TAC Russian (April)

Я просыпаюсь в 4:50. Затем в шесть часов я встаю. Я делаю чашечку зелёного чая и
съедаю от пяти до семи бананов, пока я читаю книгу на японском языке. Я принимаю
быстрый душ и одеваюсь. Я обычно ношу светлую рубашку с длинными рукавами, черные
брюки и черные туфли. Я также надеваю свои японские часы, чищу зубы и сажусь в свою
машину. Я стараюсь читать художественную литературу и научно-популярные книги каждый
будний день по 45 минут.

Я достаю свою флешку, которая содержит японскую, китайскую, корейскую, немецкую,
русскую, классическую музыку и немного фольклорной музыки из североевропейских
стран. На ней также есть подкасты, которые у меня никогда не получается слушать в
машине из-за интенсивного движения транспорта и потому что мне приходится иметь дело
с большими ямами и дикими животными (лошадьми, коровами, собаками, котами,
водосвинками (капибарами), и крокодилами (других я ещё не могу распознать) на улицах.
Я пока что ещё не видел настолько плохих дорожных условий в любой другой стране. Я
также хочу отменить то, как здесь ездят водители. Они действительно грубые и
сумасшедшие на дороге.

Дорога до моего пункта назначения, удаленного на 100 км, занимает 60 минут при
хороших погодных условиях и когда на дороге нет никаких пробок и несчастных случаев.

Я обычно добираюсь туда до 8 часов утра, где приступаю к работе и работаю до 12 часов
дня, хотя эта работа никогда не бывает рутинной. Иногда у меня получается пообедать в
час дня, в два часа дня и т.д. Мне положен по закону один час на обед, но в
действительности всё не так, как на бумаге. Иногда мне приходится проглатывать пищу за
7 минут и возвращаться к работе.

Когда я обедаю, я обычно беру рис, фасоль, мясо одного вида (говядину, курицу и
иногда либо свинину, либо рыбу), четыре разных салата и т.д. Я ем в ресторанном
дворике компании, так как это дешевле, хотя еда могла бы быть вкуснее. Я не
требователен, но они не придают своей еде никакого вкуса и аромата.

Кстати, считается ли рыба мясом? В определенных языках, что я учил до настоящего
момента, носители языка говорили мне, что рыба - это один из видов мяса, тогда как в
других культурах говорят, что рыба относится к другой категории. Таким образом, это
вопрос подхода.

Здесь я приведу короткий список вещей, которые мне нужно делать ежедневно: управлять,
организовывать, контролировать коллег, выполнять некоторые конкретные задачи и делать
телефонные звонки в другие компании, делать кофе, принимать напряженные решения,
делать "бумажную" работу, организовывать и принимать участие в заседаниях, связанных с
механическими и электрическими заводами, материально-техническим снабжением,
управлением, финансовыми отделами, ездить, развозить и транспортировать продукцию,
отвечать на письма электронной почты от наших коллег и клиентов, анализировать,
оценивать, разрабатывать, подготавливать и планировать финансовые таблицы,
создавать, тестировать, улучшать, проектировать, составлять программу, исправлять и
проверять программы для построения механических и электрических заводов, "ремонтного
завода" (завод для ремонта больших машин, который относится к нашей компании), IT-
отдел, который я поддерживаю , обеспечивая высокотехнологическое улучшения и
безопасность от хакеров и других видов вторжений, покупать, продавать, импортировать,
экспортировать и сбывать продукцию (продажи и отдел маркетинга также находятся под
моим руководством). Я также перевожу документы, электронные письма и т.д., а также
работаю в качестве переводчика с нескольких языков в связи с тем, что у нас есть
зарубежные клиенты. Я ищу другую должность в другой компании, чтобы я смог больше
наслаждаться жизнью .

Мне положено покидать работу в 5 часов вечера, но с первого дня работы в компании я
не помню случаев, когда я уходил с работы в это время. Обычно у меня не получается
уходить раньше 18:30. Обратная дорога домой занимает по меньшей мере полтора часа, в
то время как утром та же дорога занимает около часа на машине. Также из-за стресса я
обычно слушаю музыку в то время, пока веду машину.

Я возвращаюсь домой в 8 часов вечера и ужинаю. В 20:30 я читаю книгу на другом языке
в течение лишь 30 минут. Затем я иду в тренажерный зал, где я начинаю отрабатывать
специальные упражнения как для верхней половины туловища, так и для нижней, чтобы
оставаться в форме. Я остаюсь в тренажерном зале на час и возвращаюсь домой в районе
10 часов вечера. Я быстро принимаю душ и начинаю работать с другими восемью языками в
течение 30 минут для каждого языка. Затем я иду в кровать в 2 часа ночи.

Обычно я стараюсь учить и поддерживать восемь языков каждый день. Я не
совершенствуюсь так быстро, как я мог бы, но самое главное - то, что я получаю много
удовольствия от того, чем я занимаюсь в качестве хобби.

5. German


Was Japan anbetrifft, bestätigt der Zeitungsartikel meine Erfahrungen:

Die beliebtesten Sprachen sind ("Welche Sprache würden Sie - abgesehen von Englisch -
gerne lernen?)

1. Chinesisch 21%;
2. Koreanisch 19 %;
3. Französisch 17%;
4. Deutsch 13%;
5. Spanisch 9%;
6. Italienisch 7%;
7. Russisch 3%;
8. Thailändisch 3%;
9. Portugiesisch 2%
10. Vietnamesisch 1%;
11. Anderen Sprachen…

Interessant sind auch die nächsten beiden Diagramme - wenn man die Umfrage nach
Männern und Frauen aufteilt, sieht das Ergebnis ganz anders aus:

Männer: Chinesisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Koreanisch, Spanisch, Italienisch, Russisch,
Thiländisch, Portugiesisch...

Frauen: Koreanisch, Französisch, Chinesisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Deutsch,
Portugiesch, Russisch, Thailändisch...

Während Koreanisch bei den Frauen auf Platz eins und Chinesisch auf Platz drei liegt,
Chinesisch bei den Männern auf dem ersten und Koreanisch auf dem vierten Platz ist.

5.2 TAC

I haven’t done it due to my health conditions. I barely managed to talk in the past
few weeks. Sore throat problems…

5.3. German x English degree

I was thinking of taking English as my major and German as a minor or vice-verse.
There aren’t many options available, though. Aside from the two languages, Ancient
Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese are offered.

I guess it is time to reduce the amount of hours dedicated to Chinese and Korean, and
increase both English and German, no matter which of them will be my priority in the

1. English

1.1 Some interesting quizzes I tried just for fun. -you-learn-to-speak ages

1.2 Serpent kindly answered me a couple of questions. I thought about answering there,
but I decided to write some few remarks on my log.

I really like the lingvo dictionary. It's available on for free, but
only within Russia. You can use the add-on for it too, or purchase it as a
popup dictionary.

Translators also use a lot, since it lists plenty of alternatives that
you can choose from. It's a collaborative project, and if you register you can add the
words and expressions that aren't in the database. I assume you can even request a
translation but I'm not 100% sure.

As a teen I also used a Langenscheidt dictionary and monolingual Longman dictionaries.
They were great too. Nowadays I use either multitran (if I actually need to find the
Russian equivalent), or wiktionary, especially if I suspect that I might know the word
in Finnish or Portuguese.

And to look up a Russian word I'd do a yandex search and get results from their
dictionary database and and various sites on etymology. :)

First of all, I have already bookmarked lingvo and multitran. Thanks for sharing
mentioning them. I am not used to use Yandex yet, but little by little I think I will
start using it more often. streams a lot of the matches aired by the VGTRK channels (россия 1,
россия 2, спорт 1) but just like with yandex.lingvo, you'll need a VPN service to
access it. And these channels air only the Russian NT, not the Premier League. But all
the usual places online generally have Russian streams too.

I have been watching some of Zenit’s games. It is good to hear football terminology in
Russian. I have been learning a lot through the narrator’s commentaries.

I dislike the sound of this language. Also, even Spanish used to bother me by what
it did to Latin, and French is way worse in this regard. (Romanian is not annoying
because it preserved bits of the case system, and the non-Latin elements are mostly
Slavic, plus the Balkan Sprachbund is fascinating too)

Ironically, Portuguese has the same features that I dislike in French, namely nasal
vowels and the r. But I've come to love the R in German and Portuguese, and the nasal
vowels in Portuguese or Polish don't have the same messy feeling about them.

And I actually watch some French football. PSG has three players that I love a lot,
namely David Luiz, Edinson Cavani and Zlatan Ibrahimović. Thanks to them I generally
find a stream in Spanish, Italian or occasionally Swedish.

Oh and I do have some experience with French, since I used to work as a spam analyst
and there was a lot of spam in French. I also did some written GLOSS lessons because I
love this site so much. And by now I could use French-based Assimil if I really wanted
(I've read through some Swedish lessons), although I'd have to look up some vocab (and
generally I don't use textbooks anymore).

I was going to learn French due to professional purposes; however, hopefully they
changed their mind. French is definitely one of the ugliest and annoying languages
when it comes to their combinations of sounds. I really dislike French too, but I am
considering learning it for reading purposes only somewhere in the future.

I have Assimil French at home, but I rather prefer to keep it in the bookshelf for a
while. There are indeed a lot of resources for those who are willing to learn French,
but I am not interested in French cuisine, language, music and many other things. Of
course, I do appreciate the traditional art, but I have many other reasons to learn
other languages at the moment.

Zlatan Ibrahimović is indeed one of my favorite strikers. Despite his personality
being a little bit naïve in some ways, not to say unique among footballers, I really
like the way he plays. I prefer Thiago Luiz rather than David Luiz technically and
tactically speaking.

I used Russian-based books, especially Учебник финского языка (Чернявская) and Opi
puhumaan suomea (Муллонен). I also got started with native materials early on, since
there was a lot of content in Finnish I desperately wanted to understand (songs,
interviews, tour diaries, guestbooks, forum posts).

Oh and I used TY for some listening and shadowing, Assimil for shadowing (much more,
since the audio is Finnish-only), and I checked out FSI but basically didn't use it. I
think I found one single structure I wasn't familiar with and did a drill for it.

I think Assimil was a good resource for other languages. I may try it a little bit in
case I don't find any other textbook.

I understand a lot, yes. I'm sure that with some LR I'd reach a high level of
comprehension quickly. In fact I just got back from Finland and I kinda felt bad when
I read a Geisha chocolate label and wasn't sure about a simple Estonian word ;) I also
know the famous false friends but undoubtedly there are many that I'm not aware of,
especially the more subtle ones.

With Estonian (and even Finnish) I also have an advantage being a Russian native
speaker. In Finnish the loans are generally pretty old and often have a different
meaning, but in Estonian they're more recent, and there are also more international
words. Out of the languages you listed, these should be the most accessible. But
Arabic has more resources and more content, of course.

I am not in a hurry; after all, I need to reach a higher level in languages I am
dabbling now.

They appear extremely similar until you actually become serious about them.
Especially Belarusian is so similar that I struggled with it before I had Polish as a
reference point. (my dad is Belarusian and I've spent a lot of time in Belarus, but
pretty much everyone speaks Russian there nowadays)

Also, in the current political situation, deliberate mistranslations from Ukrainian
happen sometimes. So most Russians don't understand it *that* well, though it's mostly
a question of exposure. With more exposure the Scandinavian situation would be
possible in Eastern Europe too.

The day I become fluent in Russian I will be able to feel the differences and
similarities between Russian, Belarusian and Russian. I am curious whether it would be
similar to the situation of Portuguese, Spanish and Italian, perhaps.

What about Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian? Are they mutually intelligible?
I assume you mean with Russian? ;) For me it's two languages at most, and the
differences are often exaggerated. The intelligibility with Russian is very high, also
through Old Church Slavonic/Bulgarian. But I admit that I definitely understand less
than in other Slavic languages, perhaps also because I've not been to the Balkans and
I've not done all that much listening.

If you've not read the logs of Radioclare and Chung I highly recommend them :)

The situation of Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian interests me, but I probably won’t take
another Slavic language in the near future as I’d like to reach the advanced fluency
in Russian first. It is going to take long until them. :D

I am following Chung’s and Radioclare’s log. Thanks you very much, Serpent!

Edited by Nieng Zhonghan on 01 May 2015 at 12:53am

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Via Diva
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 Message 43 of 47
01 May 2015 at 11:11am | IP Logged 
I am impressed with your progress in Russian. Does it take you long to write these texts?
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United States
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 Message 44 of 47
04 May 2015 at 4:18pm | IP Logged 
Hello~ I started reading your log and I like watching your progress in your languages :)

How long ago did you start studying German?

I've been interested in German and like to read a bit in the language but I never started
studying it seriously. If i did I would start using Assimil like you because I've heard
so many great things about using Assimil.

I'm also impressed with your high level of Japanese~ I'll be following your blog.
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Nieng Zhonghan
Bilingual Tetraglot
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Joined 3615 days ago

108 posts - 315 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Japanese*, Spanish, Galician
Studies: Finnish, Icelandic, Armenian, Mongolian
Studies: Old English, Russian, English, German, Korean, Mandarin

 Message 45 of 47
31 May 2015 at 4:31pm | IP Logged 
It is time for an update!

Yesterday my body temperature got beyond 39C (39,8C to be exact). My fever lowered a
bit right now, but I guess I won’t proofread what I am writing here for obvious
reasons. I simply cannot think too much.

Aside from the fever, this week I had sore throat again due to the weather conditions.
There were some days that I needed two blankets, but some other days was insanely hot,
not to mention that in some other days it rained heavily.

I lost 7kg due to the health problems in just 21 days. I lost all muscles I have built
up over 7 years. Many people are making jokes when they don’t know what happened to
me. What a pity. Anyway, I have recovered 75% and in a few weeks I should be 100%
again. I want to play soccer again at very high level! Sometimes I think I should have
become a professional player when I was younger.

This week I got robbed again. What can you do when someone point out a gun into your
head when you have fever, sore throat, cannot speak (really, I could not use my voice
this week)? I don’t know how to describe this situation. Is it about fear? I don’t
know. You just feel weak and not being able to do anything to react. Mentally you are
dominated by certain feelings only when you are under such circumstances you will know
one day. Hopefully no one here will suffer from such experiences in life. It was not
the first time, but I wish this was the last one. Some people are under drugs
reaction, so, sometimes I feel like reacting because it doesn’t cost anything for them
(yes, it was actually more than 3 men armed) to kill someone…after all, the
constitution of this country exists, but doesn’t apply to everyone…better not to
mention where I live because some people will get offended here.

Well, I gave them my money on the wallet (fortunately I had some; otherwise it could
have cost my own life!) and my car containing German, Korean, Chinese, French,
Spanish, English, Japanese and Russian books. Unfortunately in this day I had to bring
my Ipad, Iphone, notebook and digital camera from Japan (the best camera I have ever
had!). It is a pity that this was the camera I used during my (almost) 3 months in
Europe last time!

I tried to use “find my Iphone”, but I guess these people have good IT specialists’
contacts (specialists in computer programming and such field) because I could not
detect where they are right now. Unfortunately everything has gone.

I wasn’t at home to receive my package I purchased in an online bookstore. Because I
had to go to the post office company, I got assaulted by a bunch of people…

I didn’t even get to see my Korean books and my Japanese literature books. I was
expecting to see the other books in other languages as well.

Anyway, I am glad is that my fever lowered in 1C from yesterday. I am also glad that I
am still alive. Honestly I have to say that I got a little bit demotivated after such
incidents, but it is time to change my mind and restart everything.

@ Misskj and @ Via Diva,

First of all, I am sorry for my late response. I didn’t receive an e-mail telling me
that someone posted in my log. The e-mail was mysteriously in my spam box, but I guess
I have already solved this issue.


Да, мне действительно требуется время, чтобы писать на русском языке, но я не могу
оценить, сколько именно, потому что я пишу понемногу здесь и там, только когда я в
хорошем настроении, не сильно уставший и сонный. Написание и читка корректуры
несколькими днями позже - это то, что я обычно делаю с любым языком для того, чтобы
увидеть, что я могу улучшить, изменить, перепроверить, глядя на примеры из учебников
грамматики и словарей.


I studied German for one month between the December 2007 and January 2008 by myself.
By that time I used DW resources which I complemented with Pimsleur method.

I was about to write a review about Assimil course, but it seems that some people have
already written some interesting topics on the internet. Here you can find one review
of Assimil:

I personally prefer taking Assimil courses as I already know how to make the best use
of it accordingly to my learning style. As for Indo-European languages such as German
and French, I’d recommend you taking a look on Assimil with ease, but I didn’t like
Assimil Korean (in French), Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and few other languages.

Regarding the review written on the website above, I disagree about some specific
things he pointed out.

I personally think that the audio is clear, but very slow for B2 level stated in the
book. The listening is very slow or just slow. For instance, there aren’t any TV
shows, documentaries etc I watch in German that has the pace of Assimil’s recording. I
don’t think it has quickened the speed of the listening over the lessons, not that I
have noticed until lesson 91, but I don’t know because I kept mixing other resources.
However, when I checked the A1, A2 and B1 level mock tests from Goethe Institutes, I
felt that the listening speed of the tests were faster than Assimil’s recordings.

If you do almost everything it is recommended by the authors of the book, you will
probably reach a very solid A2 level in terms of passive skills and perhaps B1, but I
don’t think one will reach B2 level with that course alone.

Aside from DW, you can listen to music, watch movies, watch some videos with
subtitles, listen to good podcasts (I liked Germanpod101, though it is paid; there are
non-paid podcasts available there too) and perhaps have one good grammar book in case
you need further explanation of some specific points.

I decided to restart my German studies in January this year which I have quickly
covered 75 chapters of Assimil German with Ease in about 3 weeks (passively). Since
then, I haven’t done much due to my health conditions, some problems here and there.

If you want, I can send you some useful links I’d like to compile. I can even post
here as well.

6. Russian

Speaking-based studies. Haven’t read much, but I have been trying to speak as much as
I can do. I guess I have already accomplished the TAC challenge in April which was
extended to May. I will definitely do all tasks until the end of the year. I am even
willing to do the previous tasks, though they won’t be valid as a challenge.

5. German

Trying to apply “speaking-based” studies more. Let’s see if I can at least do some
grammar exercises, read more and stick with any plan for one month. I am tired of
stopping due to professional or personal (health) issues.

I will probably follow Germanpod101 podcasts. I really liked them.

4. Korean


My challenge can be considered as a fail as it is in a word document in my laptop that
was robbed. So, Captain Woodsei can consider my challenge as “not completed”. I am not
in conditions to write another story.


I am trying to speak in Korean. I have improved in the last few weeks. I think
together with Russsian, it was the language I improved at most in May.

3. Chinese


Same as German. Not have improved after having finished HSK3 book. I am willing to
start HSK 4, but I guess I will review HSK1 and HSK 2 books this month. I guess I will
start reading native resources such as books for children or even trying to follow
podcasts such as or/and Chineseclass101.

2. Japanese


I am too tired to write my review regarding Sumo bouts. Next time I wish I will be
able to write about it.

Having had some health issues I haven’t been able to study languages. I have been
doing many exercises at the gym, but only few days ago I have been able to practice
some aerobics exercises. I am trying to get into the best conditions to play soccer at
high level.

7. Spanish


I managed to talk in Spanish with my Chilean and Peruvian friends. Have been
refreshing my memory as my speaking abilities got rusty.

8. French

My attempt to learn French has been gone away because Assimil French with Ease was in
my car that was robbed. Not sure if I will stick with the plan anymore.

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Via Diva
Senior Member
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Joined 4178 days ago

1109 posts - 1427 votes 
Speaks: Russian*, English
Studies: German, Italian, French, Swedish, Esperanto, Czech, Greek

 Message 46 of 47
01 June 2015 at 3:10pm | IP Logged 
Повторюсь ещё раз - твой прогресс просто впечатляет! Насколько серьёзно ты планируешь изучать русский? Ничего, что на ты? :)

I think if you got robbed and lost a lot of purchased material, you can justify pirating some of them. Of course, ebooks aren't that good as actual books etc, but it would be awful
to drop or stagnate in a language because you've lost some tools you've paid for and relied on.
1 person has voted this message useful

Nieng Zhonghan
Bilingual Tetraglot
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Joined 3615 days ago

108 posts - 315 votes 
Speaks: Portuguese*, Japanese*, Spanish, Galician
Studies: Finnish, Icelandic, Armenian, Mongolian
Studies: Old English, Russian, English, German, Korean, Mandarin

 Message 47 of 47
30 June 2015 at 6:00pm | IP Logged 
@Via Diva

I honestly I haven’t been active in the TAC challenges in the past few months. I will
try to be more responsible and keep posting the monthly challenges in my log till the
end of the year.

I will probably start learning French little by little, since it is not my main
priority. Like it or not, unfortunately I think I will need it for my professional

Р. Русский язык.

Список достижений:

+ Я выпил одну бутылку водки.

Самые большие препятствия до сих пор:

Я заметил, что я делаю много ошибок, когда дело касается родительного падежа.

Самые большие триумфы до сих пор:

+ Ничего особенного.

В следующий раз:

+ Выпить еще одну бутылку водки.

+ Я далеко за пределами своего графика.

Я уже сделал уроки active wave с 1 по 27. Я не последовал их совету насчет того, что
мне следовало начинать, будучи на уроке 50 (51?). Я решил закончить всю книгу, прежде
чем начинать active wave и до сих пор это работает довольно хорошо.

Р.1 Серия Penguin

Я думаю, что рано или поздно я буду использовать серию Penguin, потому что мне
хотелось бы укрепить свои грамматические навыки. Я хотел бы пересмотреть некоторые
темы, которые были охвачены в книге. Главный недостаток Penguin в том, что данная
серия не предоставляет аудио. Я не понимаю авторов, которые создают методику изучения
языка без предоставления аудиозаписей по меньшей мере определенных частей.

Н. Немецкий

Н.1 Разговорная речь

Разговаривал с девушкой с Берлина в течение часа. Не могу поверить, что я использовал
только немецкий язык на протяжении почти одного часа!

Н.2 Assimil with Ease

Я предполагал закончить active wave в феврале этого года, но с того момента я всё ещё
не закончил оставшиеся 10 глав (уроки с 91 по 100).

Н.3 DW

Я смотрю на ресурсы B1 - C1 уровней c сайта DW. Некоторый контент весьма интересен.

Н. 4 Я пытаюсь смотреть некоторые случайные видео, что показывают по национальным
немецким каналам. Они короткие и связаны с такими областями моих интересов, как
спорт, бодибилдинг, привычки питания, йога, фильмы, музыка, здоровье, мозг и психика,
эволюция, энергия и устойчивость, космос, технологии, наука (физика и химия) и т.д.
Некоторые из них я могу понимать приблизительно на 80%, но другие видео действительно
сложные, так что мне приходится смотреть их более одного раза, больше
концентрироваться и проверять незнакомые слова в словаре.

Кр. Корейский

Кр.1 Разговорная речь

Я практиковал свою устную речь. Думаю, что всё остается в моей памяти, когда я
полагаюсь больше на устную речь, нежели на натаскивание по грамматике, используя SRS
и другие методы. Я делаю очень быстро обзор некоторых уроков TTMIK раз в неделю,
однако я предпочитаю тренироваться, читая случайные тексты, подходящие для моего

Я способен говорить около 50 минут (или 60 минут), полагаясь только на корейский язык.
Моя следующая цель - это вообще не использовать английский на протяжении 60 минут.


Я застрял на четвертом сезоне. Мне следует начать TTMIK 5 в июле.

Kр.3 Корейские драмы

Я думаю, что я начну смотреть корейский драмы, чтобы улучшить свои слуховые навыки. В
прошлом я уже смотрел некоторые драмы, и я выучил несколько слов и выражений, которым
не учат в большинстве учебников корейского языка.

К. Китайский


Закончил HSK3, но мне следует пересмотреть его вместе с некоторыми темами из HSK1 и
HSK2. Хотя у меня всё хорошо с чтением.

К.2 Разговорная речь

У меня возникли проблемы с тем, чтобы найти кого-нибудь, кто серьезно подходит к
вопросу языкового обмена. Большинство китайцев, с которыми я пытался осуществить
языковой обмен, сказали, что они хотят обмен 50/50, на практике же они продолжали
говорить на своих целевых языках, не позволяя мне попробовать говорить на китайском.
Это был обмен порядка 99/01, поэтому в итоге я отказался от них, поскольку они
продемонстрировали очень эгоистичные манеры.
Я пытаюсь найти учителей и репетиторов, чтобы практиковать китайский язык с ними.

К.3 Я ищу некоторые ТВ сериалы с субтитрами, чтобы я мог практиковать свои слуховые
навыки. Я также ищу книги, написанные для детей.

As I wrote yesterday in the TAC Pushkin, I wrote what I did concerning my language
learning progress which wasn't a lot. I prefer the motto "quality over quantity".


I am going to choose a new language that I should start at any time in the near

Languages that I am interested in: French, Lithuanian, Latvian, Finnish, Estonian,
Hungarian, Armenian, Georgian and Mongolian.

The minimum and maximum points will be between 5 to 40 distributed as following:

* Points:
1. 1 to 10
2. 1 to 10
3. 1 to 10
4. 1 to 10

1. The amount of resources I've already got to start the language (A1-A2)?
I am particularly looking for resources in my target language explained in Japanese,
English, German, Russian, Chinese or Korean only. Although I am pretty comfortable
with both Spanish and Galician, I don’t learn any new language through one of them.
As resources I mean textbooks, grammars, podcast, dictionaries for A1-A2 level.

2. The easiness of acquiring more interesting resources in both online and real world
(such as bookstores and libraries), from the intermediate stuff (B1) up to advanced
level (C2) and obviously native media? I am looking for songs, fictions and non-
fictions books, some specific magazines, TV series and shows, and some specific

I am particularly interested in energy and sustainability, evolution, health, mind and
brain, space, some aspects related to technology, science (physics, chemistry and few
aspects of biology), sports, linguistics, history, psychology, archeology,
anthropology, tourism and travel guides, etc.

So, do they publish interesting things in my target language that I can get easily in
my hands, especially intended for B1-B2 user?

3. Traveling?

I am fond of winter and therefore, very cold temperatures. I have been under -30C
before and it has nothing better being under minus degrees. I felt in love with places
where they have proper winter and autumn seasons. I am also fond of winter sports too.

“Usefulness” regarding travelling doesn’t apply for me since it is not the amount of
countries where the language is spoken that really matters to me. I am already
studying languages for professional or academic purposes; therefore the others that I
am going to add really don’t matter in this sense as I am going to learn entirely for
personal (hobby) purposes.

Some of the items that will be considered:

3.1 Hot or warm x cold winters (and autumns)

3.2 Number of countries and VISA

Countries that don’t require a VISA for me or those that I can easily request and
obtain the local visa very quickly and stay in such places for about 3 months will
have my priority.

What’s the point to say that language X is spoken in Y countries if I cannot visit
them unless I pay some amount of money just for bureaucracy purposes?

Accordingly to Visa Restrictions Index (2014) I had visa-free or visa on arrival
access to 172 countries and territories in terms of travel freedom.


Many countries require all incoming passengers to have a current International
Certificate of Vaccination. Some other countries require vaccination only if the
passenger is coming from an infected area. So, it will be a minus for that specific

3.4 Security

3.5 Number of places I’d like to visit in a single country. This is the most important
sub-item among the ones I have listed.

4. My partner’s opinion

I will be given an opinion regarding the priority.


Lithuanian: 4 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 25
Latvian: 4 + 7 + 7 + 5 = 23
Finnish: 5 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 27
Estonian: 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 25
Hungarian: 5 + 7 + 6 + 7 = 25
Armenian: 3 + 7 + 9 + 7 = 26
Georgian: 3 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 24
Mongolian: 3 + 7 + 9 + 8 = 27
French: 10 + 10 + 1 + 8 = 29

1. 1 to 10 Resources A1/A2
2. 1 to 10 B1, B2, C1, C2, native resources
3. 1 to 10 travelling interest
4. 1 to 10 Partner’s opinion

"Winner languages": French, Finnish, Mongolian and Armenian.


There was a question whether I would learn Arabic or not. I have even gathered some
information regarding MSA, dialects and materials that would cover topics 1 and 2 from
my list.

Arabic is the official language** in Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt,
Eritrea, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,Mauritania, Morocco, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen,
Palestine, and Western Sahara.

Visa is required: Algeria, Chad, Eritrea, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria,

Visa on arrival: Bahrein (14 days), Comoros (?), Djibouti (Not available at all entry
points) , Egypt (30 days), Jordan (“Not available at all entry points”; “conditions
apply”), Kuwait (3 months), Lebanon (3 months. Not available at all entry points),
Mauritania (?), Oman (30 days), Qatar (1 month), Somalia (30 days, provided an
invitation letter issued by the sponsor has been submitted to the Airport Immigration
Department at least 2 days before arrival), United Arab Emirates (Free visa on arrival
30 days),

Visa not required: Israel (3 months), Morocco (3 months), Tunisia (90 days), Palestine
(?;Arrival by sea to Gaza Strip not allowed.)

It doesn’t apply: Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic: Undefined visa regime in the
Western Sahara controlled territory.

Some important notes:

1. Visitors with passport stamp of Israel are not allowed to enter a number of
countries because of the Arab League boycott of Israel.

2. Several countries including Argentina, Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,
South Korea and the United States demand all passengers to be fingerprinted on

Due to the certain problems and confusion regarding the countries I could visit and
she cannot (and vice-verse, since she holds another passport), I decided to not
include Arabic in the "wanderlust contest" this time.

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