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Leurre Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member United StatesRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5433 days ago 219 posts - 372 votes Speaks: French*, English*, Korean, Haitian Creole, SpanishC2 Studies: Japanese
| Message 169 of 457 21 January 2013 at 6:30pm | IP Logged |
Okay, after some serious procrastination, here is my introduction, in Korean and
I decided not to complicate my life deciding how much I wanted to be helped by
beforehand preparation. So for each language I simply wrote down 4 (Korean) and 10
(japanese) keywords which I wanted to touch on in my little piece. (Which is why my
poor Japanese couldn't take anymore near the end and I degenerated into babble!). I
also got a little lazy with the transcription after a while hihi.
Korean transcript
네 같은 학팀 팀원들 여러분 안녕하세요. 제 이름은 Moctar Aboubacar이고요 미국인입니다.
짐작을 하셨을텐데 이 짧은 음성파일을 통해서 저의 자기소개를 하면서 한국어에 대한 몇가지
개인적인 생각을 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다.
저는 올해 2013년, 5년째 한국어를 공부하고 있는데요. 한국어를 처음 배우기 시작한 그 동기
를 까맣게 잊고 있습니다. 오래 돼서 그런지... 글쎄요 왜 시작했는지 모르겠네요. 처음에 무
슨 계기가 있었을거라고 충분히 생각이 드는데.. 오래돼서 그런지 아니면 그다지 중요하지 않
아서 그런지...하나도 기억하지 못하고 있습니다.
근데 요즘 이 언어를, 즉 한국어를 아직(도) 공부하는 이유가 있는 것 같습니다. 그 이유는
어떤 동기보다 중요하다고 생각합니다. 그 4가지 이유를 말씀드리면서 이 간략한 자기소개를
진행(?)하도록 하겠습니다.(진행이라고 해야할지...). 하여튼. 첫번째는 미학적인 쾌락이죠.
단순히 말해서는...좋아해서. 미를 투구하는 인간의 원초적인 본능에 의해서 끌려가는 거죠.
두번째는 어떻게 보면 더 실질적이고 실용적인 건데 저는 한국의 정치적 사회적인 현안, 복잡
한 이슈에 대해 관심 많은데요. 최근의 정치동향을 살펴보면 박근혜가 당선이 되고, 대통령직
인수위원회를 둘러싼 논란이라든지, 이런 거에 대해서 굉장히 관심이 많습니다. 또, 사회적인
이슈로 꼽을 수 있는 비정규직 노동투쟁문제, (쌍용차의 논란을 비롯한). 이런 것들 때문에
자연스럽게 제 눈길이 한국으로 돌리게 됩니다.
세번째는 제 이쁜 여자친구 때문입니다^^ 5년 째 한국인 여자와 사귀고 있는데요... 행복하고
잘 사귀고 있습니다;;
네번째는 한국어를 배우지 않ㅎ고 관심없기에는 너무 아까워서입니다. 지금까지 투자한 제 노
력이나 시간은 물론이고 정서적인 애착, 집착 이런거는 굉장히 아까운거죠. 쉽사리 버릴 수
없는 면이고요. 경제학적으로 생각하면 일종의 기회비용이죠. 한국어를 당분간이라도 계속 배
울 생각입니다.
한국어는 무궁무진하네요. 파고들면 들수록 새로운 부분 나오고 어렵기도 하고, 신비함이 있
죠. 매력적이다라고 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 한국어 배우기 전에 Haiti의 크리올어, 스페인어,
포르투갈어, 어렸을 때부터 영어랑 불어 했는데 한국어의 경우에는 이색적인 매력이 느껴지더
하여튼 쓸데없는얘기 많이 했고요. 한 해동안 다 같이 즐겁게 열심히 공부했으면 좋겠습니다.
제가 godfather역할을 맡았기 때문에 한국어 배우는데 있어서 어떤 문제라든지 궁금한 점이
있다 그러면 제 log으로 가셔서 댓글 올리시길 바랍니다. 즐겁게 공부를 하시길 바랍니다. 이
同じ鶴チームの皆さんこんいちは。僕は と 申します。どうぞよろしくお願いします。僕 は2
歳でアメリカ人で5ヶ月前から日本語を勉強 しています。実は日本語の勉強を初めてでし よう
したのは韓国語のためでした。2008年に 韓国へ留学生で行って韓国語を勉強しながら とて
やさしい日本人(I actually said日本語, someone shoot me)の友達に会って日本語を習い たく
実は僕の日本語の実力がまだですが何か今年 毎日勉強して新しいことを学ぶようにすれば いい
果があるかもしれませんね。今年の日本語の 勉強を一言で言うと「積極」だと思います。 積極
に勉強すればいい結果があるしいい態度だと おもいます。
でも最近仕事のために他の国に引っ越すかも 知れませんね。ですから今年韓国語の勉強と 日本
の勉強はどうするかやめようかこの頃悩んで います。とにかく一緒に勉強しながらいい結 果も
るし勉強以上の何かを受けることが出来ると 思いますから一緒に勉強するようになってよ かっ
Edited by Leurre on 22 January 2013 at 12:52am
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| vermillon Triglot Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 4686 days ago 602 posts - 1042 votes Speaks: French*, EnglishC2, Mandarin Studies: Japanese, German
| Message 170 of 457 21 January 2013 at 11:57pm | IP Logged |
Congrats Leurre. I'm impressed, once again, by the presentations you guys have made!
I'll post mine here: vermillon's self-introduction in Minnanhua
This is my presentation in Minnanhua, the only one I've had time to prepare yet. Please be indulgent, I'm a complete beginner (by which I mean, started in January) and I've had to harass my girlfriend for help... My goal here was to start gathering some sentence structures, so that I can articulate some more or less coherent ideas. It's short, but I've already suffered quite a lot to produce that... A quick translation (closer to what I say, sorry for the style):
Hi, my name is Julien. Today, I want to use Minnanhua to introduce myself.
This year, I'm planning to go to 泉州 (Quanzhou) to see my girlfriend's parents, therefore I now want to study Minannhua. In the past, I've lived in Shanghai and Beijing, and have studied 4 years of Mandarin.. somehow we can say that I've already learnt a language that is quite close to Minnanhua. In my opinion, Minnanhua shouldn't be too hard, but as I'm living in the UK, apart from my girlfriend, there is nobody who can speak Minnanhua with me. There's nowhere to go to class either, and books that teach Minnanhua all teach Taiwan's Minnanhua.. so I can only ask my girlfriend to help me.
I hope to tell you regularly about my studies. Hope you like it (but I don't have much illusion, haha). Thanks.
Hopefully I'll get the time to make something else in Japanese and Korean (but I haven't started), and I hope we'll get more challenges like this, because I really need that to push myself forward in Minnanhua.
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| druckfehler Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4876 days ago 1181 posts - 1912 votes Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Korean Studies: Persian
| Message 171 of 457 22 January 2013 at 12:25am | IP Logged |
Wow, Leurre! I'm so impressed by your Korean skills! Your accent is so spot-on and your speed, vocabulary and grammar are awe-inspiring :) I can only hope to be about half as good as you after 5 years of study (2 more to go)... I can't say much about the Japanese, except that it sounds Japanese to me. Although it's a really long text in your case, could you post a rough English translation for those team members who don't understand Korean and Japanese?
Homogenik, welcome to the team! Great that you have already posted your introduction :) I don't know what to do about those question marks, but maybe another Chinese learner can help? Does seem quite annoying if we're not able to post a full Chinese text.
Everyone, thanks for your nice comments!
vermillon, I don't think it's wise to compare my three years of Korean study with your 1 month of Minnanhua ;) I only started saying simple Korean phrases after half a year of study... I recorded my text in 4 parts and thought about what to say in between. I also did every part several times, so you could say it's a little similar to having a script. I tried to just get all of it done in one take first, but there were just too many pauses. All in all I spent around 45 minutes on it, I think.
BloodyChinese and Warp3, thanks for the Girl's Generation comments. Although I'm not a fan of them or K-Pop in general, that's quite the compliment :D
I've noticed that my laughing, "umm"ing and lots of other habits change when I'm speaking Korean. I think that's the good thing about a language so unrelated to German. I'm sure my English accent is more German than my Korean accent, because I hear a lot of Germanized English (and almost no Germanized Korean). Maybe for some reason it's also more tempting to pronounce English words "German", because the languages are related. Or I've been successfully brainwashed by the many Korean dramas and podcasts I listen to, while English shows with all their different accents never managed to do that. Nevertheless, I still make mistakes in language melody and aspirated/non-aspirated/tensed consonants in Korean ;)
js6426, I'm glad you decided to do an additional audio introduction! It sounds great and really motivated me to spend some time with Mandarin.
Evita, I think it's a good idea to read a text from your textbook. I'm sure your accent won't be horrible after watching so much Coffee Prince ;) and practice is the only way to, well, practice. Looking forward to your introduction as well!
I'm glad that I seem to have gotten the ball rolling for audio introductions. I'm looking forward to everyone else's, whether they are spoken or written.
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| druckfehler Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4876 days ago 1181 posts - 1912 votes Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Korean Studies: Persian
| Message 172 of 457 22 January 2013 at 12:31am | IP Logged |
vermillon, that sounds extremely complicated and really cool! Considering that you have only just started you're able to say quite a lot of stuff! Congrats!
But I was really looking forward to your MULTIlingual VIDEO ;P Kidding, kidding... But I hope you still get around to posting something in Korean and Japanese. And maybe in Mandarin as well? Or would that just bore you?
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| iawia Bilingual Pentaglot Newbie Taiwan Joined 4597 days ago 35 posts - 55 votes Speaks: EnglishC2, Mandarin*, Taiwanese*, Cantonese, Spanish Studies: Thai, Japanese
| Message 173 of 457 22 January 2013 at 2:41am | IP Logged |
Hi Homogenik
I'm iawia and I'm a native Mandarin speaker from Taiwan. I have to say that your
introduction is quite impressive with no mistakes!
I know this is not a lang-8, but I will still try to point out some things.
BTW I can only type traditional Chinese, but I think you will have no problem
identifying the words.
You can simply say:我沒有兄弟姊妹。兄=哥哥, 姊=姐 or 我是獨生子=I'm an only child.
You can use但是or可是or但to connect the two sentences.我不吃肉,但我很喜歡吃魚。
Homogenik wrote:
现在 我看莫言的书Les treize pas(法 语书)。 |
You can add 正在to emphasize you are reading the book in a continuous,-ing sense.
現在我正在看莫言的書Les treize pas
好is simply good, but you say great=它很棒!(At least that is what we'll say in Taiwan.)
For other colloquial usage, "牛"is often used to describe something that is great in
Mainland China; "屌" is a term used among Taiwanese teenagers which was popularized by
the pop singer Jay Chou, but it is considered very vulgar.
Edited by iawia on 22 January 2013 at 2:43am
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| Homogenik Diglot Senior Member Canada Joined 4832 days ago 314 posts - 407 votes Speaks: French*, English Studies: Polish, Mandarin
| Message 174 of 457 22 January 2013 at 3:55am | IP Logged |
Wow, 非常感谢你!这是很好。Thanks a lot. Is 兄 exactly like 哥哥 and 姊 like 姐 or is there some kind of semantic
I didn't know how to say 独生子, only child, thanks for pointing it out, I noted it well. I was basically using a lot of
vocabulary I already without looking into the dictionary for anything (except Mo Yan!). It's quite limited :) I didn't
know about continuous verb aspect either.
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| billyshears66 Groupie United States Joined 4522 days ago 69 posts - 78 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Mandarin
| Message 175 of 457 23 January 2013 at 7:00pm | IP Logged |
I've notice a few of us on the team mention using memrise.com... does anyone else see any
benefits if we all became mempals? Maybe it would be a good way of watching each others
progress? Maybe make mini challenges with points? Etc..
If anyone is interested, my profile:
billyshears66 memrise profile
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| Silbermond Diglot Groupie United Kingdom xuexisprachen.wordprRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4364 days ago 64 posts - 79 votes Speaks: English*, German Studies: Mandarin, Italian, Spanish
| Message 176 of 457 23 January 2013 at 7:46pm | IP Logged |
billyshears66 wrote:
I've notice a few of us on the team mention using memrise.com... does anyone else see any
benefits if we all became mempals? Maybe it would be a good way of watching each others
progress? Maybe make mini challenges with points? Etc..
If anyone is interested, my profile:
billyshears66 memrise profile |
I've added you as a mempal; I think it's handy having other people on there because it motivates you (or me, at least) to work more!
I also just wanted to drop by and say that all the introductions so far have been really interesting and really well done! :D I was going to do an audio one but it's going to have to wait until I get a new microphone (-_-) so hopefully I'll post a written one in the next few days. If I can work my way around my keyboard in Korean... ;) haha.
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