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TAC 2013 Asian Team 鶴 (crane) TEAM THREAD

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 Message 441 of 457
23 December 2013 at 5:00am | IP Logged 
js6426 wrote:
Regarding our final challenge, does it have to be strictly audio/video, or are we allowed to do something written as
we were for the first challenge?

Of course, writing or seaking are both equally fine! I'll probably write something as well.

Evita wrote:
This doesn't seem like a lot of text but it was challenging enough to write it. I never write (or speak) in Korean and no one ever corrects me so I have no idea whether my text is full of mistakes or not. Probably somewhere in between. I can tell you though that writing this assignment was easier than writing the one in January. I'm pretty comfortable with all the grammar constructions I used here, my problem is vocabulary. If I knew more words related to language learning then I'd have written more. As it is, I learned 도전 and 기본적인 for the first time today.

Great to see that you've done the challenge, Evita, despite not being so much into speaking/writing Korean at the moment :) Actually, your text is really good! There are a couple of spots where it doesn't sound entirely natural to me (which doesn't have to mean it would be the same for a Korean), but I'd say that's dismissible. Good job on writing a complex bit of text without having focused on writing in your studies! 도전 and 기본적인 are quite useful words - you'll probably encounter them a lot from now on ;) Especially 기본적인, features in many Iyagi lessons.

I might not be around much until January, the deadline for my thesis is approaching (or I might need some procrastination time and be around a lot ;)).

Edited by druckfehler on 23 December 2013 at 5:02am

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 Message 442 of 457
23 December 2013 at 8:44am | IP Logged 
Wow, I'm very happy to hear that my text is good. It means that I'm on the right track and that my active skills will improve even if I don't specifically work on them. Thanks!

P.S. I will post my 2013 overview later.
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 Message 443 of 457
26 December 2013 at 6:17pm | IP Logged 
I wrote my text for the December challenge yesterday evening. Not sure if the grammar is a mess and whether I caught all the typos, beware ;)

안녕하세요, 팀원 여러분!
첫째 도전으로 녹음을 했지만 이번에는 쓰기로 했어요. 오랫동안 한국말로 대화를 하지 않아서 이렇게 하면 나을 것 같아요.
이젠 2013년 거의 다 지났네요. 시간이 너무 빠르죠... 그동안 팀으로서 TAC을 함께 해서 정말 즐겁고 고마웠어요. 여러분의 공부기록을 흥미롭게 읽었습니다. 한달 한번씩 진행되던 도전에 애쓰셨다는 여러분의 글은 저에게 공부를 위한 기운을 많이 줬어요.
우리가 정말 대단한 팀이 되었다고 생각합니다. ㅋㅋㅋ 일년간 언어공부를 계속해서 이 게시판에 공부기록을 남는 것은 쉬운 일도 아니고 그래도 많은 분들이 성공하셨어요.
지금 즐거운 연말을 보내시고 새해복 많이 받으세요! 여러분께 올해에도 즐겁게 공부하길 바랍니다!

이번 TAC 도전이 시작했을 때 여러 가지 언어를 배우려는 목적을 갖고 있었어요. 하지만 결국 한국말만 중심으로 공부하게 됐어요.
자세한 계획은 없었지만 기본적으로 TOPIK 4급을 합격하고 싶었고 말하기도 자주 연습하고 싶었어요. 그래서 4월에 TOPIK 시험도 보고 언어탄뎀도 찾았어요. 다행히 합격했어요. 그리고 청빈이라는 친구랑 10번쯤 만나서 한국말로 대화하기 연습했는데 우리 둘 여름에 시간이 좀 부족했으니까 결국 연락이 끊겼어요. 올해에 다시 만나자는 메일을 보내려고 합니다. 청빈이랑 만난 동안 말하기가 차츰차츰 쉬워졌지만 아직도 배울 게 너무 많아요.
이외에는 책을 많이 읽었어요. 총 7권을 읽었는데 그중의 하나가 긴 소설 (270 장)이었어요. 읽기는 한국말에 익숙하려면 큰 도움이 돼서 올해에도 많이 읽으려고 합니다.


Hello team members!
Although I did a recording for the first challenge, this time I decided to write. I haven't had a conversation in Korean for a long time, so I think it's better to do it this way.
Wow, 2013 is almost finished now! Time is running too fast, isn't it? I was very happy and grateful to take part in the TAC as a team together with you. It was interesting to read all of your study logs. Your comments that you all made great efforts in the monthly challenges gave me a lot of energy to study. I thing we've really become a great team, hehe. It's not easy to continually study a language throughout a year and keep a study log on this forum, yet so many people succeeded.
I wish you a happy end of the year and good luck for the next one! I hope that you all will have fun studying next year as well!

When this year's TAC challenge started, I had the goal to study several languages. But in the end I only focused on studying Korean.
I didn't have a detailed plan, but I basically wanted to pass TOPIK level 4 and also wanted to practice speaking often. So I took the TOPIK test in April and also looked for a language tandem. Luckily I passed. And I met with a friend called Chung Bin around ten times and practiced conversation in Korean, but because we both had little time in summer we finally lost contact. I plan to write her a mail to suggest we meet again next year. During the time I met with Chung Bin, talking gradually became easier, but I still have a lot to learn.
Besides that I read a lot of books. In total I read 7 books, one of which was a long novel (270 pages). Reading helps a lot if you want to get used to Korean, so I plan to read a lot next year as well.

Edited by druckfehler on 27 December 2013 at 1:37am

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 Message 444 of 457
27 December 2013 at 12:17am | IP Logged 
最近は時間がなくても最後のチャレンジーの ために短く掻い摘もうと思います。
今年は一番上達するつもり名言語はたぶん中 国語かもしれませんが、実は一番誇りを持つ なのは日本語です。今年はちゃんと日本語を 毎日使いました。話したり書いたり聞いたり
、読んだりしたので、 もうあんまり考えなくても日本語が出ます。 最近は一人でも考えるときには日本語でやる ときもあります。それなのに、まだまだです 。毎日使ってもまじめな
練習はやらないので 少しず少しずつ上達します。
今年は二本読みました。明日その二番目を終 えたらね。それで、その二番目は辞書はただ 2-3回ぐらいしか使ってないので誇りを  ;  持ちます。もちろん、詳細は そんなに分から

한국어는 이번년에는 이상했어요. 첫 육게월에 한국인 여자친구 있었으니까 맨날 연습하고 맨날 공부 하고 싶었는데 결국엔 일본인이랑 살고 있었으니까 공부는 별로 못 했어요. 이제는
"와라!편의점" 떡분에 조금 더 읽을 수 있는데 아직도 길이 멀어요. 내년에 열심히 공부 하면 아마 드디어 한국 책을 읽을 수 있을걸까요.

我的中文呢。。 我已经可以懂得多可是还不能 说(还有,写)得对。我今年看了很多"中国&n bsp;  好声音“。 我也用中文聊天得很多。 明年,我 要参加一个考试!还不知道什么级,
可是我觉 得我在12月也许可以参加 HSK5!还剩下得很多可我觉得如果我学得多, 我可以!


Good evening everybody!
Even though I don't have that much time nowadays, I thought I'd sum up a bit for the last challenge.
This year, I had planned on improving mostly my chinese but I actually think I am more proud of my Japanese. I properly used Japanese everyday this year. I talked,
wrote, listened and wrote, and as a result without even thinking about it, Japanese flows out now. Nowadays, even when I'm thinking alone, I do it in Japanese sometimes. However, it's still not enough. Although I use Japanese everyday, I don't do proper Japanese studay and because of that improve little bit by little bit.
This year, I read two (full) books. If I finish the second one tomorrow that is. And for that second one, I used only 2-3 times the dictionary. That makes me rather
proud of myself. Of course, I didn't get all the details but I got most of it.

As for Korean, It was weird this year. For the first 6 months (or so), I was going out with a korean girl and because of that I practiced everyday, wanted to study
everyday but in the end, as I was living with a Japanese, I didn't do much study (of Korean). Now, thanks to "와라!편의점", I can read more but the road is still long.
Next year, if I study seriously I may be able to read a korean book no?

As for Chinese.. I can already understand a lot but not yet speak (nor write) well. This year, I've watched a lot of "The voice China". I've also used Chinese a lot to
chat. Next year, I want to pass an exam! I don't know yet which level, but I think that I may be able to pass the HSK5 in december. There's a lot left but I believe I
can do it if I study hard!

That's all! I'll make a much more detailed (and certainly boring for you guys) "sum up" of the year this weekend of next week!

Anyway, If I don't have time to stop by here before next year, I want to congratulate the whole team and thank you for an awesome year! As I am in the 3 major Asian
teams for next year I guess I'll be continuing with most you anyway! ;)

Edited by yuhakko on 27 December 2013 at 12:25am

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 Message 445 of 457
27 December 2013 at 1:43am | IP Logged 
Good to read your challenge text, yuhakko! Sounds like you achieved a lot! With regards to reading a book in Korean, I think reading is mainly learned through reading, so the sooner you start to read, the sooner you'll be able to do it ;)

Update of the first post

I updated the first post by splitting the member list into "TAC survivors" and, drastically, "dead members". If I made any mistakes or a dead member resurfaces, let me know. From what I see, 8 or 9 of us have made it through the challenge in some form or another.

Edited by druckfehler on 27 December 2013 at 1:44am

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 Message 446 of 457
27 December 2013 at 3:45am | IP Logged 
大家好!这个年我失望一点点和我也很高兴! 我失望一点点因为我中文听力得还是不太好了 。不过我很高兴因为我学过大概1500
汉字。我写得一定比我听力得好。即使我会协 和看很多汉字,我还是需要学习很多语法。我 觉得中文的语法很难! 我希望明年在
TAC2014里我还可以跟你们学习各种的话语。谢 你们帮助我这个年,我感激RENATE因为她是一 很好的领袖。我想祝贺我们

Hey everyone! This year I am a little disappointed and I am also very happy! I am a little disappointed because my
Chinese listening is still not very good. However I am very happy because I have learnt around 1500 characters. My
writing is definitely better than my listening. Even though I can read and write a lot of characters, I still need to
study a lot of grammar. I think Chinese grammar is very difficult! I hope that next year in the TAC2014 I can still
study various languages with you. Thank you all for helping me this year. I am grateful to Renate because she is a
great leader. I want to congratulate us all! Congratulations!

Thanks guys for an awesome year, lets hope next year is even better!
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 Message 447 of 457
27 December 2013 at 11:09am | IP Logged 
Congratulations on completing all the team challenges, js6426! You're the only member who managed that feat :)
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 Message 448 of 457
27 December 2013 at 12:26pm | IP Logged 
今年的目标是提高我的说的听的。我想我有成 功有失败。说的听的都提高了可是改进不多。 我跟台湾人中国人一
起去吃饭时候还常常听不懂他们说什么。我会 表达的观念还非常容易。
现在我读的比年初的好,我经常能读书不用词 典,不过有单词我我看不懂。然后看中文电视 剧还是节目也容易,
因为它们都有字幕。如果视频没有字幕的话, 我都看不懂 。
今年我也有一些上课。找到两个非常好老师, 跟她们一起练习说的。
我觉得成果不多。一方面是因为我认识的单词 不多,然后说明不知到的单词的时间很多。另 一方面是因为老师说
我目前的目标是每天读中文文章找到新单词, 跟中国人台湾人朋友用 LINE, QQ聊天,而且我想每天写 200字

明年我想提高我的法文的写的说的。这是因为 我住在法国。

Hi All!

My objective this year was to improve my speaking and listening skills. It is true that
I'm better at both things now, even though I still can't express complicate ideas or
understand my Chinese and Taiwanese friends when we go out together.
My readings skills have also improved (compared to the beginning of the year), since I
frequently can read things without using a dictionary. However there are still lots of
words I can't understand. In the end of the day, Watching dramas and TV shows is also
easier now, because they all have subtitles. But naturally, when they do not have
subtitles I can't understand much.

This year I have also had some classes. I found two nice Chinese teachers and we had
some classes. But I think I didn't improve much during these classes. It is because on
the one hand my vocabulary is not very extensive, so we spend too much time trying to
explain the unknown words. On the other hand, my listening skills are not strong
enough, so I usually do not understand things, even though I know all words.

My current objective is to write some Chinese text everyday, to chat with people using
line or QQ and to read Chinese articles.

However, for the next year, I think my main objectives will not be related to Chinese,
but to French. I think I will try to improve my French writing and speaking skills.

PS: If you can't read the Chinese version, there is another version that should work: 6-

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