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United States
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 Message 145 of 420
03 January 2012 at 6:18am | IP Logged 
Ravintolat saavat nyt päästää ihmiset sisään kissan tai koiran kanssa.
Restaurants may now let people in with cats or dogs.

mukaan=with, according to, by
lupa->luvan=persmission (G)
Kissan tai koiran saa ottaa mukaan, jos ravintola antaa luvan.
Cats or dogs may be taken in only if the restaurant gives permission.

lakimuutos=ammendment (law change)
Lakimuutos tapahtui vuodenvaihteessa.
The change in the law occured when the year changed.

päästä->come into (note: päästää)
Lemmikit pääsevät ruokapaikkaan, mutta ne eivät saa mennä keittiöön.
Pets may go to the dining area, but they may not go to the kitchen.

Ravintolan ei tarvitse päästää lemmikkejä sisään, jos se ei halua.
Restaurants are not required to let pets in, if they don't want to.

Ravintoloiden täytyy kertoa ulko-oven luona, jos sinne pääsee myös eläinten kanssa.
Restaurants must indicate by the outside door, if they can be entered with animals.

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 Message 146 of 420
04 January 2012 at 5:58am | IP Logged 8F%82%E3%82%8A

藁人形=わらにんぎょう=straw doll
丑の刻参り、丑の時参り(うしのこくまいり 、うしのときまいり)とは、丑の刻(午前1 から午前3時ごろ)に神社の御神木に憎い相 に見立てた藁人形を毎夜五寸釘で打ち込む いう、日本に古来伝わる呪術の一種である

The 2 O'Clock shrine visit (ushinokokumari/ushinotokimairi) is type of sorcery handed down from ancient times in which a straw doll in the shape of a hated person's likeness is hammered into the shrine's sacred tree every evening between 1AM to about 3AM.


有名な神社としては、京都府の貴船神社や岡 山県の育霊神社などがある。
There are the famous temples, of Kyoto's Kibune Temple and Okayama prefecture's Ikurei? temple.

参拝=さんぱい=visit shrine
古くは祈願成就のため、丑の刻に神仏に参拝 することを言った。
In ancient times to have a prayer fulfilled, it it said to pay homage to the gods and Buddha at 2 AM.

After which the cused deed is altered.

The word ushinotokimari is ancient.

(右図参照) 丑の刻参りの方法は、江戸時代に完成した方 法を基本的な部分では踏襲している。
(Referencing the picture to the right)
The practice of visiting the shrine at 2AM, the fundamental aspects of the practice became established in the Edo period.

しかし細かい部分では、藁人形に呪いたい相 手の体の一部(毛髪、血、皮膚など)や写真 、名前を書いた紙を入れる必要があったり、 丑の刻参りを行う期間に差があったり、打ち 付けた藁人形を抜かれてはいけないと地方・ 伝わり方で違いがあり、呪うために自身が鬼 になるのではなく、五寸釘を打った藁人形の 部位に呪いをかけることができるという噂が 広く知られるなど、現代では少し変化してい る。
However, there are descrepancies in how the the smaller details, using a straw doll to curse someone with a piece of their body (hair, blood or skin), the requirements that a photo, or a name be written on a piece of paper, the specific period of time for the shrine visit, that the hammered in straw doll must not be pulled out, the district, were passed down. To curse without one's self becoming a demon, the rumor became widely known of the ability to curse by n ailing in a straw doll. These days it has change little.

咥える=くわえる=to hold in one's mouth
一般的な描写としては、白装束を身にまとい 、顔に白粉を塗り、頭に五徳をかぶってそこ にロウソクを立て、一本歯の下駄を履き、胸 には鏡、腰には護り刀、口に櫛を咥えて神社 の御神木に憎い相手に見立てた藁人形を毎夜 五寸釘で打ち込むというものが用いられる。
The general depiction of the mothod is of one putting on white clothes, of painting one's face with white powder, on wearing on the head a tripod with a candle on top, wearing a one tall geta with a single 'tooth' on one's feet, mirror on one's chest, wearing a protection sword, a comb held in the mouth, while visiting the shrine and hammering in the straw doll in the shape of the person you hate, every nite with a metal spike.

また、丑の刻参りをしている者の姿を他の人 に見られると、参っていた人物に呪いが跳ね 返って来ると言われ、目撃者も殺してしまわ ないとならないと伝えられる。
Again, if the person performing the 2 O'Clock shrine visit's appearance is seen by another person, it is said the curse would rebound on the shrine visiting person, so it is said that it cannot be helped that eye-witnesses must be killed.

Heh, well, this is something. There's more... But I'll post this much now. These sentences are long and difficult to digest.
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United States
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 Message 147 of 420
04 January 2012 at 6:44am | IP Logged 
源流 [編集]

古墳時代=こふんじだい=Tumulus period
人形を用いた呪詛自体はかなり古くから行わ れており、『日本書紀』用明天皇2年(587年 4月条に、「中臣勝海連(なかとみのかつみ むらじ)が家(おのがいえ)に衆(いくさ を集えて、大連をいたすく。ついに太子彦 皇子の像を作りて、まじなう」と記され、 墳時代から人形を媒体とした呪いがあった
The practice of using a doll to make a curse has itself been practiced since old times.
An article written in the "Nihon Shoki (Oldest chronicle of Japan)" during in April of the 2nd year of the Youmei emperor (587AD):

And, oh boy. I'm not sure about this, but here we go. (This is impossible)

"The prince collected the a group of people at his house. Finally the prince used a stature of the emperor, he prayed" From the Tumulus period on, dolls have been used as a medium for curses.

ただし、この時点では、まだ像を刺す行為は 確認できない。
However, in this age, still, the act of piercing the statue cannot be verified.

奈良国立文化財研究所=ならこくりつぶんか ざいけんきゅうしょ=Nara National Cultural Properties Institute
出土=しゅつど=archeological excavation
考古学資料の遺物として、奈良国立文化財研 究所所蔵の8世紀の木製人形代(もくせい ひとがたしろ)があり、胸に鉄釘が打ちこま れた状態の物も出土している。
Archelogical excavations have recovered archeological relics, now in possession of the Nara National Cultural Properties Institute, from the 8th century which are dolls made of wood, that do have metal spikes through the the chest.

木簡=もっかん=thin pieces of wood used to write on.
木簡を人形に切り取り、墨で顔が描かれてい る。
The dolls are cut with thin narow strips of wood (used for writing), the face is painted with black ink.

形代=かたしろ=representation of a sacred object
丑の刻参りと共通する呪殺を目的とした形代 だったと考えられている。
It is thought that the objective of 2 O'Clock shrine visit tradition was to be a death cusrse, sacred object.

この遺物からも、人形に釘を打ち込み、人を 呪うと言った呪術体系自体は古代(奈良時代 )からあった事が分かる。
It is understood from these relics, that the dolls with nails through them, were used as a system to say a curse against a person, in ancient times, from the Nara period onward.

研究者によっては、鉄釘自体が渡来文化であ り、こうした呪術体系自体が大陸渡来のもの ではないかとしている。
According to researchers, the iron nails themselves are an imported culture, such a magical system itself mit halso be an imported culture.

類例=るいれい=similar instance
この他にも類例として、島根県松江市タテチ ョウ遺跡から出土した木札には、女性が描か れており、服装から貴人女性と見られるが、 3本の木釘が打ちこまれていた。
In similar cases, from the excavations of ruins in Shimane Prefecture in the city of Matsue's Tatechou site, wooden tags with aristocratic females drawn on them, as can be identified from the clothing, 3 wooden pegs are thrust through them.   

その位置は、両乳房と心臓に当たり、明らか に呪殺目的であった事が分かる。
In this instance the spikes go through both breasts and the heart, obviously we understand that this object is used for the purpose of making a death curse.

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 Message 148 of 420
04 January 2012 at 8:16am | IP Logged 
Jännitys kasvaa Iranin ja Yhdysvaltojen välillä.
Tensions grow between Iran and the USA.

Iran on kertonut Yhdysvalloille, että se ei halua amerikkalaisten lentotukialusta takaisin Persianlahdelle.
Iran has said to the Americans, that they do not want American air craft carriers back in the Persian Gulf.

Iran varoittaa, että se voi toimia Yhdysvaltoja vastaan.
Iran warns that they can can act against the USA.

tukialus=help craft
Yhdysvaltalainen lentotukialus lähti pois Persianlahdelta joulukuun lopussa.
The American aircraft carrier left the Persion Gulf in the end of December.

Sen tukikohta on Persianlahdella, Iranin rannikkoa vastapäätä.
Their base is the Persian Gulf, opposite the Iranian coastline.

Laivan avulla Yhdysvaltain lentokoneet voivat toimia alueella.
The ships helping American planes can act in the area.

Yhdysvallat aikoo liikkua Persianlahdella normaalisti, vaikka Iran varoittaa sitä.
Americans intend to pass through the Persian Gulf normally, even though Iran warns them.

suunnitella->suunnittelee=plan (pres3)
ydinase=nuclear bomb.
Yhdysvallat ja EU ovat vastakkain Iranin kanssa, koska maa ehkä suunnittelee ydinasetta.
The USA and the EU are against Iran, because the country might plan to make a nuclear bomb.

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 Message 149 of 420
05 January 2012 at 7:09am | IP Logged 
vaali=election (GPL)
katu->kaduilla = street
Presidentinvaalien mainonta on alkanut kaduilla.
Presidential election advertising has begun on the streets.

Vaalien ennakkoäänestys alkaa ensi viikon keskiviikkona.
Mail in ballots for the election begin Wednesday next week.

Vaaleissa voi äänestää ennakkoon melkein viikon ajan.
In the election votes can be cast in advance beginning next week.

Suomessa on noin 900 paikkaa, jossa voi äänestää ennakkoon.
Finland has about 900 regions in which one may vote in advance

Esimerkiksi posteissa voi äänestää ennakkoon.
For example one can vote in advance by mail.

Ulkomailla ennakkoäänestys järjestetään Suomen edustustoissa ja se kestää vain muutaman päivän.
Foreign absentee balloting take place for Finland's represenatives and it goes on for only a few days.

Presidentinvaalit ovat sunnuntaina 22. tammikuuta.
Presidential elections are Sunday, the 22 of January.

Jos kukaan ehdokkaista ei saa yli puolta äänistä, vaaleissa järjestetään toinen kierros.
If any candate doesn't receive more than half of the votes, an election takes place the second round.

Vaalien toinen kierros on 5. helmikuuta.
The election's second round is on the 5th of February.
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United States
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 Message 150 of 420
05 January 2012 at 7:10am | IP Logged 
vaali=election (GPL)
katu->kaduilla = street
Presidentinvaalien mainonta on alkanut kaduilla.
Presidential election advertising has begun on the streets.

Vaalien ennakkoäänestys alkaa ensi viikon keskiviikkona.
Mail in ballots for the election begin Wednesday next week.

Vaaleissa voi äänestää ennakkoon melkein viikon ajan.
In the election votes can be cast in advance beginning next week.

Suomessa on noin 900 paikkaa, jossa voi äänestää ennakkoon.
Finland has about 900 regions in which one may vote in advance

Esimerkiksi posteissa voi äänestää ennakkoon.
For example one can vote in advance by mail.

Ulkomailla ennakkoäänestys järjestetään Suomen edustustoissa ja se kestää vain muutaman päivän.
Foreign absentee balloting take place for Finland's represenatives and it goes on for only a few days.

Presidentinvaalit ovat sunnuntaina 22. tammikuuta.
Presidential elections are Sunday, the 22 of January.

Jos kukaan ehdokkaista ei saa yli puolta äänistä, vaaleissa järjestetään toinen kierros.
If any candate doesn't receive more than half of the votes, an election takes place the second round.

Vaalien toinen kierros on 5. helmikuuta.
The election's second round is on the 5th of February.
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 Message 151 of 420
05 January 2012 at 7:11am | IP Logged 
Oops, double post. I saw the database error, and thought it was lost, so I posted again. But I guess the message made it in. Oh well, it's only my own forum, so what does it matter.
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 Message 152 of 420
05 January 2012 at 9:37am | IP Logged 
is absentee balloting same as voting-in-advance? i'm not good at it XDDD
this is about voting-in-advance, anyway. posteissa is 'as post offices' (though then the ballots are indeed sent by post, i assume). by post is postitse:)
and edustusto is a place. by translating it into russian and then looking up, i figured out that the terms in English seem to be representative office; diplomatic mission.

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