cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 241 of 420 26 February 2012 at 11:14pm | IP Logged |
1952年から1958年までの7年間の間に約1 5,000人の日本人が南米に移住した。
From 1952 to 1958 in a 7 year interval about 15,000 Japanese moved to South America.
アメリカでは、移動するのに飛行機を使うの はすごく日常的なことになっている。
In American, even for migration, the use of airplanes has become quite an ordinary practice.
副都心=ふくとしん=urban subcenter
東京都庁が丸の内から新宿副都心の新しいビ ルに移転した。
The Tokyo government office is moving from Marunouchi to a new building in Shinjuku.
今のマンションに移って10年になるが、そ ろそろ手狭になってきた。
In my current apartment that I moved to and have been in for 10 years has gradually become cramped.
ゆでたスパゲティーをざるに移して、バター をまぶします。
Boiled spaghetti is put through in a sieve and then mixed with butter.
くっつく=adhere to
こうしておくと香ばしいにおいがし、スパゲ ティーもくっつきません。
In this way, inside there's a fragrant aroma, and the spaghetti doesn't stick.
今からお話しすることは私と私の秘書しか知 らないことです。
From now one, these discussions are only to be known by me and my secretary.
秘密ですから、決して誰にも話さないでくだ さいね。
Because it's a secret, never tell anyway, okay?
More than in old times, China and Japan have close relations.
社内で部長と部長秘書な関係を知らない人は いない。
In the company there are no people who don't know about the relationship between the boss and his secretary.
胃腸薬=いちょうやく=digestive medicine
飲み過ぎたと言って胃腸薬を飲む人がいるが 、お酒をあまり飲まない私からすると、胃や 腸を悪くするほど飲まなければいいのにと思 う。
There are people who take stomach medicine who it is said drink too much, but for a person like me who seldom drinks alcohol, I think it's good to not have stomach or intestinal problems to the extend that I need to take medicine.
ちっとも=not at all
うちの主人はつまらない冗談はよく言うのに 、肝心なことはちっとも私に相談してくれな い。
All though my husband tells boring stories, the essential thing is that he never discusses them with me.
直立歩行=ちょくりつほこう=walking upright.
直立歩行をして手が自由に使えるようになっ たことで、人間の脳は大きく発達した。
As human beings walked upright and they became able to freely use their hands, the human brain grew larger.
新興宗教=new religion
洗脳=brain washing
The new religion's ceremony is like brainwashing.
離婚するかこのまま結婚生活を続けるが悩み ましたが、人生は一度しかないと考え、やは り離婚することにしました。
Although worried about whether to divorce or to continue as with married life, he considered that a human life just happens one time, so of course he decided to divorce.
伸び悩む=のびなやむ=be sluggish.
今まで勉強しなかった子供が勉強し始めると 成績がグングン伸びますが、ある程度まで行 くと伸び悩み始めます。
From now on if the children who didn't study then begin studying, their grades will steadily improve, however the degree to which they progress will be sluggish at the start.
今は受験競争が厳しくて、どの親も子供の教 育のことでは頭を悩ませています。
Today the exam competition is fierce, and even parents are being made to worry about their children's education.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 242 of 420 27 February 2012 at 1:25am | IP Logged |
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu on kiinnostanut suomalaisia.
The new music competition has interested Finns.
Kilpailun finaalilla oli paljon kuuntelijoita ja katsojia lauantaina.
Saturday there were many listeners and viewers for the competition's finale .
Esimerkiksi kilpailun televisiolähetystä katsoi melkein 550 000 ihmistä.
For example, the competition's television broadcast was seen by nearly 550,000 people.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailun voittaja oli Pernilla Karlsson.
The new Music competition winner was Pernilla Karlsson.
Hän esitti ruotsinkielisen laulun När jag blundar eli Kun suljen silmäni.
She presented a Swedish language song "När jag blundar" or "If I close my eyes."
Laulun tekijä on Pernillan veli Jonas Karlsson.
The song's composer is Pernilla's brother Jonas Karlsson.
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailun voittaja Pernilla Karlsson pääsee edustamaan Suomea Euroviisuihin.
The new Music Competition's winner Pernilla Karlsson will get to represent Finland at Eurovision.
Hän matkustaa toukokuussa Azerbaidzhaniin, jossa Euroviisujen laulukilpailu on tänä vuonna.
She will travel in May to Azerbaijan, where the Eurovision singing contest is this year.
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Kappa Groupie Japan Joined 5606 days ago 99 posts - 172 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg)
| Message 243 of 420 27 February 2012 at 2:41pm | IP Logged |
- 東京都庁が丸の内から新宿副都心の新しいビ ルに移転した。
- The Tokyo government office is moving from Marunouchi to a new building in Shinjuku.
... has moved ...
- 今のマンションに移って10年になるが、そ ろそろ手狭になってきた。
- In my current apartment that I moved to and have been in for 10 years has gradually become cramped.
It's been ten years since I moved to this apartment but it's been getting/it's got cramped.
- 今からお話しすることは私と私の秘書しか知 らないことです。
- From now one, these discussions are only to be known by me and my secretary.
What I'm going to tell you now, only me and my secretary know.
- 古代より中国と日本は密接な関係にある。
- More than in old times, China and Japan have close relations.
古代より = since old times
- 飲み過ぎたと言って胃腸薬を飲む人がいるが 、お酒をあまり飲まない私からすると、胃や 腸を悪くするほど飲まなければいいのにと思 う。
- There are people who take stomach medicine who it is said drink too much, but for a person like me who seldom drinks alcohol, I think it's good to not have stomach or intestinal problems to the extend that I need to take medicine.
Some people take stomach medicine from drinking too much but I, who don't drink, think they shouldn't drink so much that they have stomach or intestinal problems (or "so much that they have to take medicine....").
- うちの主人はつまらない冗談はよく言うのに 、肝心なことはちっとも私に相談してくれな い。
- All though my husband tells boring stories, the essential thing is that he never discusses them with me.
Although my husband tells silly jokes a lot, he doesn't talk to me about important things.
- 今まで勉強しなかった子供が勉強し始めると 成績がグングン伸びますが、ある程度まで行 くと伸び悩み始めます。
From now on if the children who didn't study then begin studying, their grades will steadily improve, however the degree to which they progress will be sluggish at the start.
今まで = until now
Hope this helps,
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 244 of 420 27 February 2012 at 8:16pm | IP Logged |
Yeah some of these are stupid mistakes. I just need to be more focused and go a little slower perhaps, and watch the past tense and other simple things more carefully.
- うちの主人はつまらない冗談はよく言うのに 、肝心なことはちっとも私に相談してくれな い。
- All though my husband tells boring stories, the essential thing is that he never discusses them with me.
Although my husband tells silly jokes a lot, he doesn't talk to me about important things.
This is the most interesting confusion though. I think maybe I read 'essential' in the dictionary and it's not quite used how I imagined.
I got up to page 30 of my ムーミン谷の冬 book. I need to find a way to buy Finnish books online. I don't know if anyone stocks them here in the USA. Much easier for Japanese.
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Kappa Groupie Japan Joined 5606 days ago 99 posts - 172 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg)
| Message 245 of 420 28 February 2012 at 1:53pm | IP Logged |
In that sentence, the "は", two of them, are used to contrast "つまらない冗談はよく言う" and "肝心なことは言わない", so it's not likely to be translated that way. And that English translation kind of puzzles me.
I don't know how you imagined it was used but if you thought it built the English that-clause-like structure then you're right.
肝心なのは何を読むかではなくて、どう読む かだ。
It is not what you read but how you read it that counts.
It's not entirely about the word "肝心な" per se, I think, you need to be aware of other things: the "は" particle has several usages, one of them being a topic marker and a "topic" can be either an object or subject. In that example you gave, it marks a topic, which is interpreted as an object in English, indicating a contrast simultaneously. A that-clause in English should be a subject.
I tend to interpret "肝心な" as "important" but there should be many ways to translate it. 肝心 is also written 肝腎. Liver-Heart or Liver-Kidney... Guess they're all important either way.
Hope this helps,
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 246 of 420 01 March 2012 at 6:53am | IP Logged |
Eduskunta on äänestänyt hallituksen luottamuksesta Kreikka-asiassa.
Parlaiment has voted for the government's trust in the Greece matter.
Hallitus sai eduskunnan luottamuksen, kun 111 kansanedustajaa äänesti hallituksen puolesta ja 72 hallitusta vastaan.
The goverment received parliament's confidence vote, in which 111 representatives voted for the government's party and 72 against the government.
Äänestyksessä eduskunta hyväksyi sen, että Suomi on mukana Kreikan uudessa lainapaketissa.
In the vote parliament agreed that Finland is to be part of Greece's new loan package.
Oppositiopuolueet keskusta ja perussuomalaiset vastustivat Kreikan lainapakettia.
Opposition parties, Center and Foundation Finn party opposed the Greek loan package.
Keskustan mielestä Kreikka petti lupaukset, jotka se antoi ennen ensimmäistä tukipakettia.
The Center party believes that Greece broke their promises, which they gave before the original support package.
erota=break away
Perussuomalaiset ovat sitä mieltä, että Kreikka voi erota euroalueesta.
Foundation Finns are believe this, that Greece can break away from the Eurozone.
Kreikan uusi tukipaketti on 130 miljardia euroa.
Greek's new aid package is 130 million Euro
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 247 of 420 03 March 2012 at 8:48am | IP Logged |
Well, went to the Japanese meetup group in east Pasadena -- which is near my father's house here in Glendale. The Korean guy asked me 日本語喋らる, and I totally missed this so they switched to English, but him and this this Nikkei guy who was fluent in Japanese talked quite a bit and I mostly listened. I feel a little bit vampire-like, observing the language but not really participating. I try to just drift away a little bit when they switch to English, in order to maximize the Japanese listening. I think I am hearing more these days. I'm getting to this state where I sort of knowing what's being talked about, though I'm often guessing. It is interesting.
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cathrynm Senior Member United States Joined 6211 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 248 of 420 07 March 2012 at 2:15am | IP Logged |
Unrelated to language learning, but, well, this is my other life. I've been working with Doublefine games and Other Ocean on this game here, Stacking, that's just been released on Steam. I've been working with 2 other programmers to bring this from the Xbox to the PC.
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