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 Message 225 of 420
20 February 2012 at 2:32am | IP Logged 
書籍を3万円以上お買い上げの場合は、無料 でご自宅までお届けいたします。
In the case of purchasing publications that cost more than 30,000 Yen, we will deliver them to your home free of charge.

郵便で迷った荷物が届け先に届かずに戻って きた。
At the post office lost packages that cannot reach their destination address will be return.

属す=ぞくす=belong to
会社に属さずにフリーで仕事をするのは自由 でいいが、収入が不安定でなかなか大変だ。
While the freedom of working outside of a company is good, the income instability is really bad.

私は心理学を研究していますが、今はどの学 会にも所属していません。
Although I do research in psychology, these days I don't belong to an academic society.

今回の印象派展では、モネ、ルノアール、ド ガなどの印象派の代表的な作品が展示されま す。
This time the impressionist exhibit, is displaying representative works from Monet, Renoir, Degas, among others.

大学を選ぶ時は、将来の展望をもって選ばな ければいけないと言われるが、18歳の子供 にそんなことができるだろうか。
Although they say, that when picking a university one must choose with a view towards one's future prospects, for 18 year old children this kind of thing might be impossible.

寒さのため道路が凍結して非常にスリップし やすくなっています。
The road has frozen and become extremely easy to slip on due to the cold.

Please be careful when driving.

会社の倒産が決まると、直ちに資産が凍結さ れた。
If it's decided that a company files for bankruptcy, immediately the funds are frozen.

ヤミ献金=やみけんきん=illegal donation
氷山の一角=ひょうざんのいっかく=tip of the iceberg.
政治家が贈収賄やヤミ献金などで捕まること があるが、ああいうのは氷山の一角にすぎな い。
Although Politicians have been arrested for bribery and illegal donations, this kind of thing is nothing more than the tip of the iceberg.

実際にはもっと多くの政治家が賄賂などをも らっているのだろう。
In reality, there may be many more politicians who have received bribes.

検察庁=public prosecutor
しかし、検察庁の手が元総理大臣にまで及ぶ ようになったのはいいことだ。
However, it'a a good thing that the prosecutor's became within reach of the former prime minister.

兄は出張でブラジルに行ったのだが、ブラジ ルの生活が気に入った永住することにした。
Although my brother has been to Brazil on a business trip, he became comfortable in the Brazilian lifestyle and decided to live there long term.

That everlasting peace should continue is everyone's wish.

「私が死んだ後も兄弟仲良く暮らすんだよ」 と言って、父は永い眠りに就いた。
"After I die I'll live among friends and family", he said, and then father commenced his eternal sleep.

Yesterday I met friends who I haven't seen since my college days.

訪問=call, visit.
日本を訪問した時、レーガン大統領は国会で のスピーチで「日米の関係は永遠です」と日 本語で言った。
When visiting Japan, President Reagan gave a speech and said in Japanese that Japanese-American relations are eternal.

本大学の教授会には、教授、助教授及び講師 が出席する。
At the university's faculty meeting, professors, assistant professors and lecturers attended.

外国の大学生に比べて日本の大学生は幼稚だ とよくいわれるが、本当だろうか。
Although compared to oversees university students, it's often said that Japanese university students are like infants, is that really true?
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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 226 of 420
20 February 2012 at 8:58am | IP Logged 
Euromailla on maanantaina yhteinen kokous, jossa ne keskustelevat Kreikan uudesta apupaketista.
On Monday European countries are having a joint meeting in which they discuss Greece's new aid package.

Euromaiden valtiovarainmisterit tapaavat toisensa Brysselissä.
European countriies' finance ministers meet the second time in Brussels.

Suomesta kokoukseen lähtee valtiovarainministeri Jutta Urpilainen.
Finance minister Jutta Urpilainen leaves from Finland to the meeting.

Euromaat yrittävät päättää yhdessä, saako Kreikka 130 miljardin euron apupaketin.
European countries will try to decide whether Greece receives a 130 Million Euro aid package.

velka=debts (3rd possessive)
Kreikka ei pysty maksamaan velkojaan ensi kuussa, jos se ei saa lisää apua.
Greece can not pay their debts next month, if they do not receive more help.

Kreikan hallitus hyväksyi lauantaina uudet säästöt, joita EU ja Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto IMF ovat vaatineet.
The Greek government approved on Saturday the new budget reductions which the EU and international currency fund IMF demand.
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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 227 of 420
21 February 2012 at 8:02am | IP Logged 
自分のことが嫌いで「俺はダメだなあ」とか 「俺は、最低の人間なんだよ」が口ぐせの人 は、自尊心が低い人である。
People with a habit of saying things about hating themselves, like "I am no good" or "I am a bad person." are people with low self-esteem.

仕事がうまくいっても、自分の実力だとは思 わず、「たまたま運がよかっただけ」と考え る人もまた、自尊心が低いタイプであるとい ってよいだろう。
Even if they say they are good at work, they won't think it's their own ability. "Well, my luck was good" they'll think. Maybe it's good to say that this is the low self-esteem type.

このように自尊心が低い人は、確固とした主 義・主張を持たない。
This kind of low self-esttem person doesn't have a firm doctrine or belief.

自分自身のことを信用していないので、自分 なりの意見を強く持てないおである。
Because they don't have confidence in themselves, they don't hold strongly to their own opinions.

そのため、他人の言うことをそのまま信じる 傾向がある。
And because of that they tend to believe the things other people say.

アメリカ、マサチューセッツ大学のヴェンカ テセン教授は、男性用スーツを3種類用意し 、どれが一番良いものがをグループで話し って選ばせるという実験をしてる。
American professor Venkatesen at the Massachusetts university, performed an experiment where groups discussed which of the kinds of men's suits were the best.

この実験は、本物の参加者にまじって、サク ラも参加しており、そのサクラが「Aのスー がいいよ」とか「Bのスーツが一番だよ」と 加者を説得するのである。
In this experiment, real participants were mixed with decoy participants. These decoy participants persuaded were there to persuade the participants that either type A or type B suit was best.

そのサクラの説得をどれくらい受け入れるか が測定されたわけだ。
And then whether or not the decoy's persuasion was accepted was measured.

ヴェンカテセン授業は、実験に先立って、参 加者の自尊心を調べる心理テストをやらせて おいた。
Professor Venkatesen's experiment was psychological test to investigate the participant's self esteem.

そして、自尊心の高低別に、サクラに説得さ れてしまうバーセンテージを調べたのである 。
So, particularly, if the self-esteem was high or low, the percentage of persuasion by the decoys was investigated.

すると、自尊心が高いグループでは、40% しかサクラの意見を受け入れなかったのに、 自尊心の低いグループでは、80%がサクラ の言いなりになってしまうことがわかった。
So, for the high self-esteem group, although only 40% of the decoy's opinions were accepted, for the low self esteem group, 80% of what the decoy said was understood.

簡単にいうと、自尊心が低い人を説得するの はやさしくて、自尊心が高い人を説得するの は難しいのだ。
Simply stated, people with low self-esteem were easy to persuade, while people with high self-esteem were difficult to persuade.

では、自尊心が高い人を説得するときには、 どうすればいいのだろうか。
So, what is the thing to do when it is time to persuade someone of high self-esteem.

自尊心が高い人を説得するときには、「注意 拡散法」を使うのがいいとされている。
When persuading high self-esteem individuals it would be good to choose the "Warning diffision method."

気をそらす=to distract
自尊心が高い人には、説得メッセージに集中 させず、ほかのことに気をそらせるようにす ると、その内容を受け入れやすいことがわか っているからだ。
High self-esteem individuals couldn't be made to integrate the persuasive message. If other things are able to distract, the content can be easily accepted.

これは、カリフォルニア州立大学のラマーズ 教授の実験で確認されている。
This is what professor Lamaze's experiment at California's independent University confirmed.

気をとられている=be distracted
ラーマズ教授の実験によると、自尊心が高い 人には、相手が食事をとっているとか、別の 仕事に気をとられているような状況を狙って 説得してみると、成功しやすくなったのであ る。
According to Lamaze's experiment, high self-esteem individuals a companion had a meal, if they tried to persuade while another job distracting the situation, success became easy.

おそらくは=I fear that it's likely that
なぜ自尊心の高い人が、注意をそらされると 説得されてしまうのかについてはよくわから ないが、おそらくは、内容をよく理解できな いときにも、彼らは「わかったような素振り 」をしたいと思うのではないだろうか。
Why is it that high self-esteem people, if their attention is distracted they can become persuaded is not well known, however I fear it's likely, that at times that that the subject is not well understood, could it be they may not think that they want a "personality that understands."

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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 228 of 420
21 February 2012 at 10:09am | IP Logged 
Helsingissä on kuollut yksi ihminen, jonka päälle tippui lunta katolta.
In Helsinki one person has died, when snow dropped on their head from the roof.

kerrostalo=floor house = apartment buidling
Naisen päälle tippui lunta ja jäätä kerrostalon katolta Helsingin Töölössä.
Snow and ice from the apartment building's roof fell on the women's head in Helsinki's Töölö district.

Onnettomuus tapahtui maanantaina aamulla.
The accident occurred monday morning.

Poliisi tutkii miksi ja miten onnettomuus tapahtui.
Police investigated why and how the accident occurred.

Viranomaiset muistuttavat, että taloyhtiöt ja omistajat ovat vastuussa lumen aiheuttamista vahingoista.
Officials remind that housing companies and owners are responsible for snow causing accidents.

Helsingissä tapahtui samanlainen onnettomuus myös viime vuonna.
In Helsinki the same accident also occurred last year.

Mies kuoli Hakaniemessä viime vuoden tammikuussa, kun hänen päälleen tippui jäätä talon katolta.
A man died in Hakanieme last year in January when ice fell on his head from a house's roof.
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 Message 229 of 420
21 February 2012 at 4:03pm | IP Logged 

I was just wondering if you are picking up those sentences from your book or something, or you're translating Japanese into English (or vice versa)? Sometimes I see sentences that don't correspond and am not sure what to do. Here, I'll assume the Japanese sentences are the original.

- スポーツクラブの更衣室のロッカーに時計を 置き忘れてきた。
- I forgot my watch, which I had placed in the locker at the sports club locker room.

I forgot/left my watch in locker at the spors club locker room.

You consider 置き忘れる as one verb although this sure does consist of two verbs but "置き" here is a prefix, not an individual verb.

- 何時間もワープロを打っていたので、肩が凝 った。
- If you type on the word processer for so many hours, your shoulders will become stiff.

I have a stiff neck because I've been typing on the word processer for many hours.

"~(し)たので (していたので)、~だ" = "Because .... (PAST or PERFECT), ...."
- 昨日は2時間しか勉強しなかったので、今日 はもっと勉強しようと思う。
I'm going to study more today because I only studied for two hours yesterday.

- 昨日は雨が降っていたので、外に出なかった 。
I didn't go out yesterday because it was raining.

- 特長はソファなどを配した店内。
- With their specialty being that shops filled with sofas.

i.e. Their specialty is the interior, filled with sofas (and such).

In the Japanese sentence, the verb "だ/です" is omitted.

ふるたにひろのぶ? にしむらこうじ?
Furutanihironobu Nishimurakouji.?

I can't say for sure since there's more than one possibility... (since basically you can apply ANY reading to the kanji of the name, when naming a baby, even if the characters don't read that way, it does not matter. Although most people seem to stick with the usual readings.) but I think it's Furuya Masanobu and you are right about the other one.

- 郵便で迷った荷物が届け先に届かずに戻って きた。
- At the post office lost packages that cannot reach their destination address will be return.

郵便で迷った荷物 = the package(s) I sent through the post office
荷物が届け先に届かずに戻って きた = couldn't reach the destination address and came back

- 会社の倒産が決まると、直ちに資産が凍結さ れた。
- If it's decided that a company files for bankruptcy, immediately the funds are frozen.

As soon as the company filed for bankruptcy, the funds got frozen.

- 「私が死んだ後も兄弟仲良く暮らすんだよ」 と言って、父は永い眠りに就いた。
- "After I die I'll live among friends and family", he said, and then father commenced his eternal sleep.

「私が死んだ後も兄弟仲良く暮らすんだよ」 = "After I die, you (borhters) live at peace with each other"

- 本大学の教授会には、教授、助教授及び講師 が出席する。
- At the university's faculty meeting, professors, assistant professors and lecturers attended.

..... will attend.

- 外国の大学生に比べて日本の大学生は幼稚だ とよくいわれるが、本当だろうか。
- Although compared to oversees university students, it's often said that Japanese university students are like infants, is that really true?

幼稚 = childish, immature

- 仕事がうまくいっても、自分の実力だとは思 わず、「たまたま運がよかっただけ」と考え る人もまた、自尊心が低いタイプであるとい ってよいだろう。
- Even if they say they are good at work, they won't think it's their own ability. "Well, my luck was good" they'll think. Maybe it's good to say that this is the low self-esteem type.

うまくいっても = 上手く行っても (上手く行く, literally "go well")

- アメリカ、マサチューセッツ大学のヴェンカ テセン教授は、男性用スーツを3種類用意し て 、どれが一番良いものがをグループで話し 合って選ばせるという実験をしてる。
- American professor Venkatesen at the Massachusetts university, performed an experiment where groups discussed which of the kinds of men's suits were the best.

The Japanese tells me that the experiement is still ongoing.

I hope this helps in any way.

Have fun!
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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 230 of 420
21 February 2012 at 6:35pm | IP Logged 
Yeah, thanks.   I get these for sentences for my class in Japanese and I try to sort out what they mean as
best I can, but often I'm guessing or not sure,or going from memory and not the dictionary. So I make
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United States
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Studies: Japanese, Finnish

 Message 231 of 420
23 February 2012 at 8:40am | IP Logged 
Perussuomalaiset ehkä erottavat paikallispoliitikon, joka kirjoitti myönteisesti Oulun ampujasta.
Foundation Finns may kick out local politicians who wrote favorably of Oulu's shooter.

Puolueen puheenjohtaja Timo Soini sanoo, että erottaminen puolueesta on hyvin mahdollista.
The party's spokesman Timo Soini says that kicking them out from the party is very much possible.

Soini kertoi tiistaina, että hän ei voi hyväksyä paikallispoliitikon kirjoitusta.
Soini said Tuesday that they can not approve the local politician's writings.

Perussuomalainen Tommi Rautio on kunnanvaltuutettu Köyliössä, Porin ja Rauman lähellä.
Foundation Finn's Tommi Rautio is the municipal authority in Köyliö, near Pori and Rauma.

Rautio kirjoitti Facebookissa, että Oulun ampujalle voi antaa mitalin.
Rautio wrote on facebook that Oulu's shooter should receive a medal.

Ampuja tappoi viikonloppuna nuoren maahanmuuttajan.
On the weekend, the shooter killed young immigrants.

kunniamerkki=decoration (honor mark)
Monet ovat arvostelleet Raution ajatusta kunniamerkistä, ja sanoneet häntä rasistiksi.
Many have judged Rautio's idea of giving the medal and have said he is racist.

päättää=decide, judge
Perussuomalaiset päättävät Tommi Raution erottamisesta maaliskuun alussa.
Foundation Finns order Tommi Raution will be dismissed early March.

Myös poliisi tutkii nyt Raution kirjoitusta.
Also police are now investigating Rautio's writings.

On hyvin mahdollista, että kunnanvaltuutetun kirjoitus oli laiton.
It is very possible that the municipal authorities' writings were illegal.
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United States
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 Message 232 of 420
25 February 2012 at 7:56pm | IP Logged 
>"~(し)たので (していたので)、~だ" = "Because .... (PAST or PERFECT), ...."

Ooh, actually this is an interesting way of looking at this. I'm still making mistakes with using or not using the ~teiru tenses.

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