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Arabic in bite-sized parts

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Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 49 of 152
15 April 2013 at 12:54pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 10, 15.04.2013
Last week was pretty hectic. Classes cancelled, classes added, bonus classes added, bonus classes cancelled.
End result: little to no added Anki cards and piling up Anki reviews...

Today's lesson was mostly spent talking, even though I did bring the correct notebook. I had to tell Sarah about my family from memory (the only word I couldn't remember was aswad, black) and then we moved on to asking questions.

Homework: write 10 different questions with 10 different verbs.

New words
Al-aseila الاسئلة questions
Kam كم how much
Mata متى when

Edited by Zireael on 09 May 2013 at 8:41am

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Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 50 of 152
22 April 2013 at 2:23pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 11, 22.04.2013

Last week was hectic? This week, my university hosts a conference. Result? My timetable upended, classes cancelled, me playing truant from Spanish lesson to go to my favorite teacher's lecturer...

... and me squeezing an hour for Sarah into all this mess.
We did some talking, and we did some more exercises from her book.

Actually, my speaking, reading and writing are better than understanding spoken Arabic.
Today, I felt as though I had to locate the meaning of every individual word before I was able to think about a response, let alone formulate it. My HoH cousin reports a similar feeling, but in our native language. Any thoughts?

New words
Ataker an أعتقر أن I think that
Maktab albareed مكتب البريد post office

Al-xarif الخريف fall

Al-fasil الفصل class
Gurfa غرفة room
Hammam حمام bathroom
Matbax مطبخ kitchen
Mudira مدير manager
Saa ساعة watch
Xaradʒa خرج went out

Esbania اسبانيا Spain
Al-Filibini الفلبين Philippines

Al-tulab الطلاب students (pl.)

Edited by Zireael on 09 May 2013 at 8:58am

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Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 51 of 152
06 May 2013 at 1:16pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 12, 6.05.2013
Sarah actually thought she gave me homework last time, with all that crazy stuff going around us and us both being in a hurry... Newsflash: she didn't!
Some revising (included conjugating verbs, oh joy; sayastaqbelna still has my tongue in knots). Then she gave me something to read - an introduction to a book about the mind and the civilization. I stuttered my way through it (putting A everywhere I wasn't sure about the vowel), but was glad to actually have something to read.

The good news is we're dropping the Medinah book (as I have the basics down pat) and Sarah will mail me the book I am to read to her next time. I'm very happy that I'm going to be reading moar Arabic :D

Homework: conjugate hawala in the present and yolaheð in the past

New words
Al-dowla الدولة country
Al-hadhara الحضارة civilization

Min xelal من خلال through

Hawala حاول he tries
Hudood حدود limits
Mawdu3 موضوع topic, subject
Moxtalefa مختلفة different
Sharqeya شرقية eastern
Tareex تاريخ history
Qara قارئ reader (i.e. a person who reads)
Yolaheð يولاحظ he notices

Edited by Zireael on 09 May 2013 at 9:11am

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Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 52 of 152
09 May 2013 at 11:58am | IP Logged 
Sarah sent me the story I'm supposed to read to her on Monday.
I've spent 2,5h yesterday reading it (i.e. inputting every second word into Aratools). The further I got, the easier it was, simply because words and phrases were repeated.
It's a children's fairytale about a pen and an eraser. They argue at first ('cause the eraser is used to wipe out what the pen wrote), but then they understand each other and are friends forever. Happy endings galore.

I've penciled an Arabizi transcription on the back of the sheet so that I don't have to wonder what vowel goes where (the text is unwovelled :P).

And no, I haven't just written the translation, it'd be too easy.
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Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 53 of 152
13 May 2013 at 12:56pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 13, 13.05.2013
Reading the text aloud. I read 2/3 of it in 1,5h and I got some corrections and clarifications (mostly about la/lam/lan).

To think that we've got only a month of university left, a month of exams and then in early July Sarah leaves for Yemen :(((

New words
Al-wadzeb الواجب homework (pl. al-wadzbat الواجبات)
Ila ai makan اٍلئ أي مكان anywhere

Illa اٍلا except
Kaana كان to be (past), there was etc.
Lastu لستُ I am not
Lanni لان because
Mazal مازال still
Tumma ثم then

Adʒaba أجاب replied
Afdala أفظل be better
Alaxta الأخطاء mistake
Amli عملي my work
Araki أراكِ see you
Azal أزال delete (v); izalat ازالة delete (n)
Azaizati عزيزتي my dear
Baf3 بافع beneficial
Bi3sabbaya بعصبية angrily
Bilotf بلطف nicely
Iltafatθt التفتت looked at
Indahashat اٍندهشت astonished
Inza3azan اٍنزعاجن got angry
Izdada ازداد increase
Faraha فرح was happy
Furad فرد replied
Huzn حزن sadness
Lahada لحظة moment
Lima لم = li-mada
Maghrura مغرورة arrogant
Mushall مشل like
Nadam ندم regret (n); nadama ندم regret (v)
Rafa رفع raise
Sawaban صوابأ correct
Yadel يعادل to equal

Edited by Zireael on 11 July 2013 at 10:58am

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Senior Member
Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 54 of 152
20 May 2013 at 12:55pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 14, 20.05.2013
Finished reading the text. Got some grammar tips.
To think that there are only 2 lessons left...!
Some optional homework, since we both have finals and exams coming (C1 English, B2 Spanish in early June).
On flip side, Sarah leaves in late July, so there's a chance to squeeze one or two lessons in July, too.

New words
Al-axrin الأخرين the others
Adahi أضحي my sacrifice
Ahassa أحس felt (past)
Ash عاش to live
Aqusu أقص shorter
Bada بعد after
Ida اٍذا if
Ifadat اٍفادة benefit
Kullama كلما every time
Mim adʒali من أجلي for my sake
Memman ممن from who
Mahzunan محزونأ saddened
Sadiqin humimin صديقسن حميمين close friends
Shay شيٍ something
Qaddum قدم gave
Yaftariq يفترق to separate (v)
Yasaghurain يصغرين become smaller
Yastatay يستطيع can, be able to
Yaxtaf يختلق to argue (v)

Edited by Zireael on 11 July 2013 at 11:01am

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Senior Member
Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 55 of 152
08 June 2013 at 9:05am | IP Logged 
Lesson 15, 3.06.2013
I've had a class cancelled on the 27th, so the meeting with Sarah was cancelled too.

This time, I read a story about a strong cock protecting his chicks from a wolf. It was a bit shorter than the story about a pencil and an eraser, so I finished it within 1,5h.

I know the entry is late, but I've been bogged down by finals. Next week, I have C1 English and B2 Spanish, so wish me luck!

New words
Huna هنا here
Hunak هناك there

Al-dab الدئب the wolf
Al-ghabat الغابة before
Al-hatunat الحيوانات animals (pl.)

'ad عاد come back
'am   عام to know
Astahaddama استحدم use
Awlad أولاد (pl.) boys, kids
Bahata بحث he searched
Bayuda بعيدا away
Bayn بين between
Fursat فرصة chance
Haddama هدم attacked
Haddara حدر he warned
Hiya حيئ so
Inoadda (?) انعض jump in, pounce
Intahaza انتهز take
Katkoot كتكوت chick; pl. katakt كتاكيت
Lalahat للحقث look for (present tense)
Luxtafar لخطر danger
Maghadarat مغادرة to leave
Marat axra مرة أخرئ another time
Nafsahu نفسه himself
Nazahat (?) نزهة picnic
Sahabat (?) صحبة company
Shadʒa شجاع brave
Qarrara قرر decided
Waada وعد promise
Wahadat وحدة unity
Wadzad وجد
Xadzafa خجف ashamed
Yedai   يدي hands (pl.)
Taam طعام food

Yafaq يافق he attracts
Yahaw يحاو he fears
Yaman3 يمنع he prevents
Yantabah ينتبه he notices
Yataahradu يتعرض he is in danger
Yudahan يداهم he happens

Edited by Zireael on 12 July 2013 at 2:38pm

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Joined 4748 days ago

518 posts - 636 votes 
Speaks: Polish*, EnglishB2, Spanish
Studies: German, Sign Language, Tok Pisin, Arabic (Yemeni), Old English

 Message 56 of 152
04 July 2013 at 4:03pm | IP Logged 
Lesson 16, 2.07.2013
This time, I read a story about doors and houses. It was pretty difficult due to many synonyms, so I only got halfway through it in an hour.

On plus side, Sarah was talking to a 4th-year Arabic student before our lesson, so I could listen in and I actually understood they were discussing people in various Arabic countries. I piped up to ask her about the Tunisians, but I had to repeat the question twice to get understood.

I'm going to meet Sarah (as in, a meeting not a lesson) next week.
On the 13th, there is a graduation ceremony - yeah, I've passed both the C1/B2 and the BA exam [I got a B!) - and Sarah has a flight back to Yemen booked for the 14th. Methinks this was our last lesson, any further learning will be done over FB/e-mails...

New words
Al-asrat الأسرة family
Al-awa (?)الأو first
Al-dakunah الداكنة dark
Al-furfa الفرفة room
Al-rada الرضا contented
Al-riwoom(?) الغيوم clouds
Al-tafl الطفل child
Abarat عبارة consists of
Akshar أكثر most
Ama أما but
Amtar أمطر rain
Armalat أرملة widow
Ashat عاشت he lived
Bi-ghazarah بغزارة heavily *unsure about the spelling, the print's not clear
Daayfat ضعيفة weak
Dʒadaran(?) جدران walls
Fahtama فاحتمئ protected
Fawq فوق above
Fakana alihum قكان عليهم they have to
Hatala هطل to fall
Hayat حيات life
Hudʒra حجرة room
Kanz كنز treasure
Kullaha كلها whole
Luzaxat لزخات shower
Manazul مناول house
Mutawada متواضعة humble
Satf سطف roof
Saat ساعاة hours
Samaa سماء sky
Saqf سقف roof
Sunawat سنوات years
Qanaat قناعة satisfaction
Qalulat قلعلة little
Tadʒamat تجمعت gathered
Tuflaha طفلها her baby
Xalalha خلالها during
Xashabi خشبي wood, wooden
Yafna يفنئ to finish
Yamluk يعلك to have/to own *can't spell this one on computer
Yataarrad يتعرض affected

Edited by Zireael on 13 July 2013 at 8:45am

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