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monox D. I-Fly’s Arabic and Japanese Log

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Monox D. I-Fly
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Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 9 of 403
11 May 2015 at 6:46am | IP Logged 
Ummm... When do we use Kaa-sin and Kaa-san?
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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 10 of 403
15 May 2015 at 7:25pm | IP Logged 
It... didn't end well. I tried to say hello to my former crush, then this happened:

Me: "Konbanwa, boku no kirei de yasashii imouto..."
Her: "その読み方、もうやめてよ。"
Me: "gomen ne... just say hello... btw was my japanese just now correct or not?"
Her: "綺麗でじゃなくて、綺麗な だ
Me: "am I wrong if I compliment you?"
Her: "don't you dare to call me like that again I warn you
can you just call me casually
Me: "yeah... yeah... califa...
I'm so sorry about that just now"
Her: "what did I ask for yet how did you respond....
....oh well
as long as you're not exaggreating like just now"
Me: "I know... you want to be just called "rika" don't you? well, however the first time I knew you you're using that ID... sorry, I don't know that you don't like to be called like that..."
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Bilingual Diglot
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 Message 11 of 403
15 May 2015 at 8:55pm | IP Logged 
You can't call her "imouto!" I'm not sure if you were being cynical, or if you're really
upset, but hang in there :)
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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 12 of 403
16 May 2015 at 3:00am | IP Logged 
Why can't I? "Imouto" means "little sister", right? I treated her like a little sister before I confessed, and after I got rejected I continued to treat her like that again.
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Monox D. I-Fly
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 Message 13 of 403
30 June 2015 at 7:55pm | IP Logged 
Sorry for not being able to keep the log active, I was pretty busy recently.
Btw, what is the Arabic equivalent of "Konbanwa, boku no kirei de yasashii imouto..." but replacing the "little sister" part with "apprentice"? Is it "Khoirul lail, tilmiidzatil jamiilah wa lathiifah..."?
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 14 of 403
11 October 2015 at 6:46pm | IP Logged 
Monox D. I-Fly wrote:
Sorry for not being able to keep the log active, I was pretty busy recently.
Btw, what is the Arabic equivalent of "Konbanwa, boku no kirei de yasashii imouto..." but replacing the "little sister" part with "apprentice"? Is it "Khoirul lail, tilmiidzatil jamiilah wa lathiifah..."?

Now that I think about it, is it "Lailatul khoir, tilmiidzatil jamiilah wa lathiifah..."? And what is the Arabic word for "my little sister"? Is it still "ukhtii" regardless of age like in English?
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Monox D. I-Fly
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Joined 5232 days ago

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Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 15 of 403
31 December 2015 at 6:41pm | IP Logged 
Sorry for not updating my log in a long time. I made very little progress, like the Arabic verb for second person male subject uses the prefix ta- instead of ya-. (Example: yadzhabu = he goes; tadzhabu = you go).
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Monox D. I-Fly
Senior Member
Joined 5232 days ago

762 posts - 664 votes 
Speaks: Indonesian*

 Message 16 of 403
11 January 2016 at 6:38pm | IP Logged 
Increase a bit of my Arabic vocabulary from Islamic magazines I got which had Arabic language section. They are as follow:

Thoo-iroh = Plane
I remember it by connecting to Japanese. The first syllable is "tho", which is similar to "to" in the Japanese word "tobi" which means "to fly".

Fann = Art
Because art is fun.

Khaasuub = Computer
The basic word of "khaasuub" is "khasaba", which means "compute", the basic word of "computer".

Mukhaasib = Cashier
Cashier is also to compute money and price.

Matjar = Shop
The basic word of "matjar" is "tajaro". I don't know what it means, but there is an Indonesian slang word "tajir" means "wealthy" which seems to come from Arabic, so I assume that the word "tajaro" has something to do with money.

Ajzaa' = Parts
The basic word must contain the letter "j" and "z", similar to "juz" which the Qoran has 30.

Waroq = Leaf
I don't know how did I manage to remember this one.

Madiinah = City
There is a city in Arabic with the same name.

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