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 Message 105 of 420
18 December 2011 at 9:20pm | IP Logged 
aw, you tried ymmärrä suomea too? how was it? :)
cathrynm wrote: vu=osiot&teksti=0

On tammikuu ja alennusmyyntien aika.
In January there are sales.
i wonder if you understand the grammatical structure of the sentences? here it might not matter but with literature it would be essential.
for example, this one literally means "it's January and the sales' time".

as for native speed+no transcripts..well, you can listen without looking at the transcripts first, and then check the glossary (where available) and only then listen while reading the transcript if needed :)

a good trick might be to listen on your ipod or whatever first rather than at comp, both to be more focused on what you're listening to and to avoid the temptation of looking at the text.
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 Message 106 of 420
18 December 2011 at 10:55pm | IP Logged 
I'm not sure what I was thinking with that one. I do know ja = and, but my brain just refused to parse that for some reason.

A lot of this stuff is guessable from context, and it's a lot of stuff I sort of vaguely know, is kind of how it's in my brain. Sort of a vague kind of mushy and unreliable sense of kind of what the different endings mean.   I think I can recognize a lot of the basic forms, see that look like it might be genetive and I see another word and I think it's probably partitive, or past tense, etc. There's a bunch of infinitive forms that I kind of recognize but don't know how to use, and production is still a disaster, and I really need to drill on this.

So I do need to do more focused study of grammar at some point, and normally I'm pretty interested in this kind of thing, but what happened is I did massive reading of Japanese grammar books these last few months. I think maybe I'm rebounding off of a bit of grammar overload the last few months of studying for the JLPT.
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 Message 107 of 420
18 December 2011 at 11:08pm | IP Logged 
[QUOTE=Serpent] aw, you tried ymmärrä suomea too? how was it? :)[QUOTE=cathrynm]

Well, it's interesting. I think I like the audio better, actually. This guy sounds a bit more normal.   Selkouutiset sounds so tortured to my ears, sometimes.   The content, this one at least is a bit labored, I know this kind of thing myself. "I woke up, then I ate breakfast, then I watched TV, then I fed my cat, and then I fell asleep." This is how language learning starts, I suppose. I'm looking at the exercise now.
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 Message 108 of 420
20 December 2011 at 10:22am | IP Logged 
Ruotsalainen autonvalmistaja Saab on jättänyt konkurssihakemuksen.
Swedish automaker Saab is filing for bankruptcy.

toimitusjohtaja=CEO (operation leader)
Saabin toimitusjohtaja jätti konkurssihakemuksen, koska autonvalmistajalla oli pahoja taloudellisia vaikeuksia.
Saab's CEO filed for bankruptcy because the automaker was in bad financial trouble.

palkka->palkkoja = wages
Rahapulan takia yhtiö ei pystynyt maksamaan esimerkiksi työntekijöille palkkoja.
For example, due to the shortage of money the company was not able to to pay employee wages.

Saabia yritettiin pelastaa konkurssilta.
Saab tried to save itself from bankruptcy.

Saab on neuvotellut esimerkiksi kiinalaisen autoalan yhtiön kanssa rahoituksesta.
Saab is bargaining, for examples, with a Chinese auto company to receive funding.

Saab ja kiinalainen yhtiö eivät kuitenkaan päässeet sopimukseen rahoituksesta.
Saab and the Chinese company are not able to reach an agreement for funding.

Saab on ollut tärkeä yritys Ruotsin teollisuudelle.
Saab is an important Swedish company.

Nyt oikeus päättää pian, täytyykö Saabin lopettaa autojen valmistaminen.
Now, the court decides soon, whether Saab must halt auto production.
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 Message 109 of 420
21 December 2011 at 10:36pm | IP Logged 
The YLE iPad/iPhone app is so useful for Finnish. For some reason the website blocks everything -- nothing but frustration, but all this stuff that's blocked on the web version of Areena seems to be watchable on the iPad version.   Recommended.
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 Message 110 of 420
22 December 2011 at 11:26pm | IP Logged 
cathrynm wrote:

yes, kuitenkaan is the negative form of kuitenkin. anyway, however etc.
teollisuus=industry. saab is important for the industry.

edit: and eivät päässeet is the past form.

Edited by Serpent on 23 December 2011 at 3:32am

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 Message 111 of 420
25 December 2011 at 7:22am | IP Logged 

ヒトが他の動物ともっとも異なっている点と して、火が使えるということが挙げれれる。
The main main difference between people and other animals is the ability to create fire.

火によって、ヒトは他の動物から身を守り、 夜間に活動することも可能になった。
Because of Fire people can protect their bodies from other animals and got the ability to do things at night.

人種が火を手に入れたのは、 約100万年 前のことだと推定されている。
It's presumed that humans obtained fire about 1 million years ago. (100x10,000=1million)

火の利用でその後の人種の進化に大きな影響 を与えたのは、 料理ができるようになった ことであろう。
Due to the advancement of the use of fire, human development have received large influence, for example the developing the ability to cook food.

当時、ヒトが食べられる食材の種類は非常に 少なかったが、 生で食べられないものを煮 たり焼いたりすることで、次第にそれは増え ていった。
Those days, though the variety of cooking ingredients was extremely small, but as food that was inedible raw was boiled or baked, gradually the variety of ingredients increased.

もたらす=bring about
料理して食べることは、 ヒトの身体に変化 をもたらした。
The ability to cook food bought about changes in the human body.

例えば、 ゴリラは主に植物を食べているが 、十分な栄養を取るためには一日に大量の植 物を食べなければならない。
For example, though gorillas mainly heat plants, to receive enough nutrition, each day they must eat a large quantity.

生の植物は固いので、 それをかむためには ほおの筋肉を強くする必要があった。
Because raw vegetables are tough, in order to chew, they needed to developer powerful muscles in the cheeks.

その影響で、頭蓋骨はあまり大きくならなか った。
As as result, the skull became smaller.

一方、ヒトは、調理されて柔らかくなった食 物を食べるようになり、 歯やあごは小さく 、食べ物をかむための筋肉は弱くなっていっ た。
On the other hand, because people were able to eat food which became soft through cooking, the teeth and jaws became smaller, the muscles used to chew food became weak.

発声器官=はっせいきかん=vocal chords
その反面、頭蓋骨は大きくなり、のどの発声 器官も発達したと考えられている。 
On the other hand,the skull became larger, the throat and vocal chords developer.

このように、人種は身体を発達させ、 思考 や言語を手に入れることができたのだ。
As a result, the human body developed and the ability to think and speak were obtained.
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United States
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 Message 112 of 420
25 December 2011 at 9:40am | IP Logged 
Autoteillä on paljon liikennettä joulun takia.
Roads are filled with traffic because of Christmas.

Perjantaina liikenteessä on ollut paljon autoja, kun ihmiset ovat lähteneet viettämään joulua.
Fridays traffic has many cars because people are leaving to celebrate Christmas.

Monilla ihmisillä on joululoma.
Many people have Christmas time off.

Poliisi sanoo, että liikenne on sujunut melko hyvin.
The police say that traffic is flowing quite well.

kolari=crash (ppl)
Joitakin pahoja kolareita on tapahtunut.
Also, sometimes bad accidents are occuring.

ajokeli=driving conditions
Ajokeli muuttuu huonoksi joissakin paikoissa perjantai-illan aikana.
Driving conditions changed for the worse at some places the time of Friday evening.

Myös juna-asemilla on ollut paljon ihmisiä.
Also there are many people at the train stations.

Yli 50 000 suomalaista käyttää junaa joulun aikaan.
Over 50,000 Finns use the the trains at Christmas.

Junaliikenne ja bussiliikenne loppuu jouluaattona lauantaina iltapäivällä.
Train traffic and bus traffic stop Christmas eve Saturday evening.

Joulupäivänä iltapäivällä bussi- ja junaliikenne alkaa uudelleen.
Christmas evening Buss and train traffic start again.

Myös kaupat ovat kiinni joulun aikaan.
Also stores are closed on Christmas day.

Kaupat ovat auki jouluaattona lauantaina aamulla.
Stores are open on the morning of Saturday, Christmas eve.

Monet kaupat ovat auki seuraavan kerran maanantaina.
Many stores are open next Monday.

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