luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7290 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 73 of 92 05 May 2013 at 11:57am | IP Logged |
One can see the transition above from the bold bullets above to the more laid back recount that I haven't been studying Esperanto as intensely the last 6 weeks or so. I have been studying everyday though. French is just getting more attention.
In the last week or so, I've been listen/shadowing Jen Nia Mondo dialogues in car. I'm on lesson 17 of 25 there. In the chair, I've listen/read through lesson 25. I haven't done the deep-dive in lessons 17-25 or so that I plan to do gradually over time. I'm just not as excited by the grammar/exercise approach.
I've been listening to Radio Verda episodes in my car. I think I'm in the 30s (of over 100 episodes).
I read some more of La Bona Lingvo yesterday. That's really a book that I think will be helpful and will hold my interest for a while.
I did wrapup another pretty thorough trip through Gerda Malaperis. The last chapters, 20-25 weren't as easy as the earlier ones. I might should make another run at them before I set the book/course down for a while. Time will tell.
Yesterday I found that loading pdf files on the iPad is as simple as mailing them to yourself and opening them with acrobat reader. I did this with the 16 lessons of Pasaporto al la Tuta Mondo. I'm thinking it will start to get the next round of attention.
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Sprachprofi Nonaglot Senior Member Germany learnlangs.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6555 days ago 2608 posts - 4866 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: German*, English, French, Esperanto, Greek, Mandarin, Latin, Dutch, Italian Studies: Spanish, Arabic (Written), Swahili, Indonesian, Japanese, Modern Hebrew, Portuguese
| Message 74 of 92 05 May 2013 at 12:14pm | IP Logged |
You might enjoy "Being colloquial in Esperanto", which has a lot of advanced notes, just
like "La Bona Lingvo".
Still, I think it's more important to get some real practice now. Why don't you chat with
people and then graduate to voice-chat? Also, join the Esperanto group on Facebook.
Edited by Sprachprofi on 05 May 2013 at 12:15pm
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luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7290 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 75 of 92 13 May 2013 at 3:10am | IP Logged |
Sprachprofi wrote:
You might enjoy "Being colloquial in Esperanto", which has a lot of advanced notes, just like "La Bona Lingvo".
Still, I think it's more important to get some real practice now. Why don't you chat with people and then graduate to voice-chat? Also, join the Esperanto group on Facebook. |
Very good counsel. I've heard a lot about "Being colloquial in Esperanto", but haven't actually seen the book on a shelf that I was able to browse.
I'll have to get the okay from my wife to do any voice chatting or anything like that. Even if everything is completely on the up and up, I wouldn't want her to feel slighted in any way.
I've started another run at Gerda Malaperis with Lasu min Paroli Plu, which uses the same vortaro as Gerda Malaperis. It's a way to embed the basic vocabulary and grammar in the noggin. Last night I did chapter 1.
I've also taken to reading the script for Pasaporto al la Tuta Mondo. I'm just finishing up lesson 3.
Edited by luke on 13 May 2013 at 3:11am
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kujichagulia Senior Member Japan Joined 4932 days ago 1031 posts - 1571 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Portuguese
| Message 76 of 92 13 May 2013 at 4:04am | IP Logged |
Bonege! Keep it going!
Even though I gave up Esperanto last year in favor of Portuguese, I still have a soft spot for the language. I'm sure I'll pick it up again sometime in the future. I don't know... there's just something "mojosa" about it.
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luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7290 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 77 of 92 27 May 2013 at 7:05pm | IP Logged |
Pasaporto al la Tuta Mondo I've been reading the pdf transcripts for this course. I find it has been helpful in understanding the story. When I start watching the videos again, I'll pick up around video 8. It's not that I don't know the story or can't follow it, but occasionally in my reading I'll come across a scene or section of the story and it seems new. This generally just means I've fallen asleep through that part of the video. That happens. I've also got the soundtracks for the course on a memory stick that I listen to in my car. I skipped the audio for first 4 or so videos this time through as they are quite easy.
Lasu Min Paroli Plu I've been using Lasu Min Paroli Plu to solidify my comprehension of Gerda Malaperis and Claude Piron's approach to Esperanto.
La Bona Lingvo I'm deep into my third read of this book. It's rough going at points, but very satisfying when paragraphs come together comprehensibly.
Edited by luke on 01 June 2013 at 1:43am
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luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7290 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 78 of 92 04 June 2013 at 4:55pm | IP Logged |
Pasaporto al la Tuta Mondo - I continue reading the pdf transcripts for the videos. I'm on lesson 12 there. I also started watching the videos again starting at 8 of 16. I'm up to lesson 13 or higher on the watching front. For the soundtracks, which I listen to in the car, I'm on lesson 8. I skipped the audio for first 4 videos this time through because they're easy now.
Lasu Min Paroli Plu - I've been using Lasu Min Paroli Plu to solidify my comprehension of Gerda Malaperis and Claude Piron's approach to Esperanto. I haven't hit this for a few days, but I'm at lesson 10/11. I'm also reading Gerda and doing the exercises and reading the vocabulary lists.
La Bona Lingvo - I'm on page 80. This is my third read of the book.
I also do a bit of Teach Yourself Esperanto. Mi legis gxin en la necesejo. Estas bona kurso. Mi sxatas gxin.
Edited by luke on 04 June 2013 at 4:56pm
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luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7290 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 79 of 92 09 July 2013 at 1:08am | IP Logged |
Mi venis al la Lando Kongreso cxi tie finsemajno. Estis bona kongreso. Mi ekkonis multajn esperantistojn. Pluraj bonaj esperantistoj estis tie. Mi kaptis io de la kongreso kun videokaptulo kaj mi revidis ion kiel mia edzino kontrolis la auxton hejme. Mi scias ke mi ne skribas korecta esperanto, sed mi ankaux konas ke me povas kompreni kaj pensi kaj paroli pli bone ke antaue.
Mi tre gxojas ekkoni kelkajn kelkfamagxajn esperantistojn. Mi auskultis Enrique kiu havas bonan retpagxon pri esperanto. Li estas bona esperantisto kaj homo kaj historiparlanto.
Ankaux mi gxojas paroli kun Neil, kaj Maria. Estis pluraj bonaj instruistoj tie. Jose de Chili estis tie kaj li bone diris al mi por kia li esperantigxis. Mi bone auskultis la prezidanto de la Esperanto-USA. Li donis al ni parolado de ne cxiam esti komencanto. Li parolis tre frue, klare, kaj sagxe.
La prezidanto de estis tie kaj li donis bonan paroladon.
Mi ne volas skribi multe cxar me konas ke la plu mi skribas la plu mi malskribas kaj me ne volas malbonpraktiki.
Mi acxetis libron. La Mastro de L'Ringoj mi pensas ke gxi estos bonan leglibron.
Do, kiel me ne bone konas se mi skribus "mi pensas esti bona libro" aux alian frazon me ekhaltis mian historian.
Se vi estis tie kaj me ne skribis pri vi estas sole por sxpari vortojn kaj ne fusxskribi stultajxojn. Mi tre gxojas ekkoni tutan personon tie.
Sed mi volas doni al miajn skribamikojn bonega ligo pri de Svisa Radio kiu havas multajn bonajn (mi audis) esperanta registrojn.
Edited by luke on 09 July 2013 at 10:54am
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kujichagulia Senior Member Japan Joined 4932 days ago 1031 posts - 1571 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Portuguese
| Message 80 of 92 09 July 2013 at 3:21am | IP Logged |
Vi estis feliĉa povi iri al tiu kongreso! Mi esperas, ke iam mi ankaŭ povos iri al kongreso aŭ alia renkontiĝo de Esperanto.
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