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cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 89 of 420 09 December 2011 at 5:26am | IP Logged |
Kind of low key on the Finnish still, but I am warming up here.. I cracked open my old Finnish sentence of the day Anki deck. Got some time on that again. I'm trying to establish a habit of reading Selkouutiset every morning in bed with my iPad, even if I don't know all the words, I just kind of read. I set my Android tablet UI to Finnish, though sometimes I have to revert back to English to do stuff.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 90 of 420 11 December 2011 at 4:26am | IP Logged |
Kind of above my pay grade, but I'm working on this site jclab.wordpress.com I just picked it because it has audio too. This is pretty much a stretch for me, and I often catastrophically misunderstand these things, so be warned.
気質=きしつ=Spirit, character
ものごころ=awareness of things around one.
巣くっている=to build a nest.
すべてどうでも好いというのがものごころつ くはじめから私の裡に巣くっていて、ついに 改め難かったところの気質である。
It was a tiny awareness that began to settle inside of me, of an ultimately unchangeable character.
私は日常のなかでたいていどうでも好いので ある。
Among other ordinary things going on it was insignificant.
ときには気になったような顔付をしてみるこ とがあるが、それは気にすべきある状況への 釣合いをとっている謂わば自然な平衡作用の 現われに過ぎないように思われる。
At times though it seemed like I wasn't noticing it, I think this was nothing more than the appearance of trying finding a natural equilibrium, you could say it was an attempt to create a balance with something I must be pay attention to.
私がものを書く場合、このような気質からし て読者をもとめるたちではない方だが、とこ ろで、 いくらか書き進んでいる裡に作用と 読者のあいだの或る種の関係が、私なりに謂 わば理論的に出来上ってきて、どうでも好い という気質を越えたところに次第に移り行っ てしまった。
In the case of me writing about this kind of insignificant thing, there's no way to demand readership, and due the distance between the act of continuing to write, and the reader, I'd say, theoretically, the prospect of conveying such an insignificant matter is a hit or miss proposition.
その新しい関係とは、どうでも好いという本 来の気質をまったく排除している訳でもない が、また 云って見れば、正反対ともいえる もので、敢えて命名してみれば、「in confidence]内証で、といったものである。
As far as the new matter is concerned,that doesn't necessarily mean I'll exclude the original insignificant matter. Again, I'll try to name it, because the opposite could be said (??), I'll venture to call the matter [in confidence] or inner proof.
課する=かする=to levy, impose, assign
すべてにどうでも好い私はただひとつ私の上 に取り除きがたく課された問題のみを論ずる ことが好きである。
As a humble individual person, I'd like to debate this matter from which it is difficult to not want exclude myself from.
I this thing going anywhere? (hmm, this is pretty difficult. I'm sure there are horrific mistakes here)
Edited by cathrynm on 11 December 2011 at 4:27am
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 91 of 420 11 December 2011 at 5:24am | IP Logged |
And a little bit of translation of selkouutiset
arvioida-->arvioinut = appraise
päätös-->päätöksiä = decision PTV PL
Eurooppa-ministeri Alexander Stubb on arvioinut EU-johtajien tämän viikon huippukokouksen päätöksiä.
European minster Alexander Stubb evaluates this week's high level meeting of the EU leaders.
Ministeri Stubbin mielestä Euroopan unioni menee kohti talousunionia.
In Minister Stubb's mind, the European union is headed to domestic economic union.
Kaikki 17 euromaata ja kuusi (6) euron ulkopuolista EU-maata sopivat
taloussopimuksesta, jolla tiivistetään maiden yhteistä talouspolitiikkaa.
All 17 Euro countries, and 6 countries outside the Euro will come to an economic agreement, each nation condensed into a single economic and political entity.
Alexander Stubb uskoo, että EU:n kriisirahastosta syntyy ratkaisu, jonka Suomi voi hyväksyä.
Alexander Stubb believes, that if the EU crisis fund is resolved, even Finland can approve.
Suomi on ainoa maa, jonka mielestä EU-maiden täytyy sopia kriisirahaston käytöstä yksimielisesti.
Finland is the only country, which thinks the EU countries must agree to resolve the crisis in a single-minded manner.
Stubbin mielestä on tärkeää, että Suomi on mukana kriisirahastossa
Stubbs believes it is vital, that Finland is on board for the solution of the crisis.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 92 of 420 11 December 2011 at 6:48am | IP Logged |
Well, going through these is fast and easy. I thought I'd do another one tonight.
viime = last, past, dying
Venäjällä on järjestetty mielenosoituksia viime sunnuntain parlamenttivaalien tulosta vastaan.
In Russia there was an organized demonstration against last Sunday's parliamentary election results.
Poliisi kertoo, että esimerkiksi Moskovassa oli lauantaina ainakin 25 000 mielenosoittajaa.
Police say, for example, in Moscow on Saturday there were at least 25,000 demonstrators.
Mielenosoituksen järjestäjät kertovat, että mielenosoittajia oli paljon enemmän.
Organizers of the demonstrations said that the number of demonstrators was much greater.
Venäläiset ovat vihaisia, koska he epäilevät, että viime sunnuntain vaalit eivät olleet rehelliset.
Russians are angry, because they question whether last sunday's elections were honest.
Pääministeri Vladimir Putinin puolue menetti paljon ääniä vaaleissa, mutta puolue
säilytti enemmistön parlamentissa eli duumassa.
Prime minister Vladimir Putin party lost many seats, but the party preserved its parliamentary majority in the Duma.
Mielenosoittajat vaativat, että maassa järjestetään uudet vaalit.
The demonstrators insist, that the country organize new elections.
Lisäksi he vaativat, että vaalien epärehellisyys tunnustetaan julkisesti.
In addition they ask that the election's dishonesty be exposed to the public.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 93 of 420 11 December 2011 at 8:56pm | IP Logged |
Pääministeri Jyrki Katainen on puhunut Euroopan kriisirahastosta.
Head minister Jyrki Katainen is speaking on the European Crisis fund.
paha->pahoja (ptvpl)=corrupt
EU aikoo kriisirahaston avulla auttaa maita, joilla on pahoja talousongelmia.
The EU plans a crisis fund for helping countries, each one with their own corrupt economic problems.
Pääministeri Katainen on sitä mieltä, että kaikkien euromaiden täytyy olla mukana Euroopan kriisirahastossa.
Head minister Katainen believes with regard to this. that each European country must be together with the European Crisis fund.
Pääministeri Katainen puhui asiasta sunnuntaina Radio Suomessa.
Head minister Katainen said of the matter Sunday on Radio Finland.
vastustaa=contest, protest, withstand
sääntö=sääntöjen (genpl)= rule
Suomi on ainoa euromaa, joka vastustaa kriisirahaston sääntöjen muuttamista.
Finland is the only European coutnry, to contest the Crisis funds's suspension of regulations.
Saksa ja Ranska haluavat muuttaa Euroopan kriisirahaston sääntöjä.
Germany and France have desired the removal of European crisis fund rules.
Niiden mielestä EU-maiden ei tarvitse olla yksimielisiä, kun ne käyttävät rahastoa kriisimaiden tukemiseen.
They believe the EU countries don't need to be single-minded, if they apply funding is the countries in crises requires.
Suomi on ainoa maa, jonka mielestä EU-maiden pitää sopia kriisirahaston käytöstä yksimielisesti.
Finland is the only country which believes the EU countries want to implement a suitable unified crisis fund.
Pääministeri Katainen sanoo, että hallitus aikoo vielä keskustella kriisirahastosta.
Head minister Katainen said, that the government plans to negotiate the crisis fund.
Katainen toivoo, Suomi on mukana tekemässä päätöksiä Euroopan kriisirahastossa myös tulevaisuudessa.
Katainen wishes, that Finland can make a decision on the crisis fund and the future.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 94 of 420 13 December 2011 at 10:31am | IP Logged |
pentu->pennun (gen) = cub
Jääkarhu on saanut elävän pennun Ranuan eläinpuistossa Etelä-Lapissa.
A polar bear has her playful cub in the Ranua animal preserve in Southern Lapland.
Venus-jääkarhu sai marraskuussa kaksi (2) pentua.
Venus the polar bear had 2 cubs this November.
Toinen pennuista kuoli melkein heti synnytyksen jälkeen.
The second cub died immediately after birth
painaa->painoi= weighed
Toinen pentu painoi noin 500 grammaa ja sen paino on kolmen viikon aikana noussut hyvin.
The cub weighs only 500 grams and it's weight in the 3rd week is increasing nicely.
Tapaus on harvinainen, koska jääkarhut eivät yleensä saa eläviä pentuja eläinpuistoissa.
The case is unusual because polar bears don't usually raise live cubs in the animal park.
Jääkarhut eivät usein onnistu saamaan pentuja eläinpuistoissa, koska siellä monet asiat häiritsevät jääkarhujen elämää.
Polar bears do not often succeed raising cubs in the park, because they are many problems that disturb polar bear's life.
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| cathrynm Senior Member United States junglevision.co Joined 6210 days ago 910 posts - 1232 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Finnish
| Message 95 of 420 14 December 2011 at 7:44am | IP Logged |
Kaupoissa on pula voista.
pula=market slump
The market are short on butter.
Kaupat eivät saa meijereistä niin paljon voita, kuin ihmiset haluavat sitä ostaa.
Markets are not getting enough butter from the dairies, because everyone wants to buy.
Voin kulutus on kasvanut 20 prosenttia tänä vuonna.
Butter consumption is up 20% this year.
rasvainen->rasvaisempia (CMP P PL) -- fatty
tuote=produce (P PL)
Suomalaiset ovat alkaneet syödä rasvaisempia tuotteita kuin ennen.
Finns are starting to drink more fattier products than previously.
hamstrata=>hamstraavat=hoard (like a hamster?)
Suomalaiset myös hamstraavat voita eli ostavat voita varastoon.
Finns are also hoarding butter so none can be bought from stocks.
Jouluna ihmiset käyttävät muutenkin voita enemmän kuin tavallisesti.
For Christmas people are using something other than butter more than normal.
Jouluruokiin lisätään usein voita.
Christmas food uses a lot of butter.
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6682 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) ![](/images/pokal.2.jpg) 4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 96 of 420 15 December 2011 at 12:14am | IP Logged |
Kaupoissa on pula voista.
pula=market slump
The stores are short on butter.
Kaupat eivät saa meijereistä niin paljon voita, kuin ihmiset haluavat sitä ostaa.
The stores are not getting as much butter as people want to buy. (idk where to put "from dairies")
Voin kulutus on kasvanut 20 prosenttia tänä vuonna.
Butter consumption is up 20% this year.
rasvainen->rasvaisempia (CMP P PL) -- fatty
tuote=produce (P PL)
Suomalaiset ovat alkaneet syödä rasvaisempia tuotteita kuin ennen.
Finns are starting to eat more fattier products than previously.
hamstrata=>hamstraavat=hoard (like a hamster?)
Suomalaiset myös hamstraavat voita eli ostavat voita varastoon.
Finns are also hoarding butter, that is buying butter for keeping in store/stock.
Jouluna ihmiset käyttävät muutenkin voita enemmän kuin tavallisesti.
And anyway (muutenkin), during Christmas people use butter more than usually.
Jouluruokiin lisätään usein voita.
Christmas food uses a lot of butter. (more literally - butter is often put/added into Christmas food)
I tried selkouutiset at some point... i always felt insulted when the lady said in less than perfect Russian that I was listening to a programme in simplified Finnish:S
Have you tried Ymmärrä suomea? http://www2.edu.fi/ymmarrasuomea/ It's one of my favourite resources. The texts are relatively simple but also longer, hopefully this helps you to learn to handle all the various structures better. Besides, the vocabulary should be more familiar to you, so you can concentrate on the listening comprehension and structures (:
Oh and I hope I didn't make you feel discouraged! The rest of your translations wouldn't need that many corrections I think.
Edited by Serpent on 15 December 2011 at 12:16am
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