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Alexander’s Language Learning Log

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37 messages over 5 pages: 1 2 3 4 5  Next >>
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 1 of 37
02 December 2011 at 9:58pm | IP Logged 
Hey everyone,
So I've already started a Catalan/Welsh log and run a Basque one too... But I though a restart was needed to bring
everything together (the Basque will stay on its own as it's a separate project more or less). My goal is simply to
improve my skills in my current languages and slowly add languages to that too. So here goes:

English: Native!

Spanish: Advanced, I've learnt Spanish for 4 1/2 years and I can read anything, watch anything, speak about
anything etc. My grammar isn't perfect, my vocabulary could improve, but I'm attending advanced classes so that's
ok. I intend to stop doing classes after this year to make way for another language. I'll maintain it by reading,
watching and speaking.

German: Upper-Intermediate/Advanced. I've learnt German for 3 years now, with one and a bit years in classes. I
feel good in German, I understand the grammar, have just finished a second book in the language and can read
newspapers and watch TV and listen to radio. However, in comparison with my Spanish my German falls down in
various areas. I'm not very quick to speak and reply, I take time over sentences etc. My vocabulary could certainly
do with work! I attend classes in German and have a tandem once a week. My goal is to keep improving and
learning and take a German exam next year.

Catalan: Post-beginner/Intermediate. Catalan is an odd language for me. It sounds beautiful, I really like hearing it,
speaking it and so forth. But the odd thing is that I can read it really well, understand almost all of it, yet my level
isn't great. I did a three month course two years ago and am now doing a course at my local university. I'm learning
a lot and learning very quickly. I think in 2 years I should be properly fluent, even one year if I study intensively. I
just need to make time for it, dedicate myself to learning it and its features and then embrace it.

Basque: I'm dabbling in this language at the moment. I guess more than dabbling... I'm not sure I'll ever be fluent,
it depends on circumstances, but I would like to have a conversational level and an understanding of how the
language works and a basis from which to build on if I have the time and inclination. Basque astounds me in its
complexity and insularity, but I'm not sure how driven I can be to learn it through and through. We'll see, this year's
goal is just to continue bit by bit so I can at least understand the language (and pronounce it!)

Swedish: Once I stop classes of Spanish I can go on to this beautiful language. I worked through the 'Swedish in
Three Months' book a few years ago, but it started to interfere with my German so I dropped it and now... Well I
just want it back! I watch Wallander, I read Mankell and I've travelled throughout Sweden and I just really want to
speak it! So I will! But I feel I should get to a good intermediate in Catalan before picking this up again, so maybe in
a year's time? We'll see, but the books are sitting upon my shelf and I can't wait =)

Dutch: This is a longer term thing. Dutch would be really useful for my career, but not only that, I am very
interested in learning a 4th Germanic language and seeing the similarities and differences within the group. I see
Dutch and I think hmm... Especially after learning German, it just seems to come out at me and say LEARN ME! But
we'll see. I think once my Swedish gets to Intermediate I'll start on Dutch. Obviously then I'll have to be very careful
to maintain all my languages etc, but I am very lucky in that I can talk in English, Spanish and Catalan every day, to
both my partner and best friend =)

Welsh: I don't know what to say here. I've tried to learn you. I've tried to love you. I'm intrigued by your patterns
and your tones, by your soft mutations and your ruggedness. But I can't find a use for you. I never hear you, and
have no-one to practise with. Hmm. You'll always be there though. And if I'm lucky enough to find a professorship
in Wales I'll come back to you and wont stop until I'm word-perfect. Dwi'n sori...

Well that's it. I'll use this blog to chart my progress and write in all my languages, and voilà!
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 2 of 37
04 December 2011 at 6:15pm | IP Logged 
Bueno, debo empezar con algo concreto y escrito, así que voy a escribir un poco aquí en la lengua de Cervantes, o
Almodóvar o lo que sea! Me siento bien en castellano y la verdad es que me he sentido bien con ello desde hace
dos años. Claro que cometo errores y tal, pero aún los nativos cometen errores, no? En la actualidad asisto a clases
de castellano en el colegio de "Lifelong Learning" de la universidad aquí en cardiff y la verdad es que me vienen
muy bien. Cada clase aprendo algo, y eso me parece bien porque siempre hay algo a aprender! Los deberes que
tengo para mañana son lo siguiente: una carta de entre 500 y 1000 palabras sobre una película que me gustaría
rodar, y con que tengo que contar cosas como el lugar del rodaje, y los actores y todo eso. Bueno, debo empezar
con eso en vez de estarme aquí escribiendo... Así que buenas tardes y hasta luego (o mejor, pronto).
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 3 of 37
04 December 2011 at 6:21pm | IP Logged 
Ich möchte auch etwas in Deutsch schreiben aber es ist mir schwierig vom einer Sprache zu einer anderen
zuändern. Also gut, was kann ich Ihnen sagen? Ich freue mich darüber, dass ich Deutsch lerne, sie ist so eine
schöne Sprache, die mir wirklich gut gefällt. Ja, klar dauert man ein bisschen, um die Grammatik wirklich zu
verstehen aber für mich ist es schwieriger, um die Wörter zu lernen. Ich lerne immer mehr Wörter aber ich habe
noch Probleme beim Lesen von Zeitungen oder Bücher. Aber Deutsch ist schön und ich habe den Wünsch,
wünderschöne Deutsch zu sprechen! Mit Ihnen, klar!

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 4 of 37
04 December 2011 at 6:28pm | IP Logged 
I una mica en Català?
Fa dos anys vaig fer un curs de Català de tres mesos. Vaig aprendre molt però en aquest moment no sabia molt de
idiomes, això que vaig oblidar tot. Quina vergonya, no? Però ja que tinc de nou classes de Català tres vegades a la
setmana aprenc molt y m'agrada això. Al cap i a la fi dec aprendre Català, una llengua maca y bonica, així que bona
tarda i que vagi bé!

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 5 of 37
06 December 2011 at 8:50pm | IP Logged 
Doncs ahir vaig tenir dues hores de català en classe i altra hora avui. Em va bé tant català perque vull avançar com
pugui! Quan he tornat a casa vaig fer altra dues hores de català així que va ser uns dies amb molt català, però és
una llengua bonica així que no passa res que aprenc molt =) Solament tinc que seguir fent coses així i aprendré
molt =)

Fins ara,

Edited by Alexander86 on 06 December 2011 at 8:51pm

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 6 of 37
12 December 2011 at 5:51pm | IP Logged 
Un dia normal! Dues hores més de català i crec que ara em sento millor que quan vaig començar el curs (que em
sembla perfecte)! Necessito fer més i sé que hi ha moltes coses que puc fer però la veritat és que vaig a tenir molt
temps per Nadal així que puc estudiar hores i hores de català, al menys això espero... També tinc que estudiar el
meu alemany i castellà però crec que podria avançar ràpidament en català en les setmanes vinent perque em sento
bé quan parlo català, té encant... Bé, ara tinc que fer els meus deures de castellà per la meva clase del vespre (avui
tinc classes de català i castellà), així que...

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Senior Member
Joined 6145 days ago

296 posts - 382 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, Catalan
Studies: Arabic (Levantine), Arabic (Written), French

 Message 7 of 37
13 December 2011 at 10:23pm | IP Logged 
Hola Alex, veig que parles molt bé el català. Tens moltes oportunitats per practicar-lo? Per mi això va ser la part més difícil del català, que quan vivia fora no en practicava gaire. I parles castellà molt bé també -- m'he quedat força impressionada!

Que només et concentraràs amb el català pel TAC? Fas classes de castellà i d'alemany?
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4923 days ago

224 posts - 323 votes 
Speaks: English*, Spanish, German, Catalan
Studies: Swedish

 Message 8 of 37
14 December 2011 at 2:14pm | IP Logged 
Hola, la veritat es que tinc moltes oportunitats per practicar-lo, tres hores de classes a la setmana i també amb
amics i la meva dona (una catalana). Llegeixo molt també, com, i altras coses. Però com
només he començat en septembre no tinc les paraulas suficients per parlar com vull! Espero fer molt català durant
les festes per nadal, però dec fer més alemany i castellà també així que tinc que planejar tot...

Crec que concentraré amb català el any que ve perque puc fer molt en un any i amb alemany crec que necessito
més temps. Però no vaig a deixar d'estudiar les altres idomes! I clar, faig classes de castellà i alemany també =)

Segur que ara pots parlar català a tot arreu? Que tal això? M'agradaria vivir a Andorra també, pero no hi ha moltes
espanyoles, francesos i tal?

Edited by Alexander86 on 14 December 2011 at 2:15pm

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