teya22 Newbie Austria Joined 5372 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes
| Message 1 of 7 26 April 2010 at 5:23pm | IP Logged |
Hello!I am writing my diploma work which is titled Verbs of motion in Russian and in English. I am doing a practical comparison on these verbs and I was wondering if anyone could give me a useful hint or a link i could help myself with. I have a lot of resources on the theoretical part but not so few on the practical part. I am concentrated on the most important pair idti/hodit. Does anyone have an idea how i should structure my comparison according to the fact that i am also comparing the slovene verb "go" with these two?thanx for help!
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yenome Hexaglot Newbie United States Joined 5420 days ago 37 posts - 45 votes Speaks: English*, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Persian Studies: Thai, Arabic (Iraqi), Mandarin
| Message 2 of 7 27 April 2010 at 4:40am | IP Logged |
What do you mean by the practical part? Examples of usage?
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teya22 Newbie Austria Joined 5372 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes
| Message 3 of 7 27 April 2010 at 10:43am | IP Logged |
Yes, examples.
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yenome Hexaglot Newbie United States Joined 5420 days ago 37 posts - 45 votes Speaks: English*, German, Spanish, Russian, French, Persian Studies: Thai, Arabic (Iraqi), Mandarin
| Message 4 of 7 27 April 2010 at 11:30pm | IP Logged |
555 Russian Verbs has a lot of examples. It's hard to suggest how you should structure your comparison without knowing much about your project.
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Asnia Triglot Newbie Russian Federation iterviam.ru/ Joined 5378 days ago 12 posts - 12 votes Speaks: Russian*, Swedish, English Studies: French
| Message 5 of 7 28 April 2010 at 5:09am | IP Logged |
Hmmm... It's interesting and difficult question.
And what about dictionaries? there are many exemples in my dictionary...
For exemple:
идти - идти, - пойти 1) ходить 2) (двигаться в каком-л направлении) go идти за кем-л — follow smb идти к цели — go towards one's aim идти вперед — advance 3) (отправляться) start, go, leave; (собираться) be going (to a place) поезд идет в пять — the train leaves at five сегодня я иду в театр — I'm going to the theatre tonight 4) (приближаться) come вот он идет — here he comes поезд идет — the train is coming иду! — I'm coming! 5) (из; исторгаться) come out (of) дым идет из трубы — smoke is coming out of / from the chimney кровь идет из раны — blood is coming from the wound; the wound is bleeding 6) (пролегать) go, run; (простираться) stretch дорога идет лесом — the road goes / runs through the forest далее идут горы — farther on there stretches / extends a mountain-ridge лес идет до реки — the forest goes / stretches as far as the river 7) (об осадках) fall; переводится соответствующим глаголом снег идет — it is snowing, it snows дождь идет — it is raining, it rains град идет — it is hailing, it hails 8) (происходить) proceed, go on; be in progress; be under way идут переговоры — negotiations are under way идут занятия — classes are in progress [going on] идет бой — a battle is being fought идет подготовка к севу — preparations for sowing are in progress 9) (ладиться, спориться) go (on) (well, badly, etc) работа не идет — the work isn't going well 10) (в ; на ; поступать куда-л) enter () , become () идти в летчики — become an airman идти в армию — join the army 11) (на ; соглашаться на что-л) be ready (for), agree (to) идти на риск — run risks, take chances; run the risk (of ) идти на уступки — compromise; make concessions идти на все — be ready to do anything, go to all lengths он на это не пойдет — he will not agree to that; he will never do that 12) (находить сбыт) sell товар хорошо идет — these goods sell well идти в продажу — go [be up] for sale 13) (на , требоваться) be required (for); (употребляться) be used (in), go (into, for) на платье идет 5 метров ткани — 5 metres of cloth go to make a dress, you need 5 metres for a dress тряпье идет на изготовление бумаги — rags are used in paper-making 14) (; быть к лицу) suit () , become () 15) (о спектакле, передаче) be on; be shown; (о радиопередаче) be on air эта опера идет каждый вечер — this opera is on / shown every night сегодня идет "Гамлет" — [Hamlet] is on tonight, they are showing [Hamlet] tonight спектакль идет в исполнении лучших артистов — the best actors are playing in the performance 16) (о времени - продолжаться) go by, pass шли годы — years went by идет вторая неделя как — it is more than a week since ему идет двадцатый год — he is in his twentieth year, he is going / getting on (for) twenty время идет! (напоминание о необходимости торопиться) — time presses! пошел обратный отсчет времени — the countdown has begun 17) (начисляться, продолжаться) run зарплата идет ему с 1 февраля — his wages run from February 1st 18) (о часах) go 19) (делать ход в игре) play идти с червей — play hearts, lead a heart 20) (следовать по очередности) come; be вы идете первым — you come first что у нас идет потом? — what do we have next?, what's next? сейчас иду я — it's my turn now 21) идет! (реплика, выражающая согласие) — all right!, OK!; it's a deal! •• идти ко дну — go to the bottom, sink не идти в сравнение (с ) — not to be compared (with) идти в счет — be taken into account идти вразброд — straggle идти по жизни — wend one's way through life идти по чьим-л стопам — follow in smb's footsteps идти (замуж) за кого-л — marry smb идти как по маслу — go swimmingly идти навстречу () — 1) (о движении) go / come to meet () 2) (быть отзывчивым) meet () halfway идти навстречу пожеланиям () — meet the wishes (of) идти на прибыль (о воде) — rise идти на убыль — 1) (о воде) fall, recede, subside; go down 2) (уменьшаться, становиться слабее) begin to decline; be on the wane идти на посадку — come in to land идти на приманку — bite, rise to the bait идти ощупью — feel / grope one's way идти в бой — go / march into battle идти против кого-л — oppose smb идти против своей совести — act against one's conscience идти своим порядком / чередом — take its normal course речь / вопрос идет (о ) — it is a question / matter (of) речь идет о его жизни или смерти — it is a matter of life and death for him о чем идет речь? — what is at issue?; what's it all about? дела идут хорошо [плохо] — things are going well [badly] дело не пошло дальше — the matter did not get any farther куда ни шло — 1) (согласен, ладно) all right then; so be it 2) (приемлемо) is not that bad; is more or less all right иди ты! (выражает недоверие, удивление) — no kidding?, you don't say so! иди ты куда подальше! — to hell with you!; go fly a kite!; (пойти)
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teya22 Newbie Austria Joined 5372 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes
| Message 6 of 7 28 April 2010 at 7:24am | IP Logged |
Thank you Asnia, that is useful, which dictionary is that?. Well i intend to structure the examples of usage based on the dictionary explanations of the verb go but I also need something more, because I need 100 pages of this:)so i am also going to write something about aspect properties of the verb pair idti/hodit...but that is not a lot of material so something else would be necessary to include in the explanations...there a not a lot of books on motion verbs espec. connected with English...so if you no a title...anything would help...:)
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Asnia Triglot Newbie Russian Federation iterviam.ru/ Joined 5378 days ago 12 posts - 12 votes Speaks: Russian*, Swedish, English Studies: French
| Message 7 of 7 02 May 2010 at 6:45am | IP Logged |
It's e-dictionary ABBYY Lingvo 12. And can you read in russian? If you can you can try
http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=ru&q=%D0%B3%D0 %BB%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8B+%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B6%D 0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
for exemple.
its the only way that I can advise you. I can't help you becaous I don't understand what do you want to write in your work)
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