Chuha Diglot Newbie Finland Joined 5110 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes Speaks: Finnish*, English Studies: Russian, Swedish, French
| Message 1 of 5 12 January 2011 at 12:17pm | IP Logged |
I understand approximately what the following sentences mean, but would be thankful if
someone who possess better knowledge of Russian language would give me their
Средства массовой информаций
Внешнеполитическая деятельность
Внутренная политика
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Kabarga Triglot Newbie Russian Federation Joined 5327 days ago 3 posts - 4 votes Speaks: Russian*, English, German
| Message 2 of 5 12 January 2011 at 3:31pm | IP Logged |
"Средства массовой информациИ" -mass media
"Внешнеполитическая деятельность" -foreign policy(as an activity)
"Внутренная политика" -domestic policy
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Chuha Diglot Newbie Finland Joined 5110 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes Speaks: Finnish*, English Studies: Russian, Swedish, French
| Message 3 of 5 12 January 2011 at 3:54pm | IP Logged |
Hmm... so about the word средства. How it is used? Examples?
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karabatov Diglot Newbie Russian Federation semanticvictory.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5096 days ago 15 posts - 37 votes Speaks: Russian*, EnglishC2 Studies: German, Japanese, French
| Message 4 of 5 12 January 2011 at 6:16pm | IP Logged |
«средства» is plural, «средство» is singular (just in case).
Средство is basically a means of doing something, a tool so to speak, or a medium.
It's used in a variety of ways. Let me give you some examples:
Средство для мытья посуды — dishwashing liquid (literally “a tool for washing dishes”).
Средство от головной боли — a remedy for headache.
Цель оправдывает средства is a saying meaning “the end justifies the means” (средства being means).
Средства к существованию (or sometimes just средства, as in «нет средств») — money or wages (literally
“means of existence”).
Транспортное средство is a vehicle (a means of transport).
I think you get the general meaning. In conversational everyday speech the word is mostly used in the meaning
of medicine (as in средство от простуды), while the meanings of money and media are reserved for more formal
occasions: news[papers] and laws.
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Chuha Diglot Newbie Finland Joined 5110 days ago 3 posts - 3 votes Speaks: Finnish*, English Studies: Russian, Swedish, French
| Message 5 of 5 12 January 2011 at 9:05pm | IP Logged |
Кабарга и карабатов, большое спасибо для вашу помоць!
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