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Icelandic - Memrise study group?

 Language Learning Forum : Specific Languages Post Reply
Senior Member
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 Message 1 of 3
02 April 2015 at 10:57pm | IP Logged 
“This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..”

Francis Bacon (writing as Shakespeare), Henry V

I am planning on upping my game as far as studying Icelandic goes, and am canvassing for interest among those hardy individuals either actively studying or contemplating studying Icelandic to join a study group of hard-core Icelandic learners I am forming on Memrise.   Unfortunately, all that apparently means is that we would be able to compete against each other in chasing memrise points, but sometimes a little friendly competition can be helpful.   

If you are not familiar with memrise, it can be fun, I find it effective in terms of learning vocabulary and sometimes pronunciation, and it is attractively priced at $free. Also, I am not sure about this, but I gather memrise points can be exchanged for actual dollars on a 1:1 basis, so at 300,000 memrise points and counting, I should be flush with $$ in due course.

Let me know if any of you may be interested in being added – on memrise, ég er kallaður “lavengro”

Edited by Spanky on 02 April 2015 at 11:03pm

1 person has voted this message useful

United States
Joined 3743 days ago

23 posts - 28 votes
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Studies: Spanish

 Message 2 of 3
08 April 2015 at 7:55am | IP Logged 
Hæ! I made an account on Memrise a long time ago, but never really used it much. I´ve recently begun dabbling in Icelandic and have been looking for a way/reason to get a bit more motivated with it. I would definitely be interested. Would we go off of our own "course" or share one? Like I said, not too familiar with Memrise. What materials have you been using for your Icelandic studies?
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Senior Member
Joined 6040 days ago

1021 posts - 1714 votes 
Studies: French

 Message 3 of 3
11 April 2015 at 7:38am | IP Logged 
Hæ back at ya, IarllTroseddwr,

In looking further at what is possible currently with the new "Groups" feature on
Memrise, I don't think it offers anything of interest for me. It would be useful if
setting up a group allowed communication between learners in the study group, but it
does not, so I am not going to bother setting one up. Interaction between users on
memrise is quite limited. Feel free to add me as a mempal if you decide to pursue
Icelandic on memrise, just hit "follow" at the following:


But all that does is let mempals see what courses each other are studying, and monitor
how many memrise points they are gathering. Easier by far just to exchange
information on htlal.

In terms of your post questions, reasons to get motivated to study Icelandic - as
opposed to dozens of other languages that are better support in terms of learning
materials, more widely spoken in the world or of greater utility (especially since
Icelandic is apparently not much needed even for travel in Iceland given the high
level of English language proficiency there) - are hard to come up with.   Possible
motivations may be one or more of the following:

- masochism
- forced to do so because one has lost a bet
- not a fan of modern literature and instead wish to stick with the sagas
- keen eagerness to figure out how properly to pronounce Björk's name
- because it is just so dern awesome (this is my main motivation, plus a trip there
planned for July)

I am studying a number of Icelandic memrise courses now (some with sound, some
unfortunately without sound), in conjunction with other learning materials.   Feel
free to drop by my language log, which I will update when I have a chance within the
next few days, as that will shortly contain a better list of learning resources.

But for now, I would strongly recommend an all-audio course created by Alaric Hall, a
professor at the University of Leeds and kindly posted for free by Mr. Hall.   His
site shows as still a little crashed, but the link he has provided works fine for the
audio links.   He makes traversing through the tricky inflectional bits actually
doable, with tons of practice opportunities.   Link to his crash notice, which
contains the link

Alaric Hall's awesome
audio course

I am also working through the following text and accompanying audio (audio is
absolutely necessary in my view for beginners, for both the phonetics - there are some
odd sounds (hello, freaky double "l") - and for prosody or the sentence flow.

ie=UTF8&qid=1428729843&sr=8-1&keywords=hippocrene+icelandic" >Hippocrene, Beginner's

I like the Hippocrene text, but honestly without also working at the same time through
the Alaric Hall materials, I would have given up on Icelandic as being mostly

If you go to my user profile on memrise, above, you will see the courses I am taking. mp3-vocab/ -2nd-edn-practice-phrases/

There are a bunch of other Icelandic courses, see link below, and there may be better
courses, but the ones that I am following are associated with and reinforce the Alaric
Hall audio course and with the Hippocrene course (the first three above), and I am
also working slowly through the Iceland Flash Card 3000 word course (the fourth course
above) - this one has audio from native speakers lifted from forvo for approximately
half the words.

catalogue of memrise
Icelandic courses

There are some more internet resources, I will post on my log in next few days, but
the above is where I would recommend one start if starting as I did from scratch
(which is still pretty close to where I am, though I am half-way through the 16 hour
Alaric Hall material).

Good luck, study hard (whether Icelandic or some other less cool language)!

Edited by Spanky on 15 April 2015 at 11:07pm

1 person has voted this message useful

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