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Norwegian 2009

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48 messages over 6 pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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 Message 41 of 48
13 September 2009 at 8:23pm | IP Logged 

You would almost definitely want to do the "allmenn" route, at 16 Norwegian students get to choose whether they want to specialise in something more practical (lots of options for this) or do a more general thing, which is the equivalent of junior and senior year in high school in the US, except it's 3 years. The practical things give you some sort of qualification for what you've specialised in, as well as hands-on training, and you have the option of doing another year to fill in the gaps of what you've missed if you want to go onto university. That's very unlikely to be suitable for you though. There are several options for Norwegian students who want "studiekompetanse" - which basically just means you get an actual high school diploma and can start university afterwards - when my year applied you could choose between "idrettslinja", "musikk, dans og drama" and of course "allmenn".

I think the first year of allmenn, which is probably what you would be doing, is the same for everybody, <edit>. People pick some of their classes in the 2nd and 3rd years. Norwegian, English, math, science and social science in some form, are probably the basic building blocks <edit> ...there are some requirements to graduate. The classes you can choose from vary from one school to the next, but in general I don't think the level is as high as AP <edit>. The best thing would probably be to contact somebody who would know more, and find out what you should do in your situation.

Good luck :-)


Edited by Lizzern on 07 November 2009 at 12:50pm

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United States
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77 posts - 78 votes 
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Studies: Norwegian, Latin

 Message 42 of 48
02 November 2009 at 10:26pm | IP Logged 
Det har vært lenge siden jeg har vært på forumet! Skole tok mye av tiden min, men nå har jeg mer tid for norsk! Jeg studerer norsk hver dag og fransk da jeg har tid... Jeg har studerte fransk for to år og jeg synes det er meget kjedelig! Jeg liker ikke å studere det, men jeg ofte tro det er god for meg å studere det fordi nå snakker jeg det bra...

Jeg blir seksten i to uker! Foreldrene mine har kjøpt noen bøker for meg på nettet og en ny jakke. De kjøpte noen tysk bøker: Teach Yourself German, German: How to Speak it and Write it, Pimsleur Quick & East German. De har også kjøpte noen finlandisk bøker: Teach Yourself Finnish, og en andre bok (Jeg har glemt navnet.)

Jeg studerer norsk og bare *litt* fransk. Jeg studere latin på skole og har en "100" :). Etter jeg få tyskboken min skal jeg også studere tysk. Jeg vil ikke studere finnlandisk til jeg snakker godt tysk... Kanskje i juni eller juli?

Jeg har vært syk for et par dager, men nå er jeg litt bedre. Min foreldre trodde jeg hadde svineinfluensa fordi jeg hadde vondt i hodet, var VELDIG varmt, og ville ikke åpen øynene. Jeg var hjem for et par dager og foreldrene mine ville kalle legen, men jeg var bedre etter fire dager. Da jeg var syk studerte jeg mye norsk og lært jeg mange nye ord.

Det er alt for nå! Ha det!

Edited by couragepiece93 on 02 November 2009 at 10:28pm

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United States
Joined 5853 days ago

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Studies: Norwegian, Latin

 Message 43 of 48
07 November 2009 at 12:54am | IP Logged 
I dag har jeg fant ut at det er ei svensk pike på min skole! Jeg går på en privat skole som har firehundreogfemti studenter og kanskje hundre studenter fra mange lander rundt verden men jeg har ikke sett nordisk studenter til nå. Faren hennes var i min homeroom og var der for å fortelle studentene om Sverige og Sveriges økonomi, folk..

Jeg vil heller ha norsk studenter på min skole, men det er kult at det er noen nordiske studenter! Jeg så hans presentasjon og jeg kunne forstå det litt. Vi har mer studenter fra Europa nå; i fjor var det bare litt studenter fra europa, nesten alle kom fra Kina eller Japan eller andre steder i Asia.

Jeg har studerte litt norsk denne uken. Jeg er på unit 9 av norskboken min og vil gjerne har leste hele boken av enden av vinter. Det er alt for nå! Fortell meg om noen feil! :D
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Trilingual Hexaglot
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 Message 44 of 48
07 November 2009 at 1:12am | IP Logged 
couragepiece93 wrote:
Jeg studerer norsk hver dag og fransk da jeg har tid...

Dette er noe man kaller en da/når feil. Her skulle det vært "når jeg har tid". Regelen lyder slik: "den gang da, hver gang når". Det vil si at "da" brukes til å omtale fortid, "nå" brukes i nåtid.

Det er faktisk en del nordmenn som aldri mestrer denne :)
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United States
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Studies: Norwegian, Latin

 Message 45 of 48
07 November 2009 at 3:36pm | IP Logged 
Ah, takk, jeg altid glemme hvis jeg skulle si "da" eller "når"! Jeg synes regelen du sa er veldig god, det hjelper meg å forstå mye bedre! Jeg elsker norskboken min, men de må ofte forklare bedre!
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United States
Joined 5853 days ago

77 posts - 78 votes 
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Studies: Norwegian, Latin

 Message 46 of 48
20 November 2009 at 10:07pm | IP Logged 
My 16th Birthday was the 18th. I actually ended up getting the day off from school because my high school's been closed down a few days because so many people have the swine flu/regular flu :D. As far as languages go, for my birthday I got..

GERMAN: TY German, Barron German Dictionary, German: How to Speak and Write It, German for Dummies Phrase Book

FINNISH: TY Finnish, Hippocrene's Beginner's Finnish

I'm trying out both languages to see which one I want to study, and I think I'm going to choose finnish, contrary to what I was thinking before. I think I've pretty much made up my mind about studying it. I love the way it sounds, how different it is from most other European languages, and the fact that Finland is a nordic country (I love Scandinavia).

I'm almost done Unit One of my TY Finnish. It's not nearly as good as TY Norwegian, but I think it will be alright. One of my main complaints about it (As with most of the TY books I've used) is that they try to teach you phrases without telling you the grammar behind them or explaining them.

The pronunciation seems really easy. I think I can pronounce all the sounds fine without having to learn any new ones, and the long vowels and double consonants aren't a problem. It should be fun progressing through this language :D.

I've finished Unit 8 of TY Norwegian and I'm moving on to 9. I love how the book is set up like a story; I begin to look forward to finding out what's happened to the characters in addition to learning new vocabulary and things :P. I also really like how, even though each unit focuses on one specific area of vocabulary (Lesson 7: Family, Lesson 8: Hospitals, Being Sick/In Pain) but still has other vocabulary that isn't about that unit's main focus. I'm working through the book much faster now, and hope to be done in a couple of months.

Hei hei :)
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 Message 47 of 48
20 November 2009 at 10:34pm | IP Logged 
Happy belated birthday :-) Hope you enjoyed your day.

And good luck with Finnish! I've found that with the really case-heavy languages (I used to study Hungarian) it can actually be much better to not have the grammar spelled out to you, because this way you get the chance to work it out rather than trying to armtwist your brain into understanding theoretical topics that are different from anything you've seen before. So give it some time, you might find that all that grammar that isn't explicitly explained at this stage will make perfect sense soon. If not then you can always look things up if you need to. But you might be positively surprised...

There's a difference between that and the phrasebook-style approach though. The latter is mostly useless, the former is a very sneaky way of teaching you things you think are going to be tricky but really aren't, because they taught you that way. If this is the good kind, these things will soon be unproblematic to you.

Edited by Lizzern on 20 November 2009 at 10:35pm

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United States
Joined 5853 days ago

77 posts - 78 votes 
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Studies: Norwegian, Latin

 Message 48 of 48
03 December 2009 at 11:03pm | IP Logged 
I'm almost done with Unit 9 of TY Norwegian. This section focuses on colors, patterns, clothes, and describing how things look. No new grammar's been introduced yet, but I've been learning a lot of the past tenses of verbs. It's been a pretty boring lesson so not much to talk about as far as Norwegian goes xP. I did order a few books in Norwegian for Christmas, however: Harry Potter og Føniksordenen, Kristin Lavransdatter 1-3, and Is-slottet (nynorsk). I plan on starting Harry Potter once I'm completely finished with my TY book (possibly in February), then the Kristin Lavransdatter books. These will probably take a very long time, and when I'm done I want to read Is-slottet to learn how to write nynorsk - I don't expect this will happen for a LONG time, though! Maybe this summer I'll be ready to?

I've done some Finnish, but I keep going back and forth on whether I want to study Finnish or German. I thought I had decided on Finnish, but German intrigues me so much, and there are several German students at my school and no Finnish students. I also don't plan on visiting Finland anytime soon. I'm not quite sure what I'll do, but I think I'm going to switch to German for a bit, and then make my decision once I can compare which language I like better.

As I have some time (No homework for the first time all year!) I'll post something in Norwegian: Været var så dårlig i dag! Jeg elsker vinter, men vi har hatt ingen snø, bare regn! Det har regnet så mye, og vi normalt har mange snø i Desember her i Maine. Jeg gikk på skole, men det var verre der! Vi har fem bygninger og jeg har klasser i tre av dem, så måtte jeg gikk fra bygning til bygning i regn. Det var så mye vind jeg kunne ikke høre vennene vine da de snakket til meg. Jeg bare sov for fire timer i går, so jeg var så trett i hele dagen. Nå er jeg hjemme, og nå vil jeg sove!

Sorry if I made mistakes - I'm completely exhausted, I've barely slept the last couple of days =P. God Natt!

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