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 Message 17 of 31
23 July 2008 at 2:53pm | IP Logged 
I stayed away from the computer today and read, mostly. I've gone over some grammar points, but the vocabulary will have to wait until tomorrow.

Today was hectic, but I did manage some drill time with FSI, and when that got to be too dull I made up my own.

I've borrowed a game of Charades from my daughter. The game consists of 150 little picture cards; 50 action cards, 50 animal cards and 50 object cards. Today I spent about 20 minutes picking cards at random and trying to talk about them. I'd pick, for example, a card with a pencil on it: "¿Qué es eso? Es un lapiz,.. puedes escribir una carta.." or something to that effect. For the action cards I´d do: "¿Qué hace el chico?..Él cepilla los dientes".

I´m going to go take a look at a film before I turn in. It´s not a Spanish film. I found that one of my DVDs has a Spanish language option. Not bad. I´ve seen the film many times over; I think I´ll be able to catch more Spanish.
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 Message 18 of 31
24 July 2008 at 7:13am | IP Logged 
been having the worst computer trouble... first my anti-virus was acting up and wouldn't let me in here, then I inadvertently lost a bunch of work when I was trying to search...oh well, here's what I remember

1. pleno
   results: PISO EN PLENO CASCO HISTORICO - €650 (monatlich)
   comments. Obviously used in ads. what I found was also "pleno empleo", which is apparantly an economic term which refers to the situation in which all the citizens are in productive labor age, and who desire to work.

2. pretender
    googled: pretendan
    results: Niega Espino que él y Fox pretendan afectar al presidente Calderón d=85447
    comments: without going into all that I read, this word is a false friend that means "intend"
3. privar
    googled: the first search yielded only a clue to the next search; privan de libertad
    results: this is an important term in journalism (I think) which means "to incarcerate"

4. bastante
    googled: que bastante
    results: ¡Mucho más que Bastante!...pregunta creo que bastante fácil
    comments: " a lot more than enough!"... "this is a question that I think will be quite easy" This is a great word. Unfortunately I'm running out of time and need to move on..

5. caber
    googled: yo quepo
    results: ¡Yo no quepo!
    comments: At first I wasn't sure.. it's just a short clip of a dog eagerly watching a cat that had wedged itself under a dresser. Strange.

6. cabo
    googled: cabo Spanish
    results: a clue for searching al cabo de los años
    results: Al cabo de dos años, la discriminacion contra la mujer sigue siendo habitual ...
    comments: "at the end of two years, the discrimination against a woman continues to remain a habit"...oh, yes, now I see that the quote came from Amnesty International's website, an article about Pakistan. Interesting!   

7. cadena
    googled: con cadena, cadena de, al cadena
    results: not much, other than "cadena" can also refer to a network of some kind.

8. campaña    
    googled: en campaña
    results: got an interesting (and elaborate) "Blog" about Latin American musicians' support of Obama. with "Si se puede!!" everywhere.

Oh mano! I gotta back later...

Edited by Sunja on 25 July 2008 at 2:19pm

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 Message 19 of 31
25 July 2008 at 3:07am | IP Logged 
Words for the day ;)

1. capaz
    googled: capaz que
    results: Científicos de la Universidad de Cardiff, han diseñado una maquina capaz de producir agujeros donde su dimensión es la mitad del ancho de un cabello humano.
    comments: hmmm, something about nano technologia.. I think capaz used in this context means "able".

2. cara
    googled: las caras
    results: las caras invisibles del agua
    comments: "the faces of water invisible?" may need to try again..

I lost my stuff yesterday going back and forth..I'm going to send here and continue editing..

     googled: cara in a German forum for Spanish translation. t=d31111111112311&highlight=casorio

     eine unglaubliche Unverschämtheit! ¿con qué cara?
     ein teurer Spaß --- la broma salió cara
     Unverschämtheit! ¡qué cara!
     haben Sie keine Augen im Kopf ¿es que no tiene ojos en la cara? (my favorite!)

3. casar
    search: the same forum t=d31111111112311&highlight    
    results: participa a usted del casorio (argentinische Slang für hochzeit) zw. MB und I9 a celebrar el día jueves 13 de septiembre de 2007 a las 11:50 hs, en la Sala de Bodas del Registro Civil de Barcelona.
Los novios saludarán mirando hacia el mar.

    comments: how cute. I hope the in-laws liked it. "bride and groom greet each other, overlooking the sea"? sounds niiice.

4. golpe
das erinnert mich an die berühmte Bemerkung von --- eso me recuerda al célebre golpe de ...
der Streich ist gelungen --- el golpe ha salido bien
alles auf einmal --- todos de un golpe
das erreicht man nicht auf den ersten Schlag --- eso no se consigue de golpe
    googled: seguro golpe
    results: Demasiado rapido y seguro golpe.
    comments: I think it means "Volltreffer" ..or maybe...abrirse de golpe

5. gritar
    results: gritar a alguien
    comment: to call to somebody or scream at somebody.

5. guardar
ein Haus mit zwei Türen ist schlecht zu bewachen -- casa de muchas puertas, mala de guardar
jemanden in Watte packen -- guardar a alguien entre algodones
sich verstecken -- guardar la cara
das Haus hüten -- guardar la casa
zu Hause bleiben müssen -- guardar la casa

6. hacia
    results: hacia atrás, abajo, aqui, casa
    comments: zurück, hinunter, her, heim
tener compresión hacia alguien -- to have compassion towards someone

7. hallar
sich zurechtfinden -- hallar camino
nichts dabei finden zu -- no hallar empacho en
sich erfreuen an -- hallar placer en
Vergnügen haben an -- hallar placer en
sich zurechtfinden -- hallar su camino
Absatz finden -- hallar ventas
unauffindbar -- imposible de hallar

8. hecho/a
wie ein Pferd arbeiten -- andar hecho un azacán
hier sieht alles dreckig aus -- aquí está todo hecho un asco
da hast du etwas Schönes angerichtet -- buena la has hecho ahora --
da haben wir den Salat! -- buena la hemos hecho -- now we're in for it
das ist ja eine schöne Bescherung! -- buena la hemos hecho -- meant facetiously??
der Wagen wurde völlig zertrümmert -- el coche se quedó hecho cisco
jemanden vor vollendete Tatsachen stellen -- colocar a alguien ante el hecho consumado -- placing someone before the consummate fact
wie auf Bestellung -- como hecho de encargo -- just as ordered
wie gerufen -- como hecho de encargo
im Grunde genommen -- de hecho -- in the sense that
recht und billig -- de hecho y derecho
es wird nichts so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wird -- del dicho al hecho es un gran trecho (mis favoritos!) -- not as bad as it seems
das ist leichter gesagt, als getan -- del dicho al hecho es un gran trecho -- easier said than done. Spanish version sounds cooler
Reden und Tun ist zweierlei -- del dicho al hecho es un gran trecho -- Talking and doing are two different things

9. igual
das ist mir gleich -- a mí me da igual -- all the same to me
genau so -- al igual -- whatever
ebenso wie -- al igual que -- just like

Edited by Sunja on 25 July 2008 at 2:27pm

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 Message 20 of 31
25 July 2008 at 1:19pm | IP Logged 
I've got guests in the house and the weekend is planned, so I want to add some more words here so I don't lag too far behind.

1. imagen
    comments: this is a false friend that means "image" and I see it mostly in ads for yeah, image-makers. I checked the pronunciation and the "g" is silent.

2. impedir
    comment: totally iregular verb
    googled: impido
    results: como impido a usuarios sin privilegio de administrador el ver archivos
     comments: hmm, "to prevent users (note the personal a) without privilege of the admin."

3. imponer
    googled: imponen
    results: Cocodrilos vs Felinos (Los Cocodrilos se Imponen)
    comments: okay, judging from the clip alone I have a pretty good "imagen" to help me remember "impose". how gauche....:P

4. incluir
    googled: tú incluyes
    results: ¿Incluyes imágenes en tus artículos? ... También hay muchos más sitios en los que puedes obtener imágenes para tu web.
    comments: "You include images in your articles? ... Also there are many more places in which you can obtain images for your web."

5. propio
    googled: propio, 2nd google: el consumo propio
    results: The Federal Camera of buenos aires dismissed a person that cultivated plants of "cannabis marijuana" in its balcony to destine to its personal use....Para consumo propio, no es delito sembrar marihuana ... que nos dirigen... nunca vamos a poder salir adelante!!! humildemente hablando es mi parecer.- no-delito-sembrar-marihuana.html -
    comments: I'm hoping to "plant" a picture in my brain of somebody's garden balcony, and how they justify it as "para consumo propio".

6. proponer
    googled: proponen
    results: : Proponen Regulaciones para Tarjetas Telefónicas
    comments: SoCal. news. Reports they want to impose regulations for the use of phone cards. Good stuff. I was able to understand much of the news clip.

7. prueba
    googled: prueba
    results: h/ Una pequeña prueba de alemán –¡pruébela! Prueba breve. Aufgabe 1: "Hallo, ______ Tag!" guten; besser; richtig. Aufgabe 2: "Wie ______ es Dir?" ...

8. quedar
    googled: tried the German forum, and it was too complicated
    2nd try yielded:,y-todo-quedo-en-nada ,36187.html Y Todo Quedo En Nada. Hier finden Sie Lyrics, Songtexte, ... Yo intento pero nunca salgo del abismo (y todo queda en nada) ...

     comments: "and all remains nothing"...oh gee, that's really profound. Since song lyrics are never good for achieving any depth in the language I looked elsewhere and found another YouTube video: of a little chihuahua saying, "Yo quiero Taco Bell". So this talking Taco Bell dog is going to help me remember the distinction between "quiero" and "quedo", since somebody wasn't smart enough to check their Spanish and wrote "Yo Quedo.." as the description for what translates to, "I want (some) Taco Bell". Whatever works...

Edited by Sunja on 25 July 2008 at 2:54pm

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 Message 21 of 31
25 July 2008 at 4:03pm | IP Logged 
I just went down my list of 1,000 and I stopped at about 450 words. I really, really, really need to go read. I've dug into every one of those 450 words, conjured up all kinds of stories, rhymes and memorable sayings to help me remember them all. The only more useful thing to do now is to go stick my nose in a book,..or stick my nose in a set of pages I printed from the Internet, as it were...until Monday.
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 Message 22 of 31
28 July 2008 at 7:42am | IP Logged 
I'm reading a short story in Spanish and coming across all kinds grammar stuff. I need to make a few notes before I move on...

To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the preterite,

To conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the preterite,


conjugate regular -ar verbs in the imperfect,

To conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the imperfect,

Okay, let me see if I can get this the story

Volvió a su casa muy triste

refering to Mariana, "she went home sad" is preterite (definite end of an action), and

Creía tener derecho a todo lo que se la antojaba

is of course is an open action that sets the tone for the next series of events and is imperfect.

A quick note on modals:
Tener que~="Have to" ex: "I have to go to the store, I need to buy eggs" (Tengo que ir al mercado, necesito comprar huevos)

Deber~="Must/should" ex: "I should go to the store now, it's going to close soon" (Debo ir ahora al mercado, muy pronto se cierra)

Hay que~="One has to/must, someone has to/must, it..." ex: "Someone has to wash the car, it's dirty" (Hay que lavar la coche, está muy sucio)

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 Message 23 of 31
28 July 2008 at 5:57pm | IP Logged 
sure is a lot of log activity for a Monday...

I spend the evening with two more short stories. Now I think I'll turn in. These were really short and not very interesting, but I figure it's quantity and not quality that counts at the stage I'm at. The more I can aquaint myself with these words, the easier it will be to move on to the next hurdle.

I spent quite a long time on grammar this afternoon, going over German and some advanced English, just to compare with Spanish. I know I probably spent too much time playing around with German/Eng. grammar, but it's fun to know that what's often spoken is not always correct.

Germans use Perfekt form of the past and I don't think Spanish speakers use Perfecto.  English speakers may find it not so difficult -- at least I don't. Takes some getting used to. I guess I'd better turn in. We're supposed to go to the Freibad tomorrow....
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 Message 24 of 31
29 July 2008 at 10:05am | IP Logged 
It's starting to thunderstorm so I'll make myself comfy here in front of my computer screen...

I'm still trying to aquaint myself with grammar and words by reading 2 or 3 short stories per day. I've been lucky to not wear out my welcome on two websites offering free translation. I think if I reach a certain amount of words I have to start paying for it. Up to this point it's enabled me to get a much faster translation than looking up words in my dictionary. I then read the translation alongside the Spanish. I'd go over it here, but I'm currently doing some listening practice with the Spanish Notes website and it's taking up all my time.

My online translator can't manage all what I was able to transcribe from listening. I'm awaiting a response in the Spanish forum for words, "antelacíon, "chajes", and "assinar". It's not that important, but I was quite proud of the fact I was able to understand most of it and I'd like to get the rest. I like transcribing and I think I learn a lot -- but it takes for-ev-er! I'll keep doing it until I get tired of it.

Well, I'd better get to it...

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