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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6720 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 81 of 315 14 August 2008 at 2:43am | IP Logged |
Eu am cumprat dicţionarul Teora Englez <--> Româneşte de Andrei Bantaş, cu 35.000 cuvinte Eng --> Ro şi 40.000 Ro --> Englez
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| Felipe Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 6047 days ago 451 posts - 501 votes Speaks: English*, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Italian, Dutch, Catalan
| Message 82 of 315 22 August 2008 at 12:46pm | IP Logged |
Ce alte materiale ati recomanda? (Romanian)
Edited by Felipe on 22 August 2008 at 12:46pm
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6720 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 83 of 315 24 August 2008 at 7:08pm | IP Logged |
Nu pot să recomand cărţi sau materiale de studiu pentru că am cumprat numai dicţionare recent. Restul mea de lectură este compus de texte normale găsite prin internet - şi deoarece e cât se poate de heterogen.
Edited by Iversen on 25 August 2008 at 6:15am
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| Felipe Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 6047 days ago 451 posts - 501 votes Speaks: English*, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Italian, Dutch, Catalan
| Message 84 of 315 25 August 2008 at 5:01pm | IP Logged |
Mulţumesc. Nu este uşor de a găsi cărţi în limbă română. Vreau să studiez româneşte din nou, dar încă nu. (Româneşte)
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| Felipe Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 6047 days ago 451 posts - 501 votes Speaks: English*, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Italian, Dutch, Catalan
| Message 85 of 315 05 September 2008 at 3:17pm | IP Logged |
Parece que la conversación en rumano ha estancado este hilo. Lo siento mucho. Espero que no hayáis perdido el interés. (Español)
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| joan.carles Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member Canada Joined 6350 days ago 332 posts - 342 votes Speaks: Spanish*, Catalan*, French, EnglishC1, EnglishC2, Mandarin Studies: Hungarian, Russian, Georgian
| Message 86 of 315 05 September 2008 at 3:34pm | IP Logged |
Es curioso cuando veo algo escrito en rumano siempre me viene a la cabeza pronunciarlo en catalán, será por lo mucho que se parece.
Eu am CUMPRAT > comprat en catalán, pronunciado cumprat.
Ce ALTRE materiale ati recomanda > quin ALTRE material.
Lógico, son ambas lenguas romances, pero en cierta forma, estas dos se me antojan más parecidas.
Restul mea de lectură este compus de texte normale > La resta de les meves lectures es composa (està composta) de textes normals...
Edited by joan.carles on 05 September 2008 at 3:37pm
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| Felipe Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 6047 days ago 451 posts - 501 votes Speaks: English*, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Italian, Dutch, Catalan
| Message 87 of 315 05 September 2008 at 3:50pm | IP Logged |
Interesante. Creía que todo el mundo había dejado el hilo porque no entendía el rumano.
El catalán me interesa también, pero es casi imposible encontrar con quién practicar aquí. Entiendo casi todo cuando lo leo, pero no sé pronunciarlo bien.
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| joan.carles Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member Canada Joined 6350 days ago 332 posts - 342 votes Speaks: Spanish*, Catalan*, French, EnglishC1, EnglishC2, Mandarin Studies: Hungarian, Russian, Georgian
| Message 88 of 315 05 September 2008 at 11:28pm | IP Logged |
Aleshores hauries d'escoltar-lo, però entenc que no sigui fàcil trobar gent pels Estats Units que el parli. Aquí a Canadà sí, nosaltres mateixos que seguim parlant-lo a casa (a més del castellà). Has probat amb videos de TV3, no n'he vist cap per internet però acabo de comprobar que en tenen alguns i es poden veure per internet: TV3
Però sí, en general el rumanès l'entenc força bé, tot i que de vegades és necessari un diccionari.
Edited by joan.carles on 05 September 2008 at 11:29pm
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