Ninja Bunny Diglot Groupie United States Joined 5870 days ago 42 posts - 46 votes Speaks: English*, German Studies: Russian, Arabic (Written), Dutch, Danish, Mandarin, Afrikaans, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French
| Message 9 of 57 30 January 2009 at 2:00pm | IP Logged |
Jeito wrote:
I dream in a language that I have not pefectly mastered such as Mandarin and still in the dreaming state I know if I, or somebody else in the dream has made a mistake in grammar or's pretty funny to wake up and know you used the wrong particle or some other minor grammatical flub in the dream you just had. Does this happen to anybody else? |
Yes, but sort of the opposite. It happened in my Czech dream. I don't speak the language; I haven't actively studied it yet but I download German podcasts from a site in Prague and the overrun after the German news is in Czech so I pick up bits of it passively. I think I may have absorbed enough to be able to put together complete sentences (in my dream state, anyway) and know what I was speaking and what the other person was saying was correct. My first French dream was similar. I don't recall any flubs.
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Satoshi Diglot Senior Member Brazil Joined 5901 days ago 215 posts - 224 votes   Speaks: Portuguese*, English Studies: German, Japanese
| Message 10 of 57 30 January 2009 at 8:55pm | IP Logged |
Jeito wrote:
The first time this happened to me I was about 19 years old and living on my own in Guayaquil, Ecuador. I remember the exhiliration of waking up and realizing that I had a whole dream in Spanish. Since then, I have studied a number of languages some of which I know pretty well. I dream in them from time to time. But what I think is funny sometimes, I dream in a language that I have not pefectly mastered such as Mandarin and still in the dreaming state I know if I, or somebody else in the dream has made a mistake in grammar or's pretty funny to wake up and know you used the wrong particle or some other minor grammatical flub in the dream you just had. Does this happen to anybody else? |
Indeed. In my aforementioned dream about Japanese, I wrote the kanji for 3, 三, as the katakana for "mi", ミ.
I realized it just after waking up.
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Starfallen Groupie United States Joined 5895 days ago 43 posts - 49 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 11 of 57 31 January 2009 at 3:27pm | IP Logged |
Yes... I recently had one where I was ordering wine in Japanese and trying to communicate to a sales person at a salon. I thought this sort of thing would only happen if I were fluent and using the language full time, but apparently not. Japanese words sometimes seep into my waking thoughts too. I was actually kind of bothered by this at first, lol... but I think it's natural and a good sign you are internalizing your vocabulary.
Edited by Starfallen on 31 January 2009 at 3:29pm
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Bao Diglot Senior Member Germany Joined 5844 days ago 2256 posts - 4046 votes     Speaks: German*, English Studies: French, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin
| Message 12 of 57 11 February 2009 at 4:27pm | IP Logged |
Once my Turkish roommate greeted me in the morning with the words: "You spoke Turkish in your dream. It was correct and actually funny ... but I forgot what exactly you said."
I don't know any Turkish, at least not consciously, but I had heard her talking Turkish on the phone for hours every day the two months before that incident. :Dv
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Sennin Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 6112 days ago 1457 posts - 1759 votes     5 sounds
| Message 13 of 57 12 February 2009 at 6:23am | IP Logged |
I find it very strange that some people speak in their dreams.
My dreams are almost exclusively non-verbal and usually don't involve humans at all. I'm just wandering in some darkish place and from time to time something is chasing me.
Either that or it is the end of the semester and I realize I'm enrolled in an unknown class. I haven't visited the lectures even once but the exam is tomorrow. That's a recurrent nightmare!
Edited by Sennin on 12 February 2009 at 6:27am
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Jeito Triglot Groupie United States Joined 5895 days ago 55 posts - 63 votes  Speaks: English*, Spanish, French Studies: Mandarin, German, Italian, Portuguese
| Message 14 of 57 13 February 2009 at 7:51pm | IP Logged |
Sennin wrote:
I find it very strange that some people speak in their dreams.
Either that or it is the end of the semester and I realize I'm enrolled in an unknown class. I haven't visited the lectures even once but the exam is tomorrow. That's a recurrent nightmare!
I have had that dream a lot.
Edited by Jeito on 13 February 2009 at 7:53pm
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Ninja Bunny Diglot Groupie United States Joined 5870 days ago 42 posts - 46 votes Speaks: English*, German Studies: Russian, Arabic (Written), Dutch, Danish, Mandarin, Afrikaans, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French
| Message 15 of 57 18 February 2009 at 9:05pm | IP Logged |
it is the end of the semester and I realize I'm enrolled in an unknown class. |
it's pretty funny to wake up and know you used the wrong particle or some other minor grammatical flub in the dream you just had. |
Last night I had a combination of the two! I dreamt I was taking an Italian language class, one I had just found myself in, and I was handed a test where I had to translate passages from Italian into English. I could barely read any of it; it was all just Romance-ish jibberish. Even the sentence structure was unrecognizable. It was scary because it was material I felt I should have known. I realized I couldn't fill out the test so I grabbed the textbook/dictionary, paged through it for help and began writing in my answers. (Yes, I was cheating out in the open and no one, not even the teacher, noticed!) I was nearly finished when I woke up. I felt both relieved and thoroughly annoyed: relieved I did know some Italian and I hadn't "lost" anything but annoyed that if I were to dream in another language I had spent some time trying to learn, I'd prefer it be correct or at least mostly correct and not be confronted with a complete unintelligable word salad! Oy.
Japanese words sometimes seep into my waking thoughts too. |
I something like that too. A sort of interlingual interference, I think. In the past it has occurred back and forth in my foreign languages but more and more it has been creeping into my English as well. Often when I see something or think of something it comes to me in another language first before English. In the past my brain would divide things into "English language" and "Foreign language" but I think that line is blurring and my brain is categorizing all of it as just "language."
Edited by Ninja Bunny on 18 February 2009 at 9:13pm
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MegatronFilm Triglot Senior Member United States peligrosa.tumblr.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6016 days ago 130 posts - 275 votes   Speaks: English*, SpanishC2, French Studies: Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese
| Message 16 of 57 21 February 2009 at 3:46pm | IP Logged |
Sometimes I dream in Greek. I haven't spoken Greek in years. I used to speak it as a young child. It really surprises
me to remember the language after all these years. I should study it again someday.
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