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ChristianVlcek Bilingual Senior Member Netherlands Joined 5932 days ago 131 posts - 141 votes  Speaks: English* Studies: Slovak*, Ukrainian, Irish, German, Russian
| Message 9 of 18 21 February 2009 at 6:26pm | IP Logged |
БИ-2 is pretty good if you're into rock. Although they're kind of all over the place in terms of style but I like 'em =P
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| insane Diglot Newbie Norway Joined 5834 days ago 4 posts - 5 votes Speaks: Norwegian*, English Studies: German
| Message 10 of 18 26 February 2009 at 10:36pm | IP Logged |
hey, man.
one of my favourite bands happen to be russian!
they are called [Amatory] and they play metal music (not for everyone).
they do have some slow songs, though ;)
their guitar work and drums go sooo well together, its a plesure to listen to!
youtube them! again, its not for everyone.
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| Penombra Diglot Newbie United States Joined 6385 days ago 34 posts - 36 votes Speaks: Tagalog*, English Studies: Spanish, Russian
| Message 11 of 18 27 February 2009 at 11:20pm | IP Logged |
Zemfira, Zveri, Masskva... all three "rock" or "pop," which describes the latter...
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| Razekial Diglot Newbie United States Joined 6101 days ago 13 posts - 15 votes Speaks: English*, Spanish
| Message 12 of 18 21 March 2009 at 7:27am | IP Logged |
Слот is pretty good Russian rock/metal music.
Слот - 2 войны (Slot - 2 wars):
Слот - Мёртвые Звёзды (Slot - Dead Stars):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YD_vt9fOmg&feature=PlayList& p=890CCCFDDAF469A4&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=42
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| Louis Triglot Groupie Italy Joined 5811 days ago 92 posts - 110 votes  Speaks: English*, Italian, Spanish
| Message 13 of 18 21 March 2009 at 7:20pm | IP Logged |
I'm into metal, but I do have an awesome band to recommend. The band is Arkona and the lyrics are entirely in Russian. Usually they have a nationalistic theme, or Slavic Paganism.
Try this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaP1wDvkA6E&fmt=18
The lyrics are:
Велика Мать-Земля, Русь великая!
Ой, широки просторы твои.
Как чрез златые поля бескрайние,
Дети Даждьбога пришли.
Через дебри вековые,
Сквозь далекие края,
Вышли братия родные –
То Даждьбога сыновья.
Стяги грозные вздымая,
Возродим былую Русь!
Сохраним заветы Прави –
Пред Богами я клянусь!
Ой-да, матушка,
Скрой седые заветы отцов
От глаза черного люта ворога
В гуще священных лесов.
Снова, сердцем замирая,
Слово молвила, чуть дыша:
Славься, Матушка родная!
Славься, Русская душа!
Через дебри вековые,
Сквозь далекие края,
Молвим, братия родные:
Славься, Русь, Земля моя!
Knowing the lyrics and trying to follow the song have actually helped me get used to reading Cyrillic.
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| Sierra Diglot Senior Member Turkey livinginlights.comRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 7205 days ago 296 posts - 411 votes   Speaks: English*, SwedishB1 Studies: Turkish
| Message 14 of 18 31 March 2009 at 6:21am | IP Logged |
Louis wrote:
Велика Мать-Земля, Русь великая!
Ой, широки просторы твои.
Как чрез златые поля бескрайние,
Дети Даждьбога пришли.
Через дебри вековые,
Сквозь далекие края,
Вышли братия родные –
То Даждьбога сыновья.
Стяги грозные вздымая,
Возродим былую Русь!
Сохраним заветы Прави –
Пред Богами я клянусь!
Ой-да, матушка,
Скрой седые заветы отцов
От глаза черного люта ворога
В гуще священных лесов.
Снова, сердцем замирая,
Слово молвила, чуть дыша:
Славься, Матушка родная!
Славься, Русская душа!
Через дебри вековые,
Сквозь далекие края,
Молвим, братия родные:
Славься, Русь, Земля моя! |
Thanks, that's a great song! Any chance someone can translate the lyrics for me?
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| Sjonnie Texas Diglot Newbie United States Joined 5785 days ago 1 posts - 1 votes Speaks: English*, Russian Studies: German, French, Dutch
| Message 15 of 18 13 April 2009 at 12:42am | IP Logged |
If you're trying to learn Russian, I think I would recommend "Kino", the lead singer of which is the famous Viktor Tsoi. Their songs are rock-style from the 80s, and, unlike other bands, the words are clear and easier to understand; I learned a few grammatical concepts from Kino's music. For instance, listen to "Mesto dlya Shaga Vpered" (Room for a step forward) and you will learn the genitive plurals fairly well.
On another note, almost all Russians know Kino, and will be very impressed if you are familiar with their music too.
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| TDC Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 7002 days ago 261 posts - 291 votes   Speaks: English*, Mandarin, French Studies: Esperanto, Ukrainian, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Persian
| Message 16 of 18 13 April 2009 at 9:29pm | IP Logged |
Bands/Groups that I like are:
Lumen (Hard Rock)
Сплин (Radiohead-like rock)
Потап и Настя Каменских (Rap)
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