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Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5973 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 49 of 64 12 May 2009 at 1:11pm | IP Logged |
Recht wrote:
charlmartell wrote:
AnneNedjma wrote:
Jar-ptitsa- What happened to "If you can't
spell it, don't write it"? Please read through your comments before posting them, your
spelling mistakes are ridiculous! |
Your remark is uncalled for because you should have realised that those are not really
spelling mistakes but the result of a genuine handicap. She has as much right to be
heard as anyone else, so cut out your righteousness and pedantry and show a little
tolerance and understanding. Please. |
How on Earth could he have known that it is because of a supposed handicap beforehand?
Really, please tell me. I'm curious.
Maybe you should cut out the righteousness. |
I think that it's nice wehn the people don't critise the others. we didn't meet us in the "real live' therfore it's not possibl knwo for exmaple if a perosn's a girl or boy, lady or man and some of the
people have some problems for exmaple i read that one person told he can't walk (Treopaul). I told what I've and this is ym private infos but in my real live when the peopl think that for exmaple I'm
austistic I don't correct them and moslty i don;t inform. I think that it's nice to be toleran t if a perosn's some problems. I'm veyr sensitive and quickly upset. sorry for my mistakes or butchering
englihs :-( Soemtimes I'm stupid i know and not clever with the social thisng but truly I'm not nasty at all and I never want ot see that a person or animal is sad. Hi earle ich schreibe Ihnen auf
Deuthsch weil ihc scheinbar Engisch für Sie nicht gut genug kann. Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe. ich habe nie etwas gegen Ihenn getan.ich bin doch eine Mädel, kein Jungen, bitte nihct wieder schreiben
ich sei männlich.
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| Recht Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 5876 days ago 241 posts - 270 votes   Speaks: English*, GermanB1
| Message 50 of 64 12 May 2009 at 1:24pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Recht wrote:
charlmartell wrote:
AnneNedjma wrote:
ptitsa- What happened to "If you can't
spell it, don't write it"? Please read through your comments before posting them, your
spelling mistakes are ridiculous! |
Your remark is uncalled for because you should have realised that those are not really
spelling mistakes but the result of a genuine handicap. She has as much right to be
heard as anyone else, so cut out your righteousness and pedantry and show a little
tolerance and understanding. Please. |
How on Earth could he have known that it is because of a supposed handicap beforehand?
Really, please tell me. I'm curious.
Maybe you should cut out the righteousness. |
I think that it's nice wehn the people don't critise the others. we didn't meet us in
the "real live' therfore it's not possibl knwo for exmaple if a perosn's a girl or
boy, lady or man and some of the
people have some problems for exmaple i read that one person told he can't walk
(Treopaul). I told what I've and this is ym private infos but in my real live when the
peopl think that for exmaple I'm
austistic I don't correct them and moslty i don;t inform. I think that it's nice to be
toleran t if a perosn's some problems. I'm veyr sensitive and quickly upset. sorry for
my mistakes or butchering
englihs :-( Soemtimes I'm stupid i know and not clever with the social thisng but
truly I'm not nasty at all and I never want ot see that a person or animal is sad. Hi
earle ich schreibe Ihnen auf
Deuthsch weil ihc scheinbar Engisch für Sie nicht gut genug kann. Lassen Sie mich in
Ruhe. ich habe nie etwas gegen Ihenn getan.ich bin doch eine Mädel, kein Jungen, bitte
nihct wieder schreiben
ich sei männlich. |
Listen, you need to settle down. Nothing in life is so important you have to make a
scene out of it. I'm sure you're a nice girl. No one is attacking you. Just settle
down, ok? Good.
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5973 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 51 of 64 12 May 2009 at 2:06pm | IP Logged |
Recht wrote:
Listen, you need to settle down. Nothing in life is so important you have to make a
scene out of it. I'm sure you're a nice girl. No one is attacking you. Just settle
down, ok? Good. |
Yes, i'm a nice girl.
You're wrong: they were attacking me: earle called me "he" and tht I haven't credibility, and the other person (from
Norway I dont' know the nick) critisised my spelling and said it's ridiclous. those are nasty attacks. I hadn't attacked
Yes ok, it's better I settle down. now i have to complete an essay, which I have to finish in the next days.
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| Dark_Sunshine Diglot Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 5840 days ago 340 posts - 357 votes   Speaks: English*, French
| Message 52 of 64 12 May 2009 at 2:39pm | IP Logged |
Don't worry Jar-ptitsa. Your spelling is mostly fine, it just looks like typing errors to me (ie, right letters, wrong order). I know that anti-psychotic meds (let alone schizophrenia itself) can make it extremely difficult for people to concentrate, so you are doing incredibly well to have such a broad language ability.
Just ignore your critics :-)
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| Jar-ptitsa Triglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5973 days ago 980 posts - 1006 votes     Speaks: French*, Dutch, German
| Message 53 of 64 12 May 2009 at 3:20pm | IP Logged |
Dark_Sunshine wrote:
Don't worry Jar-ptitsa. Your spelling is mostly fine, it just looks like typing errors to me
(ie, right letters, wrong order). I know that anti-psychotic meds (let alone schizophrenia itself) can make it
extremely difficult for people to concentrate, so you are doing incredibly well to have such a broad language
Just ignore your critics :-) |
Hi Dark Sunshine. Thank you veyr much for your nice post. I'm very happy when a person undertsand. yes, it's
very difficult conecntrate (sometimes, not always) but those anti-psychotic meds make tired, it's true and I think
that this difficulyt of the letters is by those meds but I'm not sure because since the type I've now (about 1 year
and half) I had to give much blood, every week although now every month. also, maybe it's because of my
vision, which is 120% when the people (humans) have usually maximum 100% but in general 70% therfore my
vision's better that all the world. It's absolutely correct: ym spellings' fine, I exactly know the spelling of the
words, btu when i type them they're sometimes not in the correct order. In my school we've somethings for itl,
for exmaple when it's bad I can use the text-> speech for reading (it's when I'm reading difficlt as well) and for
writting I've Word for Mac and it automatically make the spellcheck, btu it changes all the thinsg when i don't
watn therfore when I write an imporatnt thing for example a letter or essay I use it but I prefer to not have such
a checker. It's every day diffrent as well. Maybe I better write all my posts in Word then copy-paste?
Dark Sunshine you're a nice person. ">
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| AnneNedjma Newbie Norway Joined 5774 days ago 9 posts - 10 votes Speaks: English Studies: Spanish
| Message 54 of 64 12 May 2009 at 3:35pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa: Je m'excuse, je t'ai prise pour une fainéante! I totally appologize, and would never dream of criticizing anyone for having a handicap or special needs. I thought your comments were written in haste, with no thought of checking your spelling. Of course you are entitled to participate here like anybody else. None of us are flawless, least of all me. No hard feelings, eh?
Edited by AnneNedjma on 12 May 2009 at 4:02pm
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| Ortho Groupie United Kingdom Joined 6425 days ago 58 posts - 60 votes 
| Message 55 of 64 12 May 2009 at 3:38pm | IP Logged |
Jar-ptitsa wrote:
Maybe I better write all my posts in Word then copy-paste?
I say this in all seriousness and in a spirit of friendship.
Yes, if that is what it takes to get yourself to use the language correctly, then it might be worth it. In my opinion it is nearly as important to use the language correctly as it is to be able to use it in the first place. I re-read my posts before making them, looking for spelling errors, typo errors, and problems with construction, and there is no reason that you can't do the same. I understand that it is not a disability that causes me to make the errors I make in writing, but I still do my best to correct them.
I understand that you have a disability that makes it difficult for you to write and perhaps to proofread. But that perhaps means that it is preferable to write fewer posts and re-read them perhaps multiple times before sending them to have them correct to the best of your ability. Otherwise, through no fault of your own, the things you are trying to say don't get communicated as well as they otherwise could.
As I say, I mean this in a spirit of friendship and understanding, but no one is forcing you to pump out a new post every ten minutes and it would probably be better for your own language learning if you took more time and care with making sure that your writing is correct. I understand that it is difficult, but we all make mistakes and have to correct them--it is difficult for everyone.
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Iversen Super Polyglot Moderator Denmark berejst.dk Joined 6778 days ago 9078 posts - 16473 votes     Speaks: Danish*, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Esperanto, Romanian, Catalan Studies: Afrikaans, Greek, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian, Icelandic, Latin, Irish, Lowland Scots, Indonesian, Polish, Croatian Personal Language Map
| Message 56 of 64 12 May 2009 at 5:56pm | IP Logged |
I have read many, if not most of Jar-Ptitsa's posts, including her contributions to my own log, and there is absolutely nothing to even hint that Jar-Ptitsa isn't what she says she is, namely a young female from Belgian with a large potential for language learning, but also with an illness that may explain the vagaries of her spelling. In fact it is more likely that Earle is a 500-year old female green alien from outer space than that Jar-Ptitsa shouldn't be what she says she is. Besides I know from early postings that her spelling in both English and Dutch usually is much better than what you have seen here.
Ortho has given some good advice above, and Jar-Ptitsa gives one more hint herself, namely to write her contributions in Word first and use the inbuilt spell-checker (which is as multilingual as herself). It would make her writing style less colourful, but right now it is just too easy to dismiss her because of the glaring spelling errors, especially if you don't know the background.
And apart from that: this thread is steadily growing more nasty. I know that the language situation in Belgium is problematic at best, but it is irritating to see this spill over into this forum.
Edited by Iversen on 12 May 2009 at 6:19pm
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