smallwhite Pentaglot Senior Member Australia Joined 5395 days ago 537 posts - 1045 votes     Speaks: Cantonese*, English, Mandarin, French, Spanish
| Message 17 of 27 07 January 2012 at 8:11am | IP Logged |
Dear Admin,
If you created this wonderful feature that we all love yet couldn't update it properly, could you please dedicate the work to another forum staff or member, or at least add a
"Other certificate" - "C1"
for us to choose or simply blank fields for us to type in our own cert and level ourselves, just like the Username and Real name fields?
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Christine Diglot Groupie Germany Joined 6713 days ago 41 posts - 47 votes Speaks: German*, English Studies: French, Japanese, Modern Hebrew
| Message 18 of 27 29 February 2012 at 3:00pm | IP Logged |
I second the suggestion above of including the possibility to just choose a CELF level. For example, I have a C2 certificate in English, but it isn't yet listed (which I intend to change with my submission below). Unfortunately, the certificate I have (UNIcert IV, specialisation: Law) doen't quite fit into the template you provided for submitting new certificates as it can be issued by any university that meets the criteria (click here for more information).
Language: English
Authority: (Any university that meets the UNIcert criteria, see above)
ALTE Level: 5 (CEFR: C2; I determined the ALTE level using this table)
Name of certificate: UNIcert IV
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Sunja Diglot Senior Member Germany Joined 6172 days ago 2020 posts - 2295 votes     1 sounds Speaks: English*, German Studies: French, Mandarin
| Message 19 of 27 07 March 2012 at 11:45am | IP Logged |
Language: German
The new C2:GDS from the Goethe Insitute replaces the ZOP (Zentrale Oberstufe Prüfung), old GDS (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom) and KDS (Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom). These three tests for C2 will still be recognized but no longer offered:
Die drei bisherigen Prüfungen auf dem Niveau C2 werden zum letzten Mal im November 2011 (KDS und GDS) bzw. Ende 2011 (ZOP) durchgeführt. Teilwiederholungen müssen innerhalb eines halben Jahres stattfinden (und nicht wie bisher innerhalb eines ganzen Jahres), also bis spätestens Mitte bzw. Ende Mai 2012. |
Edited by Sunja on 07 March 2012 at 11:47am
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Mae Trilingual Octoglot Pro Member Germany Joined 5078 days ago 299 posts - 499 votes   Speaks: German*, SpanishC2*, Swiss-German*, FrenchC2, EnglishC2, ItalianB2, Dutch, Portuguese Studies: Russian, Swedish Personal Language Map
| Message 20 of 27 22 March 2012 at 10:07am | IP Logged |
I would suggest to add the following certificate:
Language: Brazilian Portuguese
Authority: Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC)
ALTE Level: Not sure (Intermediario, Intermediario Superior, Avancado e Avancado
Name of certificate: CELPE-Bras (Certificado de Proficiencia em Lingua Portuguesa para
Get more information here:
Thanks a lot!
- Mae
(Sorry for the "mistakes". Special characters like cedilla were not accepted.)
Edited by Mae on 22 March 2012 at 10:08am
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Hordini Diglot Newbie Austria Joined 5670 days ago 4 posts - 5 votes Speaks: English*, German
| Message 21 of 27 21 June 2012 at 11:51pm | IP Logged |
Well, I passed a German exam and didn't see it listed, so I guess I will suggest adding it here. There are several other ÖSD exams at different levels, but I'll just post the info for the C1 exam for now and if someone passes one of the other tests they can request it be added if they want.
Language: German
Authority: ÖSD (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
CEFR Level: C1
Name of Certificate: C1 Oberstufe Deutsch
If anyone wants more info feel free to ask or check out
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Luso Hexaglot Senior Member Portugal Joined 6148 days ago 819 posts - 1812 votes     Speaks: Portuguese*, French, EnglishC2, GermanB1, Italian, Spanish Studies: Sanskrit, Arabic (classical)
| Message 22 of 27 11 July 2012 at 2:36pm | IP Logged |
Would you please add the following certificate to the list:
Language: German
Authority: Goethe-Institut
ALTE Level: B2
Name of certificate: Goethe-Zertifikat B2
Website (in English):
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Mae Trilingual Octoglot Pro Member Germany Joined 5078 days ago 299 posts - 499 votes   Speaks: German*, SpanishC2*, Swiss-German*, FrenchC2, EnglishC2, ItalianB2, Dutch, Portuguese Studies: Russian, Swedish Personal Language Map
| Message 23 of 27 15 October 2012 at 2:47pm | IP Logged |
I would like to suggest the following: UNIcert® - a foreign language certificate for academic purposes
Tests can be made for various languages.
UNIcert I (European Level B1) - basic knowledge of the language
UNIcert II (European Level B2) - extended (field of study specific) knowledge of the language (for studying in a foreign country)
UNIcert III (European Level C1) - extended (field of study specific) knowledge of the language for postgraduate (for example doctorate) studies in a foreign country
UNIcert IV (European Level C2) - (field of study specific) knowledge on the level of an academic native speaker
The UNIcert® commission is composed by:
- UNIcert®LUCE - Language Accreditation Unit for Universities in Central Europe
- CercleS - European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education
- EALTA - European Association for Language Testing and Assessment
- ILTA - International Language Testing Association
Info taken from Wikipedia: UNIcert!
Wikipedia wrote:
The UNIcert is an international system of certification and accreditation for various
languages learnt in a university context. The main goal of UNIcert is to support language
education for universities and to provide an accepted certificate that proves language
knowledge outside universities.
The system was set up in 1992 by the German Association of Language Centres, Language
Teaching Institutes and Institutes of Foreign Languages (Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren,
Sprachlehrinstitute und Fremdspracheninstitute, AKS). This association acts as a forum
for the exchange of information, experience and ideas between institutes and people
involved in language work at universities and training institutes, and those taking part
in research into language teaching and learning. More than 100 language centres in Germany,
Austria and Switzerland are members of the association. The AKS is also one of the founding
members of CERCLES, the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education,
"a confederation of independent associations from 21 countries of Europe". |
Edited by Mae on 15 October 2012 at 3:04pm
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Jenne:) Tetraglot Newbie Netherlands polyglotquest.wordpr Joined 4554 days ago 38 posts - 56 votes  Speaks: Dutch*, English, German, French Studies: Norwegian
| Message 24 of 27 08 November 2012 at 1:34am | IP Logged |
Language: English
Authority: Anglia Network Europe
ALTE Level: breakthrough - 5 (follows CEFR: A1-C2. I got C2)
Name of certificate: The Anglia Certificate of English as a Foreign Language
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