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TixhiiDon Tetraglot Senior Member Japan Joined 5424 days ago 772 posts - 1474 votes Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian Studies: Georgian
| Message 49 of 431 25 February 2010 at 11:08am | IP Logged |
The new burst of motivation continues. I'm looking at Chapters 10 and 11 of the
Kiziria book and did some study from the text for my class.
Unityandoutside, thanks for the reply. I must admit I thought I would like the Aronson
book when I read about it as I tend to be a very grammar-oriented language learner, to
the extent that I usually end up completely neglecting my vocabulary and then
regretting it later! As it turns out, though, at the moment I much prefer the more
communication-oriented book by Dodona Kiziria and things like Byki. I don't intend to
abandon Aronson completely, especially since I've nearly finished Kiziria. I just wish
he'd made it a little more user-friendly!
Love your idea for a TAC2011 though. Hopefully by then I'll have reached an upper
beginner/lower intermediate level, and just picturing myself at that kind of level is
great motivation for me.
March27, შენ არ ცხოვრობ ამსტერდამში? თუ არ ამსტერდამში, სად ცხოვრობ?
ტოკიოც ძალიან ცოცხალი და აქტიური ქალაქია. მომწონს ტოკიო მაგრამ ხანდახან მინდა
ვიცხოვრო უფრო პატარა ქალაქში.
დღესაც გადასასვლელად ვმზადებოდი. დაღლილი ვარ! ხვალდან მომავალ კვირამდე ეგებ
ვერ ვხმარობ ინტერნეტს so this may be my last message for a while.
Before I go I have two questions.
First, I didn't understand segiZlia mari damiZaxo. Could you let me know what it
And second, I found this sentence in my textbook yesterday:
ჟეტონი მხოლოდ მეტროშია საჭირო.
I understand the meaning, but is this OK too?
ჟეტონი მხოლოდ მეტროში საჭიროა.
If they are both possible, do they have exactly the same meaning?
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| marich27 Triglot Groupie Netherlands Joined 5377 days ago 41 posts - 42 votes Speaks: Georgian*, EnglishC2, Dutch
| Message 50 of 431 27 February 2010 at 12:35pm | IP Logged |
ara, me amsterdamSi ar vcxovrob. qalaqs, sadac me vcxovrob da vswavlob, qvia utrexti
(Utrecht). amsterdamTan Zalian axlosaa, magram wina kviras pirvelad movaxerxe naxva.
tokios naxva Zalian minda, gansakuTrebiT film "Lost in Translation" naxvis Semdeg. vin
icis? iqneb odesme movaxerxo. filmze gamaxsenda, axali qarTuli filmi "gaseirneba
yarabaxSi" naxe an "jayos xiznebi". es ukanaskneli cnobili qarTu literaturul
nawarmoebzea dayrdnobili.
(I think this might be a bit hard. Anyway, if you have questions, you are welcome)
1. SegiZlia mari damiZaxo - you can call me Mari
2. ჟეტონი მხოლოდ მეტროშია საჭირო. This one's correct but I am not sure about the
explanation. Probably you know but still, the "ა" in მეტროშია or საჭიროა stands for
"aris" - "is"
Hope this helps.
and good luck with your new flat!
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| TixhiiDon Tetraglot Senior Member Japan Joined 5424 days ago 772 posts - 1474 votes Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian Studies: Georgian
| Message 51 of 431 12 March 2010 at 11:36pm | IP Logged |
Agghhh! For the two and a half people out there who read my blog, I'm back! After
moving to my lovely new apartment I found I was stuck without an internet connection
and after numerous phone calls, several visits by men in uniform, and a couple of near
nervous breakdowns I am finally back online, via optical fiber no less. I have managed
not to go bankrupt by apologizing profusely to my clients and borrowing friends'
computers whenever possible. Staying sane was an altogether more difficult matter. And
to think 15 years ago I didn't even know what the internet was...
And all the while Georgian has been bubbling along. I certainly haven't abandoned it,
on the contrary I'm still enjoying it very much. Of course I haven't had all that much
time to study what with the move and all, but I've done a bit of Kiziria here and
there, a bit of Byki there and here, and my class every week. In fact I'm off to a
Georgian restaurant with my classmates later today, after which I will be writing a
report about the visit in Georgian for my friend Mari. I can only hope that Mari is
still coming to the site.
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| TixhiiDon Tetraglot Senior Member Japan Joined 5424 days ago 772 posts - 1474 votes Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian Studies: Georgian
| Message 52 of 431 13 March 2010 at 1:21pm | IP Logged |
გამაჯობა მარი. როგორა ხარ? ბოდიში, რომ დიდი ხანია ვერ მოგწერე. მეც მომწონს "Lost
In Translation". ძალიან საინტერესო ფილმია.
დღეს კარტულ რესტორანში წავედი ჩემ თამაკლაბლებთან ერთად. ყველაპერი ძალიან
გემრიელი იყო. შევჯამე ხინხალი და გემრიელი იყო, მაგრამ ჩემთვის ხარჩო უფრო
გემრიელი იყო. ბევრი ღვინოც დავლიე.
Thanks for the recommendations of the new Georgian films. I'll try to find them on DVD.
I hope life is good for you in Utrecht.
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| marich27 Triglot Groupie Netherlands Joined 5377 days ago 41 posts - 42 votes Speaks: Georgian*, EnglishC2, Dutch
| Message 53 of 431 13 March 2010 at 1:33pm | IP Logged |
gaumarjos! me kargad var. Seni naweridan vxvdebi rom problemebi gqonda, magram mTavaria
rom axla yvelaferi kargadaa. marTali xar, xarCoc gemrielia :) saerTod me ar var gurmani
da arc saWmlis keTeba mexerxeba. Sen? gemrielad amzadeb?
momavali kviridan holandiuris kursebze vapireb siaruls. es ufro araformaluri,
studenturi Sexvedrebia sadac erTmaneTs davexmarebiT enebis SeswavlaSi. Sexvedrebi TveSi
sul 2-jer iqneba da did imedebs ar vamkareb. kargi iqneba Tu dros gamovnaxav rom
CemiTac vimecadino.
May I correct some mistakes in your writing. They seem to be typos but anyway, to be on
a safe side :)
თამაკლაბლებთან - TanaklaselebTan "n" istead of "m"
შევჯამე - SevWame "W" istead of "j"
Nice to hear from you again!
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| TixhiiDon Tetraglot Senior Member Japan Joined 5424 days ago 772 posts - 1474 votes Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian Studies: Georgian
| Message 54 of 431 15 March 2010 at 6:00am | IP Logged |
გამარჯობ მარი.
შენი ნაწერი ცოტა ძნელი იყო, ამიტონ ყველაერი ვერ გავიგე, მაგრამ მგონია შენც
დაკავებული ხარ. ნუ ივიწყებ რომ შესწავლა მნიშვნელოვანია მაგრამ თავისუფალი დროც
მე ხანდახან საჭმელს ვამზადებ. ჩემტვის გემრიელია, მაგრამ არ ვიცი თუ სხვა ხალხი ასე
Thanks for the corrections. ეს ნაწერი დავწერე შემდეგ რაც მოვედი სახლში ქარტული
რესტორანიდან, ამიტომ ეგებ ცოტა მთვრალი ვიყავი!
Take care,
Phil (my real name)
Edited by TixhiiDon on 15 March 2010 at 6:02am
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| TixhiiDon Tetraglot Senior Member Japan Joined 5424 days ago 772 posts - 1474 votes Speaks: English*, Japanese, German, Russian Studies: Georgian
| Message 55 of 431 17 March 2010 at 5:41am | IP Logged |
I downloaded Hewitt's Learning Grammar ages ago when I was gathering materials for my study, and although I looked at it briefly, I was put off by the excessive use of grammatical terminology and the extremely grammar-heavy approach. I was also somewhat peturbed by the reviews of the book on Amazon, which are for the most part extremely negative.
The other day, however, I decided to take another look at it and discovered I really quite like it. Now I have a basic knowledge of the language, I find the long grammar explanations highly enlightening rather than intimidating, and they are still nowhere near as dense as those in the Reading Grammar by whatsizface. The dialogues aren't as unnatural as the Amazon reviews make out, although certainly less natural than Kiziria's, and the exercises at the end of each chapter are very thorough.
For example, I learned from other books that Georgian verbs agree not only with the subject, but also the direct and indirect objects, but never found a thorough explanation of exactly how (I'm sure it's in the Reading Grammar, back there on page 3,256 or so), whereas Hewitt gives a very clear and thorough explanation in the first eight chapters.
Dodona Kizira actually wrote one of the reviews of Hewitt's book on Amazon, and it is no less than scathing. She says that he makes numerous mistakes in his Georgian, but I have my other texts to double-check so hopefully that won't end up causing me too many problems. Also, as much as I adore the Kiziria book, I can't help thinking that there may be some less-than-honorable motives behind her review. She wrote it around the time her own book was published (although she doesn't mention her book in the review), and what with Hewitt being deeply involved with Abkhazia, there may even be some politics involved. Anyway, this is all just pure speculation, and since I can see the positives in both books, I intend to use them side-by-side from now on.
So at the moment I'm working with Hewitt, Kiziria, Byki, and my class text. I seem to have abandoned the Reading Grammar for now, but that's OK - I'll probably pick it up again at some point.
Edited by TixhiiDon on 17 March 2010 at 5:43am
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| marich27 Triglot Groupie Netherlands Joined 5377 days ago 41 posts - 42 votes Speaks: Georgian*, EnglishC2, Dutch
| Message 56 of 431 17 March 2010 at 10:18pm | IP Logged |
Hi Phil!
In the previous post I wanted to let you know that I was going going to join a Dutch
course. It's not a really course though. It's juts students meeting twice a month and
teaching each other languages. Monday was the first time I attended the meeting and I
loved it. Oh.. too much English here. Have to switch to Georgian now. "gakveTili"
Zalian momewona. Tan xalxi gavicani. esec mniSvnelovania! daaxloebiT 20 sityva
vistavle, magram es Zalian cotaa da Tanac tu ar gadavimeoreb damaviwydeba. am SabaT-
kviras minda kargad vimecadino. vapireb jer arsebiTi saxelebi viswavlo ZiriTadad da
Semdeg zmnebi da gramatikuli wesebi. imedia motivacias SevinarCuneb.
axla Zalian mezineba. axlo momavalSi isev "davpostav" (this is not an actual word but
Georgians use it often in informal speech when they mean "to post")
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