Michel1020 Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5098 days ago 365 posts - 559 votes    Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Dutch
| Message 145 of 355 18 August 2011 at 12:19am | IP Logged |
How does it works if people want to work on the code, creating new things for LWT and want to share them ?
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lwtproject Pentaglot Senior Member Netherlands https://learning-wit Joined 4973 days ago 149 posts - 264 votes   Speaks: French, Dutch*, German, English, Mandarin Studies: Italian
| Message 146 of 355 18 August 2011 at 12:58pm | IP Logged |
Michel1020 wrote:
How does it works if people want to work on the code, creating new things for LWT and
want to share them ? |
http://help.github.com/ --> Fork a repo
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lwtproject Pentaglot Senior Member Netherlands https://learning-wit Joined 4973 days ago 149 posts - 264 votes   Speaks: French, Dutch*, German, English, Mandarin Studies: Italian
| Message 147 of 355 18 August 2011 at 8:14pm | IP Logged |
Michel1020 wrote:
.... I could say a lot about the unfair business model of lingq. I only point one : they want
to be paid for their job but people
have to work for them for free. |
I don't share your opinion.
I think that LingQ is a good system. It is simple to use and it works and brings good
results. I used it one/two years ago for quite a while, and I've learned a lot. I had some ideas to improve the
system, but they were not implemented. So I started with LWT - for my personal learning.
Many (young) people don't have an income, and many people come from countries where 10 US$ per month are
much money. They cannot afford
LingQ. These people should - IMHO - also have the possibility to study a foreign language, with a FREE
That's the main reason why I have published LWT.
Edited by lwtproject on 18 August 2011 at 9:06pm
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Michel1020 Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5098 days ago 365 posts - 559 votes    Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Dutch
| Message 148 of 355 19 August 2011 at 4:38pm | IP Logged |
IMHO now that LWT exist - lingq should stop to exist or become entirely free. There is nothing offered by lingq that is not offered elsewhere for free. And if some services are better in a commercial relations - they do not need a third party like lingq.
The only reason for lingq to still exist is because people know them but do not know LWT - because they have a marketing plan. Other reasons could be some people are in love with Steve Kaufmann and others think he is god.
The only good reason is they do not read English.
Thank you for the links about git.
It looks quite complex. I am not sure to have skill and time to work on your code and to learn git system. I am not sure to understand and to trust such a merging system.
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Michel1020 Tetraglot Senior Member Belgium Joined 5098 days ago 365 posts - 559 votes    Speaks: French*, English, Spanish, Dutch
| Message 149 of 355 19 August 2011 at 10:27pm | IP Logged |
is now available without login and password as a demo of LWT online.
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rjtrudel Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 6908 days ago 36 posts - 56 votes  Speaks: English*, Spanish
| Message 150 of 355 19 August 2011 at 11:22pm | IP Logged |
@michel How about the lack of portability of LWT? Can i bring my ipad somewhere and use it? Is there an
app i can use for my iphone? It seems to me that you are tied to your computer, although I have not tried it
yet. How can you use it away from the computer?
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jeff_lindqvist Diglot Moderator SwedenRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6990 days ago 4250 posts - 5711 votes     Speaks: Swedish*, English Studies: German, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Mandarin, Esperanto, Irish, French Personal Language Map
| Message 151 of 355 19 August 2011 at 11:45pm | IP Logged |
Yeah, that's a kind of drawback. While it looks promising (LingQ functionality but for free, better flashcard options etc.) I haven't yet installed the beast for that very reason. Even though I'm mostly at my own computer, I want the possibility to skim through a text wherever I am.
Edited by jeff_lindqvist on 19 August 2011 at 11:45pm
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lwtproject Pentaglot Senior Member Netherlands https://learning-wit Joined 4973 days ago 149 posts - 264 votes   Speaks: French, Dutch*, German, English, Mandarin Studies: Italian
| Message 152 of 355 20 August 2011 at 12:33am | IP Logged |
rjtrudel wrote:
How about the lack of portability of LWT? Can i bring my ipad somewhere and use it? Is there an
app i can use for my iphone? It seems to me that you are tied to your computer, although I have not tried it
yet. How can you use it away from the computer? |
You can install it at a webhoster, explained here: http://lwt.sourceforge.net/#installhoster
Then you can use it all over the world.
It runs quite nice on an iPad, and it even plays audios on iPad etc. The texts should be short if you use it on mobile
devices , otherwise scrolling can be tedious.
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