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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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 Message 9 of 479
18 September 2011 at 7:36pm | IP Logged 
Yeah, I haven't had much chance to visit the forums here lately (in fact, I only made the effort to visit today because I had an email alert about a reply to this thread). I have still been studying, though. In fact...I've started to have a bit more time lately, so I've actually been adding new entries to Anki again.

I just downloaded a mass of 추석 specials the other day. There are a ton of them, but sadly no dance battles (which are the ones I usually seek out first; I really enjoy the MBC Star Dance Battle episodes they normally air each Lunar New Year and Chuseok). I've been watching Running Man quite heavily lately and am also starting to get into the new show Secret as well.

I do need to start back with my daily posts on Twitter though (or I could do the same here instead) so I can get at least some active language practice each day.
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 Message 10 of 479
16 October 2011 at 3:56pm | IP Logged 
I haven't posted here in a while, but I have still been watching Korean TV, listening to Korean music, reviewing in Anki, and adding new vocabulary. I've still been neglecting Twitter though. Perhaps I should trim down the list of people I'm following so it won't seem as unmanageable (or I could just accept the fact that I can't keep up with the feed and just read the last x many posts each time I visit).

I also haven't added any new 漢字 to Anki lately, so I need to start doing that again.


I've always found it fascinating watching Korean celebrities that aren't native speakers (but are Korean by heritage). Watching them struggle with the language (despite huge immersion advantages) makes me feel at least somewhat better about my progress. However, I didn't realize until recently that G.NA was in this same category. Perhaps it is because I hadn't seen her in anything other than music shows, but I'd never gotten any indication that she struggled with Korean the way Kara's Nicole sometimes does (even though it was obvious that G.NA is a native English speaker due to her English pronunciation while singing). However, after seeing her on three different variety shows (시크릿, 스타 커플 최강전 (추석 특집), and 백점 만점) recently, it's quite apparent that she does still have some struggles with Korean.

She was paired with 허경환 for the Top Star Couple Challenge and I found some of the dialog during the quiz section (with Christina giving the clues) quite amusing (as did the others on the show). The answers were all 4 글자 answers with the male giving the first 2 syllables and the female following up with the last 2. For the answer 트위스트, 혀경환 gives his portion of the answer (트위), but G.NA looks baffled. Finally she cries out in exasperation "What is 트위?!". Later during the same quiz, the answer is 간장게장 (a crab dish). 허경환 says his part (간장, which means "soy sauce"), but G.NA hesitates. Suddenly 허경환 chimes in with "'What is 간장?!'하지 마!". ㅋㅋㅋ


By the way, is there anything special I have to do to make this thread show up as a logbook on my profile? I thought it did that automatically, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
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The Real CZ
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 Message 11 of 479
20 October 2011 at 4:08am | IP Logged 
Are you gonna be watching IY2, even with Hyogre and Manber in it?
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 Message 12 of 479
23 October 2011 at 1:46am | IP Logged 
Ahhh...I had heard that IY2 was going to happen, but hadn't read any details about it yet. I just went now and checked allkpop for the cast list now and it looks quite interesting. I'm definitely interesting in seeing how the new season plays out (and it should be available Soshi-subbed again since there are two SNSD members in the lineup).

Re: Amber and Hyoyeon: Wow. You're turning into a regular K-pop anti-fan-girl lately. :-P Honestly, I've never quite understood people's issue with Hyoyeon. She isn't the most attractive in the group (in fact, she is toward the very end of my preference list among SNSD), but she's still talented, fun to watch, and at least she looks female. Amber: no comment.
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The Real CZ
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 Message 13 of 479
27 October 2011 at 3:32am | IP Logged 
Well, Hyoyeon is the worst singer and the ugliest one to most people. Plus her popping and locking is totally useless in SNSD's choreography, thus people deem her useless haha.

You should get back on Twitter though. It is a good tool for language learning, or at least it can be.
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 Message 14 of 479
27 October 2011 at 4:15pm | IP Logged 
Yeah, I haven't even checked my Twitter feed in a couple weeks now, much less posted there. :-/

I have been noticing (over the past couple months) a notable improvement in my listening skills though. I'm not really sure why it's happening now, but it is. I listen to songs that I've heard hundreds of times and my brain will suddenly extract a whole phrase (that I never realized was in the song) and the whole thing just clicks (I'm particularly happy when it is from a song where I've never actually seen the lyrics to that song, like a non-performed song from an album). Also, I've noted that I'm often paying a bit more attention to the dialog and a bit less to the onscreen text for certain shows.

I also realized the other day that I seemed to have my first dream where I was speaking Korean and it didn't seem particularly weird that I was doing so. I wasn't exactly fluent in the dream, but I was conversing without too much difficulty.
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The Real CZ
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 Message 15 of 479
27 October 2011 at 5:53pm | IP Logged 
That happened to me early last year. About a month or two after I went from subs to raws it seemed like my listening comprehension doubled all of a sudden. I'm sure it was because I had to focus more on the dialogue instead of reading text, plus learning new vocabulary, but it still seemed like a huge jump for me out of the blue.

I still haven't had that with songs, because I mainly listen to Khiphop when I try paying attention to the lyrics and that's much harder than Kpop haha.

But it's nice to see your improvement going up. I think if you did have time to watch more variety shows/dramas/movies your listening comprehension would keep going up at a faster rate.
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 Message 16 of 479
27 October 2011 at 9:02pm | IP Logged 
I still watch quite a few variety shows, but not much in the way of dramas or movies lately. I also still watch quite a bit of subbed material, but even with that, I've found myself arguing with the subtitles sometimes when what I hear doesn't quite match the translation given. In fact, I've had several times where I suddenly realize that I didn't even look at the English translation that just popped up, I heard the Korean spoken and/or read the on-screen Korean text but didn't have time to read the English text as well. I have also noticed that I do far less pausing on unsubbed material lately. This seems to be partly because my reading speed has gone up (so I can parse the on-screen Korean text much faster) and partly because I'm getting more info audibly than I was before.

My current mix of shows is still heavily leaning toward the subbed side, but it seems to work out well despite this. Honestly, if I only watched unsubbed shows, I'd probably watch fewer of them which would likely hurt more than help (since it is harder to get motivated to watch unsubbed shows). I still watch several shows unsubbed, though, so I get a good bit of practice at it.

Plus the better subbing teams subtitle *beside* the Korean text, not over it, which makes for some very useful parallel text. In fact, lately, I've found myself reading the Korean to clarify the translation for some of the Running Man subbed episodes. Often the translation leaves out small but useful details that are plain as day in the Korean text.

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