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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 153 of 479 10 June 2012 at 7:26pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2012년 6월 3일- 2012년 6월 9일):
Hanja: 10
Well this week I decided to bump up to adding 5 Hanja characters each time I watched a music show. I did so...twice...then didn't feel all that much motivation to add more for the rest of the week. I think this was mostly due to the fact that those initial 10 didn't stick very well at first, however this was partly due to some of them being very similar to each other. For example, AGTKC gives 由, 申, and 甲 on the same page, so they were added the same day to my SRS. Fortunately, though, the readings for 由 and 申 were easy to remember as they are used as the pronunciation elements for 油 and 神 which I already knew previously.
Korean cards: 40
Unlike last week, very little of my vocab this week came from TV screen shots.
"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Progress:
- 1.2 Nations, Language, Races (15 cards)(+1 related word)
(NOTE: Finishing section 1.2 also completed "Chapter 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION")
- 17.1 Nature and Environmental Problems (5 cards; C only as I'd finished B previously)
- 17.2 Mountain (5 cards; C only as I'd finished B previously)
Scorched Earth Reading:
- 카라 - 우리 둘 (10 cards)
Extensive Reading: Several more pages of the book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull / 갈매기 조나단". It wouldn't surprise me if I actually finish that book this week. (It's actually a very short book, but I usually only end up reading a page every day or two on average, which is why it has taken a while to read.) I also read a bit on my Twitter feed yesterday (including the humorous little rant about summer and mosquitoes from Kara's Nicole).
español (3/6/2012 - 9/6/2012):
Assimil Passive Wave / Card Reactivation:
- Lección 23 (22 cards)
Assimil SRS data entry (in suspended state):
- Lección 58 (26 cards)
I seriously dropped the ball on Spanish this week. I noted last week that I was considering tapering the rate at which I do lessons, which was true, but I didn't mean this much. I meant to do say 3-4 lessons this week (vs the normal 6-7), but I just couldn't find any motivation to do further Spanish lessons during the week.
I either need to find a new source of motivation to get me hooked on Spanish again (like I did with Korean via music and TV shows) or I may as well just drop it and use that time for Korean and Japanese instead (which I am motivated to work on regularly). {sigh} I swear I really enjoyed this language back when I first started studying it (back in high school and on-and-off for a few years afterward), but lately I find it really hard to motivate myself to get anywhere in this language. I'm sure I'll figure something out, but I'm going to need a "hook" first to get my back into this language with any level of determination.
日本語 (2012年 6月 3日 - 2012年 6月 9日):
Pimsleur Japanese:
- Lessons 10-12 (37 cards)
Nothing much else to report on the Japanese side. After making my way through Pimsleur, I'll start into beginner textbook studies to get a good base of vocabulary and grammar in the language (and lots more kana reading practice).
My kana reading speed is improving, but it is still very slow for the moment and I still misread certain characters too frequently. Also, I'm getting more reading practice in hiragana than in katakana, since I'm SRSing words and phrases from Pimsleur and only the loan words actually have katakana in them. Currently, the only katakana words in my SRS are: アメリカじん (which actually uses both sets), ビール, レストラン, and ホテル.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5736 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 154 of 479 11 June 2012 at 4:45am | IP Logged |
What I found with Japanese is that reading speed increases at an exponential rate. After
you learn the basic kanji and their readings, reading Japanese is much faster than
Korean. Though for me, not touching Japanese in the past year very often and reading a
lot in Korean has probably evened the reading speeds I have in both languages.
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 155 of 479 17 June 2012 at 6:20pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2012년 6월 10일- 2012년 6월 16일):
Hanja: 7
Korean cards: 29
I went 10 under target this past week, so I need to try to make up for it some this following week.
"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Progress: None
Scorched Earth Reading: None
Extensive Reading: I finally finished the book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull / 갈매기 조나단" this week. I haven't yet decided which book to start on next, but it will likely be one of the other bilingual books from Sisa English Corp like this one was. "The Old Man and the Sea" (노인과 바다) is a likely choice.
I also have a bilingual copy of Hunger Games (book 1 of the trilogy), but that book is a lot bigger than the Sisa series of books. On the other hand, that could be a good thing since it would give me more time to get used to the writer's style more (i.e. the reason that many people actually recommend fairly long books and/or book series for language learning). Plus it is a trilogy, so there are two more that follow which should have a similar writing style (assuming they had the same Korean translator anyway).
Active Practice: A small bit of writing practice, but nothing really beyond that.
español (10/6/2012 - 16/6/2012):
Assimil Passive Wave / Card Reactivation: None
Assimil SRS data entry (in suspended state): None
If last week was "dropping the ball on Spanish" I haven't a clue how to describe this week. Other than keeping up with my SRS reviews, I've done literally nothing in Spanish this week. I don't really want to give up on Spanish again (especially not this quickly after restarting it), but Korean and Japanese are simply pushing it out of the way.
日本語 (2012年 6月 10日 - 2012年 6月 16日):
Pimsleur Japanese:
- Lessons 13-15 (27 cards)
I'm planning on a change to my language studies this week that should result in an increase in the number of Pimsleur Japanese lessons I finish per week. This next week should see 5 lessons done rather than the normal 3. I've already made one change in that I now do the first pass of a new lesson in the evening (so I have a computer handy for noting any new words for later lookup and SRS entry) then I do the review pass the following morning on my commute. This is working very well, so my next change is only to the frequency (I was doing them every other evening, but now it will be Sun-Thu evening with review passes on Mon-Fri). Korean vocabulary work will be done on Fri-Sun. Hanja will be added throughout the week while watching music shows (as I've already been doing). Spanish...I don't really know yet.
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 156 of 479 17 June 2012 at 6:53pm | IP Logged |
Warp3 wrote:
- Complete the 6000 Essential Vocabulary list (I made it partway through then kind of stalled, though I have learned a ton of words that *aren't* on the 6000 essential list during this time)
- Reach at least 600 total Hanja (currently at 224, so this goal should be easily reachable)
- Greatly increase my speaking practice (there are some native speakers in the area, too, so I need to make use of that)
- Greatly increase my reading (whether via bilingual text or Korean-only, as long as I read a lot more)
- Continue to increase my writing (which I'm already working on via Twitter and via some chatting with The Real CZ)
- Greatly increase my listening skills (via the above speaking practice and by watching a greater percentage of *unsubbed* Korean media)
So...we are about halfway through the year now, thus it is time to see where I am on my goals.
Korean vocabulary: My revised goal (since the goal above was too hard to quantify) was 39 cards (mostly vocabulary, but occasionally grammar points) per week. Since Dec 25 (the first day of the week where I started doing the TAC counts), I've added 965 cards to my 한국어 deck in Anki. I've been at this for 25 weeks now (so I'm actually 1 week shy of the real halfway point). That works out to an average of 38.6 cards per week (0.4 cards/week shy of the target).
Hanja: My finalized goal for this was 7/week (which at 1/day is easier to target than the 7.23/week that my "reach 600 total characters" goal would have indicated). Since Dec 25, I've added 190 characters to my SRS. Thus my resulting average rate has been 7.6 characters/week. This is probably only as high as it is due to my recent interest in Japanese bumping my card rate for a few weeks there, but despite that I'm surprised that I was not only above the 7/week target, but even above the original 7.23/week target.
(Technically I could have set quantifiable goals for these 4 categories, but I didn't, thus they are "unquantifiable".)
Speaking: Sadly, I've done little to nothing on this goal despite having increased opportunities. There is a new Korean restaurant nearby that I've been to 4 times now and have only spoken one word of Korean there the entire time. {sigh}
Reading: I've made decent progress on reading, but I still need to read a lot more. Specifically my visits to Twitter have dropped off dramatically over the past several months.
Writing: I've done some writing (blog posts, Twitter posts, etc.) during these six months, but not even close to what I should have done. Like speaking, I need to focus much more on this area since my active production is still lacking notably compared to my passive skills.
Listening: While I've not done a huge amount of practice specifically targeting listening skills, they still shot up dramatically near the beginning of the year. I think a big portion of this could have been from my song memorization work. I still need to do some more focused work in this area, but am still quite happy with the progress I've noticed already.
I'm very happy with my results for the quantifiable goals, but I've done far less for the more vague ones. This could partly be due to not having specific enough goals in those categories or due to the fact that some of them require a bit more motivation to do (especially the active ones).
I've also added Japanese to my studies and reactivated Spanish (both within the last month or so). However as I stated before, I have no intention of letting either of them keep me from reaching my Korean TAC goals.
Edited by Warp3 on 17 June 2012 at 7:12pm
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| Evita Tetraglot Senior Member Latvia learnlatvian.info Joined 6639 days ago 734 posts - 1036 votes     Speaks: Latvian*, English, German, Russian Studies: Korean, Finnish
| Message 157 of 479 17 June 2012 at 8:35pm | IP Logged |
Congratulations on keeping your Korean on track and making progress! (Too bad I don't know how to write this in Korean yet...)
I hope you somehow manage to fit in Spanish as well, it's a nice and useful language. I'd like to read about your progress in it since I plan to pick it up as well when I have time for it. It would definitely be easier than my other languages since I'm not a complete beginner in Spanish.
Anyway, good luck and hopefully you can reach your quantifiable goals by the end of the year :) And thanks for stopping by my log regularly, I appreciate it.
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 158 of 479 18 June 2012 at 1:51am | IP Logged |
Thanks for the congratulations and for the words of encouragement. I do really want to finally get somewhere with Spanish, I just think I need to find some things to grab my attention in the language first like I did with Korean and Japanese.
I'm glad I can help you with your Korean studies, especially with those parts where I see you struggling with something that baffled me just as much at that phase, so I can recall how annoying and/or confusing those parts of the language can seem initially.
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| druckfehler Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4955 days ago 1181 posts - 1912 votes     Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Korean Studies: Persian
| Message 159 of 479 18 June 2012 at 1:50pm | IP Logged |
축하드립니다 ^^ It's quite an achievement that you did more work than originally planned. Keep it up for the next 6 months!
So you blog in Korean? Wow! I wish I could do that...
I can only encourage you to try and find some Koreans to practice with. Maybe you can find some exchange students who are happy to practice English and help you with Korean?
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 160 of 479 18 June 2012 at 10:02pm | IP Logged |
Saying that I blog in Korean is a bit of an overstatement. It's not a public blog, but rather a private blog that I use to practice generating output without the pressure of an audience actually reading it. Sure, I don't get feedback that way, but there are other places for that sort of task.
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