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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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 Message 177 of 479
22 July 2012 at 6:52pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 7월 15일- 2012년 7월 21일):

Hanja: 15

Korean cards: 38

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 4 pages of 노인과 바다 (no Twitter or visits this past week)

Active Practice: none

Song Memorization: I didn't exert much effort on this task during the past week as I was focusing on using my commute time to finish Pimsleur Japanese 1. Now that I'm basically done with Pimsleur Japanese for now, though, my commutes will be freed back up to focus on Korean for a while.


日本語 (2012年 7月 15日 - 2012年 7月 21日):

Pimsleur Japanese:
- Lessons 27-30 (0 cards)

As last week, I recorded the new words and phrases from Pimsleur, but haven't SRSed them yet. I completed Pimsleur Japanese 1 this past week, though I may do a couple more passes of lesson 30 to help the new concepts from that lesson sink in a little better.

My next task is to start working with textbooks, though I'm debating which to use first. I did get my copy of 일본어 무작정 따라하기 a short while back, so I now have 3 textbooks (one from a Korean base and two from an English base). I'm tempted to start with the Korean-based book since that would also provide a good source for Korean vocab for the upcoming weeks. On the other hand, it may be best to do a preview pass of that book first and mine it for any unknown Korean words. Then after they've had a chance to settle into my head, for a bit go back through it and actually study it as a Japanese textbook.
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 Message 178 of 479
29 July 2012 at 6:55pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 7월 22일- 2012년 7월 28일):

Hanja: 15

While reviewing today, I noticed that my Hanja deck has exactly 500 cards now. Considering I started the TAC at 224 cards this is a huge amount of progress and shows that I am already most of the way to my TAC goal of 600 total cards. At my new increased target pace (14/week) I should hit my 600 card goal in just over 7 weeks.

Korean cards: 39

I'm 49 cards away from reaching 4000 total cards in this deck now. Wow.

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 5 pages of 노인과 바다, a couple randomized browsing sessions on, and one brief visit to Twitter

Active Practice: none

Song Memorization: I've firmed up a few lines on 치치's Longer and have even picked up a couple lines that I wasn't officially working on yet. I'm considering adding a second song to work on in conjunction with this one, but most of the candidates haven't been SE read yet.


日本語 (2012年 7月 22日 - 2012年 7月 28日):

I went through the various entries I got from Pimsleur and finally clarified the wording and spelling for all of them (some of which took quite a bit of effort). I then added the few remaining entries from Lesson 22 (mostly narrator prompts which were the bulk of the ones I had to look up) and all of Lesson 23. I added 17 total cards to Anki this week. I should be able to add more this week since I don't have to worry about seeking out the proper spelling first for any of the remaining lessons.

I briefly skimmed through the textbooks I have reading bits here and there, but didn't actually start in on any of them yet. Part of the reason is that I'm still debating which textbook to start off with as all 3 have pros and cons to them.

- Japanese for Busy People doesn't introduce any Kanji in book 1 (which I actually kind of like for now while I'm still learning them as Hanja on the side), but it also starts full bore into Kana only (since I bought the Kana version not the Romanized version), rather than using any Romanization (which is technically a good thing, but is still intimidating).
- Japanese for Everyone does include romanizations for the first 3 lessons (none after that), but is also already introducing Kanji by that point (which may not really be a bad thing). However, it does at least add furigana to the first appearance of a Kanji word on a page (but not to successive uses of that word on the same page).
- 일본어 무작정 따라하기 doesn't use romanization (or perhaps Hangulization would be a better term) except for in a few side notes and in the pre-lesson sections, is written entirely in Korean, and does introduce Kanji, but without attaching furigana to them. This would obviously be the most difficult to use, but may also end up being the most effective (for both my Japanese and my Korean).

I searched on here for suggestions about using multiple textbooks at the same time and only found one thread with only a single person that replied. I've thought about using them in a rotating method (lesson 1 in one book, lesson 1 in the next book, lesson 1 in the third book, lesson 2 in the first book, etc.), but it might be less confusing to stick with a single book all the way through instead to maintain some semblance of flow (then use the other two for cross-referencing or as follow up materials).

I've also pondered just continuing with audio courses for now then revisit textbooks later, either by continuing Pimsleur through levels 2 and 3 or by trying out Michel Thomas Japanese (I have the first lesson which I downloaded as a sample, but haven't tried it yet). However, not having any sort of transcript for Pimsleur beyond level 1 will make finding the spellings far more difficult, so I'm reluctant to do that.

Edited by Warp3 on 29 July 2012 at 6:59pm

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atama warui
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 Message 179 of 479
29 July 2012 at 7:52pm | IP Logged 
I just did 1 Pimsleur every day at roughly the same time when I was alone and had time and nothing else to do. Never had to repeat anything, can produce everything without pause button still today.
Might be worth a try.
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 Message 180 of 479
29 July 2012 at 8:00pm | IP Logged 
I don't know any Japanese so you may take my advice with a grain of salt, but, judging from what you wrote about the books, I would start with the one that has romanizations. I still have the difficulty of learning how to read Korean fresh in my mind so I think you should start with the one that is the easiest to read. I guess you have already been reading the Pimsleur transcripts but still. Once you are done with the first 3 lessons you can decide whether you want to continue with the book.

As for whether to stick to one book or not, I think using two textbooks is a good idea but you should start one before the other (maybe a month or two apart) so that you can use the second textbook to review the concepts you learned in the first. Some of the stuff will be different, of course, but some of it should be common as well.

Regarding the "1 chapter of this book, 1 chapter of that one" approach, I don't like it, it's too arbitrary for me. I would stick to one book until I get tired of it or get stuck, and then I'd switch to the other book.

And finally, I don't think you should start with the Korean book. If you plan to read through all of them anyway, you should leave that one for last, that way you should get the most out of it (and it should also be easier for you).
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 Message 181 of 479
29 July 2012 at 8:44pm | IP Logged 
atama warui wrote:
I just did 1 Pimsleur every day at roughly the same time when I was alone and had time and nothing else to do. Never had to repeat anything, can produce everything without pause button still today.
Might be worth a try.

Japanese is the 3rd language I've used with Pimsleur and I agree that the concepts do stick very well even after the course is done...mostly. However, what I ran into with Korean is that I would learn a new concept several months after finishing Pimsleur only to later discover that the concept was actually in Pimsleur but I had completely forgotten it do to lack of use in the intervening time. (I only discovered this due to deciding to do a quick review pass of Pimsleur a year or so after the initial lessons.) I was determined not to let that happen with Japanese which is why I'm SRSing the content. That said, the bulk of Pimsleur Spanish and Pimsleur Korean did stick very well (and is still in my head even now) and I eventually ran across all the concepts again in other forms anyway, so it's not really a huge loss even if something does slip.

Evita wrote:
I don't know any Japanese so you may take my advice with a grain of salt, but, judging from what you wrote about the books, I would start with the one that has romanizations. I still have the difficulty of learning how to read Korean fresh in my mind so I think you should start with the one that is the easiest to read. I guess you have already been reading the Pimsleur transcripts but still. Once you are done with the first 3 lessons you can decide whether you want to continue with the book.

That is part of why I am SRSing the Pimsleur contents as Kana only (I have the mixed script version (Kanji+Kana) in the answer, but not in the question), as it forces me to read Kana more. I could still survive the Kana only book, it would just be quite a bit slower, especially at first. Regardless, your point is well taken. The other option is to buy the Romanized version of JfBP and use the two editions in parallel (only book 1 is available in both versions), but that feels almost like cheating...ㅋㅋㅋ

As for whether to stick to one book or not, I think using two textbooks is a good idea but you should start one before the other (maybe a month or two apart) so that you can use the second textbook to review the concepts you learned in the first. Some of the stuff will be different, of course, but some of it should be common as well.

That's a really good idea. I like the idea of staggering them like that.

And finally, I don't think you should start with the Korean book. If you plan to read through all of them anyway, you should leave that one for last, that way you should get the most out of it (and it should also be easier for you).

The more I think about it, I may start off by using the Korean one as reference material instead of a textbook. In other words, when I learn a new concept in one of the other books I can jump over to the Korean-based book to see which example Korean patterns they give for that same concept.


I just realized I forgot to mention one aspect of the three

Japanese for Everyone supposedly has audio, though I've heard it can be quite difficult to acquire.
Japanese for Busy People includes a CD.
일본어 무작정 따라하기 includes audio, but on audio-cassette (I've seen mentions of a CD version when searching, but the site where I bought it only sells the cassette version)

Edited by Warp3 on 29 July 2012 at 8:55pm

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 Message 182 of 479
09 August 2012 at 5:04pm | IP Logged 
(This is a copy/paste from the post I made Sunday on the temporary forums while HTLAL was offline.)

한국어 (2012년 7월 29일- 2012년 8월 4일):

Hanja: 15

Korean cards: 29

I dropped the ball on Korean vocab this week. Just over half of those cards were added yesterday trying to play catchup since I only had 14 cards at the time (just over 1/3 of the way to my 39/week goal).

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: I read 4 pages of 노인과 바다, did some randomized browsing sessions on (which is also where I acquired a few of my vocabulary words yesterday), and made one brief visit to Twitter earlier in the week.

Listening: Listened to a few episodes of TTMIK's 이야기 series throughout the week.

Active Practice: none

Song Memorization: I worked more on 치치's Longer, but still have a ways to go to complete it. I do seem to be picking up several lines that I'm not even officially trying to memorize yet, though, which makes me quite pleased. I also need to add another song, like I mentioned last week, as I seem to be getting burned out trying to focus all my memorization energies on a single song.


日本語 (2012年 7月 29日 - 2012年 8月 4日):

Pimsleur to SRS:
- Lesson 24 (23 cards)

I spent some time looking through the portion of Japanese for Everyone that precedes the first lesson and learned a few things about the grammar just from that. I intended to actually study that section this past week and learn the various grammar items it contains, but I didn't actually do so.

I also learned the Japanese Kana sort order this week for both the consonants (using the あかさた(a-ka-sa-ta) order, not that poetic order that is really clever but no one seems to actually use) and vowels. For the former, I learned some useful mnemonics that should help me remember it. For the latter ,あいうえお (a-i-u-e-o), I noted that if you take the English/Spanish order, then grab all the odd numbered ones in order followed by all the even numbered ones in order, you come up with this order, so I've memorized it that way (in other words, 1-3-5-2-4 from the English/Spanish sort order produces the Japanese order).
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 Message 183 of 479
12 August 2012 at 6:29pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 8월 5일- 2012년 8월 11일):

Hanja: 14

Korean cards: 42 (I've now passed the 4000 card mark in Anki for this deck.)

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading:
- Cherry Filter - 낭만 고양이 (2 cards)
- 소녀시대 - Etude (5 cards)

Extensive Reading: 4 pages of 노인과 바다, some randomized browsing sessions on, no Twitter visits

Listening: I intentionally picked the two songs listed above (under SE reading) multiple times while listening to music in the car throughout the week to see if I could grasp the lyrics better afterward. I also watched some unsubbed TV, but nothing much of note beyond that.

It is interesting to note, though, that one of the phrases I added to my SRS this week was obtained completely from audio. (I've grabbed words and phrases from K-dramas before, but only from on-screen text (cell phone screens, letters, banners, etc.), not from the audio like this time.) What I grabbed was the sentence starter "혹시 알아요..." from Coffee House, which means roughly the same as the "Who knows? ..." or "You never know, ..." sentence starters in English. That was the first time I'd noticed that word pair used that way (compared to the more expected meaning of "do you happen to know...?") and Naver examples seem to confirm that this is a common usage, so I added it to Anki.

Active Practice: none

Song Memorization: I'm still working on 치치's Longer, but need to work on it a bit more actively than I have been.


日本語 (2012年 8月 5日 - 2012年 8月 11日):

Pimsleur to SRS:
- Lesson 25 (23 cards)

I didn't really do much in Japanese this week other than adding another lesson to Anki and a bit of TV / music.


español (5/8/2012 - 11/8/2012):

Yes there is a Spanish section to my log this week. I didn't do any studying in Spanish (though I'm continuing to review in Anki), but I did find a Youtube feed that should be useful. One of the types of videos I tend to watch on Youtube are Call of Duty gameplay videos, so while browsing around it suggested a video of COD gameplay, but I noticed the title was in Spanish. So I watched the video and the commentary and gameplay seemed decent enough, so I subscribed to that channel and will try to make it a habit to watch videos from that channel.

Also I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago I had an Amazon free MP3 credit that was about to expire, so (since their Korean and Japanese section was useless last time I checked) I spent it on Shakira's Suerte (the Spanish version of "Whenever, Wherever") and added that to my MP3 player.

Edited by Warp3 on 12 August 2012 at 6:30pm

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 Message 184 of 479
19 August 2012 at 6:26pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 8월 12일- 2012년 8월 18일):

Hanja: 12

Korean cards: 29

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading:
- 소녀시대 - 소원을 말해봐 (2 cards, one of which was a word I already had in a sentence card from over 1.5 years ago, but didn't really know the word well)

Extensive Reading: 5 pages of 노인과 바다

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 11-15 (finally got tired of only having 1-10 of this series and downloaded 11-20)

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization: Still working on 치치's Longer; still want to add another song to this, but haven't yet


日本語 (2012年 8月 12日 - 2012年 8月 18日):

Pimsleur to SRS:
- Lesson 26 (22 cards)

I also added 4 cards from other sources (mostly from the 청춘불패 episode where they go to Japan):
かんこく(韓国) = 한국
かんこくじん(韓国人)= 한국인
かんこくご(韓国語)= 한국어
ドキドキ = 두근두근

(I had heard "doki doki" numerous times before, but had never really equated it to the Korean "dugeun dugeun" until very recently.)


español (12/8/2012 - 18/8/2012):

No active study, but some media throughout the week (including the Youtube videos I mentioned last week, which I watch regularly now).

Edited by Warp3 on 26 August 2012 at 4:17pm

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