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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 305 of 479 15 December 2013 at 2:35pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 12월 8일 - 2013년 12월 14일):
New Hanja Cards: 6
(Total = 806)
(8 stroke characters are now complete!)
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
español (8/12/2013 - 14/12/2013):
- Lecciónes 31-35
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
I ripped my DVD of Office Space yesterday evening and watched some of it with Spanish
audio. It was quite entertaining to say the least. I originally had it set to Spanish
subtitles as well, but that didn't work well at all. For some reason, the Spanish
subtitles are not even close to the Spanish audio for a good chunk of the movie. I don't
mean the normal way where some info is left out of the subtitles, either (which would
have been tolerable). I mean the phrasings they use are completely different between
the two (as if they were translated separately rather than the Spanish subtitles being
based on the Spanish dub or vice-versa).
Edited by Warp3 on 15 December 2013 at 2:36pm
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 306 of 479 15 December 2013 at 9:26pm | IP Logged |
TAC 2014 Goals: Detailed
Some of these goals are actually a bit lower than I've done in the past, but that is mostly
to ensure I can consistently meet them given that I'm doing the TAC for two languages
this year. I don't want to end up with Korean goals so lofty that they stamp out any
chance of meeting the Spanish goals (or vice-versa).
1) Bring out the existing grammar info from my existing SRS deck
The first part of this is to unsuspend any grammar lessons that got suspended in my
"pause everything older than a year" sweep. Then I need to find any cards with grammar
points (especially those I'm still vague about) and make sure there are grammar cards
for them (not just grammar comments on vocab or sentence cards).
2) Return to and complete the Let's Speak Korean videos (and SRS any new grammar
forms or idiomatic phrases)
Despite the endorsement I've frequently given for this series to beginners, I actually only
made it through 138 episodes out of 260 total (and learned a lot by SRSing the info
from those 138 lessons thus the endorsements).
3) Return to (and complete?) the TTMIK Lessons (and SRS any new grammar forms or
idiomatic phrases)
I enjoyed doing these, but simply stopped at one point and never continued (early in
Level 2). These lessons teach things from a different perspective than LSK which makes
them decent companions, in my opinion. I'm less sure about the "and complete" part as
I don't recall the count of lessons and it is a moving target since they are still adding
4) Go through Survival Korean and Survival Korean Basic Grammar (both by the guy from
LSK) again (and SRS any new grammar forms or idiomatic phrases)
These books are pretty simple (and cover much of the same content as LSK) but they
should be easier to go through at a higher speed than LSK.
5) Go through my Lonely Planet phrasebook again (and SRS any new grammar forms or
idiomatic phrases)
I used the phrasebook for lookups a fair bit early on, but haven't really touched it since,
so I'd like to go back to it again and see how it looks from 4+ years in to the language.
6) Go through Using Korean again (and SRS any new grammar forms or idiomatic
This one may take longer than the rest as I recall there was a *lot* of content in this
book based on the first time I read through it. In fact, this one may get dropped if it
looks like I'm going to lack enough time for other tasks.
I originally was thinking about setting a quantifiable goal for grammar/idiom cards per
week, but planning my schedule to ensure I complete the sources listed by year-end
should make that unnecessary.
1) Return to scorched earth reading of song lyrics
I found this to be a very useful activity, but haven't really done it much lately. It is also a
prerequisite for item #1 under PRODUCTION below. My goal for this task is to scorched
earth read the lyrics for 2 songs per month.
2) Return to scorched earth reading of TTMIK 이야기 lessons
I also found this activity useful previously and need to resume it. My goal for this task is
to scorched earth read 1 lesson per month.
My quantifiable goals for this category are obviously set very low, but that is intentional.
The low goals here will ensure they don't interfere with the more important goals (i.e. the
other two categories).
1) Return to memorizing songs
This includes reactivating some of the previous songs I've memorized that are starting to
get a bit vague in my mind. My goal is 1 new song per month. This does not mean it must
be fully memorized before the end of the month, but it must at least be entered into my
Lyrics deck in Anki.
2) Write more in Korean (Twitter posts, HTLAL posts, etc.)
My goal for this is 2 posts (of any length) per week. While this goal does seem very low,
the low threshold gives me no excuse to fail it and it is still more than I'm doing now.
3) Speak more in Korean
This one is really hard to quantify (partly since opportunities can be so variable), so I'm
not going to quantify it. However I know it needs work, so I'm still listing it here.
1) Find my first real "hook" for Spanish.
Korean originally hooked me with music then later hooked me via other routes (like
variety TV) as well. As such, even when I'm not learning Korean actively, I'm still getting
constantly exposed to it. I need to find my first deeply embedded "hook" for Spanish to
keep the language ever-present, even when I'm too busy or uninterested to actively study
it. I've tried to make music a hook for Spanish as well, but I'm not sure how well that is
working yet.
2) Complete my review pass of Pimsleur Spanish 1-3 then purchase and complete
Pimsleur Spanish 4.
This one is pretty self-explanatory.
3) Restart and finally complete Assimil Spanish with Ease (even if I have to drop the SRS
part to make sure I keep going this time).
This one is pretty self-explanatory as well. I would love to get the SRS data entry done
rather than dropping it, but if the choice is between finishing Assimil and burning out, I'll
take the former option.
4) Start and complete Destinos
I've heard enough about this series, that it is worth trying it out.
5) Start active use of Spanish fairly early in the challenge period.
No specific requirements on this one, just start actively using the language rather than
making this an input-only year.
Hmm...my specific Spanish goals look a lot like my general Spanish goals don't they
(*copy* *paste* *lightly tweak*). After re-reading them, I realized that the parts that
can be easily quantified already have that information. Goal #1 (finding a hook) is my
*real* goal for Spanish this year. If I can do that, much of the rest should start to
automatically fall into place like it did with Korean. Finishing Assimil Spanish With Ease
is my secondary goal, but not reaching goal #1 could easily sink that plan again.
Edited by Warp3 on 15 December 2013 at 9:37pm
4 persons have voted this message useful
| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 307 of 479 22 December 2013 at 6:16pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 12월 15일 - 2013년 12월 21일):
New Hanja Cards: 5
(Total = 811)
New Korean Cards: 27
Unsuspended Korean Cards: 37
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Some back-and-forth with CZ on Twitter
Both of the changes to cards in the Korean deck are related to my grammar goals for TAC
2014. I unsuspended 37 grammar cards (including things like sentence starters) and
extracted grammar points from older sentence cards (except for those forms I know
extremely well) and created 27 new cards from those grammar points (1 for each
grammar construction). I'm rather glad I did this as well, since some of these grammar
forms are not all that familiar to me. Since most of these were only in the deck in full
sentence form, I had enough context from the cards to answer them correctly without
learning the grammar form in the process (despite the fact that some of these forms
were in multiple cards).
I'm trying to figure out the best schedule for watching Let's Speak Korean. While the
remaining episodes aren't perfectly divisible by 52 weeks, the entire set is. 260
episodes is 5 episodes a week for a year (perhaps it aired every weekday for a year
then). I'm undecided yet whether I'll rewatch the whole series or just continue where I left
español (15/12/2013 - 21/12/2013):
- Lecciónes 36-40
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
I'm trying to figure out the best schedule for watching Destinos. There are 52 episodes
which seems to imply they were designed for 1/week for a year, but I'm not sure I want
to stretch it out that far. I'm considering doing 2/week as a complementary piece to the
possibility of 5 LSK episodes per week for Korean (thus making it LSK on weekdays and
Destinos on weekends).
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 308 of 479 29 December 2013 at 4:13pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 12월 22일 - 2013년 12월 28일):
New Hanja Cards: 5
(Total = 816)
Let's Speak Korean: 제131회-제135회 (0 cards added, as I've already SRSed these
lessons previously)
New Korean Cards: 1 (a sentence starter taken from an older suspended LSK card)
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: A few small posts on HTLAL, but not horribly much.
Rather than repeat the first half of LSK (and likely bore myself in the process), I've opted
to start at lesson 131 instead (the start of the second season with those hosts). Also I
was incorrect about where I left off previously; the highest LSK episode referenced in my
SRS deck is actually episode 141.
español (22/12/2013 - 28/12/2013):
- Lecciónes 41-45
- Episodios 1-4
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
I received one language-related gift for Christmas this year: Madrigal's Magic Key to
Spanish (about which I've heard very good things).
I finally decided on a target of 4 episodes per week for Destinos (Sunday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday) which should have me finishing the series in 13 weeks. At times
I'm surprised that I can completely understand the audio (as in meanings at speed, not
just words) with little to no difficulty, but other times I'm struggling to just pick out the
words. Part of that is heavily dependent on the speaker, though. So far the secretary in
Miami and the cab driver in Sevilla have been the hardest to understand. Speaking of
which, I'm noticing an odd twist with Spanish listening vs. Korean listening. In Korean,
female speakers tend to be much easier to understand, however I'm noticing the
opposite effect in Spanish. For some reason, I seem to have an easier time
understanding male Spanish speakers overall. For example in Destinos, I can usually
follow Ramón's conversational Spanish better than Raquel's "simplified episode recap"
Spanish (even though the latter is designed to be easier to understand). The male
narrator's Spanish (which like Raquel's Spanish is intentionally spoken slowly and
clearly) is an absolute breeze to understand.
I've followed my first Spanish celebrity (Shakira, who seems to alternate between
posting in English and Spanish) on Twitter, but one account isn't really enough to start
claiming "extensive reading" time yet like I do for Korean (for which I currently follow over
100 celebrities). Hopefully I'll figure out more people that I wish to follow once I dig
deeper into Spanish media.
Edited by Warp3 on 29 December 2013 at 4:24pm
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 309 of 479 29 December 2013 at 8:57pm | IP Logged |
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 5/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 2 songs/month): 0/12
Vocab 2 (SE read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 0/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 0/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 1/52
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 45/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 5/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 0/52
The reason I'm posting this is two-fold:
a) I'm considering last week the official start of my weekly challenges (though I still
consider Jan 1st the start of the monthly ones).
b) I needed to remind myself of the actual quantifiable goals I set as I had already
started to forget them (like the monthly SE reading goals for Korean).
You will note that my "speaking" goal for Korean is not on this list. It is not easily
quantifiable (at least as written) so I see no point in attempting to track it.
You will also note that I've changed the production goal for Spanish to writing and listed
a quantity. I've decided to give Spanish the same goal as I have for Korean: I have to
make at least two posts per week in Spanish (whether on Twitter, here, etc.). Since I
considered my weekly goals to start last week, but did not have this change in mind yet,
I'm allowing myself to claim last week as a retroactive "pass" by making a minimum of 3
posts this week instead (since I made 1 post on Facebook last week).
Edited by Warp3 on 02 January 2014 at 12:22am
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 310 of 479 05 January 2014 at 4:28pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 12월 29일 - 2014년 1월 4일):
New Hanja Cards: 5
(Total = 821)
Let's Speak Korean: 제136회-제140회
Scorched Earth Reading:
- AOA - Moya (1 new word)
- AOA - Get Out (1 new word)
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: A couple posts on HTLAL and Twitter
Song Memorization:
- Added "AOA - Get Out" to Lyrics deck
Rather than manually creating cloze deletion cards (like I did with "Chi Chi - Longer") I
used Anki's "Cloze" card type this time. I liked my resulting cards better the old way, but
this way is tremendously faster, so I'll take the trade-off. I also removed the "Chi Chi -
Longer" cards from the deck (which was actually the entirety of the deck before, but I've
got those lyrics quite cemented in my head now).
"Get Out" was really a no-brainer for my song memorization challenge this year since AOA
is currently my favorite group and "Get Out" is the song I like most from that group. The
rap break for "Get Out" might be a bit tricky to reproduce at speed anytime soon (as all
of 지민's raps tend to be at a pretty quick pace) but it should still be easier than some
other AOA songs (like "Moya" that has multiple fast rap sections) and it only really
speeds up on the second half. Besides, the rap in "Chi-chi's Longer" was the entire
second verse (and is quite fast) and I finally got where I could produce it at speed (most
of the time), so this short rap should be a breeze by comparison.
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 10/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 2 songs/month): 1/12
Vocab 2 (SE read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 0/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 1/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 2/52
español (29/12/2013 - 4/1/2014):
- Lecciónes 46-50
- Episodios 5-8
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
Active Practice: Some posts on HTLAL (and one last week on Facebook)
I watched Office Space "en español" this week. I tried watching unsubbed but I was
missing too much (and I hadn't seen the movie in a while so the scenes weren't fresh in
my mind). I also tried the Spanish subtitles but as noted previously (when I scanned
through it) they are so far off from the Spanish audio they are useless for that. In the
end, I failed over to Spanish audio and English subtitles which worked much better (and I
picked up several new Spanish words in the process by comparing what I was hearing
with the on-screen text).
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 50/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 8/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 2/52
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 311 of 479 12 January 2014 at 4:45pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 1월 5일 - 2014년 1월 11일):
New Hanja Cards: 5
(Total = 826)
Let's Speak Korean: 제141회-제143회
I've backed down to 3 episodes per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; the three
days I don't watch Destinos) now that I'm getting into the episodes I haven't yet SRSed.
I'm taking screen captures of any noted grammar points which I will later go back and
process into SRS cards. However, backing down the rate on this will mean that I need to
introduce the other materials earlier rather than waiting until I finish LSK. It's probably
better to do them in parallel anyway.
Suspended Korean Cards: 36
All vocabulary cards from Dec 2012 are now suspended (with 1 card exempted as a
sentence starter) thus leaving only 2013 and newer cards in the vocabulary pool for
SRS. Each month I plan to suspend cards (excluding cards such as grammar points,
sentence starters, etc.) from 13 months ago to keep an ongoing 1-year trailing list of
vocab cards (since I liked the result from doing this initially).
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on HTLAL and Twitter
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 13/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 2 songs/month): 1/12
Vocab 2 (SE read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 0/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 1/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 3/52
español (5/1/2014 - 11/1/2014):
- Lecciónes 51-55
- Episodios 9-12
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (which actually updated this week)
Active Practice: Posts on HTLAL; translation of a sign at work into Spanish
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 55/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 12/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 3/52
Edited by Warp3 on 12 January 2014 at 4:48pm
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| BAnna Triglot Senior Member United States Joined 4548 days ago 409 posts - 616 votes Speaks: English*, German, Spanish Studies: Russian, Turkish
| Message 312 of 479 12 January 2014 at 9:05pm | IP Logged |
You are very organized and making lots of progress. I was wondering what you meant by "scorched earth" reading?
Keep up the good work.
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