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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 353 of 479
13 April 2014 at 2:35pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 4월 6일 - 2014년 4월 12일):

TTMIK: 3단 제11회-제20회

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Team 구미호 "120개" challenge: 13 (Total = 108/113)
- Walk and Talk in Korean (8)
- Advanced Korean Lessons (5)

The "Natural Talks in Korean" playlist seems to have vanished which drops my video
count by 12. However "Advanced Korean Lessons" now has 10 videos which adds 4.
The result is a net loss of 8 videos from my former total (which was slightly high at 121)
bringing me to 113 videos now (so I'll need to find 7 more for my 120개 challenge).

The "Advanced Korean Lessons" playlist took me a bit by surprise as I didn't expect the
videos in it to be entirely in Korean (though in retrospect that should have been
expected given the name). I can still understand quite a bit of the video if I focus, but I
can't be lazy about watching them like I can the other TTMIK videos. I also found it
interesting that several of the "Advanced Vocabulary" words they introduced are words I
already know. For example, 무난 and 진출 were both introduced and I had already picked
up both from variety TV (in fact I know 진출 *very* well due to 결승진출, which is said
when someone advances to the final round in a game). I am rather happy about the fact
that as long as I pay attention I can mostly understand videos that explain the meanings
of Korean words entirely using Korean. I guess this is yet another sign that I should
start defaulting to the K-to-K dictionaries at Daum and Naver and only use the K-to-E
dictionaries as a failover (rather than the other way around as I do currently).

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 75/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 7/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 3/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 3/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 1/2


español (6/4/2014 - 12/4/2014):

- Lecciónes 116-120

This completes Pimsleur I-IV, which frees up my morning commute again for other audio
material (FSI / Platiquemos, perhaps?).

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2


This is the second week in a row that I've not done any posting in either language. Last
week I at least had the excuse of spending several hours on subbing on Saturday
evening. Granted I spent several more hours on Sunday completing the subs, but I still
could have fit in active posts this week had I tried.

Edited by Warp3 on 13 April 2014 at 2:44pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 354 of 479
20 April 2014 at 2:16pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 4월 13일 - 2014년 4월 19일):

TTMIK: 3단 제21회-제30회

Scorched Earth Reading:
- Jewelry - 니가 참 좋아 (3 new words)
나지막하다 = to be rather low, lowish ("부드러운 미소도 나지막한 목소리도") (based on
the examples at Daum, 나지막한 목소리 means "a low voice" as in a soft-spoken or quiet
voice, not as in a low-tone voice)
조심스레 = 실수하지 않도록 말과 행동을 삼가고 경계하는 듯한 태도가 있게 ("친구들속에
너와 함께일때면 / 조심스레 행복해지고")
괜스레 = 아무 까닭이나 실속이 없이 객쩍은 데가 있게 ("우연히 눈만 마주쳐도 / 괜스레
발끝만 보게 되고")
Both of the ~스레 words required me to switch to the K-to-K dictionary (which is why the
definitions listed are in Korean). However, that still wasn't quite enough to grasp their
meanings so I dug further (on and found that ~스레 is a
contraction of ~스러이 which is an adverb form of ~스럽다. ~스레 is pretty much
a short version of ~스럽게; that I can mentally process. I had already guessed that that
ending might be linked to ~스럽게 so it was nice to have that suspicion confirmed. I also
realized that while they may not be *exactly* the same meaning, the fact that they are
both adverbs should put them close enough to 조심히 and 괜히 in meaning, both of which
I already know well.
The reason for picking this song is that watching so much X맨 lately has led me to have a
newfound fondness for classic Jewelry (as all four members appeared on the show at
least once and 이지현 was pretty much a regular). I won't be surprised if I SE read
"Jewelry - Superstar" soon for the very same reason.

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Team 구미호 "120개" challenge: 16 (Total = 124/124)
- Advanced Korean Lessons (5)
- How Do You Say This In Korean? (11)

I couldn't find any playlists that quite matched my remaining count of 7 and still looked
useful, so I overshot a little bit with "How Do You Say This In Korean?" (which is actually
listed as 12 videos, but one is just an intro, so I didn't count it). This brings my grand
total to 124 watched videos and completes my 120개 challenge.

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 85/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 3/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 3/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2


español (13/4/2014 - 19/4/2014):

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2


...and now the third consecutive week with no active posting practice for either language.
This is becoming a bad habit now...{sigh}

Edited by Warp3 on 20 April 2014 at 2:17pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 355 of 479
27 April 2014 at 3:42pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 4월 20일 - 2014년 4월 26일):

TTMIK: 4단 제1회-제10회

Intensive Reading:
- TTMIK 이야기 제7회: 매력적인 여자
There were 1 or 2 words that may have been new to me (I didn't actually look them up to
be sure) but they didn't impede the meaning, so I ignored them and kept going.
Compared to some other 이야기 episodes, I understood this one very well.

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Active Practice: Posts on HTLAL and Twitter

Song Memorization:
- Jewelry - 니가 참 좋아
I had no intention of memorizing this song originally, but I did so for three reasons: 1) I
already memorized the main chorus while SE reading it earlier this month and 2) I'm
running out of month and needed to add a song to my Lyrics deck and 3) I'm really
starting to grow attached to this song. Now I just need to find an MP3 of it since iTunes
doesn't seem to have Jewelry's 3rd and 4th albums (even though they have both earlier
and later Jewelry albums).

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 95/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 4/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 4/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 14/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2


español (20/4/2014 - 26/4/2014):

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2


I wrote my requisite posts in Korean this week, but not in Spanish. I am still somewhat
using Spanish (reading webcomics, watching one "Los Simpsons" per day, etc.), but I've
mostly stagnated since finishing Pimsleur, so I need to get back in the rhythm. Of course,
I've also been so busy lately, I've barely had time to work on Korean, much less Spanish.
On the flip side, though, the only show I watch every single day right now is "Los
Simpsons" (even on those days I watch no Korean TV at all).
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 356 of 479
04 May 2014 at 4:55pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 4월 27일 - 2014년 5월 3일):

TTMIK: 4단 제11회-제20회

Suspended Korean Cards: 24 (all cards from Apr 2013 except two grammar cards)

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Active Practice: Posts on Twitter

I found myself creating some X맨 subs again this week (this time for the 당연하지 game
from episodes 92 and 93). Despite how time-consuming that is, I still find it quite
enjoyable, so I may try to make a habit of it. It is proving to be beneficial to my Korean as
well, including new ways of tracking down meanings that aren't well documented at Daum
or Naver (for example, finding the meaning of "말짱 황", about which I'm still a little
vague but at least get the basic idea of now, was quite an endeavor).

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 105/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 4/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 4/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 15/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2


español (27/4/2014 - 3/5/2014):

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

I listened to "Notes in Spanish: Inspired Beginner" episodes 1-3, but I'm still on the
fence about whether I like it enough to continue through the series.

I made no progress on Spanish writing again this week, however I'm changing tack with
Spanish in general. As noted in my TAC goals, my number one goal this year is to get
"hooked" on Spanish. If I miss every single remaining goal, but get hooked on Spanish
media, then in my opinion I've still succeeded. Thus my sole effort for a while is going to
be finding these much-needed hooks. I watch "Los Simpsons" and read Spanish comics
(both daily), but both of those are translated media and thus shallow hooks (since I could
easily consume the same media in English). In Korean, on the other hand, very little of
the media I consume is translated into Korean; it is almost entirely native media. Yes
there may be translated versions available, but usually via subtitles not dubbed audio.
Thus if I want to consume that media, it has to be in Korean (for at least the audio) or
not at all. I don't really have media like this in Spanish at the moment.

One of my first efforts toward this goal is to hook up the cable box I've had sitting here
forever (I got a cable plan that includes video due to the combo package pricing I received
but never actually hooked up the cable box). Since the video package I have includes
Univision, that will at least let me blindly browse some Spanish TV looking for native
shows that may catch my attention. One caveat, of course, is that I'll also have to keep
myself from veering back to watching English language TV when I do this (which shouldn't
be too hard, since I'm busy enough keeping up with the foreign language media I watch).

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2

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Senior Member
Joined 4144 days ago

107 posts - 134 votes 
Speaks: German*, English
Studies: French, Spanish

 Message 357 of 479
04 May 2014 at 8:34pm | IP Logged 
Hello warp3,
I've been reading a few of your log-posts today of your TAC progress, however, I also
skipped a few due to time issues.. I may continue with that though.

I also just started Notes in Spanish and I must say, that I really enjoy it. However,
I'm really still a beginner with this everyday Spanish stuff. You in contrast are way
ahead of me. Maybe you should try their other podcasts. I don't know how they are,
What I don't like that much is the use of much English, but for beginner's as
explanation I find it sometimes quite useful. They also have this "gold" podcast I
think, which is only Spanish with a summary in English, but you could skip that..

I really find your "hooks" interesting. This may be the one reason I've had problems to
start studying Spanish in the past few weeks. I just didn't know why.. I mean, I have a
spanish friend who used to be a flat mate of mine, but we don't talk that much (maybe
we should, though) However, I don't know real Spanish stuff that is only available in
Spanish and interests me..
But I like learing languages because of cultures and language systems and fun and new
sounds. I think I more like south america than spain.. even if I've never been anywhere
there.. I love latin music and food etc.

I hope you'll find a hook suitable for you ;) Good luck. Maybe you can ask some Spanish
people what they would recommend as typical Spanish/ original Spanish stuff :)
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 358 of 479
11 May 2014 at 4:01pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 5월 4일 - 2014년 5월 10일):

TTMIK: 4단 제21회-제30회

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Active Practice: Posts on Twitter

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 115/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 4/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 4/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 16/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2


español (4/5/2014 - 10/5/2014):

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

I watched the final episode of Los Simpsons season 2 this morning. This means I can
now switch to watching my DVDs instead of watching them online since season 3 of the
US DVDs added Spanish audio (and I have the first 11 seasons on DVD, so that should
last me a while).

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 359 of 479
11 May 2014 at 4:09pm | IP Logged 
Thanks for the comments Komma.

I hooked my cable box up recently (I've had a cable package that includes video for a while,
due to the package pricing, but hadn't hooked up the box until recently as I was only really
watching Korean TV which isn't available on local cable). Because of this, I've been browsing
Univision (a Spanish cable network in the US) from time to time when I get bored hoping to
find a show or two that hooks me. The most promising so far is the ridiculously over-the-top
sitcom "La Familia P. Luche" (which apparently was a spin-off of a skit from a comedy show).
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5620 days ago

1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 360 of 479
18 May 2014 at 4:06pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2014년 5월 11일 - 2014년 5월 17일):

TTMIK: 5단 제1회-제10회

Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 125/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 4/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 4/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 16/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2


español (11/5/2014 - 17/5/2014):

Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)

Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)

General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2

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