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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 361 of 479 25 May 2014 at 3:27pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 5월 18일 - 2014년 5월 24일):
TTMIK: 5단 제11회-제20회
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter and CZ's blog
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 135/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 8/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 4/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 4/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 17/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2
español (18/5/2014 - 24/5/2014):
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 362 of 479 01 June 2014 at 5:18pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 5월 25일 - 2014년 5월 31일):
New Hanja Cards: 5
(Total = 831)
TTMIK: 5단 제21회-제30회
New Korean Cards: 4
- 추후협의(追後協議) = to be determined, to be discussed at a later date; Source = 와라!
편의점 제484화 ("주말알바 구함 / 근무: 매주 토.일 / 시간: 추후협의 / 시급: 추후협의")
- A+(으)ㄴ지/V+는지 꿈에도 모르다 = to not even dream of A/V being true; Source = 와라!
편의점 제489화 ("난 편의점이 이렇게 바쁜지 꿈에도 몰랐어.")
I already know the A+(으)ㄴ지/V+는지 모르다 form well, but I hadn't seen one with 꿈에
도 stuck in there like that. While researching, I noticed that ~ㄴ/는/ㄹ 줄 꿈에도 모르다
is also used and seems to have a similar meaning.
- 올려다보다 = look up (at), raise one's eyes (toward), turn one's face up; Source = AOA -
Without You ("올려다본 하늘은 또 어느새 그날처럼 I think of you")
This one should be easy to remember since I already know 올리다 (to lift, raise) and 쳐다
보다 (to stare, gaze).
- 약발 = the effects of a medicine/drug; Source = 홍진영 - 사랑의 배터리 ("사랑의 약발이
Wait...did I just learn a medical term from a trot song? ㅋㅋㅋ
Suspended Korean Cards: 0
I would have suspended the May 2013 cards from Anki, but there were none entered
that month (or in June 2013 either).
Scorched Earth Reading:
- AOA - Without You (1 card)
- 홍진영 - 사랑의 배터리 (1 card)
Intensive Reading:
- TTMIK 이야기 제8회
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
Song Memorization:
- AOA - Without You
This song (the secondary track from the "Moya" album) is quickly becoming one of my all
time favorites, so it's time I memorized it.
This has probably been my most productive week with Korean all year. I even added
Hanja cards for the first time in a long while.
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 145/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 10/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 5/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 5/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 18/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2
español (25/5/2014 - 31/5/2014):
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 363 of 479 08 June 2014 at 5:16pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 6월 1일 - 2014년 6월 7일):
TTMIK: 6단 제1회-제10회
New Korean Cards: 2
- 내가 보기에(는) = The way I see it..., It seems to me..., As far as I can see...
- 매체 = medium, media
Both of these actually came from Twitter posts that The Real CZ made recently, but they
both seemed useful enough to add. I'd learned "내가 봤을 때 / 내가 볼 때" previously
(which has a near identical meaning), but "내가 보기에" was unfamiliar to me (though I
made a decent guess of the meaning when I first read it).
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 155/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 10/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 5/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 5/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 19/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2
español (1/6/2014 - 7/6/2014):
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2
Edited by Warp3 on 15 June 2014 at 4:32pm
2 persons have voted this message useful
| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 364 of 479 15 June 2014 at 4:26pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 6월 8일 - 2014년 6월 14일):
TTMIK: 6단 제11회-제20회
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Listening: One episode of 유인나's radio show podcast
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
As I noted in CZ's thread, I easily blew past my Korean writing goals this week. By
Tuesday I'd already hit 5 Korean posts (and my weekly TAC goal is 2) simply from
chatting with CZ in Korean on Twitter.
I passed strip #500 of 와라!편의점 earlier in the week and 601 seems to be the current
newest strip, so it shouldn't be *too* long and I'll be reading them in realtime (which
also means it won't be daily anymore).
During the past two weeks I had several days where work impeded (we were preparing for
a facility move) and I had limited time for things like SRS. The others I easily caught back
up on but the numbers on Hanja are always much higher than the other decks (usually
30-50 per day), so I just left them till later. Well later never happened and now I have
208 reviews waiting in that deck (which is 1/4 of the entire deck). My waiting reviews
this morning for all other decks combined (which I have kept up with so they were caught
up yesterday) total only 13 reviews. Even that 208 reviews of Hanja won't take a long
time to do (I'd be surprised if it is more than maybe 30 min or so), but it's tricky finding
motivation to dive through a review count like that. Part of the problem is that I've
seemingly hit that point where I miss cards often enough that the review counts never
seem to really drop even if I don't add new cards (adding 5 cards two weeks ago was the
first time I've added new Hanja in months).
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 165/261
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 10/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 5/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 5/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 20/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2
español (8/6/2014 - 14/6/2014):
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2
Edited by Warp3 on 15 June 2014 at 4:30pm
1 person has voted this message useful
| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 365 of 479 19 June 2014 at 12:59pm | IP Logged |
Well, it is several days later and my review count for Hanja is still exactly 208 cards, so I
guess that gives me a rough count of how many of them I don't seem to actually know yet.
Strangely, that is almost exactly 25% of the deck (if the deck had just one more card in the
total, it would be exactly 25%).
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 366 of 479 22 June 2014 at 4:33pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 6월 15일 - 2014년 6월 21일):
TTMIK: 6단 제21회-제30회
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 28/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): 175/265
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 10/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 5/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 5/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 20/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 2/2
español (15/6/2014 - 21/6/2014):
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 120/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 2/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): DONE (52/52)
Production 1 (Write 2 posts/week): 13/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 2/2
This was week 26 (since I started doing the weekly challenges in late December, so they
are slightly ahead of the monthly ones), so I guess it is time for the mid-year status
Overall I'm quite happy with my Korean progress. I've missed a few weeks of making
posts in Korean (6 so far out of 26 weeks), but that is still far more than I've done with
Spanish and has resulted in more active Korean use than I've been doing. I burned out
trying to restart the second half of LSK, but then switched tracks to TTMIK and have been
blazing through those (and learning several bits of grammar that were new to me while
greatly clarifying some other grammar points) at 10 per week (thus completing 1 level
every 3 weeks). In fact, I'm about to start level 7 this week and they are only up to level
9 currently, so it won't be long and that line will be marked complete. (They've added 4
lessons to complete level 9 since I started, though, so there may be some level 10 to do
once I get there.)
Spanish is another story. I completed Pimsleur Spanish, Michel Thomas (completed
shortly before the challenge started, between Pimsleur 1 and 2), and Destinos, which
provided quite a base in Spanish (on top of the false-beginner base that I already had
before starting again). I haven't been able to show much interest in Assimil, but I hadn't
in the past either, so that isn't new. The problem with Spanish, though, has been getting
interested in something enough to let that addiction lead me through the language. I've
started watching Univision from time to time, but haven't really found anything that has
thoroughly grabbed my interest yet. There is plenty of media produced in Spanish, but
none of it seems to quite grab me the way Korean media does. For example, there is
some Spanish music I like, but not to the extent that I like Korean music. Perhaps I'm
just pursuing Spanish for the wrong reasons and I need to wait until the "hook" finds me
on its own or perhaps I'm not looking in the right places for said "hook". I'll keep trying,
but as I noted a short while back, the only part of the Spanish TAC challenge I care about
now is finding those hooks that will make it difficult, if not impossible, to drop the
language afterward. If I come out of this TAC year with most of the Spanish challenges
failed, but with a genuine addicted interest in something (preferably more than one thing)
produced in Spanish, then I'm calling it a win.
Edited by Warp3 on 22 June 2014 at 4:40pm
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5575 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 367 of 479 23 June 2014 at 2:50am | IP Logged |
Personally, I think you're studying Spanish for the wrong reasons. I tried studying
Spanish, French and German just because "I was supposed to study Spanish to get into
university" or "I'm supposed to study French and German because almost all polyglots do."
Every language I'm learning right now has a lot of compelling reasons for me to study
them, so it's easy for me to keep going with them.
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| Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5461 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 368 of 479 23 June 2014 at 4:38am | IP Logged |
The thing is, though, that (as strange as this wording sounds) I want to want to learn
Spanish. Despite that, I just can't seem to find an appropriate addiction for it to
generate that desire. Back when I first started learning Spanish (back in high school and
afterward), I genuinely wanted to learn the language (and just devoured any Spanish
materials I could get my hands on) and that was really all the drive I needed to keep at it.
If I had that same kind of drive for Spanish now, there is no doubt that I could easily
achieve significant progress, but I'm not sure I really do have that drive now.
It would be different if I simply didn't want to learn Spanish anymore, but I do. Then
again, maybe that's pointing more toward the real issue. When I ask myself (or when
others ask me) why I'm learning Korean, my answers always resolve around the music,
TV shows, etc. That wasn't even the exact same reason I had when I started (though
music is what triggered the initial spark of interest that made me even consider Korean
as an option), but it's definitely why I'm still at it nearly 5 years later.
On the flip side, when I ask myself why I'm learning Spanish (strange how that language
choice doesn't get the same "Why?" question from others that Korean does), I can't
really think of a satisfactory answer. I know I *do* want to learn Spanish, but I'm not
really sure what my goal is beyond "knowing Spanish". It's not that I'm just learning it
because it's useful either (although it definitely is the most useful second language
here), but I can't seem to put my finger on the real reason, either.
Maybe it is something as simple as not wanting to feel that I've wasted all this time on-
and-off over such a long period of time on a language I may never end up learning at this
rate. {sigh} I sincerely feel that I could learn Spanish well were I to simply get addicted
to it again, but perhaps I'm coming at it the wrong direction trying to force an addiction to
a language I want to learn, rather than the other direction of opting to learn a language
because it already has you hooked anyway.
Well this post has been somewhat depressing. :-/ It kind of makes me want to just drop
Spanish again and perhaps try reviving Japanese (which has started to catch my
attention again lately, anyway). Then again, if CZ keeps posting catchy Cantonese pop
music videos on Twitter, I may find myself going a completely different route
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