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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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 Message 41 of 479
08 January 2012 at 4:46pm | IP Logged 
Well, I didn't hit my 38 card target this past week (which combined with the previous week's 39 cards would have maintained my desired 38.5/week average), but I got close with 34. I also had a full day (10am - 7pm) class yesterday, though, so my normal option to catch up on Saturday wasn't really available this time. I also didn't add any new Hanja this week, but honestly I'm less concerned about that particular goal compared to the others. Plus I overshot the necessary average last week, so I can still pull my average back up on Hanja without too much difficulty.

I did some reading/writing this week, but not as much as the week before. As for listening, I've been re-downloading a lot of shows in their RAW form (shows that I tend to re-watch and only had in subbed form) and most of my re-watched shows lately have been unsubbed. I haven't really made any progress with speaking yet (beyond talking to myself, animals, etc.).

I did finally finish watching T-ara Dreamgirls unsubbed a few days ago (I've been re-watching the series subbed, so I had to hurry and finish my unsubbed pass before I caught up). I am disappointed that the series ended so quickly, but their second mission (as congressional aides) was quite a bit more boring than their first (as flight attendant trainees), which was likely a factor in the show's demise.
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 Message 42 of 479
09 January 2012 at 1:41am | IP Logged 
Today I eliminated the "20.2 Colors and Brightness" section of SKV, adding 10 cards. However, one of those cards was a new word card (어둡다) that I used to replace an old sentence card I already had containing that word (so I kinda knew the word, but not well enough yet). I also learned another word (빛깔) from that section, but the meaning was so obvious that adding a card for it seemed pointless. Earlier today I also added 2 cards from 도전 1000곡 bringing my total to 12 cards for the day. Not a horrible start for the week.

Edited by Warp3 on 09 January 2012 at 1:42am

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 Message 43 of 479
12 January 2012 at 6:25pm | IP Logged 
Today I eliminated the "17.6 Animals, Keeping an Animal" section of SKV adding 13 cards in the process (+1 card from another section to differentiate a homonym pair). I thought about going after "17.4 Climate, Weather" instead, but despite already learning a lot of weather terms (mostly from Yahoo Korea weather and the weather page on XBMC's Korean UI), I will still need 24 cards to eliminate that section (+1 for a word that isn't in the SKV book, but is linked to a word in that section). I'll probably tackle that section next, but in 2 passes of 12-13 words each.

This brings me to a total of 30 new cards this week. 13 more cards over the next two days will make 43 total for this week which will bring my average back up to just over the 38.5/week mark (then adding 38 next week would make that average exactly 38.5/week). However, I'm actually thinking about tweaking that average target up or down slightly just so I have a set number to shoot for rather than alternating between 38 and 39 each week.

In fact, now that I think about it I'm going to do exactly that. My new targeted average is 39 cards/week. Thus I need 44 total this week to result in a 39/week average over the 3 weeks I've been doing this challenge thus far.

As for the Hanja target, I'm thinking I may have overshot reality that since 7/week target has simply not been happening, much less the 10-15/week target I was hoping to achieve. (I added 10 the first week, then nothing since, so I'm at just over a 3 per week average now.) It would be different if Korean used Hanja more heavily, but it doesn't, so the motivation to learn them faster simply isn't there. Also it takes longer to add a Hanja card since I have to fire up Gimp and Naver's Hanja dictionary to grab a stroke order image. (I don't require myself to remember stroke orders to pass the card any more, but I do still list them on the cards for reference.) I guess I need to rethink my Hanja goals and/or drop stroke order images altogether. Now that I think about it, most stroke orders are fairly obvious to me now anyway, since they seem to just flow in an obvious fashion once you've learned the stroke order of the most common shapes and learned which order to draw the elements of a compound character...hmmmm...
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 Message 44 of 479
13 January 2012 at 5:03pm | IP Logged 
Do you add both sides of the cards to your SRS?

I added over 200 cards yesterday, random vocab and date/time related stuff.

Edited by Ymer on 13 January 2012 at 5:03pm

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 Message 45 of 479
13 January 2012 at 10:31pm | IP Logged 
Currently all my Korean cards are passive cards. The Korean field appears on the Question side and the English, Source, and Misc fields appear on the Answer side.
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Joined 4921 days ago

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 Message 46 of 479
14 January 2012 at 11:54am | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
Currently all my Korean cards are passive cards. The Korean field appears on the Question side and the English, Source, and Misc fields appear on the Answer side.

Why not learn every card both ways? Sure English --> korean is much harder imo but it still helps alot when translating och writing and so on.
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 Message 47 of 479
14 January 2012 at 6:14pm | IP Logged 
There are multiple reasons I prefer passive cards:

- Passive cards can be reviewed far more quickly and easily, thus you can process a much larger number of cards in a given amount of time. Since passive vocabulary needs to outstrip active vocabulary anyway by quite a large margin, I'd rather focus my SRS usage on passive vocabulary. Many words turn active on their own anyway without me even trying to make them do so.

- Some words have far too many synonyms, especially adverbs. For example, I have several Korean cards that mean "certainly, surely, definitely" and several Korean cards that mean "to appear, show up" (I'm amazed how many verbs they have for the "to appear" concept). If I came across one of those two definitions on an English to Korean card, I'd have at least half a dozen options, each of which is technically a valid match for that definition, but only one of which is the answer to that card. With the passive card, I simply need to understand what the word or phrase means.

- Similar to the above entry, but with phrases/sentences instead, is that there are many ways to express the same concept in the foreign language that all mean roughly the same thing. Even a simple sentence such as "I love you" can be expressed by "사랑해", "너를 사랑해", "난 널 사랑해", "그대를 사랑해요", "사랑합니다", "너와 사랑에 빠졌어", "사랑하구나", "사랑하네", and countless other phrasings. Often there is a difference in the implied meaning (especially those last two with the "surprise" endings), but they all are still valid ways of expressing that same English sentence. Even if you go with something seemingly simple, such as a short phrase like "to you", there are still a host of possible valid answers: 너에게, 너한테, 네게, 당신에게, 그대에게, 선생님에게, 너로, 너에, etc. (Yes those last two mean "to you" in a very different way than the others, but they can still easily translate as "to you" in English.)

- Active usage is great (and I've started getting more active practice lately), but it seems more effective to use *real* active practice rather than simply learning pre-made cards in an active direction. I've got some active cards in my Spanish deck and, back when I reviewed that deck regularly, I found them more annoying than useful. With Korean, however, I'm using Twitter, blogs, etc. to post things in Korean. Often while crafting a sentence in Korean, I will find I need a word that I know I have in my SRS, but can't remember actively. So I use my SRS like a dictionary to look up that word then use it in my post. Afterward, my recall of that word goes *way* up and I will usually remember it actively after that point as well. As such, I'm not sure I see the point of active cards, when this method seems to work just as well (if not better since they are real sentences you are forming to express your own opinions, thus they have a more personal connection) and takes far less time than doing active SRS reviews. As a real example, I would often miss 그러므로 (thus, therefore, accordingly) in my SRS once the interval got too large (since I don't see that word particularly often outside of my SRS reviews). However, I used it in a blog post one time (where I had a need to express that very concept) and now I simply know that word without a hint of hesitation (both actively and passively).

In my opinion, an SRS is well suited for passive recall practice (not as much as reading, but it works well for words that don't come up frequently enough to reinforce them by reading alone), but I don't feel that it is as well suited for active recall practice. That said, though, quite a few people do use an SRS or flashcards for active recall and have had great luck doing so. If active cards work for you, then by all means, definitely use them (especially for words that don't face the synonym issues noted above).

Edited by Warp3 on 14 January 2012 at 6:17pm

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 Message 48 of 479
14 January 2012 at 10:06pm | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
Since passive vocabulary needs to outstrip active vocabulary anyway by quite a large margin, I'd rather focus my SRS usage on passive vocabulary.

FWIW, with Russian, I would add both passive and active cards for most words. But the words that I know actively selected themselves simply because they are useful more often. So I can produce most of my Anki deck, but for some words it takes time. So it's not like active cards lead to active vocabulary.

Warp3 wrote:
Some words have far too many synonyms

Warp3 wrote:
Similar to the above entry, but with phrases/sentences instead

Yes, for these two cases it makes no sense. When I add a synonym fact, I typically turn off the active recall card. Often when I get such a challenge, I produce the "wrong" word, but since I know they are synonyms, I don't care.

That said, in my Vietnamese deck, I add also sentences, but that's because I'm below A1, and really need to memorize certain things before I can get creative.

Also, I clicked "report" instead of "quote" at your article. If you get any funny e-mails, this is probably my fault. I think I hit the stop button quickly enough, but I don't know whether it went through. My apologies.

Edited by petrklic on 14 January 2012 at 10:07pm

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