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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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 Message 185 of 264
16 August 2014 at 7:31pm | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
1. Nella fase dell'Incantatrice le energie creative che, se l'ovulo fosse stato fecondato, sarebbero state indirizzate nel formare un bambino, vengono rilasciate per creare nel mondo.
2. Potrete sentire il bisogno di cibi semplici, come verdura, cereali e frutta, piuttosto che cibi raffinati o elaborati. EDIT: that's just the future tense though. Arghhh it's so similar :(
3. Molti credono che il Medioevo sia un tempo buio, in cui i popoli europei erano poveri, ignoranti e male organizzati.

<Potrete> is indeed the future tense, the (present) conditional tense of <potere> is <potreste>.

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 Message 186 of 264
26 August 2014 at 1:55am | IP Logged 
a telegraph journalist tries out hormonology

Edited by Serpent on 26 August 2014 at 2:03am

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 Message 187 of 264
31 August 2014 at 7:47pm | IP Logged 

My laptop is broken and I've lost some sentences that I typed up, but here's one more portion, including some football stuff - a couple of sentences I recorded during matches and then three from this famous book:

3. Anche in questo caso, un piccolo danno a quel rudimentale tubo di ferro cambierebbe la fisionomia del Danubio.
4. In questo modo, invece di trenta paralleli, è come se ne avessi attraversati cinquanta, e invece di un mese ne ho vissuti tre, quelli che intercorrono tra la fine dell'inverno e l'inizio dell'estate.
5. La famiglia possiede una libreria ben avviata e Alfonso, secondo lo schema mentale un po' troppo tradizionale del paese, avrebbe dovuto lavorare col padre per poi subentrargli nella gestione dell'attività.
6. Oggi sarà dura, il debutto è sempre difficile, speriamo che i ragazzi siano convinti della propria forza e concentrati.
7. È stato straordinario il portiere della Roma, abbracciato allora dai compagni come se avesse fatto un gol.
8. La mappa dice che vado verso il Nord tra due regioni storiche, la Carelia e la Botnia. Due mondi diversi, parrebbe, ma a destra e sinistra vedo gli stessi laghi e gli stessi nevai.
9. Lo sai, Zizou, che l'oroscopio di oggi diceva che avreste sbattuto le corna contro il muro azzurro?
10. Zizou, dove potrei farmi il prossimo tatuaggio?
11. Ma sai, Zizou, che potresti sbloccare la partita con un colpo di testa?

1. Todo parece indicar que Modrić e Isco serían bajas para el partido de la Supercopa.
2. Eso es una humillación, a pesar de que sean, entre comillas, "solo" cuatro goles.

In Finnish I found just ONE example. Admittedly I read a book for teens, which did have slang but not very complicated grammar. Then I also read a magazine, and one instance per issue seems reasonable.
1. Venäläiset lähtivät perään. He tulla mökelsivät hirsilautoilla Mallasveden yli Armfeltin selustaan Pälkäneen Kostianvirralla, ja tuhosivat 800 miestä. (1714 is the year)

I'm going to find more Spanish and Portuguese examples when Tadoku is over.
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 Message 188 of 264
05 September 2014 at 12:06pm | IP Logged 
The remaining Portuguese examples are from Fernando Ribeiro's poetry. Overall it's been more like revision, since it's my strongest Romance language. The most important thing for me was perhaps the usage in descriptive clauses, after que: que queira, que façam sentido.

Tento distrair-te para me distrair.
Tento que os espíritos desçam em garras sobre a tua cabeça.
Tento que a vida seja mais do que a existência do ar entre nós,
Para dentro, para fora,
Para dentro, para fora.

Tento, tento tudo
Para deixar passar o dia.

Talvez das poucas coisas que façam sentido
Seja esta luz que acaba feita de mantos de sombra
Que cai sobre as coisas que começam agora,
Dando-lhes forma, dando-lhes vida,
Sabendo delas.

Half the Spanish ones are from Coelho (hopefully the Portuguese usage didn't carry over), the rest are from Latin American fantasy stories. I found surprisingly few examples in fantasy, perhaps because it tends to "establish" the supernatural as real.

3. El desierto tenía sus leyes, y mataba a que no las respetase.
4. Dejó que todos los pensamientos le viniesen a la cabeza y, como siempre, eran pensamientos absurdos para quien estaba en medio del desierto.
5. No luches en contra de tus pensamientos. Piensa en lo que ellos quieren que pienses, hasta que se cansen.
6. Era libre para actuar como mejor le pareciese.
7. Sabía que, si continuaba de esa forma, nada en su vida duraría mucho.
8. ¿Estarían representando alguna escena de la Pasión?
9. La teoría de las reencarnaciones pudiera dar una sombra de explicación al caso; pero sólo una sombra; porque si he vivido ya otras vidas, han sido diferentes... en distintas épocas, con distintos cuerpos.
10. Sigue profanando los versos sagrados y conviértelos en flechas que hieran, en reptiles que envenenen, en Inris que escarnezcan, remueve el fango de la envidia, recoge cieno y arrójalo a lo alto, a riesgo de mancharte, tú que podrías llevar una aureola si cantaras lo sublime, activa las invidias dormidas.
(most instances in fantasy were in long sentences like this)

Edited by Serpent on 20 September 2014 at 12:41pm

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 Message 189 of 264
11 September 2014 at 5:32am | IP Logged 
Language: Swedish
Grammar point: declension of nouns, adjectives, pronouns
Why: Because prior to this quick challenge they seemed completely random to me
How many sentences: 10
Grammar explanation: none, sorry. The explanations I used were in Polish and even French (Assimil). But there's a huge overlap with understanding when to use the definite and indefinite form/article.

These are all from the children's book I'm reading, and I needed to look up at least one word per sentence :/

1. Fast jag måste säga att idén med skönhetssalongen inte var så dum.
2. Mamma säger att det bara står lögner i kvällstidningar, men jag tycker de skriver om väldigt viktiga saker.
3. Jag läste mitt horoskop och tittade på bilder av filmstjärnor utan sitt smink, så jag hade definitivt inte tråkigt.
4. Tyvärr kom mamma och hämtade mig mitt i en historia om mr Peppers och hans nya fru som är tjugo år yngre än han.
5. Ingen av oss hade nånsin sett en skräckfilm, så det var ett riktigt bra fynd.
6. Filmen handlade om en lerig hand som vandrar runt i landet och mördar folk.
7. Jag vet inte vad som gör en bok till "klassiker", men jag tror att den måste vara minst femtio år gammal och att en människa eller ett djur måste dö på slutet.
8. Rowley trodde att julservetterna var nåt slags lyxigt toapapper, och han frågade mig om min familj var rik.
9. Och de där barnen köper inga presenter, det gör deras mammor.
10. Det här är anledningen till att jag aldrig borde berätta nåt för mamma om mitt privatliv.

Edited by Serpent on 11 September 2014 at 1:14pm

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 Message 190 of 264
11 September 2014 at 9:37am | IP Logged 
By the way, a thing about meg - that is usually spelled mig, I don't know why they spell
it meg here. In the 70s a spelling of dig, mig, sig as dej, mej, sej was in vogue but it
never caught on.

Nåt sounds a bit colloquial, I would write it out if I was writing out a dialogue or
something, or if I am talking on skype, but generally it should be något of course.
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 Message 191 of 264
11 September 2014 at 1:20pm | IP Logged 
Thanks for the heads up, meg was actually a typo. I remember it from a Norwegian song name.

yeah, I looked up nåt and wiktionary said it's colloquial. same about nånsin :)
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 Message 192 of 264
11 September 2014 at 1:36pm | IP Logged 
It goes for all compounds with något or någon. So någonstans, någon, are nånstans, nån. Meg
is the Norwegian spelling of mig.

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