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Serpent’s cyclic log: César, Sleipnir,adv

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 Message 33 of 264
21 July 2012 at 11:16pm | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
*squishes* thank youuuu!!!!!!! :***
yeah the next one is in August and then November. As for the level, the max is B1/low intermediate. I personally think B1 is higher than low intermediate though XD
If you want to do crazy, do Polish :P it deserves more love and it'll help you with Russian and Croatian!

You know, I have thought about it. (And its still not really out of the question, but...)

I have wanted to learn Russian forever. Well, since I read Tolstoy many years ago, and decided I want to read him in the original. Besides which, Russian is by far the most commonly spoken Slavic language, there is a lot of history and literature, etc etc.

I have this Croatian/Russian argument with myself all the time. I have a lot of Bosnian friends, I hear their language frequently, and it would be infinitely more useful to me - in my life now - than anything other than maybe Spanish.

Realistically, if I had to stop at 10 languages, they would include Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Croatian, Turkish, Greek, and Japanese. The last three are (maybe) negotiable, but the first seven aren't. So I am trying to stick within that group for anything I am focusing on for the next few years, because I want to actually be able to read, write, speak and understand them all at a B2 level or better.

Sometimes it feels like that's a lot. Especially since there are at least ten more than are near the top of my hit list. LOL. But Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese are cousins. Russian, Croatian, (Polish, and Czech) are cousins. So then it seems a lot less formidable. That's 8 of my top 15, and then it doesn't really seem so unattainable.

But the rational side of my brain (you know - the one that says I can handle studying four or five language every day LOL) says I need to stick with one of my top 10. If I added a new random language in there, and fell in love with it.. I don't know. How many mistresses can one person have? haha
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Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 34 of 264
22 July 2012 at 11:10pm | IP Logged 
Here's a post about my sad experience at MSLU... Explains why it's nearly useless to tell me anything positive about language classes;)
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 Message 35 of 264
23 July 2012 at 7:27am | IP Logged 
I have no memories of my French classes when I was a university student, perhaps because of those same reasons. Now the Portuguese classes were interesting. They were taught by a graduate student from Brazil, and she seemed to want to just hang out with the four of us. She was very cool, but unfortunately I don't remember a lick of Portuguese other than "obrigado."
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Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 36 of 264
24 July 2012 at 5:43am | IP Logged 
Felt like setting some goals for the Super Challenge.
By the end of the year:
-at least 40% done with each "books" part (20 books in Polish and German, 40 in Italian, Portuguese and Croatian)
-at least 30% done with each "movies" part (already there with Polish and Italian, 15 movies for German, 30 for Brazilian Portuguese, Danish and Romanian).
Being 28% done won't be a tragedy either, but with books that's more of a concern. That's a hell lot of pages!!!
If I'm behind with books in any language, they're a higher priority than anything else. (at the end of the year, I mean. Not now).

I'm actually more terrified at the thought of 2000 pages in German than of 4000 in Portuguese.

Another neat goal would be to always remain on track with Danish. In the short term, this means going from 13 to 15 "movies" by the end of July; in general this means doing no less than 5 per month.

Edited by Serpent on 24 July 2012 at 5:54am

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 Message 37 of 264
24 July 2012 at 7:45am | IP Logged 
If I can refer to your attitude towards language classes - I don't know why so many people here are so negative about it. I think that it's still a free repetition and a motivator. I find it easier to learn a language when I can hear it 'face to face' ;)
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Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 38 of 264
24 July 2012 at 3:44pm | IP Logged 
Not always free;) I don't like the thought of paying for being back at school.
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Russian Federation
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Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 39 of 264
09 August 2012 at 12:25am | IP Logged 
I was going to post about this earlier, still with one summer month left. But HTLAL went down:(

I'll tell you why I no longer hate the most noticeable phase of my cycle. It feels wrong to write about this in English here (although I'm just a happy enthusiast and I don't sell anything!), so I've written this text in Spanish as it's so commonly spoken/studied and even Google Translate won't mess up too badly if you're just curious what it's about.

Without further ado...

¿Quieres disfrutar del verano todos los días? Yo también. :)

¿Ya has oído hablar de las copas menstruales? ¿No? Pocos han oído hablar de ellas, pero ¿piensas verdaderamente que ya lo sabes todo de las cosas buenas que hay en el mundo? Nadie lo sabe. :P

Conozco a muchas mujeres que usan copas menstruales y están muy contentas. Que incluso aman sus copas y dicen que son bonitas. Yo también. :) ¿Puedes decir lo mismo de compresas o tampones? Incluso si puedes, es muy probable que una copa pueda mejorar o hasta cambiar tu vida. Una semana al mes, 12 semanas al año.

Ahora ya has oído hablar de las copas menstruales. Y ¿qué son? Son un poco como diafragmas o capuchones anticonceptivos. Están hechas de silicona médica o plástico quirúrgico. Una copa puede ser usada cada mes durante 10 años! ¿Puedes imaginar, cuántas compresas o tampones compras durante ese tiempo o incluso durante un solo año?

Todas las copas son un poquito diferentes, y si eliges bién, es muy simple usarla. Hay mucha información en Internet, pero lo más importante lo dicen las mujeres que usan copitas, no las firmas que las venden. No hay una copa mala o una copa buena, hay copas que te quedan bien o mal. Pero se puede decir que la mayoría de copas queda bien a la mayoría de las mujeres.

Yo sé mucho de copas menstruales, porque me gustan mucho. Puedo responder a preguntas o ayudarte a elegir una copa que te quede bien. Mi vida durante "esos días" ha cambiado; ¡tu vida también puede cambiar!

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 Message 40 of 264
12 August 2012 at 10:11pm | IP Logged 
First of all, congratulations on some pretty good Spanish (unless you pasted it from somewhere else ;)

Sorry but I won't discuss monstrous, er... I mean menstrual, cycle stuff that really makes me feel bad beyond a certain point. However, I feel curious about why you'd be so grossed out writing about it in English but not in Spanish. I doubt I'd have felt better reading it in Shakespeare's tongue.

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