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tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 433 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 10:57am | IP Logged |
Thanks. My German needs more colloquialisms and grammatical details, other than that I
can produce more or less fluent German (no trouble with news broadcasts or radio or
things like that).
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Mae Trilingual Octoglot Pro Member Germany Joined 4918 days ago 299 posts - 499 votes Speaks: German*, SpanishC2*, Swiss-German*, FrenchC2, EnglishC2, ItalianB2, Dutch, Portuguese Studies: Russian, Swedish Personal Language Map
| Message 434 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 2:57pm | IP Logged |
tarvos wrote:
Goals: Maintenance of the status quo. A little less grammar chaos would be nice. |
If you want to practise, we could have a chat some day :-)
tarvos wrote:
Goals: get to C1. Improve all-around in my accuracy of use. I understand almost
everything, but I cannot yet reproduce it all automatically. This is the language I
need the most apart from Dutch and English. This is a language I want to be able to use
in business as well as my private life. |
I listened to your file on Soundcloud, and I must say that your pronunciation and
fluency there sounds great. After spending years using that language, I still don't
sound kinda perfect neither. You should be proud of your achievements.
tarvos wrote:
Goals: Speak more Swedish conversationally and figure out how well I do in social
situations. |
We're in the same boat... but your miles ahead!
tarvos wrote:
I kind of speak Russian, but I kind of also don't speak Russian. It's a language I have
spent a lot of time on but not yet achieved "comfortability" in. [...] I want
my Russian to be at a level where I can function more or less independently. |
Niemand kann dich besser verstehen als ich! Du sprichst mir aus der Seele! :-)
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| aloysius Triglot Winner TAC 2010 & 2012 Senior Member SwedenRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 6167 days ago 226 posts - 291 votes Speaks: Swedish*, English, German Studies: French, Greek, Italian, Russian
| Message 435 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 3:29pm | IP Logged |
tarvos, it's such an inspiration to read your log! It's truly amazing that you manage to squeeze in so many languages
between your regular studying. I guess you must really enjoying it. Those adventures into Breton and Swedish were
unexpected and your progress has been amazingly rapid. I have no problem whatsoever to understand what you
write in Swedish. Of course the grammar isn't always correct and not all vocabulary natural, but what is to be
expected after such short time?! I'm really impressed. As I am by your Russian as well.
If some day you'd like to read something about Brittany in Swedish you could try to get hold of
Priset på vatten i Finistère (The Price of Water in Finistere) by Bodil Malmsten which, in somewhat fictionalized
form, tells the story of the author moving and living there.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 436 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 5:08pm | IP Logged |
Jag vet inte vad man har för förväntningar. Jag började med svenska därför att jag
ville se hur mycket man kan lära sig i fyra månader (jag har valt längden därför att
det fanns 16 lektionen på FSI Swedish och det var gratis, så jag kunde göra en lektion
varje vecka). Efter fyra månader märkte jag att det var förmodligen möjligt att
kommunicera, men jag visste inte precis hur bra så jag kollade det på iTalki genom att
hitta en lärarinna. Resultatet var att jag kunde prata svenska, men
inte riktigt idiomatiskt och jag hade lite problem då och då med att förstå
svensktalande när de pratar (att läsa var aldrig svårt, det kan man lära sig mycket
snabbt om man pratar holländska och tyska).
Nu förstår jag praktiskt allt som hon säger men jag vet inte precis hur det funkar när
jag kommer att åka till Sverige och pratar med folk. Jag tvivlar inte på att de förstår
mig - frågan är bara om jag förstår dem. Förmodligen är svaret "mer och mindre". Om det
blir såhär är jag nöjd.
Thanks, Mae! I am not entirely satisfied with my French accent, there are little things
I could do better (like articulate vowels slightly more clearly) but apart from that my
French is ok when it comes to speaking. And even if I have an accent, it is minor
enough that it probably will not bother people.
I have more trouble with German pronunciation simply because the soft -ch sound is a
bit difficult for me (I kinda substitute for it with what in Dutch is called a soft g;
it's the standard g sound in the south of the country and in Belgium, which is not
strictly a part of my dialect but I have heard growing up). I don't think that's 100%
accurate. I could solve the problem by speaking with a Swiss accent but then I wouldn't
understand anything else.
Edited by tarvos on 02 January 2013 at 5:40pm
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| fabriciocarraro Hexaglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member Brazil russoparabrasileirosRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4642 days ago 989 posts - 1454 votes Speaks: Portuguese*, EnglishB2, Italian, Spanish, Russian, French Studies: Dutch, German, Japanese
| Message 437 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 5:36pm | IP Logged |
Great start, man! I'm sure this year is gonna be even better than 2012! =)
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| Toffeeliz Diglot Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 5607 days ago 116 posts - 130 votes Speaks: English*, Mandarin Studies: Russian
| Message 438 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 7:53pm | IP Logged |
Hey Tarvos. I read through your log a few times already. I use it as a reference to my own studies. I never fail to learn someting. Good luck for 2013.
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| Kerrie Senior Member United States justpaste.it/Kerrie2 Joined 5322 days ago 1232 posts - 1740 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish
| Message 439 of 1511 02 January 2013 at 11:25pm | IP Logged |
It looks like you had a great year in 2012. I hope 2013 brings even more success. I'm really looking forward to watching your Russian progress this year. :)
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 440 of 1511 04 January 2013 at 12:07am | IP Logged |
РУ: Сегодня только поболтал с русской подругой. Как вы знаете, у меня много
практики получается от ВК. Я почти не использую словарем, чтобы говорить (или скорее
всего, писать).
Вчера читал статью о желеной химике. Интервю с русским профессором из Англии говорит о
новых технологиях, используя в химической промышленности. Профессор тоже сказал, что с
такими технологиями может гораздо меншить потребление растворяющего вещества в
химических процессах и улучшить производство продуктов и товара.
FR: J'ai fait presque rien en français, mais ce que j'ai appris en utilisant le
français pour mes études de breton, c'est que les détails me manquent encore. Le plus
souvent, je choisis une autre traduction que le livre (ce qui n'est pas forcement
mauvaise), mais trop souvent le résultat c'est une traduction fausse. Et de plus, les
temps ne correspondent pas forcement aux règles françaises. Donc c'est une bonne
décision que j'ai fait; rien ne vaut pratiquer et mon français et mon breton en même
temps. En plus je remarque que ma utilisation et mes traductions en breton sont mieux;
j'ai définitivement appris quelque chose, même que je ne sais pas exactement combien
c'est utile.
Le Breton sans peine - jusqu'à la 63ème leçon
J'ai surtout appris la mutation spirante (c'est une mutation qui transforme des
consonnes fortes comme K, T, P et ajoute une aspiration; ils deviennent donc C'H, Z et
T mutait originellement en TH, comme le "th" anglais du mot "thin", mais cette consonne
n'existe plus en breton. Le temps a évolué et comme ça th devenait "z" (pensez aux
français qui ne peuvent prononcer le "th" quand ils parlent anglais!). La mutation
spirante n'est utilisé trop, mais il y a des pronoms possessifs qui demandent cette
mutation (he, o et ma).
J'ai aussi appris l'imparfait en breton, qui est quasi-regulière pour tous les verbes,
pourvu qu'on connait la base verbale pour bezañ (et kaout, qui n'est qu'une forme
speciale de bezañ) et gouzout. Mont et ober sont parfaitement regulières à l'imparfait,
tout comme TOUS les autres verbes.
Il suffit d'ajouter un "e" apres la base verbale et en plus on ajoute les terminaisons
comme ils se produisent pour bezañ. Voici un exemple avec le mot skrivañ (écrire);
(dec'h a) (hier)
skriver (on écrivait).
Je répète: TOUS les verbes se conjuguent comme ça. Et rappelez quand le sujet est
exprimé, on n'a besoin de que la forme à la troisième personne du singulier; donc, me a
skrive (et non skriven).
La distinction entre les formes d'habitude (Glas eo an oabl) et de location (Emañ Erwan
er gegin) n'existe à l'imparfait non plus; on peut les conjuguer en utilisant la même
conjugaison (oan, oas, oa, oamp, oac'h, oant) (notez que c'est plus ou moins regulière,
sauf qu'il y a pas de -e et la base verbale est oa-; les terminaisons sont les mêmes).
Donc on dit: Erwan a oa er gegin et Glas a oa an oabl (on a besoin de la particule
verbale a ici).
De plus j'ai étudié des formes conjuguées des prépositions comme gant, a, da, evit. Les
tableaux sont presque complétés.
Furthermore, I have had some time tonight to spend on Hebrew, and apart from some more
polite phrases and ways to indicate how you feel (about things) such as hakol beseder,
kacha-kacha, etc. and some names of people, I have learned how to suffix pronouns onto
nouns to indicate possession. I would put a nice table here but I am too lazy to type
in Hebrew right now. I have also found out that Hebrew (much like Russian) leaves out
to be in the present tense (or well - I knew this already). So the way to ask how
somebody is doing translates to literally something like "what is your peace" (the
possessive indicating a change of the noun; ma shlomech for women and ma shlomcha for
Two days ago I also spent some time on Hebrew and I made an interesting discovery; the
fact that I recognised a phrase which I had seen in real life. "Mi ze?" (who is this?)
is a phrase I knew because I had seen it used by my ex-girlfriend and her mother in
conversations. They would use this even while speaking to each other in Romanian. When
I read that I finally understood exactly why they used to put it like that. A nice aha-
Shalom shalom to you all. And thank you for reading this log. Apparently people do read
it. Now for them to give the BEST INPUT.
Edited by tarvos on 04 January 2013 at 4:04pm
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