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Expugnator Hexaglot Senior Member Brazil Joined 5093 days ago 3335 posts - 4349 votes Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian
| Message 649 of 1511 20 April 2013 at 9:29pm | IP Logged |
tarvos, I thought you had revised your Romanian plans after you knew you wouldn't go to
Romania. What are you goals now?
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 650 of 1511 20 April 2013 at 10:36pm | IP Logged |
The ones I stated in the update for this month (aka to reach 35 passive wave). But
honestly I would just like to reach a conversational level of fluency in Romanian, on par
with, say, my German or my Russian. Good enough for travel purposes. But that's my goal
in any language that's not French or Russian really.
Edited by tarvos on 20 April 2013 at 10:36pm
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| Emme Triglot Senior Member Italy Joined 5274 days ago 980 posts - 1594 votes Speaks: Italian*, English, German Studies: Russian, Swedish, French
| Message 651 of 1511 22 April 2013 at 9:38am | IP Logged |
Привет, tarvos!
Congratulations on getting your fourth trophy. Now you’re in the very selective club of the most-appreciated contributors of this forum.
Keep up writing interesting posts,
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 652 of 1511 22 April 2013 at 1:56pm | IP Logged |
Thanks, Emme!
Today I just had an interesting experience; I apparently understand Romanian. This is
weird because I haven't really tried out my Romanian socially even once, and my level
is not even half of Assimil covered. But I went to a language meeting for Dutch
learners, and somehow I ended up speaking a bit of Romanian to a nice girl. She said
her Dutch was worse than my Romanian ('s if), but I'll attribute that to the illusion
of having worked on my accent and being able to fluently use four tenses, none of which
go further back than the present perfect. But I managed to converse without much
trouble and although I don't remember her literal words I can follow what she says and
respond. This is a similar situation to how I learned Swedish.
Please remember, kids; speech is a good way to practice your language. Remember; I am
not a hero. I have not worked through endless course materials, I still make obvious
mistakes (mult for foarte, f.ex.) and I can not conjugate verbs in any past tense to
save my life! I IMPROVISE and work from there. Like every language learner before me, I
have to go through the painful stage of "what is that" "why does she say it like THAT"
and "what the hell is that last thing?"
I just do my best and do what I can, and even with a limited vocabulary of a couple
hundred words, a few basic tenses at your disposal, and some good old fashioned
borrowing of loanwords, you can do a whole lot. Not everything. Not fluency. But a
whole lot, and that's better than zero. And I like it when my levels beat zero.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 653 of 1511 23 April 2013 at 10:39pm | IP Logged |
Etymological Notes About Nightmares
I found out something bizarre today; while discussing Romanian with Fabricio on Skype
today, he asked about the origins of a lucra and a munci (two words both having the
meaning to "work"), which do not resemble their other Romance counterparts in any way.
A munci has a Slavic root, but a lucra does come from Latin (but it's a corruption of
"to gain"). He then asked why Latin and French/Spanish/Portuguese etc. don't always
have the same word as Latin, and that is of course for reasons familiar to everybody
who's ever dealt with Latin - Vulgar Latin used different vocabulary from Latin
(compare equus vs caballus - "cheval" in French).
Fabricio then remarked that the Portuguese word cavalo is only used to refer to a mare
(a female horse). (Egua is apparently a stallion). This reminded me of something else,
namely the English word "nightmare". Composed of the words night and mare "evil
spirit", we all know what a nightmare is. But mare also means female horse, as
mentioned before. This is actually the word that survived in Dutch: we call it a
"nachtmerrie", which is the butt of a timelessly awful joke about day-stallion
(daghengst - and yes that is cognate with the Icelandic hestur (sp.?). The word merrie
is of course also used for female horses. The meaning mare meaning "evil spirit" is not
used anymore as such, it might be either dialectal or obsolete. In other words, the
word became so corrupted that to us nightmare actually sounds like a night-horse, which
admittedly is not a fun dream to have, particularly the black ones with Nazgûl that
I've come across before, but in general has nothing to do with evil spirits of course.
Ironically, it was also mentioned in this conversation that there exists a mula sem
cabeça (a mare without a head), which is a female beheaded horse with flames in place
of her head that comes to haunt people at night. So the words for female horses and
evil spirits are intimately entwined (old Irish has "Morrigan" for evil female
spirits). The wiktionary story went even further; French has retained the -mar root in
their word for nightmare "cauchemar", which was borrowed into several other languages
such as Russian and Romanian.
Thus extends the force of the evil female beheaded horse-spirit that haunts our every
dream at night.
Edited by tarvos on 23 April 2013 at 10:41pm
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| agantik Triglot Senior Member France Joined 4562 days ago 217 posts - 335 votes Speaks: French*, English, Italian Studies: German, Norwegian
| Message 654 of 1511 24 April 2013 at 10:02am | IP Logged |
Along the same line, you should check The Nightmare by the Anglo Swiss artist Henry Fuseli. This painting
draws its Gothic inspiration from the double meaning of night/mare.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 655 of 1511 24 April 2013 at 1:44pm | IP Logged |
Goals for May, and April Evaluation
Because I was early with fulfilling my April goals, I will already evaluate them, and
set new goals for the end of May.
May I also note here that Le Malgache has come in and I am now the proud owner of a
Malagasy textbook, which may or may not be used soon depending on desire and time
constraints and all that Good Stuff.
Let's start with the best language first.
Read a single novel and passed the test with a very high grade. No further goals for
May. I might just end up buying a random novel and reading it, or watch some youtube
clips, but I have no particular goals. For now.
I am planning to buy a novel of some sort and read some German soon. Whether I will
finish it directly is debatable, but one of my goals is to complete a German novel
Goal: Read one novel in German.
Nothing done, no goals for May. Maintenance, probably.
Since this is a language that gets used daily I don't need to do overly much to improve
it, but it's time I start organising my visa and travel plans for Russia in the summer.
So my goal here is to somehow prepare the trip, and maybe talk to some Couchsurfers. I
also plan to continue taking Russian classes.
Goal: Organise a visa in May (or start the process). Buy an easy reader and complete
It's been going very well and today I completed lessons 36 and 37 already.
Goals: Reach until lesson 56 of the passive wave (7 of the active wave).
I've been chugging onwards slowly. I have almost finished the book now, I did lesson 84
just yesterday.
Goals: Finish the entire Assimil.
This is going slowly, but there is some improvement here, especially in terms of verbs.
Goals: Complete unit 4 of the Routledge course, and get to lesson 4 of L'Hebreu sans
peine (after I finish Breton).
Other goals
I did nothing with Serbo-Croatian, that failed, but it doesn't matter, I didn't have
much time (and did some practicing of Icelandic pronunciation). If I have time, a bonus
goal is to complete Unit 1 of Colloquial Icelandic. But if I dabble in Malagasy or
Serbo-Croatian or Swahili, all is fine. Some distraction will happen.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4634 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 656 of 1511 26 April 2013 at 7:27pm | IP Logged |
Current business proscribes a minor update, so here goes:
En em zibabet am eus mat-mat gant ar brezhoneg. Ur gwall studier on! Evit echuiñ e
poent, ha ne vezañ ket bepred war lerc'h, desket am eus ar kentelioù betek an hini
dekvet ha pevar-ugent. N'out ket pa 'vo echuet gant ar levr Assimil holl, met,
emichañs, e viz Mae e vo benn studioù. Spontus-spontus a skrivan, met dalc'hin a ran da
grog! Emichañs, plijadur a vo din lenn levrioù ha keleier ar vro e brezhoneg! Prest eo!
На прошлой неделе урока не был, так что просто поболтал с друзьми. Еще купил я книгу
<<Судьба человека>>, рассказ Михалиа Шолохова. Ну, не знаю, если у меня время хватит,
чтобы ее прочитать в следующем месяце, но, через месяца два наверное закончу.
Limba Româna
Și am învățat limba româna până lecția treizeci și opta. Și am văzut lecția patruzeci -
acolo e scris "mon tailleur est riche"... unde asta am văzut????
לא עשיתי הרבה. למדתי השיעור ארבעים ושבע.
J'ai également achété un livre en français...
... und ausserdem habe ich auch ein Deutsches Buch gekauft, nämlich "Spieltrieb" von
Juli Zeh. Die nächsten Wochen möchte ich gerne ein wenig mein Deutsch üben und ich
hoffe dass etwas Gutes zum Lesen mir dabei hilft.
Edited by tarvos on 26 April 2013 at 9:06pm
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