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Golan Bilingual Triglot Newbie Israel Joined 4331 days ago 11 posts - 19 votes Speaks: Modern Hebrew*, Biblical Hebrew*, English Studies: Tigrinya
| Message 689 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 7:37pm | IP Logged |
Congratulations, Tarvos!
Nice to see that you reached such a writing level in Hebrew. Hebrew learners usually
experience difficulties while trying to compose sentences, but I see that you are doing
quite good!
tarvos wrote:
תודה רבה!
לא למדתי הרבה בשבוע שעבר, אבל עם עברית הכל בסדר. קראתי וגמרתי הרבה שיעורים בספרים שלי.
לא קשה לדבר ולכתוב עברית.
מי רוצה לדבר עברית איתי?
מישהו? |
One word that I do want to comment about, and probably save you a future embarassment,
is the verb "לגמור". Most of the learning books (at least those that I saw) bring it as
the translation of "to finish". While it is absolutely true, in the colloquial language
- how shall I put it - this word is being used to describe a finish of a sexual nature
:-/ . If one is not familiar enough with the contexts that this word might be used in a
proper conversation, better use the verb "לסיים" (lesayem).
By the way, in the context that you mentioned it it's alright to use it.
Edited by Golan on 07 May 2013 at 7:40pm
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| zecchino1991 Senior Member United States facebook.com/amyybur Joined 5336 days ago 778 posts - 885 votes    Speaks: English* Studies: Italian, Modern Hebrew, Russian, Arabic (Written), Romanian, Icelandic, Georgian
| Message 690 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 7:41pm | IP Logged |
Ohh yeah, thanks for pointing that out Golan. I meant to point that out myself but I totally forgot.
By the way, Tarvos, I also think it's great you can respond after such a short time of learning! And yes, there
were a ton of Dutch people that went there to learn Hebrew. It was very interesting, I wasn't expecting that.
They were the third largest nationality in my class, after Americans and Russians of course.
Edited by zecchino1991 on 07 May 2013 at 7:45pm
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| Golan Bilingual Triglot Newbie Israel Joined 4331 days ago 11 posts - 19 votes Speaks: Modern Hebrew*, Biblical Hebrew*, English Studies: Tigrinya
| Message 691 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 7:46pm | IP Logged |
I once witnessed a woman who was learning Hebrew using it in a conversation. I don't even
remember what she was talking about, but I certainly remember the moment of silence that
came afterwards...
Edited by Golan on 07 May 2013 at 7:47pm
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4785 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 692 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 7:53pm | IP Logged |
zecchino1991 wrote:
Ohh yeah, thanks for pointing that out Golan. I meant to point
out myself but I totally forgot.
By the way, Tarvos, I also think it's great you can respond after such a short time of
learning! And yes, there
were a ton of Dutch people that went there to learn Hebrew. It was very interesting, I
wasn't expecting that.
They were the third largest nationality in my class, after Americans and Russians of
course. |
למדת באולפן?
I am happy to hear it's not too terrible. Unfortunately I am painfully aware of my
limitations in Hebrew :) I have another italki class booked for this Sunday, one hour
of Hebrew brain-frying goodness.
Edited by tarvos on 07 May 2013 at 7:55pm
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| zecchino1991 Senior Member United States facebook.com/amyybur Joined 5336 days ago 778 posts - 885 votes    Speaks: English* Studies: Italian, Modern Hebrew, Russian, Arabic (Written), Romanian, Icelandic, Georgian
| Message 693 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 8:07pm | IP Logged |
@Golan: I've heard the same thing happen haha. A man was talking about a woman and said, "I saw her,
and I finished (my work)." But he didn't say "my work." He was trying to say he saw her, so he stopped what
he was doing so they could go somewhere else together. Hardly anyone got why it was funny because they
weren't native speakers either. But it was very entertaining for me, haha.
@Tarvos כן, למדתי באולפן לפני שנתיים.
Good luck with your italki session. :)
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| Golan Bilingual Triglot Newbie Israel Joined 4331 days ago 11 posts - 19 votes Speaks: Modern Hebrew*, Biblical Hebrew*, English Studies: Tigrinya
| Message 694 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 8:27pm | IP Logged |
You made me laugh :)
One of the most common mistakes made by non native speakers - after all, the grammar is
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4785 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 695 of 1511 07 May 2013 at 8:54pm | IP Logged |
תודה רבה!!
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4785 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 696 of 1511 08 May 2013 at 10:24am | IP Logged |
Limba Română
Asta dimineața mai am învățat limba româna cu Assimil în trenul. Am citit și completat
doua lecții din carta și am ajuns la lecția patruzeci și cinci. Nu e prea mult pentru
mine să scriu românește ca înainte, mă bucur că înțeleg și scriu. Acum caut un magazin
în den Haag care vândă mici. Când aveam prietena română, la ea tata și mama pregăteau
mici pentru mine pentru zile de petrecere. Îmi place mult micile, dar acum n-i mănânc
niciodată pentru că nu mai suntem împreuna. Cum am spus o prietenă după o ședință
pentru învăța olandeză, situația avea fost foarte complicată, dar sunt bucur acum.
Außerdem habe ich auch ein wenig Deutsch gelesen. Gestern sind meine Bücher angekommen
(aber nur Spieltrieb und Metaphysique des tubes, aber das letzte Buch ist natürlich auf
Französisch). Es fällt mir eigentlich nicht schwer Deutsch zu lesen - es sieht so
natürlich aus, wie ein geändertes Holländisch (obwohl das natürlich nicht Wahr ist),
doch gibt's nur einige Schwierigkeiten die Geschichte zu folgen, obwohl ich nur fertig
bin mit dem erstem Kapitel.
"Routledge Course" וגם למדתי עברית. סימתי שלושי שיעורים בספר.
And I added some vocabulary to a newly made Icelandic deck in Anki, but it seems to be
an easy language. I am sure that will change. I can't yet write Icelandic so I'll leave
it till a bit later.
Edited by tarvos on 08 May 2013 at 11:53am
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