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luke Diglot Senior Member United States Joined 7287 days ago 3133 posts - 4351 votes     Speaks: English*, Spanish Studies: Esperanto, French
| Message 281 of 713 28 April 2012 at 12:44am | IP Logged |
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
luke wrote:
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
I got the idea from a question I got the other day, when I was ecstatic about having finished my first real book in Russian, and was asked whether I felt comfortable reading in Russian now. I answered that I probably needed to read at least 100 books in Russian before I was comfortable reading in it.
And that one book in Russian that started this whole thing. Did you read it extensively or intensively or what? Can you tell us more about that particular experience? |
Yep. That one book in Russian started the whole thing. And I am actually having a vivid discussion with a friend of whether I actually understood what I was reading or not. Objectively, I did not. In the sense that I counted all the words I knew - which were about half, and they were the insignificant ones. "He, and, before, now". Most of the ones that gave the meaning, verbs and nouns, were gibberish. Now you would think that given that, the whole book would be incomprehensible, yet somehow, through some kind of magic, I did manage to figure out who hated who, who had a motive, who had been lying, and finally who did it. At the beginning of the book it was pure torture, since I was forcing myself through unknown words in an alphabet that I still struggle with, but as I was going, it slowly started to make sense. Some of the words were repetead often enough in differents setting that they started to register even in my slow brain, and through some mechanism I cannot explain, and which sounds like lunacy, I discovered that I could understand the content even if I could not understand the words. I know it sound like crazy talk, but it is true.
That is very helpful background information. You have me now thinking about this challenge more along the lines of extensive rather than intensive reading, which is where I was mostly at before I read your post.
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
After reading a page I could give a rough estimate of what had happened, even if I could not translate a single sentence. I have great faith in reading as a method, and I have tried this twice before. I have done it with French, where I started to read French after 2 weeks in France, and about 200 words under my belt, and I have done it in Italian where I read 3000 pages as a first step to learning the language.
That is also interesting. I did a quick shortest possible qualification and came up with 10000 pages and 300 hours of listening. That would be if every book happened to have 100 pages. But now of course I'm wondering what would happen by extensively reading 100 books. When I was a child just learning my first language we had a course in "using the context" to figure out what words meant. That was a key for me to not look up every word I didn't know. That little trick plus a very silly "bookworm" where I made a mark on a piece of construction paper cut in the shape of a "bookworm" for every book I read (no constraints on what constituted a book - I read a lot of easy things). I did that during the summer, when we were off from school. I think I read about 300 books. Like I said, many of them were very easy. My next year in school I really took off, even though I had been a very good student all along.
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
I have noticed though, that for me this "reading a language you do not really understand" (I am only at A2 in Russian) only worked when I can sit undisturbed over a longer period. I have tried to do it on a 10 minute train trip, and it is impossible for me. |
One more great piece shared experience. You've got me really rethinking my entire approach to this challenge. I wonder where it will take us.
Edited by luke on 28 April 2012 at 12:47am
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| Brun Ugle Diglot Senior Member Norway brunugle.wordpress.c Joined 6702 days ago 1292 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English*, NorwegianC1 Studies: Japanese, Esperanto, Spanish, Finnish
| Message 282 of 713 28 April 2012 at 8:12am | IP Logged |
Woodsei wrote:
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
Brun Ugle wrote:
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
I have noticed though, that for me this "reading a language you do not really
understand" (I am only at A2 in Russian) only worked when I can sit undisturbed over a
longer period. I have tried to do it on a 10 minute train trip, and it is impossible
for me. |
I agree totally. When I first sit down and start to read, I really struggle, but if I
have an hour or so, it goes quite easily. Also, it is better to try to read more
quickly (within reason) as somehow that seems to increase comprehension. I think maybe
it's because it forces you to understand each sentence as an entire unit, rather than
one word at a time. That is especially important in a language like Japanese where the
syntax is completely backwards and inside out when compared to English.
I am so happy to hear you say that, as this is exactly how I feel too! |
Yeah, I
notice that lengthy periods have something to do with increased comprehension. I guess
it's because you brain starts picking out patterns unconsciously after some time and
starts to make sense of them. The human brain is really amazing :) And I noticed that I
too understand better when I listen to fast audio or read faster. I guess it like
Brun_Ugle said about understanding a sentence as one unit rather than individual words.
I SO can't wait to start reading, and for hours at that! It's going to be really
interesting to see how things turn out.... |
Interestingly/ironically enough, the better I get, the slower I get. Now that I know a lot of words, I read them all. I understand better, of course, but I now read more of the words which does slow me down a little. Of course my speed is bound to increase again as I get more practice.
There is also the problem of teaching my eyes to go from top to bottom instead of left to right. When you know the meanings of the words, reading speed depends a great deal on eye-movements. Having moved my eyes left to right since I was a tiny child, I'm having a bit of difficulty getting them to work properly in another direction. Sometimes I have to use my finger, otherwise I often hop over a line or start rereading the same line.
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| Katze Diglot Newbie Germany Joined 5142 days ago 11 posts - 11 votes Speaks: German*, EnglishC1 Studies: French, Japanese
| Message 283 of 713 28 April 2012 at 7:25pm | IP Logged |
Well until now I was just reading in this forum. A few days ago I saw this thread here. At first, I thought it was just ridiculous. Not the movies, but 100 books in 20 months … However, somehow I got interested in this subject. I don’t know, if I can explain it correctly. But when I was thinking about it, it showed a different way of setting up a goal. Usually I set my goal for a language like “One day I would like to speak/understand this language” or “One day I would like to be able to read a book in this language”. And now someone came up with the idea of saying “within a fixed time read x books and watch x movies”. Not “would like to be able to” but “read / watch!”. And that different way of setting a goal appealed to me (for this I would like to thank Solfrid Cristin)
So I started reading the thread, still not knowing what to think about it, cause I still thought 100 books in a language around level B1 are not possible within this time. When the talking about the half challenge came up, I thought about participating myself. Now the question was, which language to take. The last 3 – 4 months I was neglecting my Japanese studies, cause I got somehow stuck. I thought about taking French or Spanish for the challenge but if I’ll do this, I wont have enough time for Japanese. A thought I did not like at all. Therefore, I give the half challenge a try with Japanese. I do not know, if I make it with the 50 books, but it might be a chance to get on with my Japanese studies (even it will probably drive me crazy the first 3-4 months…)
I do have some questions:
I have some reading material on my PC, mostly as word-documents. How would you compare a page of a word-document (font Arial Unicode size 12) with a book page?
I also found some Japanese children books with pictures and therefore little text. Would you count then i.e. 4 – 5 pages as one page of reading?
And now I will go to the other thread to sign up for the half challenge. I still have to figure out the twitter thing, never used it before.
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| Globe-trotter Triglot Newbie Netherlands Joined 4679 days ago 29 posts - 44 votes Speaks: Dutch*, English, German Studies: Thai
| Message 284 of 713 28 April 2012 at 7:37pm | IP Logged |
I also joined the super challenge. I've been starting to read more in German and watch
some films and television, so this challenge should keep the motivation going :-)
How should be count television series, documentaries or telenovelas? Or are they not
allowed at all in this challenge?
surrealix wrote:
Version 0.3 of the TwitterBot is now live!
It now supports a #changechallenge command, so that you can change your mind as much as
you want, and jump between
different challenges whenever you want. There's also tracking for speaking/conversation
and writing exercises for
the super duper challenge.
fiziwig wrote:
So about this bot thing. Does this mean we have to get a twitter
account to participate. (I'm not a
tweeter yet, and really never planned to become one) |
Unfortunately you do need a twitter account at the moment. However it should work
perfectly fine to have a private
account, and only let your followers see tweets. That way the public/internet won't be
able to read your tweets -
only the people that you approve.
I've also got a couple of ideas for other input methods, for people who don't want to
use twitter. If there's
enough interest I'll look into it, but at the moment it's not high on my priority list!
druckfehler wrote:
Can you please add Korean to the BOT? |
Sure! |
Could you also add Thai to the bot?
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| Solfrid Cristin Heptaglot Winner TAC 2011 & 2012 Senior Member Norway Joined 5416 days ago 4143 posts - 8864 votes     Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian Studies: Russian
| Message 285 of 713 28 April 2012 at 7:41pm | IP Logged |
I would imagine a Word page would count as two regular pages, and it also sounds sensible to count five
of the pages from the children's books as one regular book. Welcome, by the way! I am happy to have
contributed to give you inspiration!
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| Jeffers Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 4991 days ago 2151 posts - 3960 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Hindi, Ancient Greek, French, Sanskrit, German
| Message 286 of 713 28 April 2012 at 8:30pm | IP Logged |
Solfrid Cristin wrote:
So the rules would be the following:
- Every film counts as long as they have at least voice or subtitles in the TL
- If it lasts less than 45 minutes (a show/series) it counts as half a film. If it lasts for more than three hours it counts as two films.
- If you want to use podcasts or audiobooks, 1 hour an a half is the equivalence of 1 film.
- Every book counts. If it is less than a 100 pages, it counts as half a book. If it is more than 500 pages it counts as two books.
- You can see the same films/read the same books again and again
- You can be at a B1 maximum when the challenge starts
- The challenge starts on May 1st 2012 and ends on December 31st 2013, and can be counted and done in paralell with both the 6WC and the Tadoku challenge (so if you participate in all three you could count the same book three times :-) If you want to join later, you are welcome.
You may think it is unfair that someone who reads an easy reader of 101 pages, can count it as just as much as you who read one of 490 pages. But then you should think of how much more you learn! And you may also think it is unfair that someone can see a film in their own language, with just TL subtitles, and it will count as much as you who see it in your TL without subtitles. But again - you will learn so much more! |
I've quoted the rules as originally stated. Solfrid, would you be able to post a final version, including any bits discussed after the original post?
Some questions and comments:
What do children's books count as? 1/5 of a book?
How much podcast time counts as a film? (I might listen to a lot of French and Hindi news).
How do we count series? 1 hour episodes count as a film, and 2 half hour episodes count as a film?
Manga/comics/BD count as 1/5 of a book? I'm just thinking, Tintin comics are about 50 pages... if they count as 1/5 pages, you'd have to read 10 to count as a book. I'd rather count them as 1/5 of a book.
You mentioned L/R can count as either reading or a film. How many films then? Personally, I think it would be easier to say L/R counts as a book... after all, it is reading. (As for me, most of my reading in French will be along with the audio, at least initially).
Have I missed anything?
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6679 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes     4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 287 of 713 28 April 2012 at 9:16pm | IP Logged |
audiobooks/podcasts/LR count as 1.5h=1 film.
As for LR, an important part of it is reading in your L1 while listening in your L2. That's why it's up to you how to count. For example, I do think that if I, say, listen in Polish and read in German, or listen in Danish and read in Italian, I can count the audio as several movies and the book as one book.
What counts as what is fully listed in this thread.
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| Kerrie Senior Member United States justpaste.it/Kerrie2 Joined 5477 days ago 1232 posts - 1740 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish
| Message 288 of 713 28 April 2012 at 9:26pm | IP Logged |
Serpent wrote:
audiobooks/podcasts/LR count as 1.5h=1 film.
As for LR, an important part of it is reading in your L1 while listening in your L2. That's why it's up to you how to count. For example, I do think that if I, say, listen in Polish and read in German, or listen in Danish and read in Italian, I can count the audio as several movies and the book as one book.
I have tried doing this on a small scale (with my French- and Spanish-based Assimil books), and it's really hard to do unless the language you're reading in is fairly strong. I have no problem reading in Spanish, but even though I can read French fairly well, I can't read French while listening to a newer language. I have to read through and translate it before I listen to it. Maybe Marina is Super-Serpent though. :D
EDIT: My grammar sucks today. lol
Edited by Kerrie on 28 April 2012 at 9:29pm
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