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Solfrid Cristin Heptaglot Winner TAC 2011 & 2012 Senior Member Norway Joined 5415 days ago 4143 posts - 8864 votes     Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian Studies: Russian
| Message 1 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:02pm | IP Logged |
This is the thread for registering and making updates of your achievements for: THE SUPER CHALLENGE!
And what may you ask is the Super Challenge (unless you have followed the initial thread and know already :-)
The Super Challenge starts on 1st of May 2012 and ends on 31st of December 2013.
It entails:
- 100 films
- 100 books
- in 20 months
There are however possibilities to do variations.
- You can do half a Super Challenge which would entail either 100 books, 100 films or 50 of each.
- Instead of one full Super Challenge in one language, you can also do two (or more) half Super Challenges, and decide how you want to combine them.
- If you really want to give yourself a challenge, you could do The Super Duper Challenge – which in addition to the elements mentioned above would entail 100 units of 30 minutes conversation practice. Since this is much more difficult to achieve and measure, this is just for the really adventurous ones, but I leave the option open.
To register, you state:
COMMENTS: Any comments you feel like adding as to your reasons for choice of language, type of challenge or material or your expectations for the outcome.
Those of you who will use your TAC logs, or who have created own logs for this particular challenge are welcome to link to them as well.
Super challenge question thread
If you are a beginner, you can start with the films. And it counts even if you see it with subtitles in your own language, or even if you see the film in your own language but with TL subtitles.
If you start out with the 100 films this year, I am sure you will be able to do the 100 books next year.
If you just have 5 books and 5 films then your read them 20 times. Though my guess is that by the time you have read/seen them 5 times, you WILL get other films or books.
So the rules would be the following:
- Every film counts as long as they have at least voice or subtitles in the TL
- If it lasts less than 45 minutes (a show/series) it counts as half a film. If it lasts for more than three hours it counts as two films.
- If you want to use podcasts or audiobooks, 1 hour and a half is the equivalence of 1 film.
- Every book counts. If it is less than a 100 pages, it counts as half a book. If it is more than 500 pages it counts as two books. 100-499 = 1, 500-749 =2 books, 750-999 = 3, etc.
- You can do fiction or any other material – a documentary on whales, or a book about gardening works just as well as a novel.
- You can see the same films/read the same books again and again
- If you have a book of less than 100 pages, lest’s say 80, you can read 20-30 of the pages again to make it count as a book
- With parallel books you count the pages in your TL – minimum 100 pages to make it count as a book.
- A manga from 100 to 500 pages counts as 1/5 of a book, 500 upwards counts as 2/5 of a book
- A children's book with large letter, pictures and few pages counts as 1/5th of a book. If it seems too big to count for only 1/5th, use your best judgement.
- You can be at a B1 maximum when the challenge starts
- The material covered for this challenge can be counted and done in parallel with both the 6WC and the Tadoku challenge (so if you participate in all three you could at one point count the same book three times :-)
- If you want to join later than May1st 2012 or end before December 31st 2013, you are welcome.
- If you do L-R it is up to you whether you want to count it as reading (in which case 100-499 pages would count as one book) or if you want to count it as film, in which case 1 hour and a half would count as one film.
- If you enter book pages, the bot counts pages in another way than the rule I have set up here, - don't worry. Just use the system which motivates you the most.
If you are absolutely desperate to start already, then start reading a book now, and look up the words, and then you simply start rereading it again on May 1st. Just remember that you can only enter with material that you have actually read after May 1st. You can’t read the first 200 pages now, do the last 20 on May 1st and enter with a book that same evening.
But the most important thing about this particular challenge, is that you do this for yourself, and any material you cover which you would not have covered had you not participated in this challenge – means success.
I do not know how many of us who will succeed – life will probably get in the way for some of us, and there will be days, weeks, even months where we don’t get much done.
I do however have this mental image which probably sounds idiotic, of those of who still are still hanging in there running (or stumbling) over the finishing line together, after having made a monumental effort, and having taken their target language to a whole new level.
So ladies, gentlemen and minors: Let the registration commence, and let not the best man win: Let as many of us as possible win!
PLEASE NOTE: An angel has come to answer my prayers and has made a bot for this challenge. It would be easiest if everyone registered also on the bot as we can then see where we all are at a glance. I therefore invite you all to register BOTH IN THIS THREAD AND AT THE BOT.
Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 01 January 2013 at 3:30pm
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| Solfrid Cristin Heptaglot Winner TAC 2011 & 2012 Senior Member Norway Joined 5415 days ago 4143 posts - 8864 votes     Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian Studies: Russian
| Message 2 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:03pm | IP Logged |
The choice of language was easy: Russian is the language I desperately, passionately want to get better at. I can make very basic conversation, but my understanding and reading abilities are horrible.
That, my friends, is about to change.
With the help of the 6WC, the Taduko challenge, and this Super Challenge I am planning to get to the Promised Land: basic fluency in Russian, and at least B1.
It was more difficult to choose challenge. Since I am the one who has proposed the challenge, I was obviously going to do a full challenge – but could I add the conversation? I decided that I could. I have individual Russian classes, and two Russian girls who have promised to help me with my Russian - so I will take advantage of that.
I also have a ton of American movies with voiceover in Russian which I plan to see, and currently about 10-15 books – but I can read some of them again, and visit my local library for more. Please remember the services of your library everyone. With the time frame we are dealing with here they can get you both films and books in your target language, if you only ask them.
Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 23 April 2012 at 1:30pm
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| Solfrid Cristin Heptaglot Winner TAC 2011 & 2012 Senior Member Norway Joined 5415 days ago 4143 posts - 8864 votes     Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian Studies: Russian
| Message 3 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:04pm | IP Logged |
RUSSIAN Solfrid Cristin (SD), Tarvos, Tecktight (1/2), Mowli(1/2), Volte (1/2)
FRENCH Jeffers (1/2) Sh'Naya (1/2), Kerrie (1/2), Geoffw (1/2) dandt, microsnout, Silverpolyglot, emk, hjordis (1/2 SD), Eginhard, maydayayday SD+, Moniker
(SD), markdtmi (1/2), napoleon, Sabotai (1/2) DaraghM (1/2 SD), kaloohla
GERMAN Tbreit (SD), Tecktight (1/2), Serpent (1/2), Kerrie (1/2), Sabotai (1/2), Yashinka (1/2), sofiapofia, Cavesa (1/2), habgglieb SD
SPANISH Sh'Naya (1/2), Kerrie (SD), Necronos, Fitzwig, luke (SD), camdo2, kenny, Mowli, dbag SD,mick33 (1/2), Espejismo, Marikki, Cavesa (1/2)
JAPANESE Sh'Naya (1/2), Hjordis (1/2 SD) , Woodsei (SD), Sabotai (1/2), Brun Ugle, Yashinka (1/2), g-bod, Tamise, Volte (SD). Katze (1/2)
ITALIAN Serpent, GRagazzo (1/2) garyb (1/2 SD), Kerrie (1/2)
POLISH Serpent 1/2
DANISH Serpent (1/2), Einar
PORTUGUESE Serpent (1/2)
DUTCH Hekje (Geoffw - 1/2)
HUNGARIAN appelduvide, hribecek (1/2)
TURKISH Piksea, Sunja
SWEDISH Silverpolyglot (1/2), sofiapofia (1/2)
KOREAN Sabotai (1/2), druckfehler SD. with a twist:-), Kevin Hsu (1/2)
MANDARIN camdo2, Sprachprofi SD, Snowflake (1/2)
HINDI Jeffers (1/2)
BELORUSSIAN Martinovitch
PERSIAN Martinovitch (1/2)
IRISH Teango (SD), Eginhard (1/2)
LITHUANIAN: Eginhard (1/2)
Grrr. Here I filled everything into a nice table which obviously did not work here. Oh well, I hope you can all
see who studeis what.
If I have made mistakes in filling out this, then please let me know IN THE OTHER THREAD.
I have written 1/2 for all half challenges, whether they are 50/50 or just books or just films. When it says SD
it means Super duper, and when the name only is there, that means one regular Super Challenge.
Edited by Solfrid Cristin on 30 April 2012 at 12:12am
4 persons have voted this message useful
| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4788 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 4 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:14pm | IP Logged |
CURRENT LEVEL: I feel this is hard to judge, but at a random guess I would say I have passed from A1 into A2 now. A2, I guess?
COMMENTS: I love speaking Russian. And this is probably the hardest of my current languages to get exposure to, so once I finish my textbooks this is also my way of keeping up my Russian.
I considered French, and I did order some French books to read, but I think it would be much more challenging to pick a language that I have much less of a background in.
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| Jeffers Senior Member United Kingdom Joined 4990 days ago 2151 posts - 3960 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Hindi, Ancient Greek, French, Sanskrit, German
| Message 5 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:36pm | IP Logged |
LANGUAGE: Hindi and French
CHALLENGE: Half challenge 50/50 for each (=100/100 total)
CURRENT LEVEL: A1 in French, A2 or so in Hindi
COMMENTS: Been studying Hindi on and off for years, but never too intensely. This should really kick it up a lot. I have about 40 Hindi DVD's, and about that many books in Hindi as well. Most of the Hindi films are over 3 hours, so they count as two films. However, most of my Hindi books are shorter than 100 pages, so they'll count as half books. I hope to complete the half challenge for Hindi, but I'm pretty sure I wont get so far with the French challenge.
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| tbreit Newbie United States Joined 5296 days ago 17 posts - 26 votes Speaks: English* Studies: German, Spanish
| Message 6 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:38pm | IP Logged |
Language: German
Challenge: Super Duper
Current Level: False beginner(2 years of High school German in the 70's)
Comments: I hope to speak, read, and be able to listen(understand) with ease after this challenge.
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| Sh'Naya Diglot Groupie Germany Joined 6839 days ago 48 posts - 65 votes  Speaks: German*, English Studies: Spanish, Japanese, French
| Message 7 of 656 22 April 2012 at 11:50pm | IP Logged |
LANGUAGES: French, Spanish and Japanese
CHALLENGE: French: HALF (50/50)
Spanish: HALF (50/50)
Japanese: HALF (100 films)
Spanish: overall B1
Japanese: passed JLPT N5
Edited by Sh'Naya on 22 April 2012 at 11:51pm
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| Serpent Octoglot Senior Member Russian Federation serpent-849.livejour Joined 6678 days ago 9753 posts - 15779 votes     4 sounds Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish
| Message 8 of 656 23 April 2012 at 12:00am | IP Logged |
LANGUAGES: Italian, Polish, German, Danish, Portuguese
Italian 100/100
Polish 50/50
German 50/50
Danish 100 movies
Portuguese 100 books
Italian, German, Portuguese - about B1 but not used to reading
Danish - A2
Polish - A2 with the advantage of being a Russian native speaker
My log
My lists will be here :)
Edited by Serpent on 23 April 2012 at 12:05am
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