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FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 1 of 11 30 September 2012 at 4:03am | IP Logged |
I thought I should probably make a proper log of what I'm doing towards learning
Japanese and Russian. I'm currently on a year abroad in Japan (Mitaka-shi in Tokyo), as
part of my degree in Japanese and Russian. I'm really focussing on Japanese at the
moment as a result. However, I need to keep up my Russian too, as I'll be spending a
year there from next September.
Currently I'm doing a mix of AJATT method with the textbook we're using in class, and
studying for the JLPT N3, which I'm hoping to take in December. I'm intending to start
back with Russian again in the next few weeks, going through the Ruslan textbooks
(which we used during first year of university).
I'm also thinking of going through Pimsleur, to try to improve my pronunciation and
speaking, which are very weak areas for me.
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| FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 2 of 11 30 September 2012 at 4:07am | IP Logged |
Today I started a youtube loop of Japanese 'variety shows' at 08:50. I'm aiming to have
this or some other source of Japanese audio on in the background all day. I'm also
sentence-mining 日本語総まとめN3 grammar book, and will be doing the first week's 'review'
page when I've finished doing that.
If I have time after doing homework, I plan on going through 40-50 new kanji from RTK,
and working on N3 vocabulary and kanji.
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| Josquin Heptaglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4928 days ago 2266 posts - 3992 votes     Speaks: German*, English, French, Latin, Italian, Russian, Swedish Studies: Japanese, Irish, Portuguese, Persian
| Message 3 of 11 30 September 2012 at 12:55pm | IP Logged |
Удачи в изучении русского языка! Я буду читать этот блог с удовольствием.
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| FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 4 of 11 06 October 2012 at 5:51am | IP Logged |
Josquin, спасибо! Despite studying Russian at university for a year, I'm afraid that I
don't have anywhere near good enough Russian to say much more than that!
Due to the first of my years abroad as part of my degree being in Japan, I decided
after exams in May to just let Russian sit, and not worry about losing it, while making
sure to keep my Japanese up and improve it if possible, in preparation for the language
placement test when I got to Japan. I've been here for just over a month now, and I
think I'm in a position where I've gotten well enough into the swing of my Japanese
learning to reintroduce Russian. While I'm in Japan, I'm very much going to focus on
reading, listening and writing (probably in that order), and then work on speaking with
my classmates who are spending this year in Russia, when we're all back in the UK for
the summer.
My Russian plan of attack is:
-One Pimsleur and/or Assimil lesson per day (I need to see which one I like more/enough
to keep up with)
-Two Chapters of Ruslan per week (we already covered the first two textbooks at
university, but one chapter per week. Considering I did no work outside of class for
Russian due to the vast amount of work the Japanese department was piling on me, I
should be getting as much if not more time studying Russian every week, just through
-Anki sentences from Ruslan, Russian to English.
-Gradually work through rules on cases, probably one case every week to two weeks.
My Japanese plan of attack is:
-Anki all of the vocab from the textbook we've been using this semester, for revision
for the Midterm (Tuesday xD)
-Continue sentence-mining my N3 textbook
-Continue getting as much exposure to Japanese as possible (listening to
music/radio/podcasts, watching television)
-Continue working through the N3 grammar book (and finding better explanations online)
- one double page per day.
-Continue working through RTK, at least one chapter per day
-Start learning N3 specific vocabulary and kanji, probably through anki.
I don't really have much to write up about the last week - I went to my classes, bought
a few books, watched Harry Potter 1 and 2 in Japanese about 4 times each.
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| FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 5 of 11 07 October 2012 at 5:30am | IP Logged |
-Assimil Russian Lesson 1
-Watched Supernatural Season 5 episode 5 in Japanese with Japanese subtitles twice
(listened to it, then watched it) and in Japanese with English subtitles once.
-Pimsleur Russian Lesson 1
-Page of N3 grammar
-Had a whole text conversation in Japanese (that counts, right?)
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| FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 6 of 11 07 October 2012 at 3:16pm | IP Logged |
-Assimil Using French Lesson 1 (I have discovered that I've lost so much French over
the last year. I was at the point where I could construct a letter or blog or forum
post on practically anything I was interested in, and get it 90% plus grammatically
correct, if not native-sounding, and though my understanding of French isn't far off
where it was, I've lost so much in terms of grammar rules, spelling, active vocabulary
and verb conjugation. It's a real shame).
-Supernatural Season 5 episode 6 in Japanese, with Japanese subtitles
-Assimil Russian Lesson 2 (and shadowed both this and lesson 1)
-Entered the first 3 days of N3 Kanji into Anki, started going over them. If I had to
write all of these, I'd be done for, so thankfully it's just recognition.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4791 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 7 of 11 07 October 2012 at 3:31pm | IP Logged |
Ruslan is quite mediocre. I don't recommend it
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| FinnC Newbie United Kingdom Joined 4523 days ago 11 posts - 13 votes Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese
| Message 8 of 11 08 October 2012 at 4:51am | IP Logged |
Tarvos, I agree wholeheartedly with that assessment! It's the course that we used
during my first year at university, though, and it does introduce a fair amount of
vocabulary, and have a nice selection of exercises that I can go through in as much
depth as I want to. Our lecturers supplemented it heavily with grammar notes, which
I've got access to, and which I think was the main area it failed in (I really don't
see the point in learning how to say 'I know' and 'you (polite) know' for several
chapters, before learning how to say 'he knows').
I'm kind of hooked on the storyline though, and as I already own the series including
exercise books and CDs, to me it would be a waste not to use it. It made an okay
textbook in class (with supplementation and the occasional correction), but I
definitely wouldn't recommend it for self-study, without having gone through it before
in a classroom environment.
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