Jaseur Groupie United Kingdom Joined 6163 days ago 50 posts - 51 votes  Speaks: English*
| Message 1 of 20 18 December 2012 at 1:16pm | IP Logged |
Hi all,
This will be my log as part of Team Sakura, formerly Team う. Perhaps the new name
will help attract potential recruits to our stall so to speak. ;-)
I will reserve this space for links to be added later, when/if I figure out how to post
Edited by Jaseur on 04 January 2013 at 2:10pm
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Takato Tetraglot Senior Member HungaryRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 5132 days ago 249 posts - 276 votes   Speaks: Hungarian*, EnglishB2, GermanB2, Japanese
| Message 2 of 20 18 December 2012 at 4:31pm | IP Logged |
Hope you're going to have good fun with Japanese!
It would be useful for you to write your level of Japanese, how you've been learning it or what not.
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Jaseur Groupie United Kingdom Joined 6163 days ago 50 posts - 51 votes  Speaks: English*
| Message 3 of 20 19 December 2012 at 3:12pm | IP Logged |
Hi Takato, thanks for your encouragement and advice about posting.
I would say my level of Japanese is B1 and in some respects B2.
I started learning Japanese in 2001 and passed the JPLT 1 in 2005.
I am a full time Japanese to English patent translator.
However, partly due to getting distracted by Spanish, I haven't studied Japanese much
for the last 5 years. When you grind through this stuff day in day out, you tend to
want a break in the evenings.
I have started a Lang 8 account with a few posts under "Jaseur". Lang 8 is amazing and
I will be looking to post a lot there for TAC 13.
Other than that, my plan is to study mostly with Anki and DVDs but to keep it light. I
don't feel I can really include translation as study but you can rest assured I will be
at least reading Japanese in some form every day this year.
I should be capable of joining a Skype conversation in Japanese if time allows.
Anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
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Brun Ugle Diglot Senior Member Norway brunugle.wordpress.c Joined 6704 days ago 1292 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English*, NorwegianC1 Studies: Japanese, Esperanto, Spanish, Finnish
| Message 4 of 20 19 December 2012 at 5:39pm | IP Logged |
You'll be able to post links when you are no longer a newbie. I think that's after either 50 or 100 posts, but I'm not sure which.
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Jaseur Groupie United Kingdom Joined 6163 days ago 50 posts - 51 votes  Speaks: English*
| Message 5 of 20 24 December 2012 at 12:06am | IP Logged |
Horribly busy with work at the moment.
Translated about 4-5k words today.
I am running through Tae Kim's grammar deck on Anki. Of course, it is quite easy but I'm
still trying to get used to Anki.
TaeKimの文法のカードをアンキでやっ ています。もちろん、内容はそんなに難しく ないだけど、まだアンキに慣れていません。
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kujichagulia Senior Member Japan Joined 4931 days ago 1031 posts - 1571 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Portuguese
| Message 6 of 20 25 December 2012 at 4:05am | IP Logged |
メアリクリスマス、Jaseur! Welcome to Team Sakura.
Ankiはちょっと難しいですけど、 本当に 役に立ちます!
Edited by kujichagulia on 25 December 2012 at 4:05am
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Brun Ugle Diglot Senior Member Norway brunugle.wordpress.c Joined 6704 days ago 1292 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English*, NorwegianC1 Studies: Japanese, Esperanto, Spanish, Finnish
| Message 7 of 20 07 January 2013 at 9:19am | IP Logged |
Happy New Year!
How are your studies going?
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Jaseur Groupie United Kingdom Joined 6163 days ago 50 posts - 51 votes  Speaks: English*
| Message 8 of 20 16 January 2013 at 12:05am | IP Logged |
Brun Ugle wrote:
Happy New Year!
How are your studies going? |
Happy New Year to you too!
My studies haven't been great... I have been studying about 80 cards on Anki every
day. There are some mistakes in the deck I downloaded but it does seem useful.
勉強はそんなにやっていません。 毎日Ankiで約80カードを復習していま す。 インターネットから取ったデックの
に、 間違いがあるけど、役に立つかもしれません 。
Obviously, I still translate patents every day. However, I was hoping to watch some
more DVDs and write on Lang 8.
もちろん、毎日特許を翻訳しています。 しかし、DVDを観たり、Lang8で
書いたり することをしたかったんで
So, early days yet.
Edited by Jaseur on 16 January 2013 at 12:07am
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